• 제목/요약/키워드: Feature representation

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A Research on Gender Discourse of Animation Character: Focused on Female Characters of Disney Animation Frozen (애니메이션 캐릭터의 젠더 담론에 관한 연구: 디즈니 애니메이션 <겨울왕국>의 여성 캐릭터를 중심으로)

  • Oh, Dong-Il;Choi, Hye-Rim
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.613-620
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    • 2014
  • Gender Representation of animation character that is discussed in this essay is a semantic discourse that is related to communication with contemporary audience. For gender Representation of animation character, as it can be thought that linguistic elements for signification with audience are materialized, it has a significant value when it comes to communication with audience. Commercial success of Disney's feature length animation Frozen is from excellent aesthetic principles and techniques and global marketing capabilities of Disney studio. However, independent and active gender representation of Elsa and Anna in Frozen are more important commercial successful elements. Especially, Gender representation of these two characters reflects myth of women who live in this modern society so their linguistic meaning can appear affluently. That also means that those two characters have advantages, in terms of communication, that can have effective signification with contemporary audience as linguistic sign. And those advantages are signification foundation that Frozen can be commercially successful by communicating with audience all around the world.


  • Kwak Nohyun;Chung Chin-Wan;Park Ho-hyun;Lee Seok-Lyong;Kim Sang-Hee
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.763-765
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    • 2005
  • In the area of remote sensing, an immense number of images are continuously generated by various remote sensing systems. These images must then be managed by a database system efficient storage and retrieval. There are many types of image database systems, among which the content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system is the most advanced. CBIR utilizes the metadata of images including the feature data for indexing and searching images. Therefore, the performance of image retrieval is significantly affected by the storage method of the image metadata. There are many features of images such as color, texture, and shape. We mainly consider the shape feature because shape can be identified in any remote sensing while color does not always necessarily appear in some remote sensing. In this paper, we propose a metadata representation and storage method for image search based on shape features. First, we extend MPEG-7 to describe the shape features which are not defined in the MPEG-7 standard. Second, we design a storage schema for storing images and their metadata in a relational database system. Then, we propose an efficient storage method for managing the shape feature data using a Wavelet technique. Finally, we provide the performance results of our proposed storage method.

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Transfer Learning based on Adaboost for Feature Selection from Multiple ConvNet Layer Features (다중 신경망 레이어에서 특징점을 선택하기 위한 전이 학습 기반의 AdaBoost 기법)

  • Alikhanov, Jumabek;Ga, Myeong Hyeon;Ko, Seunghyun;Jo, Geun-Sik
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2016.04a
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    • pp.633-635
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    • 2016
  • Convolutional Networks (ConvNets) are powerful models that learn hierarchies of visual features, which could also be used to obtain image representations for transfer learning. The basic pipeline for transfer learning is to first train a ConvNet on a large dataset (source task) and then use feed-forward units activation of the trained ConvNet as image representation for smaller datasets (target task). Our key contribution is to demonstrate superior performance of multiple ConvNet layer features over single ConvNet layer features. Combining multiple ConvNet layer features will result in more complex feature space with some features being repetitive. This requires some form of feature selection. We use AdaBoost with single stumps to implicitly select only distinct features that are useful towards classification from concatenated ConvNet features. Experimental results show that using multiple ConvNet layer activation features instead of single ConvNet layer features consistently will produce superior performance. Improvements becomes significant as we increase the distance between source task and the target task.

A Hybrid Recommendation System based on Fuzzy C-Means Clustering and Supervised Learning

  • Duan, Li;Wang, Weiping;Han, Baijing
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.2399-2413
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    • 2021
  • A recommendation system is an information filter tool, which uses the ratings and reviews of users to generate a personalized recommendation service for users. However, the cold-start problem of users and items is still a major research hotspot on service recommendations. To address this challenge, this paper proposes a high-efficient hybrid recommendation system based on Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering and supervised learning models. The proposed recommendation method includes two aspects: on the one hand, FCM clustering technique has been applied to the item-based collaborative filtering framework to solve the cold start problem; on the other hand, the content information is integrated into the collaborative filtering. The algorithm constructs the user and item membership degree feature vector, and adopts the data representation form of the scoring matrix to the supervised learning algorithm, as well as by combining the subjective membership degree feature vector and the objective membership degree feature vector in a linear combination, the prediction accuracy is significantly improved on the public datasets with different sparsity. The efficiency of the proposed system is illustrated by conducting several experiments on MovieLens dataset.

Spatial Data Model of Feature-based Digital Map using UFID (UFID를 이용한 객체기반 수치지도 공간 데이터 모델)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Soo;Kim, Sang-Yeob;Lee, Yang-Koo;Seo, Sung-Bo;Park, Ki-Surk;Ryu, Keun-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2009
  • A demand on the spatial data management has been rapidly increased with the introduction and diffusion process of ITS, Telematics, and Wireless Sensor Network. And many different users use the digital map that offers various thematic spatial data. Spatial data for digital map can be managed by tile-based and feature-based data. The existing tile-based digital map management systems have difficult problems such as data construction, history management, and update data based on a spatial object. In order to solve these problems, we proposed the data model for feature-based digital map management system for representation of feature-based seamless map, history management, real-time update of spatial data, and analyzed the validity and utility of the proposed model.

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Object Detection in a Still FLIR Image using Intensity Ranking Feature (밝기순위 특징을 이용한 적외선 정지영상 내 물체검출기법)

  • Park Jae-Hee;Choi Hak-Hun;Kim Seong-Dae
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.42 no.2 s.302
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, a new object detection method for FLIR images is proposed. The proposed method consists of intensity ranking feature and a classification algerian using the feature. The intensity ranking feature is a representation of an image, from which intensity distribution is regularized. Each object candidate region is classified as object or non-object by the proposed classification algorithm which is based on the intensity ranking similarity between the candidate and object training images. Using the proposed algorithm pixel-wise detection results can be obtained without any additional candidate selection algorithm. In experimental results, it is shown that the proposed ranking feature is appropriate for object detection in a FLIR image and some vehicle detection results in the situation of existing noise, scale variation, and rotation of the objects are presented.

Recognition of Machining Features on Prismatic Components (각주형 부품상의 가공 특징형상 인식)

  • 손영태;박면웅
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.1412-1422
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    • 1993
  • As a part of development of process planning system for mold die manufaturing, a software system is developed, which recognizes features and extracts parameters of the shape from design data produced by solid modeller. The recognized feature date is fed to process planning and operation planning system. Low level geometry and topology data from commercial CAD system is transformed to high level machining feature data which used to be done by using a dedicated design system. The recognition algorithm is applied to the design data with boundary representation produced by a core modeller ACIS which has object oriented open architecture and is expected to become a common core modeller of next generation CAD system. The algoritm of recognition has been formulated for 21 features on prismatic components, but the feature set can be expanded by adding rules for the additional features.

An Efficient Shape-Feature Computing Method from Boundary Sequences of Arbitrary Shapes (임의 형상의 윤곽선 시퀀스 정보로부터 형상 특징의 효율적인 연산 방법)

  • 김성옥;김동규;김민환
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.255-262
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    • 2002
  • A boundary sequence can be a good representation of arbitrary shapes, because it can represent them simply and precisely. However, boundary sequences have not been used as a representation of arbitrary shapes, because the pixel-based shape-features such as area, centroid, orientation, projection and so forth, could not be computed directly from them. In this paper, we show that the shape-features can be easily computed from the boundary sequences by introducing the cross-sections that are defined as vertical (or horizontal) line segments in a shape. A cross-section generation method is proposed, which generates cross-sections of the shape efficiently by tracing the boundary sequence of the shape once. Furthermore, a boundary sequence extraction method is also proposed, which generates a boundary sequence for each shape in a binary image automatically The proposed methods work well even if a shape has holes. Eventually, we show that a boundary sequence can be used effectively for representing arbitrary shapes.

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A Video Stream Retrieval System based on Trend Vectors (경향 벡터 기반 비디오 스트림 검색 시스템)

  • Lee, Seok-Lyong;Chun, Seok-Ju
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.10 no.8
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    • pp.1017-1028
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    • 2007
  • In this paper we propose an effective method to represent, store, and retrieve video streams efficiently from a video database. We extract features from each video frame, normalize the feature values, and represent them as values in the range [0,1]. In this way a video frame with f features can be represented by a point in the f-dimensional space $[0,1]^f$, and thus the video stream is represented by a trail of points in the multidimensional space. The video stream is partitioned into video segments based on camera shots, each of which is represented by a trend vector which encapsulates the moving trend of points in a segment. The video stream query is processed depending on the comparison of those trend vectors. We examine our method using a collection of video streams that are composed of sports, news, documentary, and educational videos. Experimental results show that our trend vector representation reduces a reconstruction error remarkably (average 37%) and the retrieval using a trend vector achieves the high precision (average 2.1 times) while maintaining the similar response time and recall rate as existing methods.

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Comparative Analysis on the Types of Representation to Communicate in Elementary Science and Mathematics Textbooks - In Case of the Sixth Grade 1st Semester - (초등 과학·수학 교과서의 의사소통 표현 방식에 따른 유형 비교 분석 - 6학년 1학기를 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Mikyung;Shin, Youngjoon
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.256-272
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this research is to study and learn more features how this type of distribution for communication in $6^{th}$ grade first semester elementary science and mathematics according to communicative expression by 2009 revised curriculum. For this study, based on an analysis standard presented in previous research on the types of communication. The results of this research are as follows. First, because the mathematics presents the number of ways to communicate twice more than science, mathematics go through with much more problems to solve than science. Second, in mathematics, spoken method and written method have similar proportion, less in physical activity method. Third, Science showed balanced proportion among four areas; earth, life, energy, and material. On the other hand, mathematics only showed small numbers in the area of geometry but similar numbers in number and operations, regularity, measurement. Fourth, there is no common feature or relevance about communicative approach for convergence thinking in 2009 revised curriculum, it seems that it doesn't consider it as a revised.