• Title/Summary/Keyword: Gathering

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How librarians really use the network for advanced service (정보봉사의 증진을 위한 사서들의 네트워크 이용연구)

  • 한복희
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.23
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study is twofold: to investigate into general characteristics of the networks in Korea as a new information technology and to discuss general directions of development of the use of the Internet. This study is designed to achieve the purpose by gathering and analysing data related to the use of Internet of librarians those who work in public libraries and research and development libraries and university libraries. The major conclusions made in this study is summarized as follows. (1) From this survey, received detailed response from 69 librarians, the majority (42) from research and development libraries. The majority (56) were from Library and Information Science subject area, half of them (37) hold advanced degrees. (2) Majority (40) have accessed Internet for one year or less, 9(17%) respondents for two years, 17(32%) spend every day Internet related activity. (3) 44.9% of the respondents taught themselves. 28.9% learned informally from a colleague. Formal training from a single one-hour class to more structured learning was available to 30.4%. (4) The most common reason respondents use the Internet are to access remote database searching(73.9%), to communicate with colleagues and friends and electronic mail(52.2%), to transfer files and data exchange(36.2%), to know the current research front(23.2%). They search OPACs for a variety of traditional task-related reasons(59.4%) and to see what other libraries are doing with their automated systems(31.9%). (5) Respondents for the most part use the functions : WWW (68. 1%), E-Mail(59.4%), FTP(52.2%), Gopher(34.8%), Wais(7.2%). (6) Respondents mentioned the following advantages : access to remote log-in database, an excellent and swift communications vehicle, reduced telecommunication cost, saving time. (7) Respondents mentioned the following disadvantages : low speed of communication, difficult of access to the relevant information and library materials, and shortage of database be distributed within Korea.

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The Method of Data Integration based on Maritime Sensors using USN (USN을 활용한 해양 센서 데이터 집합 방안)

  • Hong, Sung-Hwa;Ko, Jae-Pil;Kwak, Jae-Min
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.306-311
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    • 2017
  • In the future ubiquitous network, information will collect data from various sensors in the field. Since the sensor nodes are equipped with small, often irreplaceable, batteries with limited power capacity, it is essential that the network be energy-efficient in order to maximize its lifetime. In this paper, we propose an effective network routing method that can operate with low power as well as the transmission of data and information obtained from sensor networks, and identified the number of sensors with the best connectivity to help with the proper placement of the sensor. These purposes of this research are the development of the sensor middle-ware to integrate the maritime information and the proposal of the routing algorithm for gathering the maritime information of various sensors. In addition, for more secure ship navigation, we proposed a method to construct a sensor network using various electronic equipments that are difficult to access in a ship, and then construct a communication system using NMEA(the national marine electronics association), a ship communication standard, in the future.

Algorithm for Search Space Reduction based on Dynamic Heuristic Value Change

  • Kim, Hyung-Soo;Moon, kyung-Seob
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.943-950
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    • 2002
  • Real time strategy game is a computer game genre of Playing with human or computer opponents in real time It differs from turn-type computer games in the game process method. Turn type games, such as chess, allow only one Player to move at a time. Real time strategy games allow two or more Players to move simultaneously. Therefore, in real time strategy computer games, the game components' movement plans must be calculated very quickly in order to not disturb other processes such as gathering resources, building structures, and combat activities. There are many approaches, which can reduce the amount of memory required for calculating path, search space, and reactive time of components. (or units). However, existing path finding algorithms tend to concentrate on achieving optimal Paths that are not as important or crucial in real time strategy game. This Paper introduces Dynamic Heuristic Af(DHA*) algorithm which is capable of reducing search space and reactive time of game units and compares with A* algorithm using static heuristic weighting.

Design and Implementation of Charger Monitoring System Based on CAN Protocol (CAN 통신 기반 충전 모니터링 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Choo, Yeon-Gyu;Kim, Hyun-Deok
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.541-548
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    • 2012
  • On this paper, we proposed a design rule of charger monitoring system which allow us to watch the charging status and verify it for building the electric chargers infrastructure by spread of electric vehicle. Gathering the charging status of battery by proposed system makes us to enhance the charging algorithm, to interface with BMS(Battery Management System) of electric vehicle, to control the charging process with users. Because the technology of rapid charging is dependant upon various factors such as a performance and stability of battery. We proposed the monitoring system of rapid charger based on CAN protocol that can watch a working status of rapid charger including the charging status of battery with real time and can reduce the charging time of battery with optimized status. We also implement it and evaluate its performance.

A Study on Costume in Mural Painting of Xu Xianxiu Tomb in Northern Qi period (북제 서현수묘 벽화 복식 연구)

  • An, Bo Yeon;Hong, Na Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.66 no.1
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    • pp.122-134
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    • 2016
  • The Mural Tomb of Xu Xianxiu(AD 571), a high ranking official in Northern Qi period, is located in Taiyuan, Shanxi province, China. Despite having been raided, it was still discovered to contain over 530 pieces, such as artifacts and murals, in excellent state of preservation. These murals are noteworthy for their high level of detail compared to other murals from the same era, and are important for understanding the historical context of active East-West and Han-Hu cultural exchange in the 6th to 7th century. The murals of Xu Xianxiu's tomb depict round-collared and narrow-sleeved garments as well as straight collared robes typical of the Xianbei tribe's attire. Notable are the ermine fur overcoat and a headwear with flares on the left and right thought to be unique to the Xianbei. The wife and female servants show female attire of the Xianbei at the time; this attire can be characterized by narrow-sleeved long gowns and asymmetrical flying-bird buns. Despite the anti-Han policy of Northern Qi, influences such as the right sided gathering of the robes and embellished hair styles remain. The procession also depicts the three-cornered headdress and long-tailed hood of the Xianbei men, which have been recorded in documents. The large rounded pearl pattern containing the palmette, the divine animal, and bodhisattva's head motifs show the influence of the Western China [Xi'yu]. Considering that Northern Qi had more active interactions with the three ancient kingdoms of Korea than with the Southern Kingdoms[Nanchao], the findings of this study call for further research on the correlation between the attire of ancient Korea and Northern Qi.


  • Kim J.W.
    • Journal of computational fluids engineering
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 2005
  • Substructuring methods are often used in finite element structural analyses. In this study a multi-level substructuring(MLSS) algorithm is developed and proposed as a possible candidate for finite element fluid solvers. The present algorithm consists of four stages such as a gathering, a condensing, a solving and a scattering stage. At each level, a predetermined number of elements are gathered and condensed to form an element of higher level. At the highest level, each sub-domain consists of only one super-element. Thus, the inversion process of a stiffness matrix associated with internal degrees of freedom of each sub-domain has been replaced by a sequential static condensation of gathered element matrices. The global algebraic system arising from the assembly of each sub-domain matrices is solved using a well-known iterative solver such as the conjugare gradient(CG) or the conjugate gradient squared(CGS) method. A time comparison with CG has been performed on a 2-D Poisson problem. With one domain the computing time by MLSS is comparable with that by CG up to about 260,000 d.o.f. For 263,169 d.o.f using 8 x 8 sub-domains, the time by MLSS is reduced to a value less than 30% of that by CG. The lid-driven cavity problem has been solved for Re = 3200 using the element interpolation degree(Deg.) up to cubic. in this case, preconditioning techniques usually accompanied by iterative solvers are not needed. Finite element formulation for the incompressible flow has been stabilized by a modified residual procedure proposed by Ilinca et al.[9].

The Correlation Between Elementary School And Middle School Mathematics Record (초등학교와 중학교 수학성적의 상관관계에 대한 연구)

  • 윤홍분
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.145-156
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to consider students′ scholastic relationship in mathematics between elementary school and middle school from the 3rd grade in elementary school to the 2nd and the 3rd grades in middle school. The following are the results: 1. CONCLUSIONS 1. Students′ present scores are most closely related to those of their previous grade. The data are based on the two groups of the 3rd grade middle school students - one is honhappan(mixed students from different elementary school) and the other shinaepan(the students from the same elementary school in kong ju city). This close relation between present and previous scores in mathematics may well be reasonable since mathematics is systemized hierarchically. Among the score data in elementary school, the scores in the 5th grade are meaningfully related to present score data in mathematics. 2. Two pans (as I mentioned above, honhap and shinae) are divided into groups and their scores are traced from the 3rd grade in elementary school and the data show that the high-levelled students have little changes in their scores, but low-levelled students have dropped radically in their scores from the first grade in middle school. 3. In terms of students′ interests, students who answered, "I′m very interested in mathematics." have no distinguished characteristics in their scores while those who answered, "I have little interest in mathematics" shows a decrease in their scores. 4. Among the reasons for their lack of interests, the replies are "because of exams," "because of teaching methods," and "because of the textbooks." II. Suggestion To compensate the limitation and difficiency of this study, the foll owing is suggested for the following studies related to this one. 1. This study was limited to gathering students′ score data from female students in a small city. For a more accurate statistic a bigger population is needed as well as varied geographical and social economical area is suggested. A good idea is to study homogeneous sex groups as well as heterogeneous sex groups 2. It is easy to find out what grade is closely related to the present scores by statistical analysis, but the reasons for their relationship have to be found out through the following studies 3. There are many studies on cognitive domain in math but it is expected to have more studies on affective domain as well.

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Design and Implementation of Transportation Reservation Agent System (교통편 예약 에이전트 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Hwang, Hyeon-A;Lim, Han-Kyu
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.10D no.1
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2003
  • The Internet reservation service is one of the most utilized internet services, specifically the agent efficiently supports this reservation services. The Agent will replace the repetitious reservation process and selectively offering the most proper service information. In this study, the user assisting agent system that can enable people to make reservation of public transportations through the internet is designed and implemented. This system consists of multiple agents that are Interface agent, 4ask agents and filtering agent. The interface agent is an arbitrator of this system that analyzes user's demand and integrate agent's result. And it has user-adaptive capability using case-based reasoning. There are three task agents if this system, it executes information gathering and information-change monitoring of each. Filtering agent extracts information only about reservation status in gathered information. Finally, this system is to offer integrated information of the reservation status about train and airplane and execute the simple-repetitious works for the reservation instead of user by agents.

Maintenance Performance Improvement Method of the Buildings in Design Phase (설계단계에서 건축물의 유지관리성능 향상 방안;건축계획분야를 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Ho-Bin;Kim, Seung-Jin;Lee, Chan-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.692-697
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    • 2006
  • The importance about the maintenance consideration of the building has a great impact and regarding the life continuation of the building the many interest is becoming intensively. The housing lot of the heart of urban at the capital region has insufficient recently and the construction of the ground complex building in solution for the insufficiency is increasing at the rapid pace. The ground complex building is brings the maximization of land use from inside the site, but maintenance consideration phase is caused by administration cost share and administration bound limit where person is concerned for a many problem point it contains. The objective of the present paper is that the building is maintain an efficiency initially and is improve in order to develop guide line for a maintenance consideration improvement from design phase. According as literature research and question research is enforce, the paper is escape problem point the maintenance consideration and is bring up guide line for the architectural plan field and the maintenance consideration improvement of the building. Result of the study is expected a help in maintenance consideration improvement during life cycle of the building

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Seismic modeling by Fourier Transform Method with one-Way Exploding Reflector Concept (일방향 exploding reflector개념에 적용한 Fourier 변환기법에 의한 Seismic modeling)

  • 정성종;곽훈성;김태균
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.480-489
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    • 1988
  • Although CDP stacking of common depth gathering is used to get the zero-offset-section, the exploding reflector concept is examined for the modeling of zero source to receiver offset sections in this paper. The acoustic wave equation is compared with a one way wave equation which represents the upgoing wave field only. The one way wave equation used is not derived through an expansion and, therefore, can represent dips up do 90b degrees and may not lost the signals by the dipping angles. There is apparently no simple counterpart of this equation is the space domain and it can be conveniently implemented only by a Fourier method. This paper compares their modeling technique with ray tracing and wave method for over thrust structure which is one of the geological structures are dificult to process and interpret. As a result of modeling much clean and accurate signals, especially, diffractions form the corner and dipping angles can be gathered.

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