• Title/Summary/Keyword: GIS(Geographic information System),

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Strategies for National Spatial Data Infrastructure (국가공간정보기반 구축전락)

  • 정문섭;김동한
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.341-358
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    • 2003
  • Korean government has conducted National Geographic Information System(NGIS) project since 1995. The NGIS was set up and directed by central government to stimulate the growth of GIS field in Korea. Thanks to the project, all aspects of GIS in Korea has been rapidly developed. However, this government-led strategy now reveals some limitations on the advancement of GIS in Korea It is time to prepare new approaches for the further development of GIS in Korea. This study aims at introducing the concept and model of National Spatial Data Infrastructure(NSDI) and suggesting strategies fir it. By doing so, this research attempts to reestablish the role of government and draws new policy directions for the NGIS.

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A Study on the Development of the Experimental Educational Facility Management Information System based on the Nationwide Development Plan of the Educational Administration Information System (전국단위(全國單位) 교육행정정보체계(敎育行政情報體系) 구축사업(構築事業) 적용(適用)을 위한 실험적(實驗的) 교육시설현황관리(敎育施設現況管理)시스템 개발(開發)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Ock, Jong-Ho;Ahn, Byong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2002
  • The main objective of this research is to develop an experimental educational facility management information system that will be used for maintaining existing educational facilities in the elementary, junior high, and high schools. The development is based on the nationwide development plan of the education administration information system. The system developed is accomplished by use of Map-application Information System(MAPIS), an applied commercial software that combines Geographic Information System(GIS) with existing Information and Communication Technologies(ICT) such as Database system, Multimedia methodology, and Internet system. In order to figure out the features to be improved in the system developed, the research interviewed the educational facilities management in the Ministry of Education and P Local Education Authority. The authors suggest the functional improvement of the system based on the interview results.

A Study on the Recent Trends of GIS and Digital Data in JAPAN (일본의 GIS 및 수치정보 구축에 대한 연혁적 고찰에 관한 연구)

  • 최봉문
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.153-168
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    • 1998
  • The history of GIS in Japan have been started from the Mesh-data at 1969 and the UIS (Urban Information System) at the early 1970's, and recently we can find the tenn of GIS in many fields and places in Japan. Specially after the Earthquake disaster of Kobe, the importance of the Emergency Management System and the Spatial Data Framework have been growing quickly and the studies and projects of GIS have been increased more and more. I hope that the study about the history and the recent situation of GIS in Japan can show the right way for many GIS projects in our country and so we can be escaped from the amusement of time and money, because the land Regulation System and the Concept of Land Ownership of Japan are very similar to those of Korea. For that purpose, first, I try to trace the history and the present situation of GIS, UIS, FM/AM and Spatial Database Framework in Japan, second, to identify the advantages and disadvantages and problems of Japanese system and finally to suggest more propper way for the GIS projects in Korea.

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A Spatial Data Construction System with Video GIS (비디오 GIS를 이용한 공간데이터 구축 시스템)

  • Joo, In-Hak;Yoo, Jae-Jun;Nam, Kwang-Woo;Kim, Min-Soo;Lee, Jong-Hun
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2002.11c
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    • pp.1903-1906
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    • 2002
  • Video GIS is a spatial information system where video is used and integrated with map or other media such as 3D graphics, image, video, and satellite imagery. The information expressed by video, in nature, can provide realistic information. The connection of map and image of actual geographic object brings realistic visualization, which overcomes the limitation of conventional map-based GIS. In the suggested video GIS, location information is contained in video data and thereby enables two-sided searching, browsing, and analyses. In this paper, we suggest video GIS that integrates and manages video and map, and that constructs spatial information. We also develop a prototype system of video GIS in the field of roadside facility management, and show the results.

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Web-based GIS for Real Time Hydrologic Topographical Data Extraction for the Geum River Watershed in Korea (Web기반 GIS를 이용한 금강유역의 실시간 수문지형인자 추출)

  • Nam, Won-Ho;Choi, Jin-Yong;Jang, Min-Won;Engel, B.A.
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2007
  • Watershed topographical information is required in hydrologic analysis, supporting efficient hydrologic model operation and managing water resources. Watershed topographical data extraction systems based on desktop GIS are abundant these days placing burdens for spatial data processing on users. This paper describes development of a Web-based Geographic Information Systems that can delineate the Geum River sub-basins and extract watershed topographical data in real time. Through this system, users can obtain a watershed boundary by selecting outlet location and then extracting topographical data including watershed area, boundary length, average altitude, slope distribution about the elevation range with Web browsers. Moreover, the system provides watershed hydrological data including land use, soil types, soil drainage conditions, and NRCS(Natural Resources Conservation Service) curve number for hydrologic model operation through grid overlay technique. The system operability was evaluated with the hydrological data of WAMIS(Water Management Information System) with the government operation Web site as reference data.

Selective Encryption Algorithm Using Hybrid Transform for GIS Vector Map

  • Van, Bang Nguyen;Lee, Suk-Hwan;Kwon, Ki-Ryong
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.68-82
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    • 2017
  • Nowadays, geographic information system (GIS) is developed and implemented in many areas. A huge volume of vector map data has been accessed unlawfully by hackers, pirates, or unauthorized users. For this reason, we need the methods that help to protect GIS data for storage, multimedia applications, and transmission. In our paper, a selective encryption method is presented based on vertex randomization and hybrid transform in the GIS vector map. In the proposed algorithm, polylines and polygons are focused as the targets for encryption. Objects are classified in each layer, and all coordinates of the significant objects are encrypted by the key sets generated by using chaotic map before changing them in DWT, DFT domain. Experimental results verify the high efficiency visualization by low complexity, high security performance by random processes.

Development of Web-GIS based SWAT Data Generation System (Web-GIS 기반 SWAT 자료 공급 시스템 구축)

  • Nam, Won-Ho;Choi, Jin-Yong;Hong, Eun-Mi;Kim, Hak-Kwan
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2009
  • Watershed topographical data is essential for the management for water resources and watershed management in terms of hydrology analysis. Collecting watershed topographical and meteorological data is the first step for simulating hydrological models and calculating hydrological components. This study describes a specialized Web-based Geographic Information Systems, Soil Water Assessment Tool model data generation system, which was developed to support SWAT model operation using Web-GIS capability for map browsing, online watershed delineation and topographical and meteorological data extraction. This system tested its operability extracting watershed topographical and meteorological data in real time and the extracted spatial and weather data were seamlessly imported to ArcSWAT system demonstrating its usability. The Web-GIS would be useful to users who are willing to operate SWAT models for the various watershed management purposes in terms of spatial and weather preparing.

Developing the 3D high-resolution forest mapping system using satellite images and GIS

  • Jo Myung-Hee;Jo Yun-Won;Kim Dong-Young;Kim Joon-Bum;Kim In-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.322-325
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    • 2004
  • Recently the domestic technologies to manage forest and to control all related information were developed very rapidly by integrating FGIS (Forest Geographic Information System) and IT (Information technology). However, there still exists a mapping problem for example when overlaying a topography maps scaled in 1/5,000 to a forest type map scaled in 1/25.000. Moreover, there is a greater need to introduce the advanced spatial technologies such as high-resolution satellite image such as IKONOS and GIS to forest. In this study, 3D high-resolution forest mapping system was developed to possibly overlay with all kinds of scale maps and provide the all detailed information by using high-resolution satellite image and GIS. Through this system, all related forest officials could have and maintain the data consistency for their job and share the standard forest database with other post.

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The Design and Implementation of Tracking the Vehicle over the GPS system (GPS를 이용한 차량 추적 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Yong Kwon;Lee, Dae Sik;Jang, Chung Ryong
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 2013
  • A system of tracking a vehicle collects the vehicle location and then transmits the data into a GIS server in order to provide several service areas. An ODU built in the vehicle savesa GPS information data and communicates with the RSU installed in the road over the wave technology. The collected data in RSU is transmitted into the GIS serverand is stored. The system based on the collected GPS data in each vehicle is providing useful and various services between RSU and OBU. In this paper indicates that the system is designed in 2 phasesbased on the collected GPS data. The result comparing to process of GPS data created in 1 phase and 2 phase over the Web GIS service indicates that the capability of process of the GPS data in 2 phase is enhanced in "50.88% ~ 51.81%". Therefore, when the accident is happened the system of tracking the vehicle over GPS tech not only receives the information properly but also provides the emergence rescue services.