• Title/Summary/Keyword: Financial Results

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The Effects of Financial Literacy, Self-Efficacy and Self-Coping on Financial Behavior of Emerging Adults

  • CHONG, Kok Fei;SABRI, Mohamad Fazli;MAGLI, Amirah Shazana;ABD RAHIM, Husniyah;MOKHTAR, Nuradibah;OTHMAN, Mohd Amim
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.905-915
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    • 2021
  • This study examines the relationship between financial behavior, financial literacy, self-efficacy, and self-coping among emerging adults. The study population is 790 respondents from 11 Credit Counselling and Debt Management (CCDM). Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used to analyze Pearson Correlation and Multiple regression. It was used to determine the relationships and recognize determinants of emerging adults' financial behavior respectively. In this study, financial literacy, self-efficacy, self-coping, and financial behavior variables were entered into the regression. A total of 790 respondents aged 40 and below were selected. An independent sample t-test was administered to compare the financial behavior scores for females and males. The results reveal that there was significant difference in the mean of financial behavior scores for females (M = 87.20, SD = 18.00) and males (M = 89.70, SD = 16.80; t (765) = 2.010, p = 0.045, two-tailed). The multiple regression results indicate that the model explained 13.4% of the variance in financial behavior, which is predicted significantly by the model (F = 38.361, p = 0.000). This study will be beneficial to policymakers to improve living conditions and to promote good financial behavior, financial literacy, self-efficacy as well as self-coping especially for emerging adults in Malaysia.

The Subjective Financial Well-Being Among Urban Households Based on a System's Approach (체계론적 관점에서 본 가정의 주관적 재정복지에 관한 연구)

  • 김연정;김순미
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.103-117
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate causal relations of resources and demands, family financial management and subjective financial wee-being among urban households by applying a system's approach. The data were collected through the questionnaire whose respondent were 455 housewives in Seoul. The data were analyzed by various statistical methods such as Frequency. Percentile, ANOVA , F-test, T-test, Pearson's correlation analysis, Multiple Regression Analysis. Path Analysis. The results of this research were as follows. 1) The level of subjective financial wee-being among urban households exceeded the middle level. It had significant differences according to resource variables such as age of housewife. education level of housewife, housewife's occupation, househead's occupation. per capita income, debt/net asset ratio, and according to demand variables such as aspiration, expectancy, perception of financial progress, relative deprivation. 2) The level of subjective financial well-being among urban households according to level of family financial management capability has significant differences. Therefore, the higher family financial management capability, the higher level of subjective financial well-being. 3) Among all variables affecting the subjective financial well-being among urban households. aspiration had the highest relative influence on the subjective financial well-being and per capita income, occupation of househead and family financial management variables were in this order. 4) Among all variables affecting the subjective financial well-being among urban households aspiration, occupation of househead, per capita income and finacial management variables had direct effect on subjective financial well-being . Besides housewife's education level, aspiration and per capita income had indirect effect on it through family financial management.

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Causal model of Urban Households' Subjective Financial Security (체계론에 근거한 주관적 재정안정도에 대한 인과적 모형)

  • 김연정
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.151-165
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this study was to examine causal model of resources and demands, family financial management and subjective financial security among urban households based on system theory. For this purpose, the data were collected by the questionnaire sheets. 455 housewives participated this survey in Seoul. And the data were analyzed by various statistical methods such as Frequency, Percentile, ANOVA, F-test, Pearson's correlation analysis, Multipe Regression Analysis, and Path Analysis. The results of this research were as follows: 1. There were significant differences in the Subjective Financial Security according to resource variables and demand yariables. Those variables were such as housewive's age, education, occupation, househead's occupation, per capita income, aspiration, expectancy, perception of financial progress and relative deprivation. 2. The higher family financial management level, the higher level of Subjective Financial security. And the higher family financial management plan·implement level, the higher level of Subjective Financial security. 3. The lower debt/asset ratio, the higher level of Subjective Financial security. 4. Aspiration, per capita income an financial managemant variables showed direct effect on Subjective Financial security among all variables affecting the urban households' Subjective financial security. While housewive's education level, aspiration, per capita income and husband's occupation affected indirectly on the Subjective Financial security through family financial managemant.

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Factors Affecting Financial Risk: Evidence from Listed Enterprises in Vietnam

  • DANG, Hang Thu;PHAN, Duong Thuy;NGUYEN, Ha Thi;HOANG, Le Hong Thi
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.9
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2020
  • This paper analyzes factors affecting enterprise's financial risk listed on the Vietnam stock market. The panel data of research sample includes 524 non-financial listed enterprises on the Vietnam stock market for a period of eleven years, from 2009 to 2019. The Generalized Least Square (GLS) is employed to address econometric issues and to improve the accuracy of the regression coefficients. In this research, financial risk is measured by the Alexander Bathory model. Debt structure, Solvency, Profitability, Operational ability, Capital structure are independent variables in the study. Firm Size, firm age, growth rate are control variables. The model results show that in order to prevent and limit financial risk for enterprises listed on the Vietnam Stock Market, attention should be paid to variables reflecting Liability structure ratio, Quick Ratio, Return on Assets, Total asset turnover, Accounts receivable turnover, Net assets ratio and Fixed assets ratio. The empirical results show that there are differences in the impact of these factors on the financial risk in state-owned enterprises and non-state enterprises listed on the Vietnam stock market. The findings of this article are useful for business administrators, helping business managers make the right financial decisions to improve the efficiency of financial risk management in enterprises.

The Influence of Competitive Advantage on Financial Performance: A Case Study of SMEs in Vietnam

  • NGUYEN, Hoan;TRAN, Thi Hoang Mai;NGUYEN, Thi Hai Yen;TRUONG, Duc Dinh
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.335-343
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    • 2021
  • Profit generation is one of the main goals of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). SMEs have deployed a number of solutions to increase profits, including solutions to improve their financial advantage. The question is how to help SMEs make better and more effective decisions to improve their competitive advantage in order to improve their financial performance. The aim of this research is to examine the impact of competitive advantage on financial performance in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Hanoi. A survey of 120 accountants, sales staff and boards of directors of SMEs was conducted to collect data. Through quantity methodology, we used Cronbach's Alpha, EFA and correlation analysis to determine the relationship between competitive advantage and dependent variable - financial performance. The results showed that the competitive advantage had a positive relationship with financial performance. There is not, statistically, significant difference in the level of financial performance in SMEs in Hanoi in terms of genders and between the mentioned three groups of job descriptions. From the findings, this study suggests several recommendations to improve financial performance such as increase sales and increase profits. The results are considered as a useful reference for establishing policies to attract customers toward sustainable development of firms.

The Impact of Financial Distress on Cash Holdings in Indonesia: Does Business Group Affiliation Matter?

  • HADJAAT, Michael;YUDARUDDIN, Rizky;RIADI, Sukisno Selamet
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.373-381
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to investigate the impact of financial distress on the cash holding of non-financial companies in Indonesia as the largest emerging economy among ASEAN countries. Furthermore, the sub-sample business group to be investigated were divided into two, groups namely affiliated and non-affiliated groups. This was carried out to ascertain the difference in the impact of financial distress on cash holding between both groups. Sample collection was based on all firms listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) during 2008-2017, comprising 137 firms. The results showed that using the two-step system Generalized Method of Moments (GMM), the coefficients for financial distress (Z-Score) indices were positive and significant for all models. Therefore, the higher the Z-Score value, the lower the company's financial distress and vice versa. This implies that the lower the company's financial distress, the lower the cash holding. Furthermore, a positive and significant impact of the Z-Score on cash holding for non-affiliated groups was discovered. This implies that there are differences in the amount of cash holding between affiliated and non-affiliated groups. This result indicates that non-affiliated groups hold more cash during financial distress. However, these results had cash policy implications, particularly for non-affiliated groups.

Assessment of Bank Customer's Attitude Toward Financial Technology in Pakistan

  • MUSTAFA, Muhammad;BUTT, Hassan Daud;SARKER, Md Nazirul Islam;GHANI, Maria
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.7
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    • pp.545-556
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    • 2021
  • The financial technology sector is now growing rapidly all over the world, and it has improved the banking system efficiency and customer experience. This research study attempts explicitly to explore the consumer acceptance attitude of FinTech and its products in Pakistan. Technology Acceptance Model was used to assess the entire variable associated with the consumer attitude to adopt new technology. Based on a survey conducted from Pakistan data and by employing the multiple regression analysis, this study proves that the risk involved in FinTech products and services results in less usage of financial technology. The findings of the study also show that the risk should be reduced if banks and other institutes that are involved in financial transactions online must provide security. Moreover, customers are not willing to pay an extra amount for using financial technology. It argues that usefulness helps to change the attitude of banking customers to use financial technology. The attitudes of the customers have a positive relationship with the adoption of financial technology. These results also help guide financial institutions to enhance the adoption of FinTech products. User attitudes must be changed by providing users with more security, less risky applications, and cost-effective products.

The Impact of Good Corporate Governance on Financial Performance: Evidence from Commercial Banks in Indonesia

  • MARKONAH, Markonah;PRASETYO, Johan Hendri
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2022
  • This research has the purposes of analyzing and proving empirically, such as: To investigate the effect of good corporate governance (GCG) on financial performance at banks in Indonesia through the mediating role of corporate asset growth. Theoretically, the study's results were expected to enrich and complete the repertoire of understanding in the financial management area, specifically with those phenomena related to banking financial performance and factors which influenced it. The population of this research was a bank that had a Corporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI) rating from 2011 to 2020. The type of sampling used was saturated sampling; thus, the whole population is sample members. Current data analysis used SEM. GCG has a direct or indirect impact on banking financial performance, according to the findings of this study. Improved GCG results in increased public confidence, which is reflected in an increase in total assets, as well as improved banks' financial performance. As a result, it can be stated that corporate asset increase largely mitigated the impact of GCG on bank financial performance in Indonesia. Through this rapid growth from corporate assets, Bank can maximize the market expansion which is ultimately able to improve banking financial performance.

The Impact of Financial and Trade Credit on Firms Market Value

  • ABUHOMMOUS, Ala'a Adden Awni;ALMANASEER, Mousa
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.1241-1248
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    • 2021
  • This study employs data from CRSP/Compustat files for the period from 2003 to 2017 and applies a panel data analysis. The results of this study show a positive relationship between trade credit and the firm's market value, however, the results show a negative relationship if we test the impact of financial credit on the firm's market value. The results have direct policy implications for investors, the firm's management, and financial strategy. An implication of our study is that using trade credit as a source of financing may give a positive signal of the firm's creditworthiness and increase the firm's market value. Also, the results of our study indicate that the benefits of using trade credit may outperform the cost of using it as a source of finance. Prior studies examine the impact of financial leverage on the firm's value, however, this study contributes to the existing studies that examine the factors that affect the firm's market value by examining the impact of using trade credit finance on the firm's market value. The main limitation of this study is that the results are based on listed firms, using data from unlisted firms is not available.

Financial Communication and the Equality of Financial Power Perceived according to the Preferences to Housewives' Employment and the Financial Management Leadership among the Employed Housewives (맞벌이 주부의 취업선호 인식과 가계관리권 유형에 따른 가계재정 의사소통과 재정권력 평등도 인지)

  • Kim, Jung-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 1997
  • This study was to explore the effects of the preferences to housewives' employment and the type of household financial management leadership on the financial communication and equality of financial power perceived by working wives. From results of this study, the followings were concluded: 1. Housewives' income power leaded to the increase of their financial decision-making leadership and the more active participation to the financial matters. 2. The influences of husbands' leadership on the household finance were greater than one of wives' leadership. Depending on who has the financial management leadership, there were the differences on degree of the understanding and the discretion. 3. Although joint management style was popular today. the major management leadership was belonged to husbands based on the traditional value of sex role in the household financial management area.

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