• Title/Summary/Keyword: Extraction Index

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Morphological Feature Parameter Extraction from the Chromosome Image Using Reconstruction Algorithm (염색체 영상의 재구성에 의한 형태학적 특징 파라메타 추출)

  • 장용훈;이권순
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.545-552
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    • 1996
  • Researches on chromosome are very significant in cytogenetics since a gene of the chromosome controls revelation of the inheritance plasma The human chromosome analysis is widely used to diagnose genetic disease and various congenital anomalies. Many researches on automated chromosome karyotype analysis has been carried out, some of which produced commercial systems. However, there still remains much room for improving the accuracy of chromosome classification. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for reconstruction of the chromosDme image to improve the chromosome classification accuracy. Morphological feature parameters are extracted from the reconstructed chromosome images. The reconstruction method from chromosome image is the 32 direction line algorithm. We extract three morphological feature parameters, centromeric index(C.I.), relative length ratio(R.L.), and relative area ratio(R.A.), by preprocessing ten human chromosDme images. The experimental results show that proposed algorithm is better than that of other researchers'comparing by feature parameter errors.

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Chromosome images Reconstitution and Feature Parameter Extraction (염색체 영상의 재구성과 특징 파라메타 추출)

  • Chang, Y.H.;Lee, K.S.;Lee, Y.J.;Jun, K.R.;Eom, S.H.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1996 no.05
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    • pp.103-107
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    • 1996
  • In this paper, We propose an algorithm for reconstitution of chromosome images to extract its morphological feature parameters. It is reconstituted from 460 chromosome images using the 32 direction line algorithm. We extract three morphological feature parameters such as centromeric index, relative length ratio, and relative area ratio. The experiment results show that our method is batter than that of other researchers comparing with the error of feature parameters.

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Keyword identifications on dimensions for service quality of Healthcare providers (헬스케어 서비스 리뷰를 활용한 서비스 품질 차원 별 중요 단어 파악 방안)

  • Lee, Hong Joo
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.171-185
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    • 2018
  • Studies on online review have carried out analysis of the rating and topic as a whole. However, it is necessary to analyze opinions on various dimensions of service quality. This study classifies reviews of healthcare services into service quality dimensions, and proposes a method to identify words that are mainly referred to in each dimension. Service quality was based on the dimensions provided by SERVQUAL, and patient reviews have collected from NHSChoice. The 2,000 sentences sampled were classified into service quality dimension of SERVQUAL and a method of extracting important keywords from sentences by service quality dimension was suggested. The RAKE algorithm is used to extract key words from a single document and an index is considered to consider frequently used words in various documents. Since we need to identify key words in various reviews, we have considered frequency and discrimination (IDF) at the same time, rather than identifying key words based only on the RAKE score. In SERVQUAL dimension, we identified the words that patients mentioned mainly, and also identified the words that patients mainly refer to by review rating.

The Study on the drug pharmacokinetics according to the progression of liver disease

  • Sohn, Soo-Jung;Choi, Hong-Serck;Ahn, Mee-Ryung;Chung, Hye-Joo;Yoo, Tae-Moo;Lee, Min-Ho;Park, Moon-Seung;Shin, In-Chul;Kim, Ju-ll
    • Proceedings of the PSK Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.308.1-308.1
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    • 2003
  • We underwent this study to know correlation between the amount of portosysternic shunt/hepatic fibrosis and bioavailability parameters such as AUC, Cmax, Tmax and t1 /2 of high extraction ratio drug, propranolol, in CCl4-induced liver cirrhosis model of rats. This study describes the bioavaility study of propranolol(5 mg/kg), Shunt Index using thallium-201 per rectum scintigraphy to to measure the amount of portosystemic shunt indirectly and intrahepatic hydroxyproline content performed in the CCl4-induced liver cirrhosis model of rats. (omitted)

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Construction of Consumer Confidence index based on Sentiment analysis using News articles (뉴스기사를 이용한 소비자의 경기심리지수 생성)

  • Song, Minchae;Shin, Kyung-shik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2017
  • It is known that the economic sentiment index and macroeconomic indicators are closely related because economic agent's judgment and forecast of the business conditions affect economic fluctuations. For this reason, consumer sentiment or confidence provides steady fodder for business and is treated as an important piece of economic information. In Korea, private consumption accounts and consumer sentiment index highly relevant for both, which is a very important economic indicator for evaluating and forecasting the domestic economic situation. However, despite offering relevant insights into private consumption and GDP, the traditional approach to measuring the consumer confidence based on the survey has several limits. One possible weakness is that it takes considerable time to research, collect, and aggregate the data. If certain urgent issues arise, timely information will not be announced until the end of each month. In addition, the survey only contains information derived from questionnaire items, which means it can be difficult to catch up to the direct effects of newly arising issues. The survey also faces potential declines in response rates and erroneous responses. Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to complement it. For this purpose, we construct and assess an index designed to measure consumer economic sentiment index using sentiment analysis. Unlike the survey-based measures, our index relies on textual analysis to extract sentiment from economic and financial news articles. In particular, text data such as news articles and SNS are timely and cover a wide range of issues; because such sources can quickly capture the economic impact of specific economic issues, they have great potential as economic indicators. There exist two main approaches to the automatic extraction of sentiment from a text, we apply the lexicon-based approach, using sentiment lexicon dictionaries of words annotated with the semantic orientations. In creating the sentiment lexicon dictionaries, we enter the semantic orientation of individual words manually, though we do not attempt a full linguistic analysis (one that involves analysis of word senses or argument structure); this is the limitation of our research and further work in that direction remains possible. In this study, we generate a time series index of economic sentiment in the news. The construction of the index consists of three broad steps: (1) Collecting a large corpus of economic news articles on the web, (2) Applying lexicon-based methods for sentiment analysis of each article to score the article in terms of sentiment orientation (positive, negative and neutral), and (3) Constructing an economic sentiment index of consumers by aggregating monthly time series for each sentiment word. In line with existing scholarly assessments of the relationship between the consumer confidence index and macroeconomic indicators, any new index should be assessed for its usefulness. We examine the new index's usefulness by comparing other economic indicators to the CSI. To check the usefulness of the newly index based on sentiment analysis, trend and cross - correlation analysis are carried out to analyze the relations and lagged structure. Finally, we analyze the forecasting power using the one step ahead of out of sample prediction. As a result, the news sentiment index correlates strongly with related contemporaneous key indicators in almost all experiments. We also find that news sentiment shocks predict future economic activity in most cases. In almost all experiments, the news sentiment index strongly correlates with related contemporaneous key indicators. Furthermore, in most cases, news sentiment shocks predict future economic activity; in head-to-head comparisons, the news sentiment measures outperform survey-based sentiment index as CSI. Policy makers want to understand consumer or public opinions about existing or proposed policies. Such opinions enable relevant government decision-makers to respond quickly to monitor various web media, SNS, or news articles. Textual data, such as news articles and social networks (Twitter, Facebook and blogs) are generated at high-speeds and cover a wide range of issues; because such sources can quickly capture the economic impact of specific economic issues, they have great potential as economic indicators. Although research using unstructured data in economic analysis is in its early stages, but the utilization of data is expected to greatly increase once its usefulness is confirmed.

Detecting Phenology Using MODIS Vegetation Indices and Forest Type Map in South Korea (MODIS 식생지수와 임상도를 활용한 산림 식물계절 분석)

  • Lee, Bora;Kim, Eunsook;Lee, Jisun;Chung, Jae-Min;Lim, Jong-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.2_1
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    • pp.267-282
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    • 2018
  • Despite the continuous development of phenology detection studies using satellite imagery, verification through comparison with the field observed data is insufficient. Especially, in the case of Korean forests patching in various forms, it is difficult to estimate the start of season (SOS) by using only satellite images due to resolution difference. To improve the accuracy of vegetation phenology estimation, this study reconstructed the large scaled forest type map (1:5,000) with MODIS pixel resolution and produced time series vegetation phenology curves from Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) derived from MODIS images. Based on the field observed data, extraction methods for the vegetation indices and SOS for Korean forests were compared and evaluated. We also analyzed the correlation between the composition ratio of forest types in each pixel and phenology extraction from the vegetation indices. When we compared NDVI and EVI with the field observed SOS data from the Korea National Arboretum, EVI was more accurate for Korean forests, and the first derivative was most suitable for extracting SOS in the phenology curve from the vegetation index. When the eight pixels neighboring the pixels of 7 broadleaved trees with field SOS data (center pixel) were compared to field SOS, the forest types of the best pixels with the highest correlation with the field data were deciduous forest by 67.9%, coniferous forest by 14.3%, and mixed forest by 7.7%, and the mean coefficient of determination ($R^2$) was 0.64. The average national SOS extracted from MODIS EVI were DOY 112.9 in 2014 at the earliest and DOY 129.1 in 2010 at the latest, which is about 0.16 days faster since 2003. In future research, it is necessary to expand the analysis of deciduous and mixed forests' SOS into the extraction of coniferous forest's SOS in order to understand the various climate and geomorphic factors. As such, comprehensive study should be carried out considering the diversity of forest ecosystems in Korea.

Clinical and panoramic radiographic features of osteomyelitis of the jaw: A comparison between antiresorptive medication-related and medication-unrelated conditions

  • Shin, Jeong Won;Kim, Jo-Eun;Huh, Kyung-Hoe;Yi, Won-Jin;Heo, Min-Suk;Lee, Sam-Sun;Choi, Soon-Chul
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.287-294
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study was performed to analyze the clinical and imaging features of contemporary osteomyelitis(OM) and to investigate differences in these features on panoramic radiography according to patients' history of use of medication affecting bone metabolism. Materials and Methods: The records of 364 patients(241 female and 123 male, average age 66.8±14.9 years) with OM were retrospectively reviewed. Panoramic imaging features were analyzed and compared between patients with medication-related OM(m-OM) and those with conventional, medication-unrelated OM(c-OM). Results: The age of onset of OM tended to be high, with the largest number of patients experiencing onset in their 70s. The 2 most frequent presumed causes were antiresorptive medication use (44.2%) and odontogenic origin (34.6%). On panoramic radiographs, a mix of osteolysis and sclerosis was the most common lesion pattern observed (68.6%). Sequestrum, extraction socket, and periosteal new bone formation were found in 143(42.1%), 79 (23.2%), and 24 (7.1%) cases, respectively. The m-OM group exhibited sequestrum and extraction socket more frequently and displayed significantly higher mandibular cortical index values than the c-OM group. Conclusion: We observed some differences in imaging features as shown on panoramic radiography according to the history of antiresorptive medication use. This study may help elucidate the predictive imaging features of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw.

Effects of pain catastrophizing and anxiety on analgesic use after surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molars

  • Altan, Ahmet;Akkoc, Sumeyra;Erdil, Aras;Colak, Sefa;Demir, Osman;Altan, Halenur
    • Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.379-388
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    • 2019
  • Background: In dentistry, pain is a factor that negatively affects treatments and drug use. The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlations of the postoperative analgesic use with pain catastrophizing and anxiety in patients who underwent removal of an impacted mandibular third molar. Methods: We recruited 92 patients who underwent the extraction of impacted mandibular third molar. In this study, the Pederson index was used to preoperatively determine the difficulty of surgical extraction. Patients were asked to note the number of analgesics used for 7 postoperative days. Patients were divided into two groups based on the Pain Catastrophizing Scale: low and high score groups. State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-trait and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-state questionnaires were used to determine the anxiety levels of the patients. The obtained data were examined to evaluate the correlations of pain catastrophizing and anxiety with the postoperative analgesic use. Results: In this study, 92 patients, including 60 women and 32 men, were recruited. The analgesic use was higher in women than in men but with no significant difference (P > 0.05). Pain Catastrophizing Scale scores were higher in women than in men but with no significant difference (P > 0.05). The analgesic use was higher in patients with high pain catastrophizing than in those with low pain catastrophizing but with no significant difference (P > 0.05). State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-trait scores were higher in women than in men but with no significant difference. However, state-Trait Anxiety Inventory-state scores were significantly higher in women than in men (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The postoperative analgesic use may be higher in patients who catastrophize pain than in others. Knowing the patient's catastrophic characteristics preoperatively would contribute to successful pain management and appropriate drug selection.

Crying and Face Color Analysis for Baby Heart Diseases Diagnosis (소아 심장 질환 진단을 위한 울음소리 및 얼굴 색상 분석)

  • Cho, Dong-Uk;Lee, Se-Hwan;Kim, Bong-Hyun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.14B no.7
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    • pp.503-512
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    • 2007
  • An infant of a baby child who haven't communication skills through a language expresses their intention or baby condition as generally crying. Among these things, it is important to show a baby condition because their disease miss diagnosis time or remain to decide an exact diagnosis result too hard. For this, in this paper, we are going to develop system which decides where to be not good body point by analysing their face color and crying sound. Specifically, in this paper, we are going to act for baby heart diseases by doing feature extraction for their face region color and crying sound. To embody, we are going to present diagnosis method and compare analyze their crying sound a stand child, a different diseases child and a baby heart diseases child through each analyzed element. And also, we are going to extract matters to be attended to baby heart diseases through experiment and prepare objective index and an accuracy of baby heart diseases diagnosis result.

Alveolar socket preservation with demineralised bovine bone mineral and a collagen matrix

  • Maiorana, Carlo;Poli, Pier Paolo;Deflorian, Matteo;Testori, Tiziano;Mandelli, Federico;Nagursky, Heiner;Vinci, Raffaele
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.194-210
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the healing of post-extraction sockets following alveolar ridge preservation clinically, radiologically, and histologically. Methods: Overall, 7 extraction sockets in 7 patients were grafted with demineralised bovine bone mineral and covered with a porcine-derived non-crosslinked collagen matrix (CM). Soft tissue healing was clinically evaluated on the basis of a specific healing index. Horizontal and vertical ridge dimensional changes were assessed clinically and radiographically at baseline and 6 months after implant placement. For histological and histomorphometric analysis, bone biopsies were harvested from the augmented sites during implant surgery 6 months after the socket preservation procedure. Results: Clinically, healing proceeded uneventfully in all the sockets. A trend towards reduced horizontal and vertical socket dimensions was observed from baseline to the final examination. The mean width and height of resorption were 1.21 mm (P=0.005) and 0.46 mm (P=0.004), respectively. Histologically, residual xenograft particles ($31.97%{\pm}3.52%$) were surrounded by either newly formed bone ($16.02%{\pm}7.06%$) or connective tissue ($50.67%{\pm}8.42%$) without fibrous encapsulation. The CM underwent a physiological substitution process in favour of well-vascularised collagen-rich connective tissue. Conclusions: Socket preservation using demineralised bovine bone mineral in combination with CM provided stable dimensional changes of the alveolar ridge associated with good reepithelialisation of the soft tissues during a 6-month healing period.