• Title/Summary/Keyword: Flow map

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Application on the Coupled Short-Term Precipitation-Stream Flow Forecast (단기 예측강우를 활용한 유출량 예측 활용)

  • Yun, Won Jin;Kim, Jin Hun;Bae, Deg Hyo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2004.05b
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    • pp.308-312
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    • 2004
  • 본 연구에서는 기상 수치모델의 예측강우량을 활용하여 단시간 하천유출량을 계산할 수 있는 기상-수자원 연계기법을 개발하였다. 이를 위해 기상청의 RDAPS 강수자료와 수자원공사의 치수모델인 KOWACO 모델을 통해 소양강댐 상류유역의 댐유입량을 계산하고 그 정확도를 분석하려다. 대상 사례기간인 2003년 7월 18일부터 2003년 7월 24일까지 RDAPS 강우예측자료의 정확도를 평가한 결과, RDAPS 및 AWS MAP 사이의 정성적 평가에서 매우 우수한 정확도를 보이고, 수자원 측면에서 필요한 정량적 성격을 어느 정도 충족시키는 것으로 나타났다. RDAPS-KOWACO 연계 모형의 하천유출량 계산에서도 그 정확도가 비교적 높은 것으로 검토되어 현재의 하천 유출량 예측에서 기상 수치예보자료의 활용성은 매우 놀은 것으로 사료된다.

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Construction of the Curve Number Estimation System Using Geographic Information System (GIS를 이용한 CN 산정시스템 구축)

  • Chae, Jong Hun.;Jeong, In Ju;Kim, Sang Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2004.05b
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    • pp.1262-1266
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    • 2004
  • The current combining of computer and geographic information technology. The result of such research oil determinate objective factors of hydrologic-topographical parameters through joining hydrology and GIS(Geographic Information System). In this study, we wish to offer the base data to determinate hydrologic-topographical parameters request of runoff model analysis in this basin. First, we computed the CN(curve number) by using GIS, and then classify the digital map of soil group and landuse on the Sulma river basin. Second, we used Avenue Script to calculate the height of efficient GIS work before using the Clark model to work out flood runoff flow.

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A Low Complexity PTS Technique using Threshold for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems

  • Lim, Dai Hwan;Rhee, Byung Ho
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.6 no.9
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    • pp.2191-2201
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    • 2012
  • Traffic classification seeks to assign packet flows to an appropriate quality of service (QoS) class based on flow statistics without the need to examine packet payloads. Classification proceeds in two steps. Classification rules are first built by analyzing traffic traces, and then the classification rules are evaluated using test data. In this paper, we use self-organizing map and K-means clustering as unsupervised machine learning methods to identify the inherent classes in traffic traces. Three clusters were discovered, corresponding to transactional, bulk data transfer, and interactive applications. The K-nearest neighbor classifier was found to be highly accurate for the traffic data and significantly better compared to a minimum mean distance classifier.

Prediction of Potential Landslide Sites Using Determinitstic Model (결정론적 기법을 이용한 산사태 위험지 예측)

  • Cha, Kyung-Seob;Chang, Pyoung-Wuck;Woo, Chull-Woong;Kim, Seong-Pil
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2005
  • Almost every year, Korea has been suffered from serious damages of lives and properties, due to landslides that are triggered by heavy rains in monsoon season. In this paper, we systematized the physically based landslide prediction model which consisted of 3 parts, infinite slope stability analysis model, groundwater flow model and soil depth model. To evaluate its applicability to the prediction of landslides, the data of actual landslides were plotted on the predicted areas on the GIS map. The matching rate of this model to the actual data was $84.8\%$. And the relation between hydrological and land form factors and potential landslide were analyzed.

Classification of Traffic Flows into QoS Classes by Unsupervised Learning and KNN Clustering

  • Zeng, Yi;Chen, Thomas M.
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.134-146
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    • 2009
  • Traffic classification seeks to assign packet flows to an appropriate quality of service(QoS) class based on flow statistics without the need to examine packet payloads. Classification proceeds in two steps. Classification rules are first built by analyzing traffic traces, and then the classification rules are evaluated using test data. In this paper, we use self-organizing map and K-means clustering as unsupervised machine learning methods to identify the inherent classes in traffic traces. Three clusters were discovered, corresponding to transactional, bulk data transfer, and interactive applications. The K-nearest neighbor classifier was found to be highly accurate for the traffic data and significantly better compared to a minimum mean distance classifier.

Deformation Characteristic by Compression in High-Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel (고질소강 오스테나이트계 스테인레스강의 압축변형특성)

  • Lee, J.W.;Kim, D.S.;Kim, B.K.;Lee, M.R.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.139-141
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    • 2007
  • Compression tests were carried out to investigate morphologies of compressed specimen, deformation microstructure and stress-strain relation in high-nitrogen austenite stainless steel. Tests were performed under a wide range of temperature and, with true strain rates up to $\dot{\varepsilon}$ =0.05, 0.1, 0.5 and $1.0s^{-1}$. The activation energy of loading force was equal to plastic deformation energy within the temperature range of $900^{\circ}C$ to $1250^{\circ}C$. Dynamically recrystallized grain size decreased with an increasing strain rate and temperature. Flow stresses and deformation microstructures, were used to quantify the critical strain rate and recrystallized grain size. The grain size versus strain rate-temperature map obtained in the study was in good agreement with the deformation microstructures of compressed specimens.

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Qualitative Research Method in Mathematics Education (수학교육에서 질적(Qualitative) 연구 방법)

  • 이중권
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 2003
  • This research discussed a general concept on the qualitative research methods in mathematics education. It provided a classification of research methods in mathematics education. It also described research trends in mathematics education. It addressed how research design facilitates formulating a research problem, selecting a research design, choosing who and what to study, deciding how to approach Participants, selecting means to collect data choosing how to analyzing data, and interpreting data and applying the analysis. This study addressed the issues involved in choosing relevant populations and in selecting and sampling qualitative data. It described how populations are conceptualized and distinguished between probability sampling and criterion based selection. It discussed not only data arrangement such as, cross-sectional and categorical indexing, non-cross- sectional data organization, but also diagram flow chart matrix, cognitive map, family tree to facilitate analyzing data.

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A Study on the Analysis of the Space as a Closed School and Elderly Care Facilities -focused on the Space Syntax- (폐교를 활용한 노인요양시설의 공간분석에 관한 연구 -공간구문론을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Jae-Young;Lee, Jong-Kuk
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2012
  • Due to the fact that there are low birth rate and longer life longevity, schools have been shutting down and converted into welfare facilities. However, most of researches about utilizing closed down school are focused on case researches or architectural planning and design. Moreover, majority of existing welfare centers for the aged are not designed with the flow of human traffic in mind, which means there is no consideration of physical or psychological characteristics of elderly people. That fact leads to increasing number of shutting down welfare facilities. Therefore, this thesis will present the necessity of effective space allocation, extension and reconstruction for residents in aged care by analyzing space using index of space syntax with depth-map software.

SLAM with Visually Salient Line Features in Indoor Hallway Environments (실내 복도 환경에서 선분 특징점을 이용한 비전 기반의 지도 작성 및 위치 인식)

  • An, Su-Yong;Kang, Jeong-Gwan;Lee, Lae-Kyeong;Oh, Se-Young
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.40-47
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) of an indoor hallway environment using Rao-Blackwellized particle filter (RBPF) along with a line segment as a landmark. Based on the fact that fluent line features can be extracted around the ceiling and side walls of hallway using vision sensor, a horizontal line segment is extracted from an edge image using Hough transform and is also tracked continuously by an optical flow method. A successive observation of a line segment gives initial state of the line in 3D space. For data association, registered feature and observed feature are matched in image space through a degree of overlap, an orientation of line, and a distance between two lines. Experiments show that a compact environmental map can be constructed with small number of horizontal line features in real-time.

A Fuel Spiking Test for the Surge Margin Measurements in Gas Turbine Engines (가스 터빈 엔진의 서지마진 측정을 위한 연료 돌출 시험)

  • Lee, Jin-Kun;Kim, Chun-Taek;Lee, Kyung-Jae;Ha, Man-Ho;An, Dong-Chan;Yang, Soo-Seok;Lee, Dae-Sung
    • 유체기계공업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.12a
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    • pp.88-91
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    • 2003
  • A fuel spiking test was performed to measure the surge margin of gas turbine engines. The surge marin was mainly determined by the compressors and fuel spiking was used to change the operating point in the compressor characteristic map while speed remained constant. To access the surge margin region different spiking signals were applied by modulations of time(frequency) and fuel flow rate(amplitude). The test results showed good agreements with expected fuel spiking patterns and possibility of further studies.

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