• Title/Summary/Keyword: Field experiences

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'Jangseong Pyunbaek Healing Forest(JPHF)' Visitors: Socio-demographic Characteristics, Use Patterns and Motivational Factors by Types of Visitors ('장성 편백치유의 숲' 방문객 유형에 따른 인구사회학적 특성, 이용행태 및 방문동기 요인)

  • Kim, Sang-Oh;Kim, Sang-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.203-214
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to investigate the types, socio-demographic characteristics, use patterns, and visit motivations of visitors to "Jangseong Pyunbaek Healing Forest (JPHF)." Data were collected from 216 samples selected by convenient sampling method using questionnaire survey between October and November 2016. Data obtained from 476 respondents of the same type of survey during the same period were partly used to examine the types of activities of visitors to the study site. The results showed that 77.0 percent of respondents were categorized as "visitor for recreation" (VR: Those who visit JPHF for the purpose of general recreational experiences such as appreciating landscapes, tourism, social interactions rather than better health or healing). On the other hand, only 10.3 percent of respondents were "visitor for healing" (VH: Those who visit JPHF for the purpose of better health or physical and mental healing). VH showed a higher level of visit experiences to JPHF than VR and tended to expect JPHF as "the place to enjoy calm and natural experiences" more than VR did. VH tended to visit JPHF "alone" more, and their group size was also smaller than VR. About 26.8 percent of all respondents were not aware that JPHF was the "healing forest," and VH showed higher awareness of it than VR. About 66.8% of respondents assessed the managerial and operating states of JPHF positively while only 6.2% assessed them negatively. There was no difference in the assessment of managerial and operating states between VR and VH. The visitors of JPHF showed the markedly high use in main forest roads (use rate: 47.4%) and "Healing Field" (use rate: 59.2%) of JPHF. Regarding the visit motivations to JPHF, VH showed higher importance on "quietude," "health," and "tension release" than VR while VR rated higher importance on "social interaction." The paper discussed the managerial implications, findings, limitations and further studies.

A Study on the Traditional Houses of North Korea(I) - Based on the Memories of Immigrants from North Korea - (북한지역(北韓地域) 전통주거(傳統住居)에 관한 조사연구(調査硏究)(1) - 북한출신주민들의 지식체계분석을 통하여 -)

  • Kang, Young-Hwan
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.5 no.2 s.10
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    • pp.25-39
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    • 1996
  • Architectural researches on the traditional houses of Korea have been studied mainly based on the data collected in the field survey. From explosively incresed real mesurements and drawings in the field, plenty of data have been collected. Those have been the basic data for verifing and developing the theories on the traditional house. But after Korean war the researchers in South-Korea were not able to approach to the field in North Korea, so the new data of North Korea were not added any more. The poverty of real data have caused regional unbalance in the researches. This paper aims at collecting new data of traditional house in North Korea. But still being prohibited for the researchers of South Korea to approach to the field, I had to depend on the memories and experiences of the immigrants from North Korea who are now living in Kyon-Nam and Pusan Province. Through the questionnaire and drawings, they described vivid memory of their old houses. I was able to collect the data of 71 cases, which are significant and valuable as much as those of the real field are. The data include the address and site condition, family structure, economic condition, construction period of each house, The drawings by themselves show the building forms and plans, the plans of each building, and the included spaces. Although the quantity of those data is not enough for statistical analysis, it shows general tendency for analizing regional charateristics, the differnces among economical classes, and the periodical change. It opens the way for verfying the existing theory. Analizing the data, I have some conclusions as followings: a. Most of researchers have classified the dominant housing type of Hamkyong-Do as 'the double fold' type. In this study, all cases of Hamkyongbuk-do also show 'the double fold plan with Chongju-kan'. But in Hamkyongnam-do some cases show 'the double fold plan without Chongju-kan, or projecting the stable into the yard, which seem to be different type from 'the double fold plan with Chongju-kan' b. Existing theories classified the dominant housing type of Pyongahn-do as 'two buildings with pararell arrangement'. This classification is verified with the plentiful cases in this study. Futhermore, I found new tendency, that is, getting higher econnomic condition, they construct annex buildings between the main buildings. Finally their houses show 'scattered ㅁ shape'. The houses included in this two types has narrow and closed inner yard, which is different from the houses of the same shape in the south region of Korea. c. Existing theories classified the dominant housing type of Hwanghae-do as 'ㅁ sape with Daechong' type. I found many cases of 'ㅁ shape', but only two cases show 'Daechong'. 'The doble fold' type was also founded. Unfortunately very few cases were sent from Hwanghae-do, it is not enough for finding general tendency.

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The Effect of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) on the Ability to Participate in Field-Education Classes and Improvement of Problem-Solving Skills (문제중심학습(PBL)이 현장실습수업 참여능력과 문제해결력 향상에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung Hyun Kim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to construct a basic PBL class research data model that can strengthen and improve technical college students' abilities to participate in field-education classes and problem-solving skills. A significant effect was found in PBL classes with regard to technical college students' problem-solving skills and abilities to participate in field-education classes, as posited by the hypothesis. The results of the PBL course, which is a hypothesis of research, have been confirmed to have a significant effect on the participation of college students in field practice and on the ability to solve problems. Seventy-one students from five departments (humanities, social studies, and arts) at D University in North GyeongSang Province were selected as final subjects. The study was conducted for seven weeks from October 10 to December 05, 2021, in three stages: pre-inspection, PBL operation, and post-inspection. In the college life experiences of students with disabilities who study late within the Department of Social Welfare, it was confirmed that the study participants independently changed toward their independent life satisfaction and positive perception of themselves as a process of change in which the self-determination rights and goals and hopes for their lives by seeking the role for the disabled who have not yet been encountered and in the process of positively recognizing themselves.

Exploratory Research to Improve Social Welfare Field Training Seminars (사회복지현장실습세미나 개선을 위한 탐색적 연구)

  • Na-Rae Bae
    • Journal of Advanced Technology Convergence
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2024
  • This study explores ways to improve practical seminars conducted at online universities since January 1, 2020. Social welfare practice seminars are essential for acquiring the expertise required of social workers, providing opportunities for students to gain direct practice experience with instructors. These seminars allow students to reflect on field experiences, integrate theoretical knowledge with practice, develop critical thinking skills, and exchange ideas with professors. By supplementing theoretical education, seminars enhance students' ability to address challenges encountered in real-world social welfare settings with clients. However, practical seminars face significant challenges that reduce their effectiveness, such as inadequate standardization and resource constraints, which hinder learning outcomes. To address these issues, it is crucial to improve practical seminars to better prepare students for professional demands. Universities should focus on solving these challenges by investing in resource allocation, providing personalized support for students struggling to participate, and enhancing the quality of education. Ultimately, improving practical social welfare seminars will not only benefit students but also contribute to developing more competent and confident social welfare professionals.

A Case of NFC-based Exhibition Support System for Analyzing Visitors' POB (Point of Behaviors) (근접 무선 통신 기반 박람회 지원 시스템 구축 및 관람객 행동 데이터 분석 사례)

  • Choi, Myoung Hee;Jun, Jungho;Kang, Heegoo;Lee, Kyoung Jun
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.111-127
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    • 2013
  • This research introduces a case of NFC (Near Field Communication)-based exhibition support system for analyzing visitors' POB (Point of Behavior) data gathered from the system. The application of NFC technology to an exhibition space allows visitors new experiences of exposition and exhibitors to collect and analyze data about behaviors of visitors. The NFC-based exhibition support system is applied to the 'Korea Travel Expo 2013.' The visitors' behaviors are analyzed based on collected NFC tag touch data and association rules among booths are extracted. Furthermore, the tag touch data are integrated with the survey data for catching the demographics-based implications.

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Development of evaluation indicators for riparian restoration with biodiversity consideration (생물다양성 확보를 위한 하안 복원 평가지표 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Eun-Young;Choi, Jae-Yong;Kim, Hyoun-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.325-330
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    • 2011
  • In order to revive the ecological function of degraded rivers, a total restoration plan for riverbeds and riparians needs to be developed. Previous evaluations for rivers were mainly focused on the river's physical structures. Therefore, this research has developed indicators to evaluate a riparian restoration considering biodiversity. Through literature and previous cases review, 4 fields and 13 indicators are selected for the evaluation. Four fields are biodiversity, habitat diversity, connectivity and habitat functionality. In the biodiversity field, 4 indicators of the exuberant extent of herbaceous vegetation and their diversity, the exuberant extent of shrub and woody plants and their diversity, the number of plant communities and naturalized plants are included. Habitat diversity are comprised of 4 indicators of the longitudinal continuity of vegetation, the mixture of plant communities, the extent of plant type color fruit abundance and the distribution of vegetation. Connectivity includes 3 indicators of target distribution, the shore slope of low water channels and the extent of artificial embankment materials. Habitat functionality has 2 indicators of the status of food supply plants and the habitat functionality. The value weighting for the fields and indicators has been calculated based on the AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. 50 experts were surveyed with quantifiable questionnaire, among them 43 experts have more than 10 yesrs experiences in the nature restoration field. The selected and weighted indicators have been tested to the 12 sections in Gap stream located in Daejeon. In conclusion, the indicators are feasible and the selected indicators could be used to establish the direction and objectives of riparian restoration.

Affordable method of video recording for ecologists and citizen-science participants

  • Yang, Eunjeong;Lee, Keesan;Ha, Jung-moon;Kim, Woojoo;Song, Ho-Kyung;Hwang, Injae;Lee, Sang-im;Jablonski, Piotr G.
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.85-89
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    • 2018
  • Observations and video documentation of interactions between animals living in dens, cavities, and other enclosed spaces are difficult, but they play an important role in field biology, ecology, and conservation. For example, bird parents visiting nests and feeding their nestlings may provide crucial information for testing of ecological hypotheses and may easily attract attention of participants of citizen-science ecological and conservation projects. Because of the nest concealment of cavity-nesting birds, their behaviors in the nest can only be studied by using video surveillance. Professional wildlife surveillance systems are extremely expensive. Here, we describe an inexpensive video setup that can be constructed with relatively little effort and is more affordable than any previously described system. We anticipate that the relatively low cost of about 250 USD for a battery-operated system is an important feature for citizen-science type of projects and for applications in heavily populated areas where the potential for theft and vandalism may be high. Based on our experiences, we provide methodological advice on practical aspects of using this system in the field for ecological research on birds. We highlight the low cost, easiness of construction, and potential availability to a large number of observers taking part in wildlife monitoring projects, and we offer technical help to participants of such research projects.

A Study on the Effective Decision-Making Support Model for Construction Duration by the Hypothetical Weather Simulation (가상기후 시뮬레이션에 의한 공기산정 의사결정 지원모델에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong Suk-Nam;Lee Hak-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.1 no.4 s.4
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    • pp.74-81
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    • 2000
  • The duration of construction in the construction works contains non-working days as well as working days. The duration is so relevant to climate that it should be calculated after fully considered about the regional climate in which construction processes. In most construction fields, however, there has been a frequent adjustment of duration because the field supervisor's experiences have decided non-working days indiscriminately without any accurate information about weather. Not only has that done great economic damages, but also caused many problems in interests among construction subject. So, in this study, we will analyse the elements of climate which has influences on the duration and implement the hypothetical weather simulation. By connecting the results of simulation with the duration of construction, we will propose the decision-making support model for the efficient calculation of duration when the field supervisor makes the projects schedule.

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The Research of Ethical Consciousness for Physical Therapy Student

  • Kim, Myung-Chul;Kim, Dong-Hyeon;Ahn, Chung-Joa
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2016
  • PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to examine the ethical values of physical therapy. This study was launched to establish a foundation for this field of study by gathering data about current topic of ethical values in the field of physical therapy. METHODS: This investigation was conducted with 900 students from seven different universities in the Republic of Korea (three, four-year colleges. The methodology of this research was directed at revamping and supplementing ethical codes in the Korean Physical Therapy Association and establishing a set of ethics-related questions as inspired by the studies conducted by Youk and Choi. Each question was assigned a different point-value according to the standards of measurement that we established. RESULTS: The scores of participants and their sibling status, it appears that whether participants had siblings did significantly impact their ethical outlook. The scores based on sibling one and two siblings, more than three siblings, no sibling were 29.42, 29.03, 28.25, and 28.19, respectively (p<.05). But in examining the average ethics scores with regards to reported past experiences with ethics education, we can see that past experience significantly impacted the results of the study on medical ethics perceptions. The scores corresponding to responses that one did or did not have prior experience were 29.40 versus 28.99. CONCLUSION: It is crucial to assure that physical therapy students receive well-founded information and proper ethical value. We suggest that create an ethics education program to enhance physical therapists and physical therapy students.

A Study on the Awareness of Teacher-Parents of Media Education for Children (유아미디어 교육에 대한 교사-학부모의 인식 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Suk;Kang, Young-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.3466-3471
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    • 2011
  • This study is to examine how media education is recognized and used in the field of early childhood education. For this, it analyzed awareness and problems of media education by kindergarten teachers and parents and set the following research questions to find out a new alternative of media education for children. First, what are differences in concerns and educational experiences on media education for children by teacher-parents? Second, what are differences in teaching-learning methods on media education for children recognized by teachers-parents? Third, the present study examined problems and effective improvement methods of media education for children with 250 teachers in the field of early childhood education and 250 parents and obtained the following conclusions. The teaching-learning method preferred most by teachers and parents was talking activity and as a result of asking the preferred type of group, it was found that teachers-parents answered small group activity was most ideal and what are to be improved in the media education for children included the extension of teachers' opportunities to have research training and non-establishment of the genral theory of media education in our whole society.