• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS Model

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Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Considering the Saturation Depth Ratio by Rainfall Change (강우변화에 따른 토층 내 침투깊이를 고려한 산사태위험지수 개발)

  • Kwak, Jae Hwan;Kim, Man-Il;Lee, Seung-Jae
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.687-699
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    • 2018
  • Understanding rain infiltration into the ground is an important feature of landslide risk evaluation. In this study, a landslide risk index for the study area is suggested, wherein the result of the landslide risk evaluation, based on the factor of safety (FS), is used. The landslide risk index is a landslide risk prediction index that utilizes the saturated depth ratio of the ground. Based on the landslide risk result for the study area, it was found that the FS was first to decrease. However, it gradually became convergent over the 50-year rainfall intensity study period, a result that is similar to the relationship between the saturated depth ratio and soil thickness. Moreover, saturated depth was also found to be deeper on gentle slopes than steep slopes. As such, the landslide risk index, based on the Inhu-ri study result, is thus suggested. Additionally, the suggested landslide risk index was compared and analyzed against the rainfall intensity of previous landslide experience. Results thus revealed that almost all landslides that occurred were over 0.7, which is the second grade, based on the landslide risk index.

A Comparative Study on HSI and MaxEnt Habitat Prediction Models: About Prionailurus bengalensis (HSI와 MaxEnt를 통한 삵의 서식지 예측 모델 비교 연구)

  • Yoo, Da-Young;Lim, Tai-Yang;Kim, Whee-Moon;Song, Won-Kyong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2021
  • Excessive development and urbanization have destroyed animal, plant, habitats and reduced biodiversity. In order to preserve species diversity, habitat prediction studies are have been conducted at home and overseas using various modeling techniques. This study was conducted to suggest optimal habitat modeling research by comparing HSI and MaxEnt, which are widely used among habitat modeling techniques. The study was targeted on the endangered species of Prionailurus bengalensis in nearby areas (5460.35km2) including Cheonan City, and the same data were used for analysis to compare those models. According to the HSI analysis, Prionailurus bengalensis's habitat probability was 74.65% for less than 0.5 and 25.34% for more than 0.5 and the top 30% were forest (99.07%). MaxEnt's analysis showed that 56.22% of those below 0.5 and 43.79% of those above 0.5 were found to have a high explanatory power of 78.3% of AUC. The Paired Wilcoxn test, which evaluated the significance of thoes models, confirmed that the mean difference between the two models was statistically significant (p<0.05). Analysis of the differences in the results of those models using the matrix table shows that score 24.43% HSI and MaxEnt was accordance,12.44% of the 0.0 to 0.2 section, 7.22% of the 0.2 to 0.4 section, 2.73% of the 0.4 to 0.6 section, 1.96% of the 0.6 to 0.8, and 0.08% of the 0.9 to 1.0. To verify where the score difference appears, the result values of those models were reset to values from 1 to 5 and overlaid. Overlapping analysis resulted in 30.26% of the Strongly agree values, 56.77% of the agree values, and 11.92% of the Disagree values. The places where the difference in scores occurs were analyzed in the order of forest (45.23%), agricultural land (34.57%), and urbanization area (7.65%). This confirmed that the analysis of the same target species within the same target site also has differences in forecasts depending on the modelling method. Therefore, a novel analysis method combining the advantages of each modeling in habitat prediction studies should be developed, and future study may be used to select Prionailurus bengalensis and species-protected areas and species protection areas in the future. Further research is judged to require higher accuracy studies through the use of various modeling techniques and on-site verification.

A Study on the Use of Grid-based Spatial Information for Response to Typhoons (태풍대응을 위한 격자 기반 공간정보 활용방안 연구)

  • Hwang, Byungju;Lee, Junwoo;Kim, Dongeun;Kim, Jangwook
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: To reduce the damage caused by continuously occurring typhoons, we proposed a standardized grid so that it could be actively utilized in the prevention and preparation stage of typhoon response. We established grid-based convergence information on the typhoon risk area so that we showed the effectiveness of information used in disaster response. Method: To generate convergent information on typhoon hazard areas that can be useful in responding to typhoon situation, we used various types of data such as vector and raster to establish typhoon hazard area small grid-based information. A standardized grid model was applied for compatibility with already produced information and for compatibility of grid information generated by each local government. Result: By applying the grid system of National branch license plates, a grid of typhoon risk areas in Seoul was constructed that can be usefully used when responding to typhoon situations. The grid system of National branch license plates defines the grid size of a multi-dimensional hierarchical structure. And a grid of typhoon risk areas in Seoul was constructed using grids of 100m and 1,000m. Conclusion: Using real-time 5km resolution grid based weather information provided by Korea Meteorological Administration, in the future, it is possible to derive near-future typhoon hazard areas according to typhoon travel route prediction. In addition, the national branch number grid system can be expanded to global grid systems for global response to various disasters.

A Study on Selection of an Overhead Electrical Transmission Line Corridor with Social Conflict (사회적 갈등을 갖는 송전선로 경과지 선정에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Hong-Chul;Moon, Chae-Joo;Kim, Hak-Jae
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.577-584
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    • 2021
  • Electrical energy is an essential component in present societies, which is an important basis for our technological society. In the design of new power infrastructure, it is important to consider the psychological aspects of how our culture considers and aspects its development as an integral component of the community environment. The construction of new high voltage overhead transmission lines has become a controversial issue for public policy of government due to social opposition. The members of community are concerned about how these power lines may have an impact on their lives, basically caused by their effects on health and safety. The landscape and visual impact is one of the most impact that can be easily perceived for local community. The computer 3D simulation of new landscape is illustrated by a real life use corresponding to the selection of the power line route with least observability for local community. This paper used ArcGIS(geographic information system tool) for planning, survey, basic route and detailed route, route for implementation of transmission line corridor. Also, the paper showed the map of natural environment, living environment, safety and altitude using database of power line corridor, and transmission siting model was developed by this study. The suggested landscape of computer simulation with lowest visibility on a power line zone can contribute to reducing oppositions of local community and accelerating the construction of new power lines.

A Study on Traditional Darangyi-Rice Terrace as Design Factors of Agricultural Landscape (농업경관의 디자인적 요소인 전통다랑논 조사연구)

  • Son, Ho-Gi;Kim, Sang-Bum;Kim, Eun-Ja;Rhee, Sang-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2011
  • This study is to be used as a fundamental material of rural amenity resources researches, such as excavating, establishing and modifying national agricultural landscape resources, so as to efficiently manage them. It is carried out with targeting traditional Darangyi-Rice terrace which has design factors of agricultural landscape resources. We have set up the standard range with practicable similar standard(Marginal Farmland and Less Favored Areas and etc), those of Japan, and the results of analyzing the characteristics of Darangyi-Rice terrace already known. As a result of the field investigation, it has been revealed that a great deal of Darangyi-Rice terrace are being used for not corresponding purposes, or damaged and disappeared. For preserving and well-managing Darangyi-Rice terrace as a rural landscape resource which has rural design factors, it should be advanced detailed and accurate studies on present conditions and changes of Darangyi-Rice terrace, with researches on significances, values, utilities and economical efficiency of Darangyi-Rice terrace by regions. In addition, we utilized various spatial imagery data in the researching process. Consequently, it is concluded that if high resolution imagery data is used, it can establish rather minute and accurate large-scale DB, and monitor elaborate changes as well. It is therefore thought that its application can be higher as actualizing DB hereafter.

A Study on the Surveillance System and the Location of Fortress of the Sil-la Dynasty by a Cumulative Visibility Analysis (누적가시도 분석을 이용한 신라시대의 산성 입지와 감시체계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Choong-Sik;Lee, Jae-Yong;Kim, Young-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.12-21
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    • 2011
  • We investigated the location and surveillance system of fortress using inter-visibility analysis between fortress and the capital of the Silla Dynasty. The digital terrain model(DTM) was generated with $10{\times}10m$ grid in Arcview 3.2. Then three fortresses lines(Myeonghwal-sanseong, Namsan-shinseong, Seohyeong-sanseong) were superimposed on the DTM. 4 results of this study were drew out from the cumulative visibility analysis. First, the most of fortress lines which showed the high visible frequency from the Sila-Capital(538 viewpoints) have a good aspect toward the capital. It means that 3 fortresses secured the visibility to the capital. Second, the cumulative visibility analysis from 3 fortresses generated evenly distributed visible frequency across the inside of fortress. It shows that the inner area of fortress is more advantageous to command during the war. On the contrary, a number of invisible(vulnerable) regions which is scattered on the outside were supplemented by adjacent fortress. Third, the north area of the Sila-captial showed the highest visible frequency generated by sum up the visibility from 3 fortresses. The northern captial is placed within 4km distance easy to support at the Myeonghwal and Seohyeong-sanseong. We proved that the Sila-capital had organized a solid surveillance system by 3 fortresses. Fourth, we could infer the practical process of fortress layout from comparing a cumulative visibility map. For the secure of visibility and defense systems, the fortress line would form a rising shape to the peak. This practical location theory can replace the vague common location theory that the fortress would constructed on two thirds of mountain height. It will be an empirical method in the ancient remains research.

Interregional Variant Factor Analysis of Hypertension Treatment Rate in COVID-19 (코로나19에서 고혈압 치료율의 지역 간 변이요인 분석)

  • Park, Jong-Ho;Kim, Ji-Hye
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.469-482
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze regional variation factors of hypertension treatment rate in COVID-19 based on the analysis results based on ecological methodology. To this end, data suitable for ecological analysis were collected from the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's regional health statistics, local government COVID-19 confirmed cases, National Health Insurance Corporation, Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service's welfare statistics, and Korea Transport Institute's traffic access index. Descriptive statistics and correlation analysis were conducted using SPSS Statistics 23 for regional variation and related factors in hypertension treatment rate, and geographical weighted regression analysis was conducted using Arc GIS for regional variation factors. As a result of the study, the overall explanatory power of the calculated geo-weighted regression model was 27.6%, distributed from 23.1% to 33.4% by region. As factors affecting the treatment rate of hypertension, the higher the rate of basic living security medical benefits, diabetes treatment rate, and health institutions per 100,000 population, the higher the rate of hypertension treatment, the lower the number of COVID-19 confirmed patients, the lower the rate of physical activity, and the alcohol consumption. Percentage of alcohol consumption decreased due to COVID-19 pandemic. It was analyzed that the lower the ratio, the higher the treatment rate for hypertension. Based on these results, the analysis of regional variables in the treatment rate of hypertension in COVID-19 can be expected to be effective in managing the treatment rate of hypertension, and furthermore, it is expected to be used to establish community-centered health promotion policies.

Relationship between Solar Radiation in Complex Terrains and Shaded Relief Images (복잡지형에서의 일사량과 휘도 간의 관계 구명)

  • Yun, Eun-Jeong;Kim, Dae-Jun;Kim, Jin-Hee;Kang, Dae-Gyoon;Kim, Soo-Ock;Kim, Yongseok
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.283-294
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    • 2021
  • Solar radiation is an important meteorological factor in the agricultural sector. The ground exposed to sunlight is highly influenced by the surrounding terrains especially in South Korea where the topology is complex. The solar radiation on an inclined surface is estimated using a solar irradiance correction factor for the slope of the terrain along with the solar radiation on a horizontal surface. However, such an estimation method assumes that there is no barrier in surroundings, which blocks sunlight from the sky. This would result in errors in estimation of solar radiation because the effect of shading caused by the surrounding terrain has not been taken into account sufficiently. In this study, the shading effect was simulated to obtain the brightness value (BV), which was used as a correction factor. The shaded relief images, which were generated using a 30m-resolution digital elevation model (DEM), were used to derive the BVs. These images were also prepared using the position of the sun and the relief of the terrain as inputs. The gridded data where the variation of direct solar radiation was quantified as brightness were obtained. The value of cells in the gridded data ranged from 0 (the darkest value) to 255 (the brightest value). The BV analysis was performed using meteorological observation data at 22 stations installed in study area. The observed insolation was compared with the BV of each point under clear and cloudless condition. It was found that brightness values were significantly correlated with the solar radiation, which confirmed that shading due to terrain could explain the variation in direct solar radiation. Further studies are needed to accurately estimate detailed solar radiation using shaded relief images and brightness values.

Automatic Drawing and Structural Editing of Road Lane Markings for High-Definition Road Maps (정밀도로지도 제작을 위한 도로 노면선 표시의 자동 도화 및 구조화)

  • Choi, In Ha;Kim, Eui Myoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.363-369
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    • 2021
  • High-definition road maps are used as the basic infrastructure for autonomous vehicles, so the latest road information must be quickly reflected. However, the current drawing and structural editing process of high-definition road maps are manually performed. In addition, it takes the longest time to generate road lanes, which are the main construction targets. In this study, the point cloud of the road lane markings, in which color types(white, blue, and yellow) were predicted through the PointNet model pre-trained in previous studies, were used as input data. Based on the point cloud, this study proposed a methodology for automatically drawing and structural editing of the layer of road lane markings. To verify the usability of the 3D vector data constructed through the proposed methodology, the accuracy was analyzed according to the quality inspection criteria of high-definition road maps. In the positional accuracy test of the vector data, the RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) for horizontal and vertical errors were within 0.1m to verify suitability. In the structural editing accuracy test of the vector data, the structural editing accuracy of the road lane markings type and kind were 88.235%, respectively, and the usability was verified. Therefore, it was found that the methodology proposed in this study can efficiently construct vector data of road lanes for high-definition road maps.

Analysis of Time Series Changes in the Surrounding Environment of Rural Local Resources Using Aerial Photography and UAV - Focousing on Gyeolseong-myeon, Hongseong-gun - (항공사진과 UAV를 이용한 농촌지역자원 주변환경의 시계열 변화 분석 - 충청남도 홍성군 결성면을 중심으로 -)

  • An, Phil-Gyun;Eom, Seong-Jun;Kim, Yong-Gyun;Cho, Han-Sol;Kim, Sang-Bum
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.55-70
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    • 2021
  • In this study, in the field of remote sensing, where the scope of application is rapidly expanding to fields such as land monitoring, disaster prediction, facility safety inspection, and maintenance of cultural properties, monitoring of rural space and surrounding environment using UAV is utilized. It was carried out to verify the possibility, and the following main results were derived. First, the aerial image taken with an unmanned aerial vehicle had a much higher image size and spatial resolution than the aerial image provided by the National Geographic Information Service. It was suitable for analysis due to its high accuracy. Second, the more the number of photographed photos and the more complex the terrain features, the more the point cloud included in the aerial image taken with the UAV was extracted. As the amount of point cloud increases, accurate 3D mapping is possible, For accurate 3D mapping, it is judged that a point cloud acquisition method for difficult-to-photograph parts in the air is required. Third, 3D mapping technology using point cloud is effective for monitoring rural space and rural resources because it enables observation and comparison of parts that cannot be read from general aerial images. Fourth, the digital elevation model(DEM) produced with aerial image taken with an UAV can visually express the altitude and shape of the topography of the study site, so it can be used as data to predict the effects of topographical changes due to changes in rural space. Therefore, it is possible to utilize various results using the data included in the aerial image taken by the UAV. In this study, the superiority of images acquired by UAV was verified by comparison with existing images, and the effect of 3D mapping on rural space monitoring was visually analyzed. If various types of spatial data such as GIS analysis and topographic map production are collected and utilized using data that can be acquired by unmanned aerial vehicles, it is expected to be used as basic data for rural planning to maintain and preserve the rural environment.