• Title/Summary/Keyword: GPS time

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Testing the Reliability of a Smartphone-Based Travel Survey: An Experiment in Seoul (스마트폰 기반 통행 행태 조사 자료 신뢰성 검증: 서울에서 수집된 자료를 바탕으로)

  • Lee, Jae Seung;Zegras, P. Christopher;Zhao, Fang;Kim, Daehee;Kang, Junhee
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.50-62
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    • 2016
  • With programmable applications that utilize sensors, such as global positioning systems and accelerometers, smartphones provide an unprecedented opportunity to collect behavioral data in an unobtrusive and cost-effective manner. This paper assesses the relative accuracy and reliability of the Future Mobility Sensing (FMS), a smartphone-based prompted-recall travel survey. We compared the data extracted from FMS with the data collected from the Korea Passenger Trip Survey (PTS), a traditional self-reported, paper-based travel survey. In total, 46 undergraduate students completed the PTS for seven consecutive days, while also carrying their smartphones with the activated FMS applications for the same time span. After completing the PTS, the participants validated their FMS data on the web-based prompted recall surveys. We then matched the validated FMS data with the PTS-based records. The FMS turns out to be superior in detecting short trips, which are usually under-reported in self-reported travel surveys. The reported PTS travel times are longer than for the FMS, suggesting that participants tend to overestimate their travel time in the PTS. This study contributes to the ongoing development of smartphone-based travel behavior data collecting methods.

A Study of the Effect Factor of Unexpected Accidents on Expressways (고속도로 돌발상황 발생 영향 요인 연구)

  • Hey Jin Kim;Young Hyuk Kong;Dong Jun Choi
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 2023
  • The fatality rate of secondary accidents is seven times that of general traffic accidents. If limited to highways, one in four deaths are said to occur from secondary accidents. Unexpected situations which do not give drivers time to prepare are the cause of secondary accidents. This risk results in more fatalities on highways with high driving speeds. Existing studies have conducted research on traffic accidents and on secondary traffic accidents that occur after a primary traffic accident, without considering unexpected situations that may occur on the road. Therefore, to reduce damage and casualties caused by secondary accidents, there is a need to create a safe road environment by removing the possibility of causing accidents. This study analyzes whether the day of occurrence, time of occurrence, and radius of the curve of an unexpected situation are related to the occurrence of an unexpected situation. This study was based on data of accidents that occurred in 2022 on the Cheonan-Nonsan Expressway and the Seoul-Yangyang Expressway. The radius of the curve was calculated by dividing the section of the highway into straight, clothoid, and curved sections through cluster analysis. Results of the analysis indicate that the day and time of occurrence and the curve radius are associated with unexpected situations.

A Handover Method for Service Continuity of Mobile Multimedia (이동 멀티미디어 서비스의 연속성 보장을 위한 핸드오버 방법)

  • Lee, Jong-Chan;Lee, Moon-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.32 no.7A
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    • pp.770-777
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    • 2007
  • Smaller cell size in the micro-cell or pico-cell structure brings about more frequent hand-overs between cells, and higher speed movement of the mobile terminal makes short the permissible time interval for executing these hand-over procedures. In this situation the hand-over failure may occur or some packets may be lost during the hand-over. Moreover a rapid degradation of throughput is triggered by packet re-transmission for compensating such errors. The QoS (Quality of Services) of mobile multimedia applications with higher bits rate requirements and higher speed mobility are severely affected by even shot service interruption. This paper proposes a new hand-over scheme to provide seamless services in the next generation mobile communication systems. Simulation is done to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme based on its hand-over failure rate and packet loss rate.

A Nearest Neighbor Query Processing Algorithm Supporting K-anonymity Based on Weighted Adjacency Graph in LBS (위치 기반 서비스에서 K-anonymity를 보장하는 가중치 근접성 그래프 기반 최근접 질의처리 알고리즘)

  • Jang, Mi-Young;Chang, Jae-Woo
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2012
  • Location-based services (LBS) are increasingly popular due to the improvement of geo-positioning capabilities and wireless communication technology. However, in order to enjoy LBS services, a user requesting a query must send his/her exact location to the LBS provider. Therefore, it is a key challenge to preserve user's privacy while providing LBS. To solve this problem, the existing method employs a 2PASS cloaking framework that not only hides the actual user location but also reduces bandwidth consumption. However, 2PASS does not fully guarantee the actual user privacy because it does not take the real user distribution into account. Hence, in this paper, we propose a nearest neighbor query processing algorithm that supports K-anonymity property based on the weighted adjacency graph(WAG). Our algorithm not only preserves the location of a user by guaranteeing k-anonymity in a query region, but also improves a bandwidth usage by reducing unnecessary search for a query result. We demonstrate from experimental results that our algorithm outperforms the existing one in terms of query processing time and bandwidth usage.

Calculation of Sediment Volume of the Agriculture Reservoir Using DGPS Echo-Sounder (DGPS 음향 측심기를 이용한 농업용 저수지의 퇴적량 산정)

  • Park Seung-Ki;Jeong Jae- Hoon
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.13 no.3 s.34
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    • pp.297-307
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    • 2005
  • This study was performed to get the basic data for the dredging project and logical maintenance of the Yaedang reservoir. The survey of reservoir capacity for calculation of sediment volume carried out using DGPS Echo-Sounder during November $25\~30$ in 2004. The latitude and longitude signal from GPS satellite was received a second interval with the UTM coordinate system. Water depth was measured 0.2 second interval by Echo-sounder sensor in MIDAS Surveyor. The UTM coordinate datum were transformed into standard coordinate datum of Korean(TM coordinate datum) using Arc Info System. Mapping of contour was used Sufer, Arc View and Auto CAB Program Storage capacity of Yaedang reservoir was estimated by average contour area method. Result of this time investigation for useful storage determination of Yaedang reservoir was showed 4,601.585 ha-m and was differenced less 5.425ha-m the bygones useful storage.

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LCDs: Lane-Changing Aid System Based on Speed of Vehicles

  • Joshi, Jetendra;Deka, Manash Jyoti;Jha, Saurabh;Yadav, Dushyant;Choudhary, Devjeet Singh;Agarwal, Yash;Jain, Kritika
    • IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.193-198
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    • 2016
  • Lane change is an important issue in microscopic traffic flow simulations and active safety. Overtaking and changing lanes are dangerous driving maneuvers. This approach presents a lane-changing system based on speed and a minimum gap between vehicles in a vehicular ad hoc network (VANET). This paper proposes a solution to ensure the safety of drivers while changing lanes on highways. Efficient routing protocols could play a crucial role in VANET applications, safeguarding both drivers and passengers, and thus, maintaining a safe on-road environment. This paper focuses on the development of an intelligent transportation system that provides timely, reliable information to drivers and the concerned authorities. A test bed is created for the techniques used in the proposed system, where analysis takes place in an on-board embedded system designed for vehicle navigation. The designed system was tested on a four-lane road in Neemrana, India. Successful simulations were conducted with real-time network parameters to maximize quality of service and performance using Simulation of Urban Mobility and Network Simulator 2 (NS-2). The system implementation, together with the findings, is presented in this paper. Illustrating the approach are results from simulation using NS-2.

Development of Embedded Controller for Autonomous Tractor Steering System (자율주행 트랙터의 조향 시스템을 위한 임베디드 제어기 개발)

  • Lee, Hyeon Seung;Kim, Ki Duck;Lee, Young Ju;Hwang, Dong Yeol;Shin, Beom Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.152-152
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구에서는 비례제어밸브를 이용한 자율주행 트랙터 조향 시스템 제어를 위하여 저가의 임베디드 시스템을 사용한 제어기를 개발하였다. 차륜의 조향각 측정을 위하여 전륜 킹핀에 포텐시오미터를 설치하였으며, 비례제어밸브는 -10 ~ +10V의 전압으로 밸브 스풀의 위치제어를 수행하도록 하였다. 조향각 측정과 비례제어밸브의 위치제어를 위하여 각각에 AT90CAN128 AVR보드를 사용하였으며, CAN통신으로 조향각 데이터가 비례제어밸브 제어용 데이터로 전송될 수 있도록 하였다. 비례제어밸브 제어 보드에는 DAC기능을 추가하였으며 0 ~ 5V의 출력을 -10 ~ +10V의 전압으로 변환해 주는 인터페이스회로를 추가하였다. 일반적으로 GPS 등의 데이터 수신율이 20 Hz인 점을 감안하여 비례제어 밸브는 50 ms의 주기로 P-제어를 수행할 수 있도록 하였다. 향후 트랙터의 방향각을 설정하는 또 하나의 시스템으로부터 목표 조향각을 부여받는 것을 가상하여 별도의 MCU를 통해 목표 조향각을 송신한 후, 조향 유압실린더에 의한 전륜의 조향각 시간 응답 특성을 조사하였다. 실험은 트랙터의 전륜을 지면으로부터 들어올린 무 부하 상태에서 진행하였으며, 목표 조향각은 $7.5^{\circ}$, $15.0^{\circ}$, $22.5^{\circ}$ 등 3단계로 변경하며 시간응답 특성을 측정하였다. 최대 오버슈트 11%, 최소 오버슈트 8.6%, 정상상태 오차 약 $0.825^{\circ}$, 시정수(Time Constant)는 3단계의 목표 조향각 설정에서 각각 0.706초, 0.488초, 0.38초로 나타났다.

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A study on the emotional identification lighting of AtoN facility by LED (LED에 의한 항로표지 시설의 감성식별 조명에 대한 연구)

  • Oh, Jin-Seong;Choi, Jo-Cheon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.145-147
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    • 2010
  • This study is the visually emotional identification lighting for easy to distinguish using 3colors LED on AtoN facility in shore and harbor, which have realized a controller for certainly express the mouth of a harbor by red light and green light of both sides a harbor and for synchronization at a time of right and left or serial sequential the harbor guidance light through synchronizer or timer by GPS. There is expectation effect that is prevent a confusion about distinguish of facility by ship's operator and to beautify a night scene of harbor, which is expressed to emotional identification lighting differ from great many lighting of harbor with variable color lighting the lighthouse body and vertical layer color lighting using LED. The function of AtoN is adapted that guidance light through synchronization or serial sequential lighting and display of harbor safety message by CW lighting, and this system is the power consumption greatly reduce by candle alternated high light LED.

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Grid-based Cloaking Area Creation Scheme supporting Continuous Query Processing for Location-based Services of Peer-to-Peer Environment (P2P 환경의 위치 기반 서비스에서 연속적인 질의 처리를 지원하는 그리드 기반 Cloaking 영역 설정 기법)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Il;Lee, Ah-Reum;Chang, Jae-Woo
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2010
  • Recent development in wireless communication technology, like GPS, and mobile equipments, like PDA and cellular phone, make location-based services (LBSs) popular. However, because, users continuously request a query to a server in the LBSs by using their exact locations, privacy information could be in danger. Therefore, a mechanism for users' privacy protection is required for the safe and comfortable use of LBSs by mobile users. For this, we, in this paper, propose a grid-based cloaking area creation scheme supporting continuous LBSs in peer-to-peer environment. The proposed scheme creates a cloaking area by using Chord protocol, so as to support the continuous LBSs in peer-to-peer environment. Finally, we show from a performance analysis that our cloaking scheme outperforms the existing cloaking schemes, in terms of service time.

Generation of Building and Contour Layers for Digital Mapping Using LiDAR Data (LiDAR 데이터를 이용한 수치지도의 건물 및 등고선 레이어 생성)

  • Lee Dong-Cheon;Yom Jae-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.313-322
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    • 2005
  • Rapid advances in technology and changes in human and cultural activities bring about changes to the earth surface in terms of spatial extension as well as time frame of the changes. Such advances introduce shorter updating frequency of maps and geospatial database. To satisfy these requirements, recent research efforts in the geoinformatics field have been focused on the automation and speeding up of the mapping processes which resulted in products such as the digital photogrammetric workstation, GPSIINS, applications of satellite imagery, automatic feature extraction and the LiDAR system. The possibility of automatically extracting buildings and generating contours from airborne LiDAR data has received much attention because LiDAR data produce promising results. However, compared with the manually derived building footprints using traditional photogrammetric process, more investigation and analysis need to be carried out in terms of accuracy and efficiency. On the other hand, generation of the contours with LiDAR data is more efficient and economical in terms of the quality and accuracy. In this study, the effects of various conditions of the pre-processing phase and the subsequent building extraction and contour generation phases for digital mapping have on the accuracy were investigated.