• Title/Summary/Keyword: Erosion Map

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A Comparative Analysis of Annual Surface Soil Erosion Before and After the River Improvement Project in the Geumgang Basin Using the RUSLE (RUSLE을 활용한 금강 수변지역의 하천정비사업 전·후의 연간 표토침식량 변화 비교분석)

  • Kim, Jeong-Cheol;Choi, Jong-Yun;Lee, Sunmin;Jung, Hyung-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.6_4
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    • pp.1351-1361
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the annual surface soil erosion amount of before (2007 year) and after (2015 year) the river improvement projects were calculated using RUSLE (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) in the Geumgang basin (Daecheong-Dam to Geumgang Estuary-Bank). After the results were classified into five classes, the results were compared and analyzed with the results of the change in the land cover. In order to generate each factor of RUSLE, various spatial information data, such as land cover maps for 2007 and 2015 years, national basic spatial information, soil map, and average annual precipitation data were utilized. The results of the analysis are as follows: 1) annual surface soil erosion in the study area increased the area of class 1 in 2015 years compared to 2007, 2) the area of class 2, 3 and 5 decreased, 3) the area of class 4 increased. It is believed that the average annual amount of surface soil erosion decreased in most areas due to the reduction of annual average precipitation, the formation of ecological parks, the expansion of artificial facilities, and the reduction of illegal farmland.

Development and Evaluation of Runoff-Sediment Evaluation System and BMPs Evaluation Modules for Agricultural Fields using Hourly Rainfall (시강우량을 이용한 필지별 유출-유사 평가 시스템 및 BMPs 평가 모듈 개발 및 적용성 평가)

  • Kum, Donghyuk;Ryu, Jichul;Choi, Jaewan;Shin, Min Hwan;Shin, Dong Suk;Cheon, Se Uk;Choi, Joong-Dae;Lim, Kyoung Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.375-383
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    • 2012
  • Soil erosion has been emphasized as serious environmental problem affecting water quality in the receiving waterbodies. Recently, Best Management Practices (BMPs) have been applied at a field to reduce soil erosion and its effectiveness in soil erosion reduction has been monitored with various methods. Although monitoring at fields/watershed outlets would be accurate way for these ends, it is not possible at some fields/watersheds due to various limitations in direct monitoring. Thus modeling has been suggested as an alternative way to evaluate effects of the BMPs. Most models, which have been used in evaluating hydrology and water quality at a watershed, could not reflect rainfall intensity in runoff generation and soil erosion processes. In addition, source codes of these models are not always public for modification/enhancement. Thus, runoff-sediment evaluation system using hourly rainfall data and vegetated filter strip (VFS) evaluation module at field level were developed using open source MapWindow GIS component in this study. This evaluation system was applied to Bangdongri, Chuncheonsi to evaluate its prediction ability and VFS module in this study. The NSE and $R^2$ values for runoff estimation were 0.86 and 0.91, respectively, and measured and simulated sediment yield were 15.2 kg and 16.5 kg indicating this system, developed in this study, can be used to simulate runoff and sediment yield with acceptable accuracies. Nine VFS scenarios were evaluated for effectiveness of soil erosion reduction. Reduction efficiency of the VFS was high when sediment inflow was small. As shown in this study, this evaluation system can be used for evaluation BMPs with local rainfall intensity and variations considered with ease-of-use GIS interface.

Estimation of morphological change using waterline method in the Ganghwado tidal flats

  • Lee, Yoon-Kyung;Ryu, Joo-Hyung;Eom, Jin-Ah;Jo, Min-Jeong
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.22-24
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    • 2007
  • Waterline extraction is the one of widely used methods for studying changes in tidal flat environment and coastlines using multi-temporal optical images such as Landsat TM and Landsat ETM+. High dynamics of tidal currents and land reclamation which accelerate sedimentation and/or erosion cause waterline change in tidal flats. The amount of sediment deposited or eroded can be evaluated by precisely estimating waterline changes in tidal flats. The objective of this study is to detect the change of waterlines during 17 years and analyze the trends of erosion and sedimentation in the study areas. The Ganghwado tidal flat on the west coast of the Korean Peninsula was selected. The study area is famous for high dynamics of tidal currents and vast tidal flats. Land reclamation which has been carried out on a large scale is also considered as one of elements that have accelerated the environmental changes in this tidal flat. In this study, we acquired 26 waterlines from Landsat TM and Landsat ETM+ images. We extracted the waterline from each satellite image to generate a digital elevation map (DEM) which was used for reference and to compare with the other waterline which was extracted from DEM having a same tide. The result of comparison well depicted the areas of dominant sedimentation and erosion, and general trends of sedimentation and erosion according to sub-regions are also revealed during the investigation time. Results showed that erosion during a decade was dominant at the west of the Southern Ganghwado tidal flat, while sedimentation was dominant at the wide channel between the Southern Ganghwado tidal flat and the Yeongjongdo tidal flat. This area has been commonly affected by high currents and sedimentation energy. Although we were not able to verify the accuracy of the waterline changes, this result clearly showed the waterline change and therefore, the waterline extraction method used in this study has proven as an effective tool for long term tidal change estimation.

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A Study on the Effect of Grid Size to Extract Topographical Parameters by DEM (DEM에 의한 지형인자 추출에 따른 격자크기의 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, In-Ju;Lee, Jung-Min;Kim, Sang-Yong;Lee, Jong-Chool
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.10 no.2 s.20
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2002
  • Recently, GIS tend to be studied in water resoruces field. In hydrology analysis, GIS propose way that can develop subjective element of designer objectively. The development project is conducting disaster effect estimation to breed disaster, and cope these disaster beforehand provoking soil erosion and food recently. In this study, receive value of LS factor through DEM data at volume of soil erosion computation by disaster effect estimation and whether it are some relation effect of gradient and change of soil erosion by grid size did comparative analysis. As a result, according as grid size great, gradient became slow and could know that error value of gradient great according as storing scale of digital topographical map grows.

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Risk Assessment of Soil Erosion in Gyeongju Using RUSLE Method (RUSLE 기법을 이용한 경주지역의 토양침식 위험도 평가)

  • Oh, Jeong-Hak;You, Ju-Han;Kim, Kyung-Tae;Lee, Woo-Sung
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.313-324
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to present the raw data for establishing the plan of top soil conservation in soil environment and preventing the soil loss by establishing the potential amount of soil loss using RUSLE. The results are as follows. To apply the RUSLE model, we calculated the potential amount of soil loss by using 5 factors; rainfall erosion factor(R), topographical factor(LS), soil erosion factor(K), land cover factor(C) and erosion control factor(P). The assessment map of soil loss was drawn up by classifying 5 grades. According to the soil loss estimation by the RUSLE, it showed that approximately 83.9% of the study area had relatively lower possibility of soil loss which was the 1 ton/ha in annual soil loss. Whereas, the 7.0% of the study area was defined as high risk area which was the 10 ton/ha in annual. Therefore, this area was needed that there was environment-friendly construction of farm land, improvement of cultivation environment and so forth. In future, if we will analyze the amount of soil loss of Gyeongju national park and Hyeongsan river watershed, we will offer the help to establishing the conservation plan of soil environment in Gyeongsangbuk-do.

Assessment of Arable Soil Erosion Risk in Seonakdong River Watershed using GIS, RS and USLE (USLE 및 GIS, RS를 이용한 서낙동강 유역 농경지 토양침식 위험도 평가)

  • Ko, Jee-yeon;Lee, Jae-saeng;Jung, Ki-yul;Yun, Eul-soo;Choi, Yeong-dae;Kim, Choon-shik;Kim, Bok-jin
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.173-183
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    • 2006
  • Purpose of this study was to estimate of soil erosion, which is related with crop productivity and water quality in watershed, in Seonakdong river watershed using USLE. The data set for USLE estimation were derived from detailed digital map(K factor), satellite imagery(C and P factors) and DEM(LS factor). The R factor was calculated by AWS data from Kimhae agricultural technology center. The soil loss from arable land was equivalent of 31.5% of total soil loss in Seonakdong river watershed. The soil loss amount of paddy field and upland were 2.8% and 97.2% of arable land, respectively, even in the area where paddy field was occupied much largely as 76.3%. The reason of large amount of soil loss from upland was that 30.4% of upland was distributed at "severe" and "very severe" soil erosion grade in watershed. The distribution of soil erosion grade during cropping season(May-Sept.) was similar to the annual soil loss. Soil erosion of non-cropping season(Oct.-Apr.) was small due to a low R factor. But, soil erosion grade of near mountain footslope areas showed severe and very severe even in non-cropping season.

Investigation of the Collapsed Lands Under the Sea Based on Cadastral and Topographic Survey

  • Lee, Chang-Kyung;Han, Sang-Deuk
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2002
  • Lands along the coast may be submerged in high water because of erosion by sea water, collapsing by itself, excavation by animals, and by tidal movement. From a cadastral point of view, some mistakes in registering a parcel located along the coast may cause the parcel to seem to be collapsed. Therefore, geological, physical oceanographic, and cadastral and topographic investigation are necessary to verify that the submerged land in high water collapsed after it was registered. This paper presents a cadastral and topographic investigation for proving a parcel has collapsed under the sea after registered. In this study, cadastral records and the boundary on cadastral maps were examined carefully to find any errors in them. If the topographic maps were drawn when the parcel was registered, it is good proof of topography of the land at that time. Topographic maps drawn recently were compared to those in the 1900s and in 1970s. In conclusion, cadastral records and maps as well as topographic maps play an important role in proving whether lands along the coast were collapsed or not.

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  • Kim, Myung-Ki;Park, Jeong-Won;Choi, Jung-Hyun;Jung, Hyung-Sup
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.368-371
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    • 2006
  • A coastline is the boundary between land and ocean masses. Knowledge of coastline is essential for autonomous navigation, geographical exploration, coastal erosion monitoring and modelling, water line change, etc. Many methods have been researched to extract coastlines from the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optic images. Most methods were based on the intensity contrast between land and sea regions. However, in these methods, a coastline detection task was very difficult because of insufficient intensity contrast and the ambiguity in distinguishing coastline from other object line. In this paper, we propose an efficient method for the delineation of coastline using interferometric coherence values estimated from ERS tandem pair. The proposed method uses the facts that a tandem pair of ERS is acquired from a time interval of an accurate day and that the coherent and incoherent values in coherence map are land and water, respectively. The coherence map was generated from ERS tandem pair, filtered by MAP filter, and divided into land and water by the determination of threshold value that is based on the bimodality of the histogram. Finally, a coastline was detected by delineating the boundary pixels. There was a good visual match between the detected coastline and the manually contoured line. The interferometric coherence map will be helpful to identify land and water regions easily, and can be used to many applications that are related with a coastline.

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The Restoration Effect of Deltacon Method in Coastal Erosion (Deltacon공법을 통한 해안 침식지의 복구 효과 연구)

  • Han, Bong-Ho;Park, Seok-Cheol;Lee, Poong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.35-50
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    • 2017
  • This study is to see the recovery effect of the Deltacon method by investigating the amount of sand deposition, the topographical cross section and the vegetation structure; and to derive the effective recovery method of coastal erosion area. The target areas of this study include Jinri coastal dune, Bajireum coastal dune and Seopori coastal dune in Deokjeok-do Island, Ongjin-gun, Incheon. In order to assess the current status of the coastal erosion area recovery, the soil profile structure map was prepared on the site and then the amount of sand deposition within 1m was calculated indoors. The vegetation recovery status of the costal erosion area was assessed via the analyses of the topographical profile structure and the plant community structure, and we aim to derive the effective recovery plan of the Deltacon method with the results. With the Deltacon method, structures with ductile material, special non-woven fabric bags filled with soil and vegetation can be performed therefore the structuralstability and prevention of sand erosion can be achieved. The amounts of sand deposition of Bajireum coastal dune, Seopori costal dune and Jinri costal dune were calculated $0.98{\sim}2.54m^3$, $1.02{\sim}2.96m^3$, and $0.27{\sim}0.75m^3$, respectively, and it is considered that the costal erosion recovery is actively performed for Bajireum costal dune and Seopori costal dune. The analysis results of vegetation structures by topography show that the installation of the send collecting net in steep areas has been highly effective and the Deltacon-constructed target areas have been restored to vegetation and the costal dune, which is similar to the natural dune. The investigation of the plant community structure in Deokjeok-do Island costal dune, Incheon displayed similar research results of the existing costal dune flora and confirmed the emergence of Lathyrus japonicus, Carex kobomugi, Elymus mollis, Vitex rotundifolia, and Calystegia soldanella and others. In order to carry out further effective recovery with the Deltacon method, improvements to rootage of herbaceous vegetation are needed in areas without foredune herbaceous vegetation, and continuos maintenance & management monitoring of connected windbreak forest to costal dunes are also necessary.

Erosion and Sedimentation Monitoring of Coastal Region using Time Series UAV Image (시계열 UAV 영상을 활용한 연안지역 침식·퇴적 변화 모니터링)

  • CHO, Gi-Sung;HYUN, Jae-Hyeok;LEE, Geun-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2020
  • In order to promote efficient coastal management, it is important to continuously monitor the characteristics of the terrain, which are changed by various factors. In this study, time series UAV images were taken of Gyeokpo beach. And the standard deviation of ±11cm(X), ±10cm(Y), and ±15cm(Z) was obtained as a result of comparing with the VRS measurement performance for UAV position accuracy evaluation. Therefore, it was confirmed that the tolerance of the digital map work rule was satisfied. In addition, as a result of monitoring the erosion and sedimentation changes using the DSM(digital surface model) constructed through UAV images, an average of 0.01 m deposition occurred between June 2018 and December 2018, and in December 2018 and June 2019. It was analyzed that 0.03m of erosion occurred. Therefore, 0.02m of erosion occurred between June 2018 and June 2019. From the topographical change analysis results, the area of erosion and sediment height was analyzed, and the area of erosion and sedimentation was widely distributed in the ±0.5m section. If we continuously monitor the topographical changes in the coastal regions by using the 3D terrain modeling results using the time series UAV images presented in this study, we can support the coastal management tasks such as supplement or dredging of sand.