• Title/Summary/Keyword: Economic validity

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Decision Support Process Model for Energy Efficient Remodeling Projects focused on Building Envelope and Renewable-energy Systems (에너지절감형 리모델링을 위한 적정 대안 선정 프로세스 모델 - 건축물 외피 및 신재생에너지 시스템을 중심으로 -)

  • Shin, Young-su;Cho, Kyuman;Kim, Jae-youn
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2015
  • An increase in energy such as natural gas, coal, oil, has occurred to a large amounts of environment impact emissions, it is necessary to reduce in the construction industry for the energy consumption. To encourage remodeling project in developed countries of the majority, on the basis of this, remodeling project in the construction industry has grown to a large amount. Results of analysis of the research related to the advanced remodeling, analysis of the economic validity in accordance with the production and process and building elapsed years of selection alternative of remodeling there has been a problem that has not been properly reflected. In this study, a decision support model that can simultaneously choose the most cost-effective and energy-efficiency alternative. Developed process model, generates a "Remodeling Solution" that combines the renewable energy equipment and envelope system, energy performance evaluation of the application of international standards(ISO-13790, DIN V 18599), perform the economic evaluation through LCCA(Life Cycle Cost Analysis) technique, circulated evaluation and configured to output the optimal Remodeling Solution. The results of applying the model developed in the case, it was confirmed that it is possible to select a choice of cost-effective energy-saving alternative. Then, developed model through this study, it is expected to be able to help highly effective remodeling alternative to selecting by decision-makers.

A Study on the Technology Evaluation of Development of New Variety of Citrus Unshiu (감귤 신품종(하양조생)개발의 기술가치의 평가)

  • Ko, Seong-Bo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.127-132
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    • 2016
  • This study evaluated the economic value of the development of a new variety of Citrus unshiu using the income approach, Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Benefit/Cost (B/C) ratio. The new variety of Citrus unshiu was developed by the national institute of horticultural and herbal science in Korea, rural development administration. The technological evaluation of the development of a new variety of Citrus unshiu can be used to improve the efficiency and practicality of the development of a new variety of citrus. From the research results, the technological value of development of a new variety of Citrus unshui was evaluated at 109,455(discount rate=8%, minimum), 195,040(discount rate=4%, maximum), and 145,375(discount rate=6%, average) million won. The IRR was 51.4%, which was greater than the discount rate(4~8%). The NPV was evaluated at 145.3 billion won(discount rate=6%, average), 195.0 billion won(discount rate=4%, maximum) and 109.4 billion won(discount rate=8%, minimum), all of which were greater than 0. The B/C ratio was evaluated at 60.9(discount rate=6%, average), 81.3(discount rate=4%, maximum) and 46.1(discount rate=8%, minimum), all of which were greater than 1. Therefore, the economic validity of the development of a new variety of Citrus unshiu was identified by this technological evaluation.

An Analysis of Association between Local Festival Evaluation and Visitor Satisfaction: A Case Study of the Local Festival Events in the period of 2012 to 2014 (지역 축제 평가결과와 만족도 간의 관련성 분석: 2012-2014년 축제를 사례로)

  • Joh, Chang-Hyeon;Kim, Jin Whi;Baek, Jin Hwi;Ahn, Byeong Min;Rha, Yun Hyung
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.492-504
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    • 2015
  • The evaluation of the local festival events that supports promising local festivals needs to well reflect the degree of success of the local festival events that have been implemented. Many local governments of the country have competitively implemented local festival events, some of which turned to be a success, while others not. This alerts the need for investigating whether the evaluation of the local festival events is appropriate, in order to better execute the provincial finance. The paper investigates this using the data of cultural tourism festivals from 2012 to 2014. More specifically, the paper first examines the relationships between choice dimensions (festival success index) and visitors' satisfaction, and then identify whether visitors' satisfaction and festival evaluation results are significantly correlated. This after all indicates whether the festival success index are well reflected in the festival evaluation results. The findings tell that choice dimensions well explain the visitors' satisfaction, whereas the visitors' satisfaction does not have a significant correlation with the festival evaluation results. This potentially implies that the current scheme of the local festival evaluation needs more rigorous validity test and additional research and practice for the improved evaluation protocol.

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A Case Study of Home Health Care for Postpartum Women and their Newborns (산욕부와 신생아의 가정간호 사례연구)

  • Jun, Eun-Mi
    • 모자간호학회지
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 1994
  • Presently there is an increasing demand for home health care services due to changes in the demographic structure as a result of an increasing elderly population, socio-economic improvements, and changes in the family structure, as well as the growing number of people with degenerative diseases. In addition to these reasons, rising medical costs and there a shortage of patient beds space in the hospital, particularly since introduction of national medical insurance. There has been an increasing demand for health care health care services. This study was done to identify the basic data for home health care management. It focused on developing client selection criteria, assessment tools, and recording methods. This was accomplished by the researchers visiting the patients in their homes. The research process included preparation investigation, tool development, training of the project researcher, and visiting the clients in their homes. The research tools are as follows : 1. Record development : a) The selection criteria tool for home health care of postpartum women was a structured tool and consisted of four parts. b) The structured assessment tool consisted of a general items, obstetric history, past medical history, methods of feeding, medications taken before admission, laboratory test results, discharge instructions, discharge medications, family tree, economic status, environmental status, a map, health assessment of postpartum women and their newborns. c) The visit note I consisted of the frequency of visits. Visit note II consisted of the date ; nursing problems ; nursing process including the initial assessment ; nursing goal ; visit plan ; postpartum women and their neonate health status, diagnosis, goal, implementation, evaluation, summary, next plan, for visit revision. d) Problem note consisted of the date, problem numbers, nursing diagnosis, problem appearance date problem resolution date. The research results are as follows : 1. Nursing problems : The nursing problems of the postpartum women and their neonates were evaluated by the number of nursing diagnoses and the change in the pattern of nursing diagnosis related to the number of visits. a) Nursing diagnosis The nursing diagnosis was classified according to physical function, psychosocial function, family system maintained function. b) The changes of nursing diagnosis related to the number of visits. As the type of nursing diagnosis changed related to the number of visits the number of nursing diagnoses decreased. 2. Contents of home health care : The content was categorized according to assessment, direct care, counseling, education, family care, reporting to with the attending doctor. The recommendations based on the research results are as follows : 1. Tool development Replication of this study is needed to test the validity of the assessment tools used. 2. Home visit a) Home health care nurses should be licensed and qualified. A referral form from the attending doctor is needed for legal protection of nurses. b) The first home visit need to be within 24 hours of discharge from the hospital to decrease the anxiety of frightened postpartum women. c) When the changes occur in the newborn's status, home health care nurses should consult a pediatrician. Communication within the home healthcare team is essential and needs to consistent and done smoothly. 3. Home health care A Study is required to develop protocols for education of staff and for operation of all aspects of this program.

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A Study on the Analysis of Cause and Effect Relationship between Korea Image Attributes and Korea Image Making in Uzbekistan (우즈베키스탄에서의 한국 이미지 속성과 한국 이미지 메이킹의 인과관계 분석)

  • Ryu, Ki-Hwan;Park, Myung-Chan
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.161-183
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    • 2013
  • The essential purpose of this study is to exemplify empirically some relations of between Korea image attributes and Korea image making in Uzbekistan. This study is for providing basically empirical analysis for intensifying Korea's economic capacity based on Korean image in Uzbekistan and for offering any kinds of implications for the entry and management activities of Korean enterprises in world-wide business. This study is organized in two stages. First, the study model is designed by reappraising relevant theories, previous studies and the current investment qualifications concerning the country image attributes and image making. Second, the survey of Uzbekistan people who are living in South Korea is accomplished by collecting questionnaires. SPSS 15.0 for windows is being activated for correlation, reliability, validity and finally the statistical method of structural equation modeling is utilized to testing the hypothesis by AMOS 7.0 for windows. In conclusion partially, Korea image attributes: economic capability, popular culture, national traits and enterprise competence are proved to influence positively to Korea image making: recognition, attractiveness and confidence which is considered generally by Uzbekistan people.

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A Study on the Judgement Criterion of Arrived Ship under Voyage Charterparty (항해용선계약상 도착선의 판단기준에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Nakhyun;Lee, Jaesung
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.167-192
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of the study aims to analyse the judgement criterion of arrived ship under voyage charterparty with the Merida Case. A ship is an arrived ship if she is in port and either able to proceed immediately to a berth or in such a position that she is at the immediate and effective disposition of the chaterparty. Identification of the specified destination-whether berth or port-impacts on the incidence of loss occasioned by delay in loading or discharging, when the delay is due to the place at which the vessel is obliged by the terms of the charterparty to load or discharge her cargo being occupied by other shipping. The Merida case is an appeal by the charterers from a final Arbitration award of two very experienced arbitrators, dated 20th April, 2009. The arbitrators held that a voyage charterparty, dated 5th February, 2007, of the vessel, The M/V Merida, entered into between charterers and the owners, was a port rather than a berth Charterparty. The Primary relevance of this distinction does to the allocation, as between owners and charterers, of the risk of delay caused by congestion at load and discharge ports. The question of law arising in this appeal is whether the arbitrators were right to conclude that the charterparty was a port and not a berth charterparty. The arbitrators additionary placed some reliance on a post-contractual e-mail from the agents, which suggested that charterers did not dispute the validity of the NOR-and, hence, that this was a port charterparty.

Recognition of Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Experiences with Hand Acupuncture (수지침 경험자들의 수지침에 대한 효율성과 효과성 인식정도)

  • Lee, Yeon-Joo;Park, Kyung-Min
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.278-287
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to provide with basic information on application of hand acupuncture as a complementary and alternative therapy by giving some recognition of efficiency and effectiveness of hand acupuncture. And so, answers for questionnaires of 290 respondents were used for this research and collected from June 5 through 13, 1999 from adults twenty and over who were participating in the hand acupuncture training program in Seoul and had some direct experiences with hand acupuncture therapy, whatever they had been treated and/or had treated. To secure reliability of measurement tool. Cronbach'a has been calculated and Factor Analysis was done as Validity Analysis of question classification. Demograprucal characteristics of hand acupuncture experienced people and factors related to hand acupuncture experiences are calculated based on the real number and percentage. The degree of recognition of efficiency and effectiveness of hand acupuncture is made as average and standard deviation, while the degree of recognition of efficiency and effectiveness based on general characteristics come from one-way ANOVA. 1. According to socio-demographical analysis. the questioned could be classified firstly as age (40-49 : 32.5%. 30-39 : 24.9%. 50-59 : 21.9%. 60-69 : 14.7%. 20-29 : 6.0%). secondly gender (male 36.6%. female 63.4%). thirdly occupation (housewife: 43.8%. self-employed: 15.5%. company-employee: 14.8%). fourthly education (high school graduate: 41.9%, college graduate: 37.9%), and lastly monthly-income (1 to 2 million: 51.4%. 2 to 3 million: 20,3%) 2, As for the general aspects related to hand acupuncture. 80,0% of the respondents answered almost zero for the monthly average number of visit to hospital and 15.5% responded 1 to 2 visits, 6,2% of the respondents is complaining of a disorder of digestive system. 19,0% circulatory disease, 10.7% bad nervous system. By utilizing hand acupuncture, 84% of the questioned have following experiences in curing diseases: digestive system 47.3%, circulatory system 9.3%, nervous system 8.3%, 54,1% are curing 1 to 2 and 10.3% 3 to 4 patients on a daily basis with hand acupuncture. Research on the demerits of giving medical treatment with hand acupuncture shows 23,8% are feeling economic burden. 16.6% difficulty of learning and 16.2% weak theoretical backgrounds. 3. Among the efficiency recognition, possibility of general application is average 4,29 and simple treatment is 4,19. economic merits 4.36. possibility of establishment with supplementary and alternative medicine 4.17, medical effectiveness 4.09. 4, As a result of demographical analysis on the efficiency and effectiveness of hand acupuncture therapy, it appears that the recognition of efficiency based on occupation and the recognition of effectiveness based on monthly income are most significant to be noticed. In an orderly fashion. government-employee, self-employed, company-employee. and then housewife have perceived hand acupuncture very efficiently, And those who recognize hand acupuncture to be most effective are people earn 1 million to 2 million won a month, 5. The efficiency(p = .003) and effectiveness (p= .049) of hand acupuncture therapy by number of visit to hospital were statiscally significant, and effectiveness of hand acupuncture therapy by disease exist was statiscally significant (p= .033).

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Further Empirical Analysis on Corporate R&D Intensity for KOSDAQ Listed SMEs in the Era of the Post Global Economic Crisis (국제금융위기 이후의 코스닥 상장 중소기업들의 연구개발비에 대한 실증적 심층분석)

  • Kim, Hanjoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.248-258
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    • 2021
  • The study analyzed the financial determinants of corporate R&D intensity that require more attention from academics and practitioners in the Korean capital market. Domestic small and medium enterprises (SMEs) may face with developing substitutes by making more R&D investments in scale and scope, given the unprecedented economic conditions such as the limitation of importing core components and materials from other nation(s). KOSDAQ-listed SMEs were selected as sample data, whose R&D expenditures may be less than those of large firms during the post-global financial turmoil period (2010~2018). Static panel data model was applied, along with Tobit and stepwise regression models, for examining the validity of results. Logit, probit, and complementary log-log regressions were also employed for a relative analysis. R&D expenditures in the prior year, the interaction effect between the previous R&D intensity and high-tech sector, firm size, and growth rate were significant to determine R&D intensity. Moreover, a majority of explanatory variables were found to change between the years 2011 and 2018, while time-lagged effects between the R&D intensity and growth rate exist. Results of the study are expected to be used for future research to detect optimal levels of R&D expenditures for the value maximization of SMEs.

Development of Lesson Plans in the Human Development & Family Domain of the Home Economics Curriculum to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (가정교과 내 인간발달과 가족 영역에서 지속가능발전목표(SDGs) 달성을 위한 교수·학습과정안 개발)

  • Lim, Jungha;Kim, Kyungmin;Choi, Jungwon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.41-58
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to provide lesson plans that can simultaneously achieve both the learning goals of the 'Human Development & Family' domain of the 2015 revised Technology & Home Economics curriculum and the Sustainable Development Goals. Four steps including analysis, design, development, and evaluation and revision were followed. In the analysis step, the 'Changing Families and Healthy Families' unit was selected as it is relevant to the nine subgoals of the SDGs. In the design step, three sessions were planned with a problem-solving project approach. In the development step, three lesson plans for each session, individual and group activity worksheets for students, and guidelines for teachers were constructed. In the evaluation and revision step, criteria for evaluating the lesson plans were developed reflecting both the goals of the Home Economic curriculum and the SDGs. The validity of the lesson plans was reviewed by a panel of experts. Then, the revised lesson plans were finalized. This study provides an illustrative example of the lesson plans in the secondary education context that can be used to achieve the learning goals of the Home Economic curriculum and the Sustainable Development Goals at the same time.

A Study on the Impacts of Shipping Service Firm's Perceived Relational Benefits on Switching Barriers and Customer Loyalty -Focusing on Tug Boat Service- (해운기업의 지각된 관계 혜택과 전환장벽 및 고객 충성도의 관계에 관한 실증연구 -예인서비스를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Ikseong;Kim, Hyundeok
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.89-102
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of shipping service firm's perceived relational benefits on switching barriers and loyalty focusing on tug boat service. To achieve the purpose of the research, literature survey on existing literature, thesis, research report is performed and also reliability analysis, validity test and multiple regression analysis using SPSSWIN 18.0 is used in this research. To verify a research model and hypothesis, a questionnaire survey among employees of shipping companies and shipping agencies was executed. 76 copies of total 200 copies of questionnaires were collected and the number of questionnaire used for empirical analysis was 76 copies. The main results of the study are summarized as below. First, Hypothesis 1 "shipping service firm's perceived relational benefits has a positive impact on the switching barrier" was supported by this study. Second, Hypothesis 2 "shipping service firm's perceived relational benefits has a positive impact on the loyalty" was supported in this research. Finally, Hypothesis 3 "switching barrier has a positive impact on the customer's loyalty" was also supported. Further research can be extended by adding more questionnaires including more shipping service firms all over the nation.