• Title/Summary/Keyword: Emerging Currency

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The Measurement and Comparison of the Relative Efficiency for Currency Futures Markets : Advanced Currency versus Emerging Currency (통화선물시장의 상대적 효율성 측정과 비교 : 선진통화 대 신흥통화)

  • Kim, Tae-Hyuk;Eom, Cheol-Jun;Kang, Seok-Kyu
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2008
  • This study is to evaluate, to the extent to, which advanced currency futures and emerging currency futures markets can predict accurately the future spot rate. To this end, Johansen's the maximum-likelihood cointegration method(1988, 1991) is adopted to test the unbiasedness and efficiency hypothesis. Also, this study is to estimate and compare a quantitative measure of relative efficiency as a ratio of the forecast error variance from the best-fitting quasi-error correction model to the forecast error variance of the futures price as predictor of the spot price in advanced currency futures with in emerging currency futures market. Advanced currency futures is British pound and Japan yen. Emerging currency futures includes Korea won, Mexico peso, and Brazil real. The empirical results are summarized as follows : First, the unbiasedness hypothesis is not rejected for Korea won and Japan yen futures exchange rates. This indicates that the emerging currency Korea won and the advanced currency Japan yen futures exchange rates are likely to predict accurately realized spot exchange rate at a maturity date without the trader having to pay a risk premium for the privilege of trading the contract. Second, in emerging currency futures markets, the unbiasedness hypothesis is not rejected for Korea won futures market apart from Mexico peso and Brazil real futures markets. This indicates that in emerging currency futures markets, Korea won futures market is more efficient than Mexico peso and Brazil real futures markets and is likely to predict accurately realized spot exchange rate at a maturity date without risk premium. Third, this findings show that the results of unbiasedness hypothesis tests can provide conflicting finding. according to currency futures class and forecasts horizon period, Fourth, from the best-fitting quasi-error correction model with forecast horizons of 14 days, the findings suggest the Japan yen futures market is 27.06% efficient, the British pound futures market is 26.87% efficient, the Korea won futures market is 20.77% efficient, the Mexico peso futures market is 11.55%, and the Brazil real futures market is 4.45% efficient in the usual order. This indicates that the Korea won-dollar futures market is more efficient than Mexico peso, and Brazil real futures market. It is therefore possible to concludes that the Korea won-dollar currency futures market has relatively high efficiency comparing with Mexico peso and Brazil real futures markets of emerging currency futures markets.

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The Analysis and Comparison of the Hedging Effectiveness for Currency Futures Markets : Emerging Currency versus Advanced Currency (통화선물시장의 헤징유효성 비교 : 신흥통화 대 선진통화)

  • Kang, Seok-Kyu
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.155-180
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    • 2009
  • This study is to estimate and compare hedging effectiveness in emerging currency and advanced currency futures markets. Emerging currency futures includes Korea won, Mexico peso, and Brazil real and advanced currency futures is Europe euro, British pound, and Japan yen. Hedging effectiveness is measured by comparing hedging performance of the naive hedge model, OLS model, error correction model and constant condintional correlation bivariate GARCH(1, 1) hedge model based on rolling windows. Analysis data is used daily spot and futures rates from January, 2, 2001 to March. 10, 2006. The empirical results are summarized as follows : First, irrespective of hedging period and model, hedging using Korea won/dollar futures reduces spot rate's volatility risk by 97%. Second, Korea won/dollar futures market produces the best hedging performance in emerging and advanced currency futures markets, i.e. Mexico peso, Brazil real, Europe euro, British pound, and Japan yen. Third, there are no difference of hedging effectiveness among hedging models.

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Financial Liberalization, Government Stability, and Currency Crises - Some Evidence from South Korea and Emerging Market Economies

  • Chiu, Eric M.P.
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.129-144
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - Recent empirical studies have reached mixed results on the effects of financial liberalization and currency crises. We argue that this relationship is likely to depend both on whether controls are primarily on the degrees of financial liberalization and on the stability of the government. Using the disaggregated data on financial liberalization recently developed by Abiad et al (2010) for a sample of 30 emerging countries over the period 1995-2015, we attempt to investigate the political economy determinants of currency crises. Design/methodology - Our empirical model considers the relationship between financial liberalization and currency crises for emerging market economies. This study employs the existing theoretical framework to identify the disaggregate level for financial liberalization across countries. Using a multivariate logit model, this study attempts to estimate the interrelationship among financial liberalization, government stability and currency crises complemented by a case study of South Korea. Findings - Our main findings can be summarized as follows: we find strong support for the proposition that more liberalized financial institutions are positively associated with the probability of currency crises especially under less stable governments, but reduce the risks of currency crises especially for more stable governments. We also examine the role of financial systems with the case of South Korea after Asian financial crises and the results are further supported and consistent with the empirical findings. Originality/value - Existing studies focus on the economic factors across countries. This paper instead attempts to evaluate the effects of financial liberalization and currency crises by incorporating political considerations with newly developed dataset on financial liberalization, which are essential to the understanding of the causes of currency crises.

The Analysis of Determinants of Currency Internationalization in a Multipolar World Economy and its Prospects (다극화시대의 국제통화 결정요인 분석 및 전망)

  • Kim, Hyungsik;Hwang, Yun-Seop
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.349-368
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    • 2011
  • The emergence of new multipolar world economy along with the predominant growth of emerging economies encourages these emerging countries to internationalize their currencies. Currently the discrepancy between qualification and status of international currency is easily observed, and the emerging market currencies are no doubt underestimated considering their share of the world's economic size and trade volume. This paper studies the determinant factors of currency internationalization for five key currencies (US Dollar, Yen, Euro, Pound, and Swiss Franc). The analysis shows economic size, trade volume, and the stability of price and exchange rate are most important. Based on this result, Chinese Yuan is forecast to become a new international currency in the near future. Therefore, Korea needs to preempt the issue of regional economic integration, and even currency integration, by taking into account the possibility of internationalized Yuan.

U.S. Macro Policies and Global Economic Challenges

  • Aizenman, Joshua;Ito, Hiro
    • East Asian Economic Review
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.469-495
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    • 2020
  • This paper overviews different exit strategies for the U.S. from the debt-overhang, and analyses their implications for emerging markets and global stability. These strategies are discussed in the context of the debates about secular-stagnation versus debt-overhang, the fiscal theory of the price level, the size of fiscal multipliers, prospects for a multipolar currency system, and historical case studies. We conclude that the reallocation of U.S. fiscal efforts towards infrastructure investment aiming at boosting growth, followed by a gradual tax increase, aiming at reaching a modest primary fiscal surplus over time are akin to an upfront investment in greater long-term global stability. Such a trajectory may solidify the viability and credibility of the U.S. dollar as a global anchor, thereby stabilizing Emerging Markets economies and global growth.

Bitcoin and Its Energy Usage: Existing Approaches, Important Opinions, Current Trends, and Future Challenges

  • Mir, Usama
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.3243-3256
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    • 2020
  • Recent years have shown a great interest of public in buying and selling of crypto/digital currency. With hundreds of digital currencies in financial market, bitcoin remains the most widely used, adapted, and accepted currency around the world. However, the critics of bitcoin still consider it a threat to modern day power usage. This paper discusses the important pitfalls, pros, and cons related to bitcoin's energy consumption. The paper begins by highlighting the flexibilities cryptocurrency can bring to online money transfers compared to traditional 'fiat' architecture. Then, the focus of the paper entirely remains on listing various facts related to bitcoin's energy utilization including a brief description of several emerging approaches for energy optimization. This paper is concluded by revealing key current challenges associated to bitcoin's energy usage.

A Study on the Dispute Resolution of MIGA in the Investment Guarantee for Developing Countries (개발도상국 투자에서 MIGA의 분쟁해결제도에 관한 고찰)

  • Yu, Byoung Yook
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    • v.60
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    • pp.79-106
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    • 2013
  • The world is significant increasing investment volume into developing countries from foreign investors. Foreign financial capital is searching in interesting place among the emerging market. However foreign investors put still their experience in the economical and social crisis with political risks in the host countries. MIGA entered into the political risks insurance market which has one of the basic matter of sponsored the private investment guarantee programs. They put guarantee or covering risks of currency inconvertibility, expropriation, breach of contract and political violence. In the case contracts of guarantee concluded between investor and MIGA which are disputes in relation to such MIGA service contract, it should be settled by negotiation, conciliation and arbitration under the convention establishing the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency(MIGA). All disputes within the scope to states and investor of MIGA members shall be settled in accordance with the procedure set out in the convention. Recently, MIGA is opening the office in Seoul to strengthen joint efforts between MIGA and Korea. It will be a good chance to consider sustainable improvement and dispute solutions for emerging countries in foreign investment to the korean investors.

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Enhancing Throughput and Reducing Network Load in Central Bank Digital Currency Systems using Reinforcement Learning (강화학습 기반의 CBDC 처리량 및 네트워크 부하 문제 해결 기술)

  • Yeon Joo Lee;Hobin Jang;Sujung Jo;GyeHyun Jang;Geontae Noh;Ik Rae Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.129-141
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    • 2024
  • Amidst the acceleration of digital transformation across various sectors, the financial market is increasingly focusing on the development of digital and electronic payment methods, including currency. Among these, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) are emerging as future digital currencies that could replace physical cash. They are stable, not subject to value fluctuation, and can be exchanged one-to-one with existing physical currencies. Recently, both domestic and international efforts are underway in researching and developing CBDCs. However, current CBDC systems face scalability issues such as delays in processing large transactions, response times, and network congestion. To build a universal CBDC system, it is crucial to resolve these scalability issues, including the low throughput and network overload problems inherent in existing blockchain technologies. Therefore, this study proposes a solution based on reinforcement learning for handling large-scale data in a CBDC environment, aiming to improve throughput and reduce network congestion. The proposed technology can increase throughput by more than 64 times and reduce network congestion by over 20% compared to existing systems.

International Monetary System Reform and the G20 (국제통화제도의 개혁과 G20)

  • Cho, Yoon Je
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.153-195
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    • 2010
  • The recent global financial crisis has been the outcome of, among other things, the mismatch between institutions and the reality of the market in the current global financial system. The International financial institutions (IFIs) that were designed more than 60 years ago can no longer effectively meet the challenges posed by the current global economy. While the global financial market has become integrated like a single market, there is no international lender of last resort or global regulatory body. There also has been a rapid shift in the weight of economic power. The share of the Group of 7 (G7) countries in global gross domestic product (GDP) fell and the share of emerging market economies increased rapidly. Therefore, the tasks facing us today are: (i) to reform the IFIs -mandate, resources, management, and governance structure; (ii) to reform the system such as the international monetary system (IMS), and regulatory framework of the global financial system; and (iii) to reform global economic governance. The main focus of this paper will be the IMS reform and the role of the Group of Twenty (G20) summit meetings. The current IMS problems can be summarized as follows. First, the demand for foreign reserve accumulation has been increasing despite the movement from fixed exchange rate regimes to floating rate regimes some 40 years ago. Second, this increasing demand for foreign reserves has been concentrated in US dollar assets, especially public securities. Third, as the IMS relies too heavily on the supply of currency issued by a center country (the US), it gives an exorbitant privilege to this country, which can issue Treasury bills at the lowest possible interest rate in the international capital market. Fourth, as a related problem, the global financial system depends too heavily on the center country's ability to maintain the stability of the value of its currency and strength of its own financial system. Fifth, international capital flows have been distorted in the current IMS, from EMEs and developing countries where the productivity of capital investment is higher, to advanced economies, especially the US, where the return to capital investment is lower. Given these problems, there have been various proposals to reform the current IMS. They can be grouped into two: demand-side and supply-side reform. The key in the former is how to reduce the widespread strong demand for foreign reserve holdings among EMEs. There have been several proposals to reduce the self-insurance motivation. They include third-party insurance and the expansion of the opportunity to borrow from a global and regional reserve pool, or access to global lender of last resort (or something similar). However, the first option would be too costly. That leads us to the second option - building a stronger globalfinancial safety net. Discussions on supply-side reform of the IMS focus on how to diversify the supply of international reserve currency. The proposals include moving to a multiple currency system; increased allocation and wider use of special drawing rights (SDR); and creating a new global reserve currency. A key question is whether diversification should be encouraged among suitable existing currencies, or if it should be sought more with global reserve assets, acting as a complement or even substitute to existing ones. Each proposal has its pros and cons; they also face trade-offs between desirability and political feasibility. The transition would require close collaboration among the major players. This should include efforts at the least to strengthen policy coordination and collaboration among the major economies, and to reform the IMF to make it a more effective institution for bilateral and multilateral surveillance and as an international lender of last resort. The success on both fronts depends heavily on global economic governance reform and the role of the G20. The challenge is how to make the G20 effective. Without institutional innovations within the G20, there is a high risk that its summits will follow the path of previous summit meetings, such as G7/G8.

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A Study on Improving the Overseas Marketing Activities of Tourist Hotels -Focused on American Market of "L" Hotel- (관광호텔 해외 마케팅 활동 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • 송용덕
    • Journal of Applied Tourism Food and Beverage Management and Research
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    • v.9
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    • pp.163-185
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    • 1998
  • It is expected that marketing environment of the hotel industry will change much this year. Hotels should make strategic marketing activities to cope with the rapid change of the environment positively. With the case study of marketing activities for American market of "L" Hotel, a deluxe hotel in Seoul, this study is to present the ways of improving marketing activities of a tourist hotel. U.S.A market has been emerging as the most important market in deluxe hotels with strong value of U.S. dollar currency. To get more Ameriean staying guests. hotels had better make effortis in American market as follow. First, hotels should select corporate market as main target market in U.S.A market. Second, hotels should make preferred corporate rate contracts with corporate travel departments of corporate accounts as their house agents Third, hotels should recognize Global Distribution System as major eservation network in U.S.A Fourth, hotels should advertise effectively in G.D.S in order that agents may reserve the hotel with its visual information. Fifth, hotels had better make the most use of three branch offices of K.N.T.O and sale offices of their affiliated reservation system to get useful information on corporates and travel agents.el agents.

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