• Title/Summary/Keyword: GRID/GIS

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The Design and Implementation of a Reusable Viewer Component

  • Kim, Hong-Gab;Lim, Young-Jae;Kim, Kyung-Ok
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.66-69
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    • 2002
  • This article outlines the capabilities of a viewer component called GridViewer, and proves its reusability. GridViewer was designed for the construction of the image display part of GIS or remote sensing application software, and consequently it is particularly straightforward to closely couple GridViewer with access to very large images. Displaying is performed through pyramid structure, which enables to treat very large dataset up to several gigabytes in size under the limited capability of PC. GridViewer is free from responsibility to handle various formats of raster data files by taking grid coverage, which is designed by OGC to promote interoperability between implementations done by data vendors and software vendors providing analysis and grid processing implementations. GridViewer differs from other such viewer by allowing for clients to extend its function and capability by using small set of methods originally implemented in it. We show its reusability and expandability by applying it in developing application programs performing various functions not supported originally by the GridViewer COM component.

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Development of Synthetic Unit Hydrograph using River Fractal Characteristics (하천의 프랙탈 특성을 이용한 합성단위유량도의 개발)

  • 차상화
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2002
  • This study was performed to analyze the river fractal characteristics using GIS (Geographic Information System). In this study, topographical factors in river basin were grid-analyzed for each cell size and scale using GIS and regression formula was derived by analyzing correlation among topographical factors and cell size which were calculated here. And, a new rainfall-runoff model which is considering the calculated fractal dimension was developed to apply fur a river basin.

Grid-Based KlneMatic Wave STOrm Funoff Yoncheon Dam watershed. (격자기반의 운동파 강우유출모형 개발(II) - 적용 예(연천댐 유역을 대상으로) -)

  • Kim, Seong-Jun;Chae, Hyo-Seok;Sin, Sa-Cheol
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.309-315
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    • 1998
  • The grid-based KIneMatic wave STOrm Runoff Model (KIMSTORM) was applied to YoncheonDam watershed (1,875km2) located in the Imjin river basin of the Korea. Six maps which are DEM(Digital Elevation Model), stream, flow path, soil, land use and Thiessen network, were used for input data. The simulated streamflows resulting from two selected storm events agreed well with the observed flows at the watershed outlet. The results of temporal variations and spatial distributions are presented by using GRASS. Keyword : grid-based, storm-runoff model, GRASS-GIS, Yoncheon dam watershed.

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Design of Web-GIS based SWG Simulator for Disseminating Integrated Water Information (통합 물정보 제공을 위한 웹 GIS 기반의 SWG 시뮬레이터 설계)

  • Park, Yonggil;Kim, Kyehyun;Lee, Sungjoo;Yoo, Jaehyun
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.19-31
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    • 2015
  • Due to the global warming and unstable abnormal climate changes, water resources differences between regions and water shortage are occurring. Therefore, the water resources management is becoming more important for the stable securement of future water supply and demand. Researches on Smart Water Grid (SWG), which is considered as a new method, that can stably secure and maintain the water resources, are actively being conducted but it is still in infancy. Thus, this study aimed to design SWG simulator based on GIS in order to provide integrated water information in web environment. The user's requirements were analyzed for system development and important functions such as SWG current situation checking, future prediction, filtration plant situation checking functions were designed and data expression techniques using GIS and HTML5 were applied to enhance the understanding of the users. Also, when the emergency situations occurred, the solving process of the situations are reproduced to check the solution process using scenario reproduction functions. Use-case, class, sequence diagram, which are a design for real system development and defines the system usage contents of users, were written, and the story board was written to check the final development contents. This study designed a SWG simulator in order to support the water maintenance reacting to climate changes. The development of system is expected to help securing information to deal with emergency situations such as water shortage and help the decision maker to make decision through reproduction of scenario. The major functions were designed for the convenience of water resource manager and producer but new contents for consumers must be developed to enable duplex information transmission.

Evaluation for Constructing Isochrones using a GIS (GIS를 이용한 등시간도 작성의 평가)

  • Cho, Hyo-Seob;Kim, Ke-Ho;Jung, Kwan-Sue;Kim, Jae-Han
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.925-936
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    • 2003
  • The objective of this study is to suggest new drawing methods of isochrones using GIS. For this purpose the Unit Hydrograph (UH) of studied watershed for instantaneous rainfall suggested by Clark have been determined by routing the time-area curve through a single linear reservoir. To evaluate constructing methods of isochrones three methods has been examined; Channel Profile and Clark-kict method; Laurenson method; Average velocity method of S.C.S. Also, these methods have been recomposed by GIS in this study. To apply first method, spatial modeling, the vector based on the stream network and Route_System measuring a distance between points has been used. A raster based on the flow direction grid from burn DEM and the slope grid from original DEM has been applied for the second method. The third method has been applied by a raster based on the landuse grid and a velocity function expressed by slope. Results by these three methods have been evaluated with observed hydrograph, and the method using average velocity method of S.C.S shows more reasonable results comparatively.

Performance Analysis of Distributed Directory System for Grid Information Service (그리드 정보 서비스를 위한 분산 디렉토리 시스템의 성능분석)

  • 이미경;권영직
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.44-50
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    • 2004
  • Recently, as the number of entities participating in the Grid system increased, the response time of LDAP system became inadequate. Consequently, we have to design new LDAP that suitable for high performance Grid environments. For this, researches about analysis of performance LDAP system are needed firstly. However, because researches are focused mostly on read operation optimized environments, so these result of researches are not directly applied to high performance Grid environments that write operation occupies most. In this paper, we provide overall results of analysis of performance of distributed directory system. The analysis is based on an analytic performance model by applying the M/M/1 queuing model. Finally, based on the results, we suggest the direction for the design of high performance LDAP system and this research results can be applied as basic materials to design of GIS in high performance Grid environments as well as.

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State-of-the-art 3D GIS: System Development Perspectives

  • Kim, Kyong-Ho;Lee, Ki-Won;Lee, Jong-Hun;Yang, Young-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1998.09a
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    • pp.153-158
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    • 1998
  • Since the mid-1990′s, researches on 3D GIS have been regarded as one of main issues both in the academic sites and commercial vendors; recently, some prototyped systems or the first versioned software systems of commercial basis are being reported and released. Unlike conventional 2D GIS, which consists in intelligent structured GIS or desktop GIS, every 3D GIS has its own distinguished features according to data structure-supporting capability, GIS-styled functionality, external database accessibility, interfacing extents with 2D GIS, 3D visualization/texture mapping ability, and so forth. In this study, technical aspects related to system development, SERI-Web3D GIS ver. 1.2, are explained. Main features in this revised 3D GIS can be summarized: 2-tier system model(client-server), VGFF(Virtual GIS File Format), internal GIS import, Feature manager(zoning, layering, visualization evironment), Scene manager(manage 3D geographic world), Scene editor, Spatial analyzer(Intersect, Buffering, Network analysis), VRML exporter. While, most other 3D GISes or cartographic mapping systems may be categorized into 3D visualization systems handling terrain height-field processing, 2D GIS extension modules, or 3D geometric feature generation system using orthophoto image: actually, these are eventually considered as several parts of "real 3D GIS". As well as these things, other components, especially web-based 3D GIS, are being implemented in this study: Surface/feature integration, Java/VRML linkage, Mesh/Grid problem, LOD(Level of Detail)/Tiling, Public access security problem, 3-tier architecture extension, Surface handling strategy for VRML.

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Flood Runoff Simulation Using GIS-Grid Based K-DRUM for Yongdam-Dam Watershed (GIS격자기반 K-DRUM을 활용한 용담댐유역 홍수유출모의)

  • Park, Jin Hyeog;Hur, Young Teck;Ryoo, Kyong Sik;Lee, Geun Sang
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.1D
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    • pp.145-151
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    • 2009
  • Recently, the rapid development of GIS technology has made it possible to handle a various data associated with spatially hydrological parameters with their attribute information. Therefore, there has been a shift in focus from lumped runoff models to distributed runoff models, as the latter can consider temporal and spatial variations of discharge. This research is to evaluate the feasibility of GIS based distributed model using radar rainfall which can express temporal and spatial distribution in actual dam watershed during flood runoff period. K-DRUM (K-water hydrologic & hydaulic Distributed flood RUnoff Model) which was developed to calculate flood discharge connected to radar rainfall based on long-term runoff model developed by Kyoto- University DPRI (Disaster Prevention Research Institute), and Yondam-Dam watershed ($930km^2$) was applied as study site. Distributed rainfall according to grid resolution was generated by using preprocess program of radar rainfall, from JIN radar. Also, GIS hydrological parameters were extracted from basic GIS data such as DEM, land cover and soil map, and used as input data of distributed model (K-DRUM). Results of this research can provide a base for building of real-time short-term rainfall runoff forecast system according to flash flood in near future.

A Land Use Planning Model for Supporting Improvement of Rural Villages ( I ) - Development of Model using GIS, CA and MCE - (농촌마을 개발계획 지원을 위한 토지 이용계획 모형( I ) - GIS, CA 및 MCE 법을 이용한 모형의 개발 -)

  • Chung, Ha-Woo;Choi, Jin-Yong;Kim, Dae-Sik
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.85-98
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a land use planning model (LUPM) which can be applied to development of rural villages considering their spatial expansion. The LUPM finds out and allocates the new built site required for the improvement of existing villages. in the development of LUPM, CA (cellular automata) and land suitability analysis methods were applied combinedly. The model uses basically numerical data of CIS based on grid data. Agglomerated settlement, as a type of village for simulation, was adopted. Probability of land use change for optimizing development area was calculated by the six criteria: slope. drainage characteristic, direction of slope, as absolute suitability of grid itself, distance from road. distance from stream and distance from the village center, as relative probability by neighborhood cells. Weighting values of these criteria were quantified by AHP (analytic hierarchy process) method, which is one of MCE(multi-criteria evaluation) method. The algorithm of the model was verified by three example villages: an isolation village, a village with horizontal road, and a village with nodal point of cross road

Watershed Delineation Algorithm Using Kruskal's Algorithm and Triangulated Irregular Network (크루스칼 알고리즘과 불규칙 삼각망을 이용한 유역 추출 알고리즘)

  • Park Mee-Jeong;Heo Hyun;Kim Tae-Gon;Suh Kyo;Lee Jeong-Jae
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2006
  • Watershed is the land area that contributes runoff to an outlet point. To delineate an watershed, watershed delineation using GIS that contains grid data structure is the most general method. Some researchers have studied to implement algorithms that revise the TIN topography since it is difficult to delineate watershed boundary more accurately. In this study kruskal's greedy algorithm and triangulated irregular network (TIN) were used to delineate a watershed. This method does not require a conversion from to DEM in grid and automatically obtain(generates) the oulet points. Delineation algorithm was tested in Geosan-gun, Chung-cheongbuk-do and get small watershed areas. Finally, kruskal's algorithm could operate more precisely with revision algorithm.