• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fault Characteristics

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Reflectance and Microhardness Characteristics of Sulfide Minerals from the Sambong Copper Mine (삼봉동광산산(三峰銅鑛山産) 유화광물(硫化鑛物)의 반사도(反射度)와 미경도(微硬度) 특성(特性))

  • Chi, Se Jung
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.115-139
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    • 1984
  • The Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag hydrothermal vein-type deposits which comprise the Sambong mine occur within calc-alkaline volcanics of the Cretaceous Gyeongsang Basin. The ore mineralization took place through three distinct stages of quartz (I and II stages) and calcite veins (III stage) which fill the pre-existing fault breccia zones. These stages were separated in time by tectonic fracturing and brecciation events. The reflection variations of one mineral depending on mineralization sequence are considered to be resulted from variation in its chemical composition due to different physico-chemical conditions in the hydrothermal system. The reflection power of sphalerite increases with the content of Fe substituted for Zn. Reflectances of the sphalerite grain are lower on (111) than on (100) surface. The spectral profiles depend on the internal reflection color. Sphalerite, showing green, yellow and reddish brown internal reflection, have the highest reflection power at $544m{\mu}$ (green), $593m{\mu}$ (yellow) and $615m{\mu}$ (red) wavelength, respectively. Chalcopyrite is recognized as biaxial negative from the reflectivity data of randomly oriented grains measured at the most sensitivity at $544m{\mu}$. The microindentation hardness against the Fe content (wt. %) for the sphalerite increases to 8.05% Fe and then decreases toward 9.5% Fe content. Vickers hardness of the sphalerite is considerably higher on surface of (100) than on (111). The relationship between Vickers hardness and crystal orientation of the galena was determined to be $VHN_{(111)}$ > $VHN_{(210)}$ > $VHN_{(100)}$. The softer sulfides have the wider variation of the diagonal length in the indentation. Diagonal length in the indentation is pyrite

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Identification of Quaternary Faults and shallow gas pockets through high-resolution reprocessing in the East Sea, Korea (탄성파 자료 고해상도 재처리를 통한 동해해역의 제4기 단층 및 천부 가스 인지)

  • Jeong, Mi Suk;Kim, Gi Yeong;Heo, Sik;Kim, Han Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 1999
  • High-resolution images are drawn from existing seismic data which were originally obtained by Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI) during 1994-1997 for deep seismic studies on the East Sea of Korea. These images are analyzed for mapping Quaternary faults and near-bottom gas pockets. First 12 channels are selected from shot gathers for reprocessing. The processing sequence adopted for high-resolution seismic images comprises data copy, trace editing, true amplitude recovery, common-midpoint sorting, initial muting, prestack deconvolution, bandpass filtering, stacking, highpass filtering, poststack deconvolution, f-x migration, and automatic gain control (AGC). Among these processing steps, predictive deconvolution, highpass filtering, and short window AGC are the most significant in enhancement of resolution. More than 200 Quaternanry faults are interpreted on the migrated sections in the shallow depths beneath the seafloor. Although numerous faults are found mostly at the western continental slope and boundaries of the Ulleung Basin, significant amount of the faults are also indicated within the basin. Many of these faults are believed to be formed with reactivation of basement, from geotectonic activities including volcanism, and often originated in Tertiary, indicating that the tectonic regime of the East Sea might be unstable. Existence of shallow gas pockets casts real hazardous warnings to deep-sea drillings and/or to underwater constructions such as inter-island cables and gas pipelines. On the other hand, discovery of these gas pockets heightens the interests in developing natural resources in the East Sea. Reprocessed seismic sections, however, show no typical seismic characteristics for gas hydrates such as bottom-simulating reflectors in the western continental slope and ocean floor.

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Geomorphic Features of Bing-gye Valley Area(Kyongbuk Province, South Korea) -Mainly about Talus- (의성 빙계계곡 일대의 지형적 특성 -테일러스를 중심으로-)

  • Jeon, Young-Gweon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.49-64
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    • 1998
  • Bing-gye valley(Kyongbuk Province, South Korea) is well known as a tourist attraction because of its meteorologic characteristics that show subzero temperature during midsummer. Also, there are some interesting geomorphic features in the valley area. Therefore, the valley is worth researching in geomorphology field. The aim of this paper is to achieve two purposes. These are to clarify geomorphic features on talus within Bing-gye valley area, and to infer the origin of Bing-gye valley. The main results are summarized as follows. 1) The formation of Bing-gye valley It would be possible to infer the following two ideas regarding the formation of Bing-gye valley. One is that the valley was formed by differential erosion of stream along fault line, and the other is that the rate of upheaval comparatively exceeded the rate of stream erosion. Especially, the latter may be associated with the fact that the width of the valley is much narrow. Judging that the fact the width of the valley is much narrow, compared with one of its upper or lower valley, it is inferred that Bing-gye valley is transverse valley. 2) The geomorphic features of talus (1) Pattern It seems to be true that the removal of matrix(finer materials) by the running water beneath the surface can result in partly collapse hollows. Taluses are tongue-shaped or cone-shaped in appearance. They are $120{\sim}200m$ in length, $30{\sim}40m$ in maximum width. and $32{\sim}33^{\circ}$ in mean slope gradient. The component blocks are mostly homogeneous in size and shape(angular), which reflect highly jointed free face produced by frost action under periglacial environment. (2) Origin On the basis of previous studies, the type of the talus is classified into rock fall talus. When considered in conjunction with the degrees of both weathering of blocks and hardness of blocks, it can be explained that the talus was formed under periglacial environment in pleistocene time. (3) The inner structure of block accumulation I recognize a three-layered structure in the talus as follows: (a) superficial layer; debris with openwork texture at the surface, 1.3m thick. (b) intermediate layer: small debris(about 5cm in diameter) with fine matrix(including humic soil), 70cm thick. (c) basal layer: over 2m beneath surface, almost pure soil horizon without debris (4) The stage of landform development Most of the blocks are now covered with lichen, and/or a mantle of weathering. It is believed that downslope movement by talus creep well explains the formation of concave slope of the talus. There is no evidence of present motion in the deposit. Judging from above-mentioned facts, the talus of this study area appears to be inactive and fossil landform.

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Physical Geography of Munkyung (문경의 자연지리)

  • Bak, Byeong-Su;Son, Myoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.15-30
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    • 1998
  • Physical geography is the discipline which deals with the relationship between man and natural environment. Therefore, it should be studied as the organized unity. In this paper I recognize the drainage basin as a framework outlining physical geography, describe the difference of inhabitant's life style due to the difference of natural environment in the drainage basin, and consider the meaning of drainage basin as a unit of life(and unit of regional geography). Munkyung is divided into three regions(intermontane basin region, middle mountainous region, marginal hilly region of the great basin) owing to the topographic characteristics. Subdivision in these regions is related closely to drainage network distribution, specially in intermontane basin region. And small regions have developed with the confluence point of $3{\sim}4$ order streams as the central figure. Intermontane basin region is the valley floor of Sinbuk-Soya-Kauun-Nongam stream located in the limestone region which is exposed according to Munkyung fault at its northern part. Small streams are affected strongly by the influence of the NNE-SSE or WNW-ESE tectolineament. Thus Kaeripryungro(鷄立嶺路), Saejaegil(새재길), Ewharyungro(伊火嶺路) and so on are constructed through the tectolineament. In the valley floors of small streams which flow into the intermontane basin, there are large floodplains. Floodplain in Sinbuk, Joryung, and Yangsan stream is used to paddy field or orchard, and in Nongam stream is used to paddy field or vegetable field. Hills are distributed largely in the periphery of intermontane basin. Limestone hills in Kauun and Masung basin are not continuous to the present low and flat floodplain, and most of those are used to forest land and field. On the other side. granite hills in Koyori are continuous to be used to the present floodplain, and they are used to residential area and field. In the middle mountainous region are there hilly mountains constructed in the geology of Palaeozoic Pyeongan System in northern area and Chosun System's Limestone Series in southern area, and banded gneiss and schist among Sobaeksan Gneiss Complex. In Palaeozoic Pyeongan System region are there relatively rugged mountains and ingrown meanders developed along tectolineaments. Chosun System's Limestone Series region builds up a geomorphic surface, develops various karst landforms. Mountainous area is used to field. On the other hand, especially in case of Hogye, valley bottom is wide, long, and discontinuous to slope, is used to paddy field dominantly. And schist region in Youngnam Block of Pre-Cambrian is rugged mountainous. Marginal hilly region of the great basin is hilly zone located in the margin of erosional basin(Bonghwa-Youngju-Yechon-Hamchang-Sangju). This region is lower geomorphic surface which is consisted of hills of $50{\sim}100$m height. Hills are used to field or orchard, and dissected gentle depression is used to paddy field.

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Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Deep Neural Network and Convolutional Neural Network (Deep Neural Network와 Convolutional Neural Network 모델을 이용한 산사태 취약성 매핑)

  • Gong, Sung-Hyun;Baek, Won-Kyung;Jung, Hyung-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_2
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    • pp.1723-1735
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    • 2022
  • Landslides are one of the most prevalent natural disasters, threating both humans and property. Also landslides can cause damage at the national level, so effective prediction and prevention are essential. Research to produce a landslide susceptibility map with high accuracy is steadily being conducted, and various models have been applied to landslide susceptibility analysis. Pixel-based machine learning models such as frequency ratio models, logistic regression models, ensembles models, and Artificial Neural Networks have been mainly applied. Recent studies have shown that the kernel-based convolutional neural network (CNN) technique is effective and that the spatial characteristics of input data have a significant effect on the accuracy of landslide susceptibility mapping. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to analyze landslide vulnerability using a pixel-based deep neural network model and a patch-based convolutional neural network model. The research area was set up in Gangwon-do, including Inje, Gangneung, and Pyeongchang, where landslides occurred frequently and damaged. Landslide-related factors include slope, curvature, stream power index (SPI), topographic wetness index (TWI), topographic position index (TPI), timber diameter, timber age, lithology, land use, soil depth, soil parent material, lineament density, fault density, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and normalized difference water index (NDWI) were used. Landslide-related factors were built into a spatial database through data preprocessing, and landslide susceptibility map was predicted using deep neural network (DNN) and CNN models. The model and landslide susceptibility map were verified through average precision (AP) and root mean square errors (RMSE), and as a result of the verification, the patch-based CNN model showed 3.4% improved performance compared to the pixel-based DNN model. The results of this study can be used to predict landslides and are expected to serve as a scientific basis for establishing land use policies and landslide management policies.

Origin and Reservoir Types of Abiotic Native Hydrogen in Continental Lithosphere (대륙 암석권에서 무기 자연 수소의 성인과 부존 형태)

  • Kim, Hyeong Soo
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.313-331
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    • 2022
  • Natural or native abiotic molecular hydrogen (H2) is a major component in natural gas, however yet its importance in the global energy sector's usage as clean and renewable energy is underestimated. Here we review the occurrence and geological settings of native hydrogen to demonstrate the much widesprease H2 occurrence in nature by comparison with previous estimations. Three main types of source rocks have been identified: (1) ultramafic rocks; (2) cratons comprising iron (Fe2+)-rich rocks; and (3) uranium-rich rocks. The rocks are closely associated with Precambrian crystalline basement and serpentinized ultramafic rocks from ophiolite and peridotite either at mid-ocean ridges or within continental margin(Zgonnik, 2020). Inorganic geological processes producing H2 in the source rocks include (a) the reduction of water during the oxidation of Fe2+ in minerals (e.g., olivine), (b) water splitting due to radioactive decay, (c) degassing of magma at low pressure, and (d) the reaction of water with surface radicals during mechanical breaking (e.g., fault) of silicate rocks. Native hydrogen are found as a free gas (51%), fluid inclusions in various rock types (29%), and dissolved gas in underground water (20%) (Zgonnik, 2020). Although research on H2 has not yet been carried out in Korea, the potential H2 reservoirs in the Gyeongsang Basin are highly probable based on geological and geochemical characteristics including occurrence of ultramafic rocks, inter-bedded basaltic layers and iron-copper deposits within thick sedimentary basin and igneous activities at an active continental margin during the Permian-Paleogene. The native hydrogen is expected to be clean and renewable energy source in the near future. Therefore it is clear that the origin and exploration of the native hydrogen, not yet been revealed by an integrated studies of rock-fluid interaction studies, are a field of special interest, regardless of the presence of economic native hydrogen reservoirs in Korea.