• Title/Summary/Keyword: Gathering

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Collecting Method and Implementation of Search Management System for R&D Projects in Korean Medicine Field (한의학 연구개발과제 수집 방법 및 검색 관리 시스템 구축)

  • Kim, Sang-Kyun;Jang, Hyun-Chul;Yea, Sang-Jun;Kim, Chul;Eom, Dong-Myung;Song, Mi-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: Several domestic search systems for research projects providing capabilities of searching and managing the research information based on metadata have been completed, although they cannot search projects for specific domains such as the Oriental Medicine field. Therefore, in this paper we propose an effective method for collecting and refining information of research projects in the oriental medicine field. We also design and implement a search management system based on the collected information. Methods: We chose three search elements and defined the collecting process for research projects. The collected information was refined to enhance the quality of results. Then, the search management system was implemented by Adobe Flex. Results: We were able to collect 1,688 research projects in the oriental medicine field. We also implemented the search management system, which provides the functionalities of search and management such as input, update, delete, spreadsheet import/export of R&D projects, user management and access control. Conclusions: The collected information and the search management system will be used in a project analysis system which will be constructed in the future. The project analysis system could help to analyze trends in oriental medicine research as well as construct a technical roadmap.

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Contagious Effect of the Fees for the Consolidated Financial Services under the Asymmetric Information

  • Song, Soo-Young;Hwang, Sun-Wung
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.83-102
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    • 2009
  • Banks traditionally focus on the financial services against the uncertain future liquidity needs, i.e. saving as well as lending. As the business model of banks has been shifted from the originate to hold model to the originate to distribute model since the enactment of Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Services Modernization Act in 1999, the financial services encompass information gathering and generating, underwriting and risk sharing through packaging claims for the investors, in addition to the payment and settlement services. Ensued are the financial market integration and diversification of financial services, with which the accessibility to financial services is arguably significantly enhanced. Such integration and diversification necessarily entails the risk of contagion due to the non-fulfilling service over the several other financial services, which would be contained easily under the separate financial services. This paper addresses the pricing of fees for the integrated financial services through which the contagion could spread when the users of financial service are not immune to the failure to fulfill their obligation due to the economic turmoil. Consequently the information asymmetry about the clients is unavoidable. Higher fees could drive out the otherwise good clients out of the pool of customers for the financial services. Then, the risk could be exacerbated due to the proliferation of bad clients who are vulnerable to the financial distress and liquidity crunch. So the banks should take into account the interactional effect of the fees between/among the non interest based activities and interest based activities under the information asymmetry. Contrary to our general perception, the current analysis demonstrates that the bank should focus on the reduction of cost associated with good clients rather than that of bad clients.

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Dealing with the Willingness-to-Pay Data with Preference Intensity : A Semi-parametric Approach (선호강도를 반영한 지불의사액 자료의 준모수적 분석)

  • Yoo, Seung-Hoon
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.447-474
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    • 2005
  • Respondents, in the willingness to pay (WTP) survey, may have preference intensity about their stated WTP values. This study elicited a post-decisional intensity measure for each observed WTP answer for gathering information on the degree of preference intensity. In order to deal with the WTP data with preference intensity, this paper considers using the Type 3 Tobit model. This is usually estimated by the parametric two-stage estimation method assuming homoskedastic and bivariate normal error structure. However, if the assumptions are not satisfied, the estimates are inconsistent. The author has tested the hypotheses of homoskedasticity and normality, and could not accept them at the 1% level. The assumptions required to estimate the parametric Type 3 model are, therefore, too strong to be satisfied. As an alternative the parametric model, this study applies a semiparametric Type 3 Tobit model. The results show that the semiparametric model significantly outperforms the parametric model, and that more importantly, the mean WTP from the parametric model is significantly different from that from the semiparametric model.

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A research on the job satisfaction of dental hygienists an area in Jeollabuk-do - The focus of management system - (전라북도 일부 지역 치과위생사의 직무만족도 조사 - 치과의료기관 운영제도를 중심으로 -)

  • Cheon, Hye-Won
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.329-343
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : This study was to figure out the factors affecting the job satisfaction of dental hygienists working in dental clinics. To gain the data to establish the systems for enhancing the job satisfaction of the dental hygienists. This research has been conducted dental hygienists working in dental clinics institutes located in Jeonju and Iksan city, Jeollabuk-do, korea. Methods : The collected data were analyzed by using an SPSS statistical program, obtaining the following results. Result : The average satisfactory level of the dental hygienists was 3.45 out of 5 points. The most important factor affecting of the job satisfaction was the relationship with patients as 3.83 points and the least influencing factor was the compensation as 3.09 points. The management system and the satisfactory level were also correlated. For each of details, communication structure and working environment showed the highest correlation with Pearson's correlation coefficient of 0.610. Among the management system the general job satisfaction according to the communicational structure was higher when they had better communication with dentists. Among the management system, the job satisfaction according to structural factors was higher when they have manuals for the job, when their job is taken partial charge of the responsibility As for job satisfaction by the welfare support factor in the clinic management system, the better an informal social gathering, the higher general job satisfaction. As for job satisfaction by the job autonomy factor in the clinic management system, the more evenly distributed job opportunities and chances of reeducation for professional development led to higher general job satisfaction. Conclusion : The compensation-related grade was the lowest among the 6 constituent factors of the job satisfaction, it seems that improvement of wages and incentives is required to enhance the satisfaction of the dental hygienists. Also, improving factors affecting the management system of the dental service institute can increase the job satisfaction since the job satisfaction was higher when the institutes have the better management system.

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A Study on the Influence of Blasting Vibration and Sound on Each floor in Building during Blasting Operation (저층건축물 인근 발파작업시 진동 및 폭음이 층별로 미치는 영향 연구)

  • 이신;김상욱;을지나란플래브토톡;강대우
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2004
  • Many buildings have been bolt in Korea. Because blasting operations and more efficient to make excavate rock than other methods, it's more extensively used for new construction, enlargement of buildings, subway work, etc. However, blasting vibrations and sound often create pollution. A study, 'The place of gathering earth and sand to construct a building site in Yangsan', has been done in Gyo-dong, in Yangsan. There are two high-rise apartment and buildings, beside a construction site. The blasting vibrations and sound were monitored on the 1st, 4th floors in building(4th floor), and the results of the analysis are as follows: The blasting vibrations decreased being transmited from 1st floor to 4th floor.

A Study on Characteristics of the Endangered Species Psilotum nudum Habitat in Jeju Island (제주도 멸종위기종 솔잎란(Psilotum nudum) 자생지 특징에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Young-Eun;Kim, Chang-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to understand the habitat characteristics of Psilotum nudum of Dosuncheon river and Anduck valley in Jeju Island. The total of 79 vascular plants taxa including 39 families, 58 genera, 75 species and 4 varieties were investigated in Dosuncheon river, while 59 vascular plants taxa consisting of 34 families, 50 genera, 53 species and 6 varieties were investigated in Anduck valley. When it comes to the life form, the rates of distribution of annual plants (therophytes) at the mouth of Dosuncheon river and Anduck valley were lower than those of the Korean peninsula and Jeju Island. However, the rates of distribution of chamaephytes and epiphytes were higher at the mouth of Dosuncheon river and Anduck valley. As for vegetation, epiphytes (such as Trachelospermum asiaticum var. intermedium, Trachelospermum asiaticum var. majus and Lemmaphyllum microphyllum) and adiantum plants (including Psilotum nudum, Cytomium fortunei and Rumohra aristata), which are typically easy to be dispersed in rocky zones, dominated these areas since they are vertical or horizontal joints containing wide rocky zones. The main threats to the habitats of Psilotum nudum are environmental pollution, lack of publicity, installation of various facilities such as recreational facilities, gathering for medical and horticulture purposes, vegetation succession and application of waterfront. The management of the rocky zones as habitats for Psilotum nudum is an important factor in their expansion.

An Analysis of the Network of Interactions among Medicinal Herbs and Their Uses (본초 상호작용 관계망 분석 및 활용 방향)

  • Lee, Jeong-Hyeon;Kwon, Oh-Min
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : The aim of this research is to produce information by gathering up the data on the interaction between medicinal herbs which lie scattered in oriental medical books, and to provide people with easy access to the information by visualizing it. Methods : For this purpose, this study established the fundamental data by organizing the patterns of interaction into some kinds after selecting a part of Bonchogangmok(本草綱目) and extracting its text. In addition, in an effort to visualize the data, the study converted the data into 'net' file and visualized the interaction between medicinal herbs on Pajek. The visualization was done targeting a total of three patterns, such as 1 medicinal herb, 2 medicinal herbs, and 1 prescription. With the data on 'Chinese Lacquer(乾漆)' for 1 medicinal herb, data on 'Licorice(甘草)' and 'Chinese Lacquer(乾漆)' for 2 medicinal herbs, and data on 'Iijin-tang(二陳湯)' for prescription, the research conducted the analysis of the network using 'Kamada-Kawaii Algorithm' on Pajek. Results : As a result of the analysis, it was possible to see the meanings at a single glance as the scattered and fractional meanings were integrated with focus on medicinal herbs, but the increasing number of analyzed medicinal herbs tended to more and more complicate their relationships, thus, requiring additional work like filtering. Conclusions : Such results are fairly applicable in on-line database, and it is judged that if further research expands its scope to include systematic classification of medicinal herbs or cover other medical books than Bonchogangmok, it will create more objective, abundant information.

A Study about the Medical Communication Proficiency of Korean Traditional Medical Students Using Standardized Patients with Hwa-Byoung (표준화 화병환자를 활용한 한의대생의 진료 및 의사소통 수준연구)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Ok;Kim, Hee-Kyung;An, Hyo-Ja;Shin, Heon-Tae
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.163-179
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : After analyzing the proficiency of medical communication of the students in College of Korean Traditional Medicine using standardized patients, we suggests ways to improve clinical practice in the future class and medical communication curriculum development. Methods : 20 students before clinical practice class (3rd grade) and 20 students after 1 year clinical practice class (4th grade) participated and did their medical interview on Standardized patient. They were evaluated on patient-physician communication skills by standardized patients and professor evaluator. In addition to be evaluated on patient-physician relationship, medical interview skills by professor evaluator. Results : As follows in the evaluation of clinical practice with standardized patients 1. More than half of the participated students regardless of their grade received poor score in their medical communication evaluated by SP(Standardized patient) and PE(Professor evaluator). 2. Greeting, History taking parts were higher in the 4th students who received 1 year clinical practice class, but verbal-nonverbal response, voice tone parts were higher in the 3rd students who do not received clinical practice lesson. 3. Pronunciation&Voice tone parts were higher in the male students but, gathering information part was higher in the female students. Conclusions : We think that the current clinical practice lessons are insufficient as a way to learn and improve medical knowledge and medical communication skills, and it is necessary a new form of clinical practice class. Participatory lesson using standardized patient could be a good alternative of that in the future class.

The Design and Implementation of Sensor Data Processing Module Based on TinyOS Utilizing TinyDB and LineTracer (TinyDB와 라인트레이서를 활용한 TinyOS기반의 센서 데이터 처리 모듈 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon;Moon, Seung-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.31 no.10B
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    • pp.883-890
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    • 2006
  • The study of sensor network database is beginning to liven up as we are interested in Ubiquitous Computing technology in hardware, communication, database and so on. Especially, as new smart sensors have capabilities of real-time information gathering and analysis of each sensor node, data processing becomes an important issue in Ubiquitous Computing. In thesis, we have applied TinyDB(query processing system) to carry sensor node with line tracer which can follow the fixed path. After we gathered data around path, we have processed data in TinyDB GUI, gathered data, displayed data on a web server. Also we have a web browser on an embedded board for convenient user interface and implemented touch screen such that users can operate with a finger.

Development of a model for animal health monitoring system in Gyeongnam I. Design, data and frequencies of selected dairy cattle diseases

  • Kim, Jong-shu;Kim, Yong-hwan;Choi, Min-cheol;Kim, Gon-sup;Kim, Chung-hui;Park, Jeong-hee;Hah, Dae-sik;Heo, Jung-ho;Jeong, Myeong-ho;An, Dong-won
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.730-737
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    • 1999
  • A national animal health monitoring system(NAHMS) in Gyeongnam area was started from 1997 to develop statistically valid data for use in estimating disease frequencies in dairy cattle, and the associated costs. The objectives of this study were to : (1) discribe what was done to implement and maintain the system in Gyeongnam ; (2) present selected disease frequencies ; (3) discuss the epidemiological consideration of what was done and implications for the results obtained. Veterinary Medical Officers(VMOs-professors and graduate students from Gyeongsang National University, Faculty of Gyeongnam Livestock Promotion Institute, and Clinic veterinarians) served as data collectors. After training on current disease and management problems of dairy cattle, interview techniques, sampling methods, and data collection instruments, the VMOs participated in selection of the sample herds and data gathering. Forty of 167 dairy herds were selected randomly and the VMOs visited farms once a month for 12 months to collect data about management, disease, inventory, production, preventive treatment, financial and any other relevant data. Strict data quality control devices were used. Specific feed-back was developed for the producers and data collectors. Of the three age groups studied, cows had the greatest number of disease problems. The six disorders found most frequently were (from the highest to the lowest) breeding problems, clinical mastitis, birth problems, gastrointestinal problems. metabolic problems, and lameness. In young stock, respiratory, multiple system, breeding problems, and gastrointestinal problems were pre dominant, whereas in calves, gastrointestinal, respiratory, and integumental problems were major.

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