• Title/Summary/Keyword: FRP/steel-confined RC column

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Experimental study on bearing capacity of PFCC column-RC beam joint reinforced with CST

  • Ping Wu;Dongang Li;Feng Yu;Yuan Fang;Guosheng Xiang;Zilong Li
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.19-36
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    • 2023
  • An experimental study of eleven PVC-FRP Confined Concrete (PFCC) column-Reinforced Concrete (RC) beam joints reinforced with Core Steel Tube (CST) under axial compression is carried out. All specimens are designed in accordance with the principle of "weak column and strong joint". The influences of FRP strips spacing, length and steel ratio of CST, height and stirrup ratio of joint on mechanical behavior are investigated. As the design anticipated, all specimens are destroyed by column failure. The failure mode of PFCC column-RC beam joint reinforced with CST is the yielding of longitudinal steel bars, CST and stirrups of column as well as the fracture of FRP strips and PVC tube. The ultimate bearing capacity decreases as FRP strips spacing or joint height increases. The effects of other three studied parameters on ultimate bearing capacity are not obvious. The strain development rules of longitudinal steel bars, PVC tube, FRP strips, column stirrups and CST are revealed. The effects of various studied parameters on stiffness are also examined. Additionally, an influence coefficient of joint height is introduced based on the regression analysis of test data, a theoretical formula for predicting bearing capacity is proposed and it agrees well with test data.

Efficiency of insulation layers in fire protection of FRP-confined RC columns-numerical study

  • El-Mahdya, Osama O.;Hamdy, Gehan A.;Hisham, Mohammed
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.77 no.5
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    • pp.673-689
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    • 2021
  • This paper addresses the efficiency of thermal insulation layers applied to protect structural elements strengthened by fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) in the case of fire event. The paper presents numerical modeling and nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete (RC) columns externally strengthened by FRP and protected by thermal insulation layers when subjected to elevated temperature specified by standard fire tests, in order to predict their residual capacity and fire endurance. The adopted numerical approach uses commercial software includes heat transfer, variation of thermal and mechanical properties of concrete, steel reinforcement, FRP and insulation material with elevated temperature. The numerical results show good agreement with published results of full-scale fire tests. A parametric study was conducted to investigate the influence of several variables on the structural response and residual capacity of insulated FRP-confined columns loaded by service loads when exposed to fire. The residual capacity of FRP-confined RC column was affected by concrete grade and insulation material and was shown to improve substantially by increasing the concrete cover and insulation layer thickness. By increasing the VG insulation layer thickness 15, 32, 44, 57 mm, the loss in column capacity after 5 hours of fire was 30%, 13%, 7% and 5%, respectively. The obtained results demonstrate the validity of the presented approach for estimation of fire endurance and residual strength, as an alternative for fire testing, and for design of fire protection layers for FRP-confined RC columns.

Modeling the confined compressive strength of hybrid circular concrete columns using neural networks

  • Oreta, Andres W.C.;Ongpeng, Jason M.C.
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.597-616
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    • 2011
  • With respect to rehabilitation, strengthening and retrofitting of existing and deteriorated columns in buildings and bridges, CFRP sheets have been found effective in enhancing the performance of existing RC columns by wrapping and bonding CFRP sheets externally around the concrete. Concrete columns and piers that are confined by both lateral steel reinforcement and CFRP are sometimes referred to as "hybrid" concrete columns. With the availability of experimental data on concrete columns confined by steel reinforcement and/or CFRP, the study presents modeling using artificial neural networks (ANNs) to predict the compressive strength of hybrid circular RC columns. The prediction of the ultimate confined compressive strength of RC columns is very important especially when this value is used in estimating the capacity of structures. The present ANN model used as parameters for the confining materials the lateral steel ratio (${\rho}_s$) and the FRP volumetric ratio (${\rho}_{FRP}$). The model gave good predictions for three types of confined columns: (a) columns confined with steel reinforcement only, (b) CFRP confined columns, and (c) hybrid columns confined by both steel and CFRP. The model may be used for predicting the compressive strength of existing circular RC columns confined with steel only that will be strengthened or retrofitted using CFRP.

Experimental study and modelling of CFRP-confined damaged and undamaged square RC columns under cyclic loading

  • Su, Li;Li, Xiaoran;Wang, Yuanfeng
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.411-427
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    • 2016
  • While the cyclic behaviour of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP)-confined columns is studied rather extensively, the cyclic response especially the energy dissipation of FRP-confined damaged and undamaged square RC columns is not yet fully understood. In this paper, an experimental and numerical investigation was conducted to study the cyclic behavior of two different types of Carbon FRP (CFRP)-confined square RC columns: strengthened and repaired. The main variables investigated are initial damage, confinement of CFRP, longitudinal steel reinforcement ratio. The experimental results show that lower initial damage, added confinement with CFRP and longitudinal reinforcement enhance the ductility, energy dissipation capacity and strength of the columns, decrease the stiffness and strength degradation rates of all CFRP-confined square RC columns. Two hysteretic constitutive models were developed for confined damaged and undamaged concrete and cast into the non-linear beam-column fiber-based models in the software Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (OpenSees) to analyze the cyclic behavior of CFRP-confined damaged and undamaged columns. The results of the numerical models are in good agreement with the experiments.

Stress-strain model of weak PVC-FRP confined concrete column and strong RC ring beam joint under eccentric compression

  • Yu, Feng;Zhang, Nannan;Fang, Yuan;Liu, Jie;Xiang, Guosheng
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.13-27
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    • 2020
  • To investigate the stress-strain relation of PVC-FRP Confined Concrete (PFCC) column with RC ring beam joint subjected to eccentric compression, the experiment of 13 joint specimens, which were designed with principle of "strong joint and weak column", were presented. Several variable parameters, such as reinforcement ratio, width and height of ring beam, FRP strips spacing and eccentricity, were considered. The specimens were eventually damaged by the crushing of concrete, the fracture of PVC tube and several FRP strips. With the FRP strips spacing or eccentricity increased, the ultimate carrying capacity of specimens declined. The strain of FRP strips and axial strain of PVC tube decreased as FRP strips spacing decreased. The decrease of eccentricity would slow down the development of strain of FRP strips and axial strain of PVC tube. The slope of stress-strain curve of PFCC column decreased as FRP strips spacing or eccentricity increased. The ultimate strain of PFCC column reduced as FRP strips spacing increased, while the effect of eccentricity on the ultimate strain of PFCC was not distinct. Considering the influence of eccentricity on the stress-strain relation, a modified stress-strain model for conveniently predicting the weak PFCC column and strong RC ring beam joint under eccentric compression was proposed and it was in good agreement with the experimental data.

Experimental Evaluation for Seismic Performance of RC Bridge Piers with FRP Confinement (FRP 횡보강근을 이용한 RC 교각의 내진성능 평가 실험)

  • 정영수;박진영;박창규;서진원
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2003.03a
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    • pp.377-384
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    • 2003
  • Recently, there are much concerns about new and innovative transverse materials which could be used instead of conventional transverse steel in reinforced concrete bridge piers. FRP materials could be substituted for conventional transverse steel because of their sufficient strength, light weight, easy fabrication, and useful applicability to any shapes of pier sections, such as rectangular or circular sections. The objective of this research is to evaluate the seismic performance of reinforced concrete bridge pier specimens with FRP transverse reinforcement by means of the Quasi-Static test. In the first task, test columns were made using FRP rope, but these specimens appeared to fail at low displacement ductility levels due to insufficient confinement of strand extension itself. Therefore, the second task was to evaluate the seismic performance of test specimens transversely confined with FRP band. Although FRP banded specimens showed lower seismic performance than the specimen with spiral reinforcing steel, it satisfied with the response modification factor, 3, required for the single column of Korea bridge roadway design code. It was concluded that FRP band could be efficiently substituted for conventional reinforcing steel.

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Response of lap splice of reinforcing bars confined by FRP wrapping: application to nonlinear analysis of RC column

  • Pimanmas, Amorn;Thai, Dam Xuan
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.111-129
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    • 2011
  • This paper presents a nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete column with lap splice confined by FRP wrapping in the critical hinging zone. The steel stress-slip model derived from the tri-uniform bond stress model presented in the companion paper is included in the nonlinear frame analysis to simulate the response of reinforced concrete columns subjected to cyclic displacement reversals. The nonlinear modeling is based on a fiber discretization of an RC column section. Each fiber is modeled as either nonlinear concrete or steel spring, whose load-deformation characteristics are calculated from the section of fiber and material properties. The steel spring that models the reinforcing bars consists of three sub-springs, i.e., steel bar sub-spring, lap splice spring, and anchorage bond-slip spring connected in series from top to bottom. By combining the steel stress versus slip of the lap splice, the stress-deformation of steel bar and the steel stress-slip of bars anchored into the footing, the nonlinear steel spring model is derived. The analytical responses are found to be close to experimental ones. The analysis without lap splice springs included may result in an erroneous overestimation in the strength and ductility of columns.

Numerical modelling of circular reinforced concrete columns confined with GFRP spirals using fracture-plastic model

  • Muhammad Saad Ifrahim;Abdul Jabbar Sangi;Shuaib H. Ahmad
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.527-536
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    • 2023
  • Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) bar has emerged as a viable and sustainable replacement to steel in reinforced concrete (RC) under severe corrosive environment. The behavior of concrete columns reinforced with FRP bars, spirals, and hoops is an ongoing area of research. In this study, 3D nonlinear numerical modelling of circular concrete columns reinforced with Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) bars and transversely confined with GFRP spirals were conducted using fracture-plastic model. The numerical models and experimental results are found to be in good agreement. The effectiveness of confinement was accessed through von-mises stresses, and it was found that the stresses in the concrete's core are higher with a 30 mm pitch (46 MPa) compared to a 60 mm pitch (36 MPa). The validated models are used to conduct parametric studies. In terms of axial load carrying capacity and member ductility, the effect of concrete strength, spiral pitch, and longitudinal reinforcement ratio are thoroughly investigated. The confinement effect and member ductility of a GFRP RC column increases as the spiral pitch decreases. It is also found that the confinement effect and member ductility decreased with increase in strength of concrete.

Axial behavior of CFRP wrapped RC columns of different shapes with constant slenderness ratio

  • Narule, Giridhar N.;Bambole, Abhay N.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.65 no.6
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    • pp.679-687
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    • 2018
  • In composite materials technology, the fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) have opened up new horizons in infrastructural engineering field for strengthening existing structures and components of structure. The Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets are well suited for RC columns to this application because of their high strength to weight ratio, good fatigue properties and excellent resistance to corrosion. The main focus of present experimental work is to investigate effect of shapes on axial behavior of CFRP wrapped RC columns having same cross-sectional area and slenderness ratio. The CFRP volumetric ratio and percentage of steel are also adopted constant for all the test specimens. A total of 18 RC columns with slenderness ratio four were cast. Nine columns were control and the rest of nine columns were strengthened with one layer of CFRP wrap having 35 mm of corner radius. Columns confined with CFRP wrap were designed using IS: 456:2000 and ACI 440.2R.08 provisions. All the test specimens were loaded for axial compression up to failure and failure pattern for each shaped column was investigated. All the experimental results were compared with analytical values calculated as per the ACI-440.2R-08 code. The test results clearly demonstrated that the axial behavior of CFRP confined RC columns is affected with the change in shapes. The axial deformation is higher in CFRP wrapped RC circular column as compared to square and rectangular columns. Stress-strain behaviour revealed that the yield strength gained from CFRP confinement was significant for circular columns as compare to square and rectangular columns. This behaviour may be credited due to effect of shape on lateral deformation in case of CFRP wrapped circular columns at effective confinement action.