• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS model

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3D Object Modeling for Laser Radar Simulation (레이저레이더 시뮬레이션을 위한 3차원 객체 모델링)

  • Kim, Geun-Han;Jun, Chul-Min
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2008
  • The improvement of the performance in laser radar simulation requires fast retrievals of the spatial locations and attributes of objects in response to the laser signals of the simulators. Since the data used in simulation are complex 3D objects such as terrain, buildings and vehicles, and are of large sizes, commonly used 3D modeling tools are not suitable for this use. We proposed a method to store such 3D objects in a database, perform required queries and integrate with visualization tools. We showed the processes for the data modeling based on 3D topological concepts and then building a spatial DBMS. Also, we illustrated the process for accessing and visualizing the stored data using VRML and performed test computations using some laser signal data. With further enhancement on data modeling and LOD problems in visualization, the proposed method will be practically applied in different situations including laser simulation.

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Erosion processes in bedrock river -A review with special emphasize on numerical modelling- (기반암 하상의 침식과정 -수치 모형을 중심으로 한 고찰-)

  • Kim, Jong-Yeon;Hoey, Trevor;Bishop, Paul;Kim, Ju-Yong
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.11-29
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    • 2006
  • A bedrock river is a channel in which bedrock is exposed along the channel bed or walls for at least approximately half of its length. In some case, a continuous alluvial veneer may be present, but this is completely mobilized during floods. From the point of long term landscape evolution during the Quaternary, the bedrock channel determines local base level and the lowering rate of bedrock channels controls the rate of erosion and transport processes and forms on the adjacent hillslopes. In this review, various erosional processes in bedrock river channels are classified and discussed. Especially, theoretical and numerical models on channel bed abrasion with bed load sediment particles are introduced and discussed.

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Korea Emissions Inventory Processing Using the US EPA's SMOKE System

  • Kim, Soon-Tae;Moon, Nan-Kyoung;Byun, Dae-Won W.
    • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.34-46
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    • 2008
  • Emissions inputs for use in air quality modeling of Korea were generated with the emissions inventory data from the National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER), maintained under the Clean Air Policy Support System (CAPSS) database. Source Classification Codes (SCC) in the Korea emissions inventory were adapted to use with the U.S. EPA's Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions (SMOKE) by finding the best-matching SMOKE default SCCs for the chemical speciation and temporal allocation. A set of 19 surrogate spatial allocation factors for South Korea were developed utilizing the Multi-scale Integrated Modeling System (MIMS) Spatial Allocator and Korean GIS databases. The mobile and area source emissions data, after temporal allocation, show typical sinusoidal diurnal variations with high peaks during daytime, while point source emissions show weak diurnal variations. The model-ready emissions are speciated for the carbon bond version 4 (CB-4) chemical mechanism. Volatile organic carbon (VOC) emissions from painting related industries in area source category significantly contribute to TOL (Toluene) and XYL (Xylene) emissions. ETH (Ethylene) emissions are largely contributed from point industrial incineration facilities and various mobile sources. On the other hand, a large portion of OLE (Olefin) emissions are speciated from mobile sources in addition to those contributed by the polypropylene industry in point source. It was found that FORM (Formaldehyde) is mostly emitted from petroleum industry and heavy duty diesel vehicles. Chemical speciation of PM2.5 emissions shows that PEC (primary fine elemental carbon) and POA (primary fine organic aerosol) are the most abundant species from diesel and gasoline vehicles. To reduce uncertainties in processing the Korea emission inventory due to the mapping of Korean SCCs to those of U.S., it would be practical to develop and use domestic source profiles for the top 10 SCCs for area and point sources and top 5 SCCs for on-road mobile sources when VOC emissions from the sources are more than 90% of the total.

Extraction of the aquaculture farms information from the Landsat- TM imagery of the Younggwang coastal area

  • Shanmugam, P.;Ahn, Yu-Hwan;Yoo, Hong-Ryong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2004.03a
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    • pp.493-498
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    • 2004
  • The objective of the present study is to compare various conventional and recently evolved satellite image-processing techniques and to ascertain the best possible technique that can identify and position of aquaculture farms accurately in and around the Younggwang coastal area. Several conventional techniques performed to extract such information fiom the Landsat-TM imagery do not seem to yield better information about the aquaculture farms, and lead to misclassification. The large errors between the actual and extracted aquaculture farm information are due to existence of spectral confusion and inadequate spatial resolution of the sensor. This leads to possible occurrence of mixture pixels or 'mixels' of the source of errors in the classification techniques. Understanding the confusing and mixture pixel problems requires the development of efficient methods that can enable more reliable extraction of aquaculture farm information. Thus, the more recently evolved methods such as the step-by-step partial spectral end-member extraction and linear spectral unmixing methods are introduced. The farmer one assumes that an end-member, which is often referred to as 'spectrally pure signature' of a target feature, does not appear to be a spectrally pure form, but always mix with the other features at certain proportions. The assumption of the linear spectral unmxing is that the measured reflectance of a pixel is the linear sum of the reflectance of the mixture components that make up that pixel. The classification accuracy of the step-by-step partial end-member extraction improved significantly compared to that obtained from the traditional supervised classifiers. However, this method did not distinguish the aquaculture ponds and non-aquaculture ponds within the region of the aquaculture farming areas. In contrast, the linear spectral unmixing model produced a set of fraction images for the aquaculture, water and soil. Of these, the aquaculture fraction yields good estimates about the proportion of the aquaculture farm in each pixel. The acquired proportion was compared with the values of NDVI and both are positively correlated (R$^2$ =0.91), indicating the reliability of the sub-pixel classification.ixel classification.

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분할영상의 계층적 구조를 이용한 주제도 갱신방법

  • 조현국;이승호;김철민;김경민;원현규
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2004.03a
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    • pp.347-347
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    • 2004
  • 임상도는 항공사진을 판독하여 얻어진 산림에 관한 정보를 지형도(1/25,000)에 도화 작성한 도면으로 전국 산림조사와 연계하여 10년을 주기로 순환제작 되며, 현재 제 4차 수치임상도가 제작 중에 있다 임상도는 여러 산림관련 주제도 중 가장 많이 활용되는 도면으로 산림 분야뿐만 아니라 다른 분야에서도 널리 활용되고 있다. 그러나 10년을 주기로 제작되므로 부분적으로 현실과 부합하지 않는 내용이 포함되어 있어 각종 계획수립 및 활용에 장애요인으로 작용하고 있다. 따라서 실제 임상정보를 획득할 수 있도록 지속적인 갱신이 필요하다. 그러나 임상도의 부분적 갱신을 위하여 별도의 항공사진을 촬영하는 것은 현실적인 어려움이 있으며, 최근 고해상도 위성영상이 활용 가능하게 됨에 따라 임상도의 갱신에도 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 고해상도 위성영상인 IKONOS를 이용하여 수치임상도를 갱신하는 방법을 제시하였다. 연구대상지는 제 4차 임상도의 수치화가 완료된 전라북도 완주 지역으로 1:25000 지형도의 도엽명 대아와 읍내의 일부지역이다. 영상자료는 2001년 8월 18일에 촬영된 IKONOS Multispectral 자료를 이용하였다. 영상의 기하보정을 위하여 RPC Model과 1:25000 수치지형도로부터 만들어진 DEM을 사용하였다. 기하보정된 영상을 이용하여 영상분할(Segmentation)을 실시하여 서로 중복되지 않는 동질한 지역으로 구분하였다. 이때 기존의 수치임상도를 Super-Object로 사용하여 영상을 분할할 때 형성될 수 있는 가장 큰 Segment로 제한하였으며 Super-Object의 경계를 벗어나지 않는 보다 작은 Sub-Object를 만들도록 하여 분할영상의 계층적 구조를 형성하였다. 어느 한 임상내에서 변화가 발생하면 변화가 발생한 지역은 변화가 발생하지 않은 지역과 서로 다른 분광특성을 나타내므로 별도의 Segment를 형성하게 된다. 따라서 임상도의 경계선으로부터 획득된 Super-Object의 분광반사 값과 그 안에서 형성된 Sub-Object의 분광반사값의 차이를 이용하여 임상도의 갱신을 위한 변화지역을 탐지하였다.

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A Development of the Evaluation Criteria for Bicycle's Facilities of Attending Work and School Trip (통근·통학형 자전거 이용시설 평가지표 개발)

  • Won, Jaimu;Jin, Wonyoung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.5D
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    • pp.429-435
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    • 2012
  • A Development of the Evaluation Criteria on the User's Bicycle Environment for Work and School Trip Purpose: This study suggests future improvements and some current questions about the development of the evaluation criteria on the user's bicycle environment for Work and School Trip Purpose. The direction of development on Evaluation Criteria is all about on the side of necessity of bicycle users, the reflection of new policy, the construction of total evaluation criteria, and the examination of connecting study with current study. This study establishes a Development of the Evaluation Criteria on the User's Bicycle Environment for Work and School Trip Purpose. After that, this study examines previous evaluation criterias and researchers will select the primary provision of evaluation through FGI, and they derive the final evaluation criteria throughout the verification of suitability on Evaluation Criteria. The summery of this study is like this. First, suggestions of improvements of zones in bicycles users' evaluations, Second Suggestions of the current conditions by GIS and the result of model analysis, Third Clarify of major provisions in terms of zones by using Spider Map.

Child-Care Infrastructures and the Perception of Community Family-Friendliness : Parents with Young Children in 25 Provinces in Seoul (보육서비스 인프라가 영유아 부모의 지역사회 가족친화성 인식에 미치는 영향 : 서울시 25개 구를 중심으로)

  • Yoo, Jae-Eon;Chin, Meejung
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.63-79
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    • 2013
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of family-friendly community policy and child care policy on parents with young children. Particularly, two specific questions were addressed: 1) Were there differences in the perception of community family-friendliness among parents with young children in Seoul provinces? 2) Were there differences in the perception of community family-friendliness among parents with young children, depending on child-care infrastructures in Seoul provinces? Data for this study were drawn from multiple sources. Individual-level indicators were drawn from the survey of 1,246 parents with children under age 6 in Seoul. Community-level indicators were drawn from the 2011 Seoul census data. Frequency, descriptive statistics, GIS mapping, and hierarchical linear model analysis were conducted to examine the perception of community family-friendliness by individual, child-care infrastructures, and the community at large. The major results of the present study are as follows: The perception of parents on community family-friendliness varied across the 25 provinces in Seoul. The perception of community family-friendliness was positively related with the total number of child day-care centers, and the number of infant-toddler child daycare centers. The number of accredited child daycare centers was negatively associated with the perception of community family-friendliness.

Suitability Modelling for Potential Sites for Seoul's 2030 Youth-Housing Projects: Focusing on the 5th Policy Modification and the Youth's Demand (서울시 역세권 청년주택 사업 적지평가 모형: 5차 운영기준 개정과 청년수요의 반영을 중심으로)

  • Park, MinHo;Kim, MyoungHoon;Cheon, SangHyun
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2020
  • The Seoul's 2030 Youth-Housing is a policy to promote the development of private sector-built rental housing in a Station Influence Area (SIA). It is a representative policy to resolve a housing problem for the youth in Seoul. The Seoul Metropolitan Government has made continuous policy improvements to respond to earlier criticisms on the policy. In December 2018, the Seoul Metropolitan Government enlarged the possible spatial boundaries of the SIA that the private sector developer can carry out the housing development projects. This study attempts to assess the potential sites available in Seoul by considering the youth's demand. This study used the suitability modelling technique to evaluate the potential sites. In detail, we established three sub-models by reflecting rent, accessibility to living areas of the youth, and accessibility to living SOC for the youth's demand. According to the results, the Hanyang City Wall area, which was newly included by the recent policy revision, showed moderate scores to fit the housing projects, while some Gangbuk areas, which have high accessibility and relatively lower rents, showed the best scores appropriate for the projects. The age group of 20s preferred university districts, while the age group of 30s preferred to locate near Seoul's main office areas. We suggest that the Seoul metropolitan government develops better ways to guage and reflect the demand for differing youth groups and the demand by age groups.

An Application of Network Autocorrelation Model Utilizing Nodal Reliability (집합점의 신뢰성을 이용한 네트워크 자기상관 모델의 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Ho
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.492-507
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    • 2008
  • Many classical network analysis methods approach networks in aspatial perspectives. Measuring network reliability and finding critical nodes in particular, the analyses consider only network connection topology ignoring spatial components in the network such as node attributes and edge distances. Using local network autocorrelation measure, this study handles the problem. By quantifying similarity or clustering of individual objects' attributes in space, local autocorrelation measures can indicate significance of individual nodes in a network. As an application, this study analyzed internet backbone networks in the United States using both classical disjoint product method and Getis-Ord local G statistics. In the process, two variables (population size and reliability) were applied as node attributes. The results showed that local network autocorrelation measures could provide local clusters of critical nodes enabling more empirical and realistic analysis particularly when research interests were local network ranges or impacts.

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Comparison of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Road Transportation of Local Government by Calculation Methods (배출량 산정방법에 따른 지자체 도로수송부문의 온실가스 배출량 산정 비교)

  • Kim, Ki-Dong;Ko, Hyun-Ki;Lee, Tae-Jung;Kim, Dong-Sool
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.405-415
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this study was to compare greenhouse gas emissions from road transportation by calculation methods (Tier 1, Teir 2, and Tier 3). Tier 1 based on 2006 IPCC guidelines default emission factor and amount of fuel consumption. The Tier 2 approach is the same as Tier 1 except that country-specific carbon contents of the fuel sold in road transport are used. Tier 2 based on emission factor of guidelines for local government greenhouse gas inventories (Korea Environment Corporation), the fuel consumption per one vehicle, and the registered motor vehicles. The Tier 3 approach requires detailed, country-specific data to generate activity-based emission factors for vehicle subcategories (National Institute of Environmental Research) and may involve national models. Tier 3 calculates emissions by multiplying emission factors by vehicle activity levels (e.g., VKT) for each vehicle subcategory and possible road type. VKT was estimated by using GIS road map and traffic volume of the section. The GHG average emission rate by the Tier 1 was 728,857 $tonCO_2eq$/yr, while Tier 2 and Tier 3 were 864,757 $tonCO_2eq$/yr and 661,710 $tonCO_2eq$/yr, respectively. Tier 3 was underestimated by 10.1 and 20.7 percent for the GHG emission observed by Tier 1 and Tier 2, respectively. Based on this study, we conclude that Tier 2 is reasonable GHG emissions than Tier 1 or Tier 3. But, further study is still needed to accurate GHG emission from Tier 3 method by expanding the traffic survey area and developing the model of local road traffic.