• Title/Summary/Keyword: Error level

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Joint Space-time Coding and Power Domain Non-orthogonal Multiple Access for Future Wireless System

  • Xu, Jin;Ding, Hanqing;Yu, Zeqi;Zhang, Zhe;Liu, Weihua;Chen, Xueyan
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.93-113
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    • 2020
  • According to information theory, non-orthogonal transmission can achieve the multiple-user channel capacity with an onion-peeling like successive interference cancellation (SIC) based detection followed by a capacity approaching channel code. However, in multiple antenna system, due to the unideal characteristic of the SIC detector, the residual interference propagated to the next detection stage will significantly degrade the detection performance of spatial data layers. To overcome this problem, we proposed a modified power-domain non-orthogonal multiple access (P-NOMA) scheme joint designed with space-time coding for multiple input multiple output (MIMO) NOMA system. First, with proper power allocation for each user, inter-user signals can be separated from each other for NOMA detection. Second, a well-designed quasi-orthogonal space-time block code (QO-STBC) was employed to facilitate the SIC-based MIMO detection of spatial data layers within each user. Last, we proposed an optimization algorithm to assign channel coding rates to balance the bit error rate (BER) performance of those spatial data layers for each user. Link-level performance simulation results demonstrate that the proposed time-space-power domain joint transmission scheme performs better than the traditional P-NOMA scheme. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm is of low complexity and easy to implement.

Development of Line Standards Measurement System Using an Optical Microscope (광학 현미경을 이용한 선표준물 측정 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Jong-Ahn;Kim, Jae-Wan;Kang, Chu-Shik;Eom, Tae-Bong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.26 no.8
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 2009
  • We developed a line standards measurement system using an optical microscope and measured two kinds of line standards. It consists of three main parts: an optical microscope module including a CCD camera, a stage system with a linear encoder, and a measurement program for a microscopic image processing. The magnification of microscope part was calibrated using one-dimensional gratings and the angular motion of stage was measured to estimate the Abbe error. The threshold level in line width measurement was determined by comparing with certified values of a line width reference specimen, and its validity was proved through the measurement of another line width specimen. The expanded uncertainty (k=2) was about 100 nm in the measurements of $1{\mu}m{\sim}10{\mu}m$ line width. In the comparison results of line spacing measurement, two kinds of values were coincide within the expanded uncertainty, which were obtained by the one-dimensional measuring machine in KRISS and the line standards measurement system. The expanded uncertainty (k=2) in the line spacing measurement was estimated as $\sqrt{(0.098{\mu}m)^2+(1.8{\times}10^{-4}{\times}L)^2}$. Therefore, it will be applied effectively to the calibration of line standards, such as line width and line spacing, with the expanded uncertainty of several hundreds nanometer.

A Study on Soil Suitability Criteria for Adzuki Bean

  • Cho, Hyun-Jun;Hyun, Byung-Keun;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Hur, Seung-Oh;Shin, Kook-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.412-417
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    • 2014
  • Soil properties and yields of red been were investigated to establish soil suitability of Korean adzuki bean at 166 farms in Korea. The soil morphological and physical properties were investigated by 1:5,000 scale average yield of 2~3 years. The impact factors to the adzuki bean yields and soil properties were selected based on standard error of each factor. The yields of adzuki bean showed the greatest values when the morphology was alluvial plains, the drainage was well or moderately well, the slope was 2~7%, the texture was fine loamy, the gravel content was less than 15% and the available soil depth was more than 100 cm. Contribution factors of soil properties to the yields were 0.18 of morphology, 0.18 of drainage level, 0.23 of slope, 0.20 of texture, 0.11 of gravel content and 0.10 of available soil depth, respectively. Soil suitability levels were set as the best suitable land if score was greater than 90, suitable land if score ranged from 89 to 85, the possible land if the score ranged from 79 to 84 and low productive land if score was less than 78. According to the criteria 37.5% of the production area was the best suitable land, 29.4% was suitable land, 22.3% was possible land and 10.8% was low productive land. The best and suitable lands were total of 66.9% in Gyeongju, Gyeosangbuk-do.

Sample Size Determination for O/D Estimation under Budget Constraint (예산제약하에서 O/D 추정을 위한 최소표본율 결정)

  • Sin, Hui-Cheol;Lee, Hyang-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.24 no.3 s.89
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2006
  • A large sample can Provide more information about the Population. As the sample size Increases, analysts will be more confident about the survey results. On the other hand, the costs for survey will increase in time and manpower. Therefore, determination of the sample size is a trade-off between the required accuracy and the cost. In addition, permitted error and significance level should be considered. Sample size determination in surveys for O/D estimation is also connected with confidence of survey result. However, the past methods were usually too simple to consider confidence. Therefore, a new method for O/D surveys was Proposed and it was accurate enough, but it has too large sample size when we have current budget constraint. In this research, several minimum sample size determination methods for origin-destination survey under budget constraint were proposed. Each method decreased sample size, but has its own advantages. Selection of the sample size will depend on the study Purpose and budget constraint.

Development of Shock Wave Delay Estimation Model for Mixed Traffic at Unsaturated Signalized Intersection (충격파를 이용한 신호교차로 지체산정 모형 개발 (비포화 2차로 신호교차로 상에서의 버스혼합교통류 지체산정모형))

  • Kim, Won-Gyu;Kim, Byeong-Jong;Park, Myeong-Gyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2010
  • Controlled traffic intersection is critical point in terms of transportation network performance, where the most of traffic congestion arises. One of the most important and favorable measure of effectiveness in the signal controlled intersection is approach delay. Although lots of efforts to develop traffic delay estimation models have been made throughout the years, most of them were focusing on homogeneous traffic flow. The purpose of this research is to develop a traffic delay estimation model for traffic flow mixed with bus based on the horizontal shockwave theory. Traffic simulation is performed to test the adaptation level of the model in generic environment. The result shows that the delay increases with increasing bus traffic. Overall model accuracy comparing simulation result is acceptable, that shows the error range around 10 percent.

Comparison of the Family Based Association Test and Sib Transmission Disequilibrium Test for Dichotomous Trait (이산형 형질에 대한 가족자료 연관성 검정법 FBAT와 형제 전달 불균형 연관성 검정법 S-TDT의 비교)

  • Kim, Han-Sang;Oh, Young-Sin;Song, Hae-Hiang
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.1103-1113
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    • 2010
  • An extensively used approach for family based association test(FBAT) is compared with the sib transmission/disequilibrium test(S-TDT), and in particular the adjusted S-TDT, in which the covariance among related siblings is taken into consideration, can provide a more sensitive test statistic for association. A simulation study comparing the three test statistics demonstrates that the type I error rates of all three tests are larger than the prespecified significance level and the power of the FBAT is lower than those of the other two tests. More detailed studies are required in order to assess the influence of the assumed conditions in FBAT on the efficiency of the test.

A Study of Compensation Algorithm for Localization based on Equivalent Distance Rate using Estimated Location Coordinator Searching Scheme (예상 위치좌표 탐색기법을 적용한 균등거리비율 기반 위치인식 보정 알고리즘 연구)

  • Kwon, Seong-Ki;Lee, Dong-Myung;Lee, Chang-Bum
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.3571-3577
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    • 2010
  • The estimated location coordinator exploration scheme and the E&E(Equivalent distance rate & Estimated location coordinator exploration) compensation algorithm for localization is proposed, and the performance of the E&E is analyzed in this paper. The proposed scheme is adapted to the AEDR(Algorithm for localization using the concept of Equivalent Distance Rate). From several experiments, it is confirmed that the performance of the localization compensation in SDS-TWR is improved from 0.60m to 0.34m in four experimental scenarios, and the performance of the localization compensation ratio of the E&E is also better than that of the AEDR as a level of maximum 15%. It can be thought that the proposed localization compensation algorithm E&E can be sufficiently applicable to various localization applications because the performance of the localization error rate of the E&E is measured as less than 1m in 99% of the total performance experiments.

Effect of Touch-key Sizes on Usability of Driver Information Systems and Driving Safety (터치키 크기가 운전자 정보 시스템의 사용성과 운전의 안전성에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kim, Hee-Hin;Kwon, Sung-Hyuk;Heo, Ji-Yoon;Chung, Min-K.
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.30-40
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    • 2011
  • In recent years, driver information systems (DIS's) became popular and the use of DIS's increased significantly. A majority of DIS's provides touch-screen interfaces because of intuitiveness of the interaction and the flexibility of interface design. In many cases, touch-screen interfaces are mainly manipulated by fingers. In this case, investigating the effect of touch-key sizes on usability is known to be one of the most important research issues, and lots of studies address the effect of touch-key size for mobile devices or kiosks. However, there is few study on DIS's. The importance of touch-key size study for DIS's should be emphasized because it is closely related to safety issues besides usability issues. In this study, we investigated the effect of touch-key sizes of DIS's while simulated driving (0, 50, and 100km/h) considering driving safety (lateral deviation, velocity deviation, total glance time, mean glance time, total time between glances, mean number of glances) and usability of DIS's (task completion time, error rate, subjective preference, NASA TLX) simultaneously. As a result, both of driving safety and usability of DIS's increased as driving speed decreased and touch-key size increased. However, there were no significant differences when touch-key size is larger than a certain level (in this study : 17.5mm).

Implementation of the Classification using Neural Network in Diagnosis of Liver Cirrhosis (간 경변 진단시 신경망을 이용한 분류기 구현)

  • Park, Byung-Rae
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.17-33
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents the proposed a classifier of liver cirrhotic step using MR(magnetic resonance) imaging and hierarchical neural network. The data sets for classification of each stage, which were normal, 1type, 2type and 3type, were analysis in the number of data was 231. We extracted liver region and nodule region from T1-weight MR liver image. Then objective interpretation classifier of liver cirrhotic steps. Liver cirrhosis classifier implemented using hierarchical neural network which gray-level analysis and texture feature descriptors to distinguish normal liver and 3 types of liver cirrhosis. Then proposed Neural network classifier learned through error back-propagation algorithm. A classifying result shows that recognition rate of normal is $100\%$, 1type is $82.8\%$, 2type is $87.1\%$, 3type is $84.2\%$. The recognition ratio very high, when compared between the result of obtained quantified data to that of doctors decision data and neural network classifier value. If enough data is offered and other parameter is considered this paper according to we expected that neural network as well as human experts and could be useful as clinical decision support tool for liver cirrhosis patients.

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Variable Length Optimum Convergence Factor Algorithm for Adaptive Filters (적응 필터를 위한 가변 길이 최적 수렴 인자 알고리듬)

  • Boo, In-Hyoung;Kang, Chul-Ho
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 1994
  • In this study an adaptive algorithm with optimum convergence factor for steepest descent method is proposed, which controls automatically the filter order to take the appropriate level. So far, fixed order filters have been used when adaptive filter is employed according to the priori knowledge or experience in various adaptive signal processing applications. But, it is so difficult to know the filter order needed in real implementations that high order filters have to be performed. As a result, redundant calculations are increased in the case of high order filters. The proposed variable length optimum convergence factor (VLOCF) algorithm takes the appropriated filter order within the given one so that the redundant calculation is decreased to get the enhancement of convergence speed and smaller convergence error during the steady state. The proposed algorithm is evaluated to prove the validity by computer simulation for system Identification.

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