• Title/Summary/Keyword: Edge Network

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A Case Study on Joint Overseas Expansion of Home Shopping Firm and Consumer Goods SMEs (홈쇼핑 기업과 소비재 중소기업의 해외 동반진출에 관한 사례연구)

  • Yang, Heesoon;Jeong, So Won;Chung, Jae-Eun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.153-165
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    • 2018
  • There must be a balanced development of both conglomerates and small and mid-sized companies in order to secure constant economic growth and competitive edge of South Korea. Accordingly, high expectations are being placed on win-win growth and joint overseas expansion of conglomerates and small and mid-sized companies. This study seeks efficient ways to promote joint overseas expansion of major retailers and small and mid-sized companies considering the distinctiveness of home shopping by conducting interviews about joint overseas expansion of home shopping companies and small and mid-sized consumer goods companies in South Korea. To do this, interviews were conducted with three home shopping companies and three consumer goods SMEs operating in overseas markets. The results are as follows. Home shopping companies contribute to opening up overseas markets for small and mid-sized consumer goods companies, and allows them to make use of business and marketing competencies that they lack. Home shopping companies also produce visual materials or provide language translations, and help draw up documents for customs clearance in trading. They also form market development teams and provide information about the overseas markets. However, since the actual benefits from joint overseas expansion are minor for home shopping companies, there is a need for a strategy for win-win growth of both parties in the long run. To this end, it is necessary to provide substantial benefits to encourage joint overseas expansion. Ultimately, balanced development between home shopping companies and small- and medium-sized consumer goods companies should be promoted.

A Study on Competitiveness-reinforcing Factors in Designing Digital Door Lock Products and in Penetrating the Market -With Focus on an Analysis of Consumers' Preference by Product- (디지털 도어락 시장 진입을 위한 제품디자인의 경쟁력 장화요소 연구 - 제품별 소비자 선호도 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Yoo, Boo-Mee
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.1 s.59
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2005
  • Consumers' awareness of product value, and their product preferences, are becoming increasingly influential in product development, particularly in corporations' efforts in manufacturing products with a competitive edge. Corporations conduct surveys on consumers' product satisfaction and preferences and conduct in-depth studies on consumer needs. They then manufacture products in accordance with the results of these surveys and studies. With the necessity and demand for digital door lock products recently growing, this research sought to explore product competitiveness reinforcement factors that could facilitate market penetration, and to formulate corresponding design strategies. In-depth consumer interviews were also conducted to identify consumer lifestyles and needs. Furthermore, consumer preference images, purchase and use-related patterns, and the status of door lock markets were studied. In the past, to design and manufacture consumer-oriented products, corporations primarily resorted to the improvement of the products' technological features. At present, the users' product preferences and the ways that they use these products are the factors that determine product design. Consumers today tend to adjust their lifestyles according to available products, and prefer products that have greater value in terms of lifestyle and culture. Strategic points for reinforcing competitiveness were presented in this study: first, offering different values that will enhance consumer satisfaction, second, positively developing bio-recognizable methods that will boost consumer preference, third, meeting the consumers' expectations that door lock products should not be mere 'entrance and exit control' systems, but network security systems and fourth, adopting convenient authentication methods backed by advanced technologies.

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Practical approaches to becoming the logistics hub of Northeast Asia (동북아 물류중심국가 추진전략에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Moon-Kap
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - The Northeast Asian Logistic Hub strategy was established to create a national competitive advantage in northeast Asia. Countries in this region are competing fiercely to become the central base distribution port as the volume of container shipping continues to increase due to the northeast Asian (especially Chinese) economic growth. The primary method by which shippers are improving their customer service and distribution is enhancing profits by minimizing call ports on the key route through strategic affiliations and the use of large vessels. Each nation is planning large-scale investments in the construction of sea ports that can accommodate large vessels. This paper proposes ways by which the logistical strategies of domestic corporations can keep pace with changes in government policy concerning the Northeast Asian Business Hub policy. It examines the logistics system in the Northeast Asian region, analyzes the government's Northeast Asian Business Hub policy, and suggests logistical strategies for domestic corporations through an analysis based on a questionnaire designed to grasp domestic firms' needs and goals. Research design, data and methodology - The purpose of this study is to determine how shipping companies establish partnerships with third-party logistics providers and draws out the implications of the results. The survey methods used were personal interviews and questionnaires distributed to a sample population through e-mail, fax, mail, and telephone. A total of 600 questionnaires were distributed, of which 165 were returned. Among these, ten were excluded due to insufficient content; ultimately, 155 were used for the sample. The statistical data collection process was analyzed through data coating and a statistical package program. Results - This study argues that greater flexibility in policies, administration, and systems will be needed to significantly improve established business practices. In this dissertation, we primarily identify that in order to become a center of northeast Asian logistics, Korea must adopt a new paradigm and abandon the existing systems that are based on the economic and social systems that have stemmed from bureaucracy, inflexibility, chauvinism, and equalitarianism. Flexible policies, administration, and systems will be necessary to improve business practices. Domestic corporations must establish a strategic logistics hub and related network while simultaneously pursuing value-added logistics businesses by increasing their manpower and building a logistics information system. This will strengthen their competitive edge and lead to system improvements. Conclusions - Domestic corporations must adopt a new paradigm and use more reasonable business laws, systems, and policies that are based on market-driven flexibility and transparency. Moreover, social norms and regulations should be established to help ensure political and social security. Korea must also develop a culture of tolerance for foreign companies. Finally, the paradigm defining the policy governing the development of the capital city and its satellite cities in this context must be changed.

An Aggregate Fairness Marker without Per Flow Management for Fairness Improvement of Assured Service in DiffServ (DiffServ 방식의 Assured Service 에서 플로별 관리 없이 Fairness향상을 위한 Aggregate Fairness Marker)

  • Park, Ji-Hoon;Hur, Kyeong;Eom, Doo-Seop
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.7B
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    • pp.613-627
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we propose an Aggregate Fairness Maker (ARM) required for an Edge router to improve fairness of throughput among the flows of Assured Service in DiffServ with different round trip time (RTT) and we propose a user flow Three Color Marker (uf-TCM) as a flow marker that marks packets from the flow as green, yellow, or red. A yellow packet is the packet that consumes loss token in uf-TCM as well as that is demoted green packet in AM due to disobey the aggregate traffic profile. The proposed AFH promotes yellow packet to green packet or demotes green packet to yellow packet through the fair method without per-flow management, and it improves the feirness of throughput among the flows as well as link utilization. A yellow packet and a red packet have the same drop precedence at Core Router in our scheme. So we can use the RIO buffer management scheme. We evaluated the performance of our proposed AFM and the REDP Marker that was proposed to improve fairness without per-flow management. Simulation results show that, compared with the REDP marker, proposed AFM can improve performance of throughput fairness among the flows with different RTT and link utilization under the over-provisioning, exact-provisioning, and under-provisioning network environments at Multiple DiffServ domains as well as at Single DiffServ domain.

Efficiency of Radial Transit Routes (간선-지선 노선체계의 효율성)

  • Park, Jun-Sik;Kho, Seung-Young;Lee, Chung-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.227-235
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    • 2008
  • This study analyzed the efficiency of a trunk with branches and a trunk with feeders route system comparing the user cost and operator cost of those route systems. Basically, a trunk with branches is more efficient than a trunk with feeders in the passengers' perspective if the transit system of a trunk and feeders are the same. In the case that the trunk system is hierarchically higher than the feeder system, a trunk with feeders has the competitive edge over a trunk with branches if the saving of travel cost induced by using the trunk line is larger than the increasing waiting and transfer cost. This result is consistent with the previous research by Park et al.(2007c), which analyzed the efficiency of hierarchical structure in a grid transit network. If the travel demand of each origins and destinations is low, increasing headway according to the travel demand can increase passenger load or operating efficiency in a trunk with feeders route system. In this case, a trunk with feeders route system is more prevalent as the operating cost, route length, and number of destinations increases, while it is less prevalent as the transfer cost and passengers' time value of the waiting time increases. In cases that central business district, which is located in the middle of a trunk line, generates travel demand, a trunk with feeders is more efficient than a trunk with branches with the increasing travel demand from and to the CBD. Therefore it can be concluded that to have a dual operating system between CBD and suburban is more efficient than one type transit system. The efficiency of that system can be increased through an efficient transfer system that can reduce the transfer cost.

The theme and urban development of the Expo Yeosu focusing on the case of the Expo Lisbon (리스본엑스포를 통해 본 여수엑스포의 주제와 도시개발)

  • Choi, Eun-Soon;Jeong, Moon-Soo
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.33 no.8
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    • pp.539-548
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    • 2009
  • This work aims to highlight the importance and role of the theme and message of BIE exhibitions in the 21th century, and to suggest essential points concerning the preparation of the Expo 2012 Yeosu which would focus on the theme and urban development. After the Expo '98 Lisbon, the theme and message of Expo has been changed from focusing on the progress of technology itself to rethinking of progress itself and focusing on the future of the globe. This change also reflects the need to solve the problems of global environment problem in today's human society and to pursue the new technology which enable to make sure sustainable development. Because the Expo Yeosu, whose theme is the sea and coast, is compared to case of Expo Lisbon whose theme is ocean, we need to make a benchmarking the case of the Expo Lisbon and to make efforts to differenciate the case of the Expo Lisbon. This article suggests concerning the theme and urban development plan of the Expo Yeosu as follows: First, to propose current and future cutting edge technology to utilize the resources of the ocean and the coast and to propose the Yeosu Project, a capacity-building program designed to address various challenges confronting developing countries. Second, to propose a different urban redevelopment plan of capital Lisbon, ie to propose sea port cities network to link the advent of the Namhaeansidae.

Association Analysis of Comorbidity of Cerebral Infarction Using Data Mining (데이터 마이닝을 활용한 뇌경색증과 동반되는 질환의 연관성 분석)

  • Lee, In-Hee;Shin, A-Mi;Son, Chang-Sik;Park, Hee-Joon;Kim, Joong-Hwi;Park, Sang-Young;Choi, Jin-Ho;Kim, Yoon-Nyun
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to apply association rule mining to explore the labyrinthine network of cerebral infarction comorbidity and basic data supply to develop cutting-edge physical therapy protocols for cerebral infarction with comorbidity Methods: From clinic records of enrollees of A Hospital in D city, patients over 18 years of age with cerebral infarction and cerebral infarction comorbidity were recruited as a case group. All diagnoses of that hospital were categorized according to the "International Classification of Disease (ICD)" diagnosis system. We extracted code I63 from the "Korea Classification of Disease (KCD)-4". Associated rule mining was done with a priori modeling and Web nodes to examine the strengths of associations among those diagnoses. The support and confidence values of associated rule mining results were examined. Results: The subjects of this study were 2,267 cerebral infarction patients. E11 (Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus), E78 (Disorders of lipoprotein metabolism and other lipidaemias), G81 (Hemiplegia), I10 (Essential hypertension), and K29 (Gastritis and duodenitis) were high frequency diagnoses, being found in 10% or more of total diagnoses of cerebral infarction from frequency analysis results. The highest frequency diagnosis was 1,042 (46.0%) for I10. The second most frequent diagnosis was for E11(21.5%) while the third most frequent diagnosis was E78 (20.2%). Results from a priori modeling and Web nodes indicated that cerebral infarction has a strong association withessential hypertension, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, disorders of lipoprotein metabolism and other lipidaemias. Conclusion: Cerebral infarction is associated with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and disorders of lipoprotein metabolism and other lipidaemias. The result of this study will be helpful to clinicians treating patients with cerebral infarction.

Adaptive Power Control Dynamic Range Algorithm in WCDMA Downlink Systems (WCDMA 하향 링크 시스템에서의 적응적 PCDR 알고리즘)

  • Jung, Soo-Sung;Park, Hyung-Won;Lim, Jae-Sung
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.9A
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    • pp.1048-1057
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    • 2004
  • WCDMA system is 3rd generation wireless mobile system specified by 3GPP. In WCDMA downlink, two power control schemes are operated. One is inner loop power control operated m every slot Another is outer loop power control based on one frame time. Base staion (BS) can estimate proper transmission power by these two power control schemes. However, because each MS's transmission power makes a severe effect on BS's performance, BS cannot give excessive transmission power to the speclfic user 3GPP defined Power Control Dynamic Range (PCDR) to guarantee proper BS's performance. In this paper, we propose Adaptive PCDR algorithm. By APCDR algorithm, Radio Network Controller (RNC) can estimate each MS's current state using received signal to interference ratio (SIR) APCDR algorithm changes MS's maximum code channel power based on frame. By proposed scheme, each MS can reduce wireless channel effect and endure outages in cell edge. Therefore, each MS can obtain better QoS. Simulation result indicate that APCDR algorithm show more attractive output than fixed PCDR algorithm.

Spectral Efficiency Evaluation of Coordinated Multi-point Systems Based on System Level Simulations (멀티 포인트 시스템에서 시스템 레벨 시뮬레이션에 기반을 둔 스펙트럼 효율성 검증)

  • Jung, Bang-Chul;Shin, Won-Yong;Ban, Tae-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.2113-2120
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, so as to improve spectral efficiency for cell-boundary users, we introduce a coordinated multi-point (CoMP) system, which is one of inter-cell cooperative transmission strategies studied in 3GPP long-term evolution-advanced (LTE-A) systems, and develop a system-level simulator to evaluate performance. To identify performance improvement of the system with inter-cell cooperative transmission, we select a 3GPP LTE system as a reference, which shows the highest performance among the existing mobile communication systems, and conduct a performance comparison. System-level simulation is performed based on widely-used OPNET tool. We implement modules including central unit (CU), CoMP eNodeB (CeNB), user equipment (UE), and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel model, while designing the inter-cell cooperative transmission system. Under WINNER wireless channel model and international telecommunication union (ITU) network model environments, we then evaluate the performance of edge users who belong to the lower 5% in terms of spectral efficiency. It is finally shown that throughput of the proposed CoMP system gets improved up to 2.5 times compared to that of the 3GPP LTE reference system.

Energy Saving Characteristics of OSPF Routing Based on Energy Profiles (Energy Profile에 기반한 OSPF 라우팅 방식의 에너지 절약 특성)

  • Seo, Yusik;Han, Chimoon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.40 no.7
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    • pp.1296-1306
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    • 2015
  • Nowadays the research of energy saving on the IP networks have been studied the various methods in many research institutes. This paper suggests the energy saving method in IP networks which have the various energy profiles, and analyzes its energy saving characteristics in detail. Especially this paper proposes the energy profile based OSPF routing method which have the selectable weighted value in OSPF metric and energy consumption in IP network. This paper analyzes the energy saving effects of the various situations to minimize the energy consumption using the various weighted value on the proposed scheme. The results show that the energy saving efficiency can get about 67% at in ingress input load ${\rho}=0.5$ by using random energy profiles in IP networks. Although the number of hops is a slight increased due to routing the paths for the minimum energy consumption in the algorithm of this method, the increment hop number is limited the mean 1.4 hops. This paper confirms that the energy profile of core router has the large effects of energy saving than the energy profile of edge router, and the proposed method has the excellent energy saving characteristics in IP networks.