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Value Estimation for Environmental Resources of Natural river Using Conjoint Analysis - Focused on small River of Incheon Metropolitan City - (컨조인트 분석을 이용한 자연형 하천에 대한 환경자원의 가치추정 - 인천광역시 소하천을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Kyung-Su;Kim, Tae-Hyeong;Ryu, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.417-431
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    • 2014
  • There is a Conjoint Analysis to estimate the environmental value of natural river restoration project of Inchon Metropolitan City's small River: Gong-chon Stream, Gul-po Stream, Seung-gi Stream, Jang-su Stream. In order to find out the optimal expense condition, we tried to estimate the possible payable amount. According to the analysis, almost all people are willing to pay 15,000 Won. In case of the river types, the people liked 10 cm's depth of water and there should be brook trail, convenient facilities and flood plain at the stream edge space. But it is impossible to build these facilities with minimum fare 15,000 Won per a household. If the necessary expenses set high, the tax resistance of the local residents will be increased. So, in consideration of the analytical results of the attribute level, we draw five alternatives. This study is based on the results of Incheon metropolitan City residents' survey, and there is Conjoint Analysis to estimate the environmental value of natural-type river project of Incheon metropolitan City. If it is reflected the special assume factors of this study, and if there is exact environmental value estimation of the various river quality through different analysis, then it will become a study of high utilizing.

Morphological change of Pt/MoO3/SiO2 for the Synthesis of i-Butylene from n-Butene (N-Butene으로부터 i-Butylene 합성을 위한 Pt/MoO3/SiO2 촉매의 표면 구조 변화)

  • Kim, Jin Gul
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.861-868
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    • 1996
  • Skeletal isomerization reaction known as exothermic reaction shows possible maximum yield of i-butene from n-butene at $110^{\circ}C$ over $Pt/MoO_3/SiO_2$. Compared with conventional catalyst such as silica, zeolite, alumina etc., $Pt/MoO_3/SiO_2$ demonstrates higher yield while by-products except 2-butene do not form. Faster H spillover rate over $Pt/MoO_3/SiO_2$ is demonstrated via isothermal reduction experiment at $110^{\circ}C$ compared to the rate over $Pt/MoO_3/Al_2O_3$. Overall isomerization rates are proportional to higher spillover rates from Pt onto $MoO_3$ surface. The skeletal isomerization reaction is composed of two elementary steps. First, carbonium ion formation over Pt crystallites by H spillover. Second, carbenium ion formation over $MoO_3$ followed by formation of i-butene. Moreover, it is suggested that H spillover step from Pt surface onto $MoO_3$ is assumed to be the rate determining step and control the overall isomerization rate.

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Molecular and cytogenetic findings in 46,XX males

  • Choi, Soo-Kyung;Kim, Young-Mi;Seo, Ju-Tae;Kim, Jin-Woo;Park, So-Yeon;Moon, In-Gul;Ryu, Hyun-Mee;Kang, Inn-Soo;Lee, You-Sik
    • Journal of Genetic Medicine
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.11-15
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    • 1998
  • This paper reports 3 cases with 46,XX sex reversed male. Three 46,XX hypogonadal subjects showed complete sex reversal and had normal phallus and azoospermia. We studied them under clinical, cytogenetic and molecular aspects to find out the origin of the sex reversal. Patients had markedly elevated serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and lutenizing hormone (LH) and decreased or normal range of serum testosterone. The testicular volumes were small (3-8ml). Testicular biopsy showed Leydig cell hyperplasia and atrophy of seminiferous tubules. We obtained the results of normal 46,XX, and the presence of Y chromosome mosaicism was ruled out through XY dual fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). By using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), we amplified short arm (SRY, PABY, ZFY and DYS14), centromere (DYZ3), and heterochromatin (DYZ1) region of the Y chromosome. PCR amplification of DNA from these patients showed the presence of the sex-determining region of the Y chromosome (SRY) but didn't show the centromere and heterochromatin region sequence. The SRY gene was detected in all the three patients. Amplification patterns of the other regions were different in these patients; one had four amplified loci (PABY+, SRY+, ZFY+, DYS14+), another had two loci (SRY+, ZFY+) and the other had two loci (PABY+, SRY+). We have found that each patient's translocation elements had different breakpoints at upstream and downstream of the SRY gene region. We conclude that the testicular development in 46,XX male patients were due to insertion or translocation of SRY gene into X chromosome or autosomes.

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Study on the Improvement of Milling Recovery and Performance(II) -Experimental Study on Rice Whitening Mechanism- (도정수율(搗精收率)과 성능향상(性能向上)을 위(爲)한 연구(硏究)(II) -벼의 정백과정(精白過程)에 대(對)한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)-)

  • Park, Joon Gul;Chung, Chang Joo;Noh, Sang Ha
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.62-72
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    • 1982
  • 이 연구(硏究)는 정백과세중(精白過稅中)에 발생(發生)하는 도정산물(搗精産物) 즉, 정백미(精白米), 미당(米糖), 쇠미등(碎米等)의 발생(發生)을 조사(調査)함으로써 현미(玄米)의 정백(精白)이 진행(進行)되는 과정(過程)을 밝히고자 함이다. 본(本) 실험(實驗)에서는 분풍마찰식(噴風摩擦式) 정미기(精米機)를 사용(使用)하였으며, 정미기(精米機)의 롤러 회전속도(回轉速度)를 850rpm으로 고정(固定)하고 출구저항(出口抵抗)은 3가지 수준(水準)으로 변화(變化)시켰다. 한편 이 실험(實驗)에 사용(使用)된 벼는 밀양 23호(號)로써 전형적인 통일계품종(品種)의 일종(一種)이다. 매순환(每循環)마다 생산(生産)되는 정백미(精白米) 및 부산물(副産物)로부터 sample를 채취(採取)하여 미당(米糖), 대소쇄미(大小碎米), 완전미(完全米) 및 도정수율(搗精收率)을 분석(分析)하였다. 실험결과(實驗結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1) 전체당층(全體糖層)의 75%가 2번째 순환이내(循環以內)에서 제거(除去)되었다. 당층제거율(糖層除去率)은 출구저항(出口抵抗)에 크게 영향(影響)을 받으며, 높은 출구저항(出口抵抗)에서 높은 당층제거율(糖層除去率)을 보였다. 2) 대쇄미(大碎米)의 발생(發生)은 대부분 정백과정(精白過程) 초기단계(初期段階)에서 이루어 졌으며, 완전미(完全米)로 부터의 새로운 쇄미발생(碎米發生)은 순환(循環)이 반복(反復)됨에 따라서 급격(急激)히 감소(減少)하였다. 출구저항(出口抵抗)과의 관계(關係)는 출구저항(出口抵抗)이 증가(增加)할수록 대쇄미(大碎米)의 발생(發生)도 증가(增加)하였다. 3) 미당집적기(米糖集積器)로부터 채취(採取)한 sample에서 측정(測定)한 소쇄미(小碎米)는 양적(量的)으로 다른 도정산물(搗精産物)에 비(比)해 적은 편이었다. 8%의 미당(米糖)이 제거(除去)된 후(後) 소쇄미(小碎米)는 현미중량(玄米重量)의 0.6% 이하(以下)로 나타났다. 4) 도정수율(搗精收率)과 완전미수율(完全未收率)은 어느 정도 출구저항(出口抵抗)의 영향(影響)을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 출구저항(出口抵抗)이 증가(增加)함에 따라서 특히 완전미수율(完全未收率)은 감소(減少)하는 경향(傾向)을 나타냈기 때문에 백미(白米)의 질적저하(質的低下)를 막기 위해 높은 출구저항(出口抵抗)(본(本) 실험결과(實驗結果)에 의(依)하면 85g/$cm^2$)을 사용(使用)하는 것은 부적당(不適當)한 것으로 사려(思慮)된다. 5) 백도계(百度計)의 측정치(測定値)와 미당제거정도(米糖除去程度)(정백도(精白度)) 사이에는 고도(高度)의 상관관계(相關關係)가 있었다. 그러므로 "KETT"제(製) 백도계(百度計)는 정백미(精白米)의 정백도(精白度)를 판명(判明)하는데 사리(使利)하게 사용(使用)될 수 있다.

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Circadian Disruptions of Heart rate Variability among Weekly Consecutive-12-hour 2 Shift Workers in the Automobile Factory in Korea (한 자동차공장의 1주연속 12시간주야맞교대근무 노동자들의 심박동수변이)

  • Sung, Ju-Hon;Yum, Myung-Gul;Kong, Jung-Ok;Lee, Hye-Un;Kim, In-A;Kim, Jung-Yeon;Son, Mi-A
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.182-189
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    • 2004
  • Objectives : The objective of this study is to compare the circadian patterns of heart rate variability assessed by 24-hour ambulatory electrocardiographic (ECG) recordings during day shift and night shift among the workers in the 5 days-concecutive-12-hour shift in an automobile factory in Korea. Methods : The study population consisted 300 workers, who were randomly selected among the 8700 total workers in one car factory. To analyse circadian variation, the 24-hour ECG recordings (Marquette) were measured during day shift (08:00-20:00 h) and night shift (20:00-08:00 h). Analysis was performed for all time and frequency domain measures of HRV. 233 workers completed taking 24-hour ECG recordings. Results : This study shows that the 24 hourcircadian variation mainly follows work/sleep cycle rather than day/night cycle among shift workers. This study also shows that among the night shift, the circadian variation between work and sleep cycle decreased compared to the work/sleep cycle among day shift workers. All time and frequency domain parameters (except LF/HF ratio) show significantly different between work and sleep in the day shift and night shift. Conclusion : These changes in heart rate variability circadian rhythms reflect significant reductions in cardiac parasympathetic activity with the most marked reduction in normal vagal activity among the shift workers. Especially, it suggests the circadian rhytm has blunted among the night workers. The quantification of the circadian variation in HRV can be a surrogates of workers' potential health risk, as well as suggests possible mechanisms through which the shift works compromise workers' health.

Development of a Rainfall Time Distribution Model for Urban Watersheds (도시유역의 유출특성을 고려한 강우분포 모형의 개발)

  • Joo, Jin-Gul;Lee, Jung-Ho;Jo, Deok-Jun;Jun, Hwan-Don;Kim, Joong-Hoon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.40 no.8
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    • pp.655-663
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    • 2007
  • This study suggests a new time distribution method of rainfall for small urban watersheds. IETD (Interevent Time definition) determination method considering basin characteristics and dimensionless accumulation rainfall curves involving rainfall events with shorter duration than 3-hours are suggested. A new definition of IETD is the time period from the end of a rainfall event to the end of a direct runoff. Using the method, we drive an area-IETD regression curve for the Joong-Rang basin. The rainfall event with 10 year-return periods, 2-hour duration is distributed and applied four urban watersheds. In the four watersheds, we calculate hydrographs for four watersheds using SWMM and compare them with ones of the Huff's distribution model. From the comparison, we find that peak flows resulted from the developed methodology are $11\sim15%$ larger than ones from the Huff's model. As conclusion, the Huff method should be adopted for the urban watersheds with careful verification.

Comparison of IUHs obtained by the Derived and Simple Equation of GIUH on Third and Fourth-Order Streams (3, 4차 하천에서의 GIUH 유도식과 간략식에 의해 산정된 순간단위도의 비교연구)

  • Joo, Jin-Gul;Ham, Dae-Heon;Jun, Hwan-Don;Lee, Jung-Ho;Kim, Joong-Hoon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.41 no.11
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    • pp.1107-1121
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    • 2008
  • The simple equation of GIUH are frequently used in many researches instead of the derived equation of GIUH. However it is still unknown whether the simple equation of GIUH is adaptable for estimating IUHs for basins with various geomorphologic conditions. To verify the applicability of the simple equation of GIUH, in this research, four basins which were Bangrim, Sanganmi, Museong, and Byeongcheon were selected and each basin was assumed as the third and fourth stream order basin according to variable resolutions. After than, IUHs were estimated using the derived and simple equations of GIUH. Eight to sixteen hydrographs were estimated from the each IUH, compared with observed graphs. In case of that the basin is assumed as a third order stream, the derived equation underestimated the peak flows while the simple equation overestimated them. When the basin is assumed as a fourth order stream, the simple equation generally overestimated the peak flows whereas the derived equation produced peak flows good agreement with the observed peak flow. Moreover, the simple equation showed various deviations in accuracy whereas the derived equation produced stable results. Based on the fact found from this research, it can be concluded that the derived equation of GIUH brings better results than the simple equation of GIUH to estimate IUHs for ungauged basins.

Effect of Saw-Damage Etching Conditions on Flexural Strength in Si Wafers for Silicon Solar Cells (태양전지용 실리콘 기판의 절삭손상 식각 조건에 의한 곡강도 변화)

  • Kang, Byung-Jun;Park, Sung-Eun;Lee, Seung-Hun;Kim, Hyun-Ho;Shin, Bong-Gul;Kwon, Soon-Woo;Byeon, Jai-Won;Yoon, Se-Wang;Kim, Dong-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.617-622
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    • 2010
  • We have studied methods to save Si source during the fabrication process of crystalline Si solar cells. One way is to use a thin silicon wafer substrate. As the thickness of the wafers is reduced, mechanical fractures of the substrate increase with the mechanical handling of the thin wafers. It is expected that the mechanical fractures lead to a dropping of yield in the solar cell process. In this study, the mechanical properties of 220-micrometer-solar grade Cz p-type monocrystalline Si wafers were investigated by varying saw-damage etching conditions in order to improve the flexural strength of ultra-thin monocrystalline Si solar cells. Potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution and tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide (TMAH) solution were used as etching solutions. Etching processes were operated with a varying of the ratio of KOH and TMAH solutions in different temperature conditions. After saw-damage etching, wafers were cleaned with a modified RCA cleaning method for ten minutes. Each sample was divided into 42 pieces using an automatic dicing saw machine. The surface morphologies were investigated by scanning electron microscopy and 3D optical microscopy. The thickness distribution was measured by micrometer. The strength distribution was measured with a 4-point-bending tester. As a result, TMAH solution at $90^{\circ}C$ showed the best performance for flexural strength.

The development and application of Teclmology.Home Economics Teaching-Learning Lesson Plan on Clothing lifestyle to raise awareness of Han Style(Korean Culture) (한문화 인식 증진을 위한 기술.가정 의생활 교수-학습 과정안 개발 및 적용 - 전통 의생활 문화 콘텐츠를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Nam-Eun;Lee, Hyun-Jung;Han, Ju;Kim, Soon-Ju;Min, Eun-Hye;Choi, Mi-Sean;Kwak, Sun-Jung;Lee, Hye-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.19-36
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    • 2011
  • We investigated middle school students' awareness of Han-style(Korean cuture) in order to promote it, and developed and applied the Teaching-Learning Lesson Plan according to the traditional clothing culture contents related to Han Style. We selected 5 major fields representing Han Style including Han-gul(Korean alphabet). Han-sik(Korean food). Han-bok(Korean traditional clothes). Han-ji(Korean traditional paper), and Han-ok(Korean traditional house). We analyzed the contents of the food, clothing and shelter in 6 types of high school testbooks under the revised 7th national curriculum, and chose seven traditional clothing-lifestyle culture contents. Also we developed 14-period processes and materials(9 for teachers. 9 for students and 3 for and applied it to usual classes. The mean score of middle school students' awareness of Han Style in the post-test was significantly higher than that in the pre-test. Students evaluated it positively that the classes could raise the pride on the Han-culture and provoke the interest in it through the direct experiencing activities. We suggest that the various themes on Han-style should be developed, and the theoretical classes on the identity as well as the experiencing activities on it.

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The Experimental Study on the Effect of Track System on the Integral Behavior of Railway Bridge (궤도시스템이 철도교량의 정.동적거동에 미치는 영향에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Sung, Deok-Yong;Park, Yong-Gul;Choi, Jung-Youl;Kim, Sung-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.186-193
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    • 2010
  • Track system and periodic live load are characteristics of railway bridges. In the design and construction of railway bridge, periodic live load increases the importance of dynamic behavior. And It is well known that behavior of railway bridge may be affected by track system in real bridge. Through experimental study, static and dynamic behaviors were investigated. Deflection and stress due to bending moment were measured, the location of neutral axis of each section, natural frequency, damping ratio were analyzed for each three track systems - girder only, installed ballast track system and installed concrete slab track system. According to measured values for the each type of track system, concrete track system increases the stiffness of bridge by 50%, and ballast system does by 7%, dynamic responses of structure change linearly with the magnitude of load and location of neutral axis of each sections varies with each track system. Damping ratio is almost equal without and with track. Therefore, the effects of track system on the integral behaviors of railway bridge can not be ignored in the design of bridge, especially in the case of concrete slab track system. So study of the quantitative analysis method for effects of track system must be performed.