• Title/Summary/Keyword: Filament length

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Synergetic Effect of Minerals Mixture of Potassium Bromide and Nickel Sulphate on the Economic Traits of $CSR_2,\;CSR_4\;and\;CSR_2{\times}CSR_4$ Crossbreed Races of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori L.

  • Kochi S. C.;Kaliwal B. B.
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.107-117
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    • 2005
  • Oral supplementation of minerals mixture of potassium bromide and nickel sulphate on $CSR_2,\;CSR_4\;and\;CSR_2{\times}CSR_4$ crossbreed races with different concentrations (70, 110 and $160\;{\mu}g/ml$) were fed to the fifth instar larvae. Two of the four normal feeds per day was substituted with treated leaves fed to silkworm at fifth instar larvae. The controls were fed with the leaves sprayed with distilled water and normal leaves. The $CSR_4$ race treated larvae showed a significant increase in silkgland weight, cocooning percentage, female cocoon weight, male cocoon weight, male cocoon shell weight, male cocoon shell ratio, filament length, filament weight, denier, fecundity, number of eggs per ovariole and length of the ovariole when compared with those of the corresponding parameters of the carrier control, whereas in $CSR_2\;and\;CSR_2{\times}CSR_4$ crossbreed races showed a significant increase in larva1 weight and other parameters similar to that of $CSR_4$ race. The results suggested that the silkgland showed good response to minerals mixture of potassium bromide and nickel sulphate only in $CSR_4$ race when compared with those of other two races of the silkworm, B. mori.

Preliminary Report on the Breeding of Robust and Resistant-NPV and High Quality Silkworm Race 'Shengming No.1' for Summer-autumn Rearing

  • Zhao, Yuan;Chen, Kepin;Yao, Qing;Wu, Yang-Chun;Zhang, Jian;Guo, Xijie
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.85-95
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    • 2006
  • Seveval Chinese and Japanese varieties with good characters were used in the breeding. After 5 years (15 generations), a pair of robust and high quality silkworm variety with NPV resistance was bred by means of a combination of crossing and pedigree selection complemented by the selection of NPV resistance. The variety was identified jointly nationwide in 2003 and 2004, and appraised by National Mulberry and Silkworm Appraising Committee. Results are as follows: its cocooning rate is over 93%, shell rate 23-25%, filament length 1200-1300 meters, reelability 75-88%, Length of non-broken cocoon filament 900-1100 meters, raw silk rate 17-19%, neatness 95-97 points, and cocoon crop, cocoon shell weight and raw silk weight per 10000 larvae is higher than those of the control variety by 7-10%, 14-19% and 14-18%, respectively. The variety is not only robust, resistant to high temperature and NPV, easy to rear, uniform in hatching, molting and maturing, but also lays more eggs, and its fecundity is high. It is suitable to rear in the Yangtze River Basin, the Yellow River basin and the Pearl River basin of China.

Morphological Parameters of the Sludge Flocs in a Long Rectangular Secondary Settling Tank (장방형 침전지에서 길이에 따른 슬러지 floc의 형태에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Youngchul;Lee, Jin-Woo;Kang, Min-Gi
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.468-474
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    • 2006
  • In the secondary settling tanks, three different types of settling phenomena occurs; i.e., zone settling for sludge thickening in the bottom part of settling tank, and discrete and flocculent settling for clarification in the upper part. In this paper, morphological parameters of the floc in sludge blanket layers along the length of a long rectangular tank were investigated. The plant used for this study had a serious bulking problem caused by Microthrix parvicella. Floc size decreased as the surface area of settling tank increases, which indicates that in the secondary settling tank where zone settling believed to be predominant, free or flocculent type of settling contributes to floc size distributions. Large floc particles deposit in the front zone of settling tank, but small and loose flocs mostly in the zone near its outlet. On the other hand, filament length contained in one gram of sludge blanket solid increases along the flow direction. Large flocs with less filaments settle faster, but small flocs having more filaments result in poor settling. These results support function of microorganism selection occurring in secondary settling tank. In addition, designing a long rectangluar settling tank with double hoppers might be one of the ways of bulking control, but this idea has to be verified with a further study.

A Taxonomy of Korean Isopyroideae (Ranunculaceae)

  • Lee, Nam-Sook;Yeau, Sung-Hee
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.439-449
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    • 1998
  • To discuss the taxonomic dispositions of Korean Isopyroideae (Ranunculaceae) taxa, principal components analysis and cluster analysis were performed using quantitative and qualitative morphological characters. The principal components analysis revealed that the size and number of ovule, ovary width, ratio of style length/ovary length, filament length, sepal size, style length, leaf size, and ovary length are important characters to distinguish Korean Isopyroideae taxa. The cluster and principal components analyses based on both quantitative and quantitative characters demonstrate that lsopyrum mandshuricum is more closely related to Enemion raddeanum than to Semiaquilegia adoxoides. Even though Enemion s not separated from Isopyrum by uantitative characters, they are distinguished by qualitative characters, suggesting that our taxa, Enemion, Semiaquilegia, Isopyrum and Aquilegia, should be recognized in Korean Isopyroideae. In addition, cluster analyses suggest that S. adoxoides could be separated from Aquilegia buergeriana var, oxysepala.

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Evolution and Identification of Thermo-Tolerant Hybrids in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori L.

  • Begum, A.Naseema;Rekha, M.;Basavaraja, H.K.;Ahsan, M.M.
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 2003
  • Four thermo-tolerant lines of silkworm, Bombyx mori, (L.) viz., A HT, B HT (Chinese type) and F HT, G HT (Japanese type) were evolved by utilizing the breeding resource material (identified from initial screening at a temperature of 31 ${\pm} 1^{\circ}C$ and relative humidity 85 ${\pm}$ 5%) through conventional breeding. These tolerant lines were crossed with productive breeds and forty four hybrids were evaluated on eight economic traits by the Multiple Trait Evaluation Index Method. Ten hybrids were short-listed based on the average evaluation index value larger than 50 for eight economic traits studied. The identified ten hybrids recorded higher index values (> 50) for most of the traits studied. Single hybrid G ${\times}$ CSR12 indicated average index value larger than 50 for six traits viz., pupation number (58), cocoon weight (67), shell weight (65), average filament length (74), raw silk % (69), reelability % (51) except for shell ratio % (41). The standard deviation of the cocoons in the above hybrid was 8.41 in the hybrid cocoon length and width measurement. However, two selected hybrids viz., A ${\times}$ CSR5 and G ${\times}$ CSR13 recorded average index value larger than 50 for all the traits viz., pupation number (57, 60), cocoon weight (50, 54), shell weight (56, 57), shell ratio percentage (59, 53), average filament length (55, 60), raw silk percentage (63, 67) and reelability percentage (53, 53). The standard deviation of the cocoons in the two selected hybrids viz., A ${\times}$ CSR5 and G ${\times}$ CSR13 was 8.41 and 8.06 respectively in the cocoon length and width measurement.

A study on the crack characteristics of the Synthetic Fiber reinforced Soil (섬유 보강토의 균열 특성 연구)

  • 송창섭;이신호;반창현;인현식
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.431-437
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    • 1998
  • This study was performed to ascertain the three-dimensional effect of the crack reduction and the restrained effect of crack growth, and to yield a suitable mixing ratio of the synthetic fiber reinforced soil. The results of the study are as follows ; 1) The synthetic fiber has the resisting force for crack because of the adhesion due to the attraction of soil particles. 2) As the synthetic fiber length and the mixing ratio are increased, mono filament synthetic fiber reinforced soil is increased the effects of crack reduction and the restraint of crack growth. 3) The fibrillated synthetic fiber is more effective than mono filament synthetic fiber for crack. 4) A suitable mixing ratio of synthetic fiber reinforced soil is 0.5% of the fibrillated synthetic fiber.

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Eddy Distribution off the last Coast of Korea Derived from Satellite Infrared Imagery (인공위성 적외선 영상으로부터 구한 한국 동해의 와동류 분포)

  • MIN Dug-Hong;LEE Jae Chul;SHIM Tae-Bo;LEE Hyong-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.145-156
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    • 1995
  • Satellite infrared images were analyzed to study the distribution of eddies off the east coast of Korea from 1987 to 1991. Most of the eddies were filament-type and were generated near the fringe of the East Korea Warm Current (EKWC) flowing northward. Eddies having length of 20-40km and width of 10-20km were most abundant. The meso-scale eddies of 100-200km in diameter were found between Mukho and Wonsan Bay in almost all the images. There was no evidence for the consistent movement of eddies to a definite direction. The Ulleung Warm Eddy, although reported previously by the hydrographic data, could not be identified by the limited amount of infrared imagery.

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Effect of Potassium Nitrate Supplementation on Economic Parameters of the Silkworm Bombyx mori L.

  • Goudar, K.S.;Kaliwal, B.B.
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2000
  • The effect of supplementation with potassium nitrate on economic parameters was analysed following treatment of last larval stadium. The treated larvae showed a significant increase in larval weight at 500$\mu\textrm{g}$/ml and silk gland weight in all the treated groups along with other enhanced larval, cocoon and adult parameters. The larval period was significantly decreased in all the treated groups with increased female and male cocoon weights its shell weights filament lengths at 500$\mu\textrm{g}$/ml. The denier was significantly decreased in all the groups. The filament weight moth emergence percentaged length of the ovariole were unaffected. However, eggs per ovariole, fecundity and hatching percentage significantly decreased compared with the corresponding parameters of the carrier control.

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Myxobolus episquamalis (Myxosporea: Myxobolidae) on the scales of wild mullet, Mugil cephalus L, in Korea

  • Cho, Jae-Bum;Huh, Min-Do;Kim, Ki-Hong;Kwon, Se-Ryun;Lee, Mu-Kun
    • Journal of fish pathology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2006
  • Numerous large whitish cysts were found on the scale of wild mullet, Mugil cephalus captured in Jin-Hae bay of southern coastal sea of Korea. The cyst consisted of many trophozoites, mature spores and interstitial tissues of host origin. Spores were 8.25 ㎛ (7.26-9.35) in length, 6.3 ㎛ (5.63-6.78) in width, 4.34 ㎛ (3.96-5.04) in thickness. Polar capsules were 4.45㎛ (3.8-5.4) in length and 2.35 ㎛ (1.62-2.86) in width, and the length of polar filament was about 39.57 ㎛ (26.3-56.33). Based on the spore morphology and the host & tissue specificity, the present specimens were identified as Myxobolus episquamalis Egusa, Maeno & Sorimachi, 1990. Deformation of bony plate of the scales and infiltration of inflammatory cells were observed in the histological sections.

The morphology of Thalictrum L. in Korea (한국산 꿩의다리속(Thalictrum L.) 식물의 형태학적 연구)

  • Park , Seong-Jun;Park, Seon-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.433-458
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    • 2008
  • This study were examined for their external morphological characters such as root, leaf, inflorescenses, flower, stamen, pistil, and fruit as to Korean Thalictrum L. and discussed taxanomic value of characters, and made out a new key. This study confirmed that specialized stems and roots type were divided into fibrous type, fibrous having a tuber type, long fusiform tuberous type, tuberoid type, rhizome type and stolon type. The stem were divided into two types based on existence and nonexistence of striate or pubescent. Leaves were usually 2-3-ternately and was divided into three types based on leaf apex, leaf base and number of lobe. Inflorescenses were divided into two type; corymb, panicle. Flower is bisexual, and don't have petal. It was divided from existence and nonexistence of calyx when it flowering. Especially, the stamens were divided from anther shape and apex shape, degree of dilation of filament, epidermic shape of filament etc., and the pistils were divided from glandular on ovary, length of carpel stipe etc.. The fruit is a achene and it was divided from achene shape, achene rib or wings, achene stipe length. This study suggest that useful characters for identifying section are degree of dilation of filament, anther shape, achene rib and wings, degree of dilation of achene. Also, roots, leaf shape, stamen and pistil shape, achene beak and achene length, achene and leaf hair appear to be useful characters for identifying species.