• Title/Summary/Keyword: Economic validity

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Impact of nuclear and renewable energy sources on environment quality: Testing the EKC and LCC hypotheses for South Korea

  • Ugur Korkut Pata;Mustafa Tevfik Kartal
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.587-594
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    • 2023
  • This study investigates the impacts of nuclear energy consumption on environmental quality from a different perspective by focusing on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, ecological footprint, and load capacity factor. In this context, the South Korea case, which is a leading country producing and consuming nuclear energy, is investigated by considering also economic growth, and the 1997 Asian crisis from 1977 to 2018. To this end, the study employs the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach. Different from previous literature, this study proposes a load capacity curve (LCC) and tests the LCC and environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypotheses simultaneously. The analysis results reveal that (i) the LCC and EKC hypotheses are valid in South Korea; (ii) nuclear energy has an improving effect on the environmental quality; (iii) renewable energy does not have a significant long-term impact on the environment; (iv) the 1997 Asian crisis had an increasing effect on the load capacity factor; (v) South Korea has not yet reached the turning point, identified as $55,411, where per capita income improves environmental quality. Overall, the results show the validity of the LCC and EKC hypotheses and prove the positive contribution of nuclear energy to South Korea's green development strategies.

Asymmetric Relationship between Inflation and Remittance Outflows in Saudi Arabia: A NARDL Approach

    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2023
  • The paper aims to investigate the asymmetric long-run and short-run relationships between inflation and remittance outflows in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (hereafter KSA) over the period 1971-2019 by using the Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) model. The statistical tests have supported the validity and stability of the model. The Wald F-test statistics confirm the existence of a long-run equilibrium relationship among the model variables; remittance outflows, positive (negative) shocks in inflation rates, investment, real GDP, and trade openness. Moreover, the empirical results confirm the existence of an asymmetric effect of the inflation rate on remittance outflows. The response of foreign workers to an increase in inflation rates differs from their response to a decrease in inflation rates. However, this asymmetric relationship between the increases/decreases in inflation and remittance outflows is significantly weak. The weakness of this relationship is due to the high marginal remittance propensity of migrant workers, which is explained by the low consumption propensity of foreign workers and their ability to adjust to the high cost of living due to inflation and the imposition of accompanying fees. Finally, the change in the inflation rate is not among the main factors influencing foreign remittance decisions in Saudi Arabia.

A Study on the Affecting Factors of Job Satisfaction of Migrant Labor Focused on Korean Industry (이주 노동자의 직무만족에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한연구)

  • Sung-Gug Kim;Ka-Young Oh
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.397-409
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    • 2023
  • Purpose - This study is a study on the factors affecting job satisfaction of foreign migrant workers (focusing on domestic automobile industry workers) to examine the impact of foreign workers on the corporate management of Korean manufacturers in Korean society. Design/methodology/approach - A survey was conducted on 152 foreign laborers who lived in Korea. First, an exploratory factor analysis was performed to confirm reliability and validity. Second, an multiple regression was conducted based on the reliability and exploratory factor analysis results. Third, the mediation regression by checking the effect of organizational commitment. Findings - The acculturation and organizational fairness were found to have a great influence on job satisfaction, and this study found that perceived acculturation had an effect on job satisfaction through the mediating effect of organizational commitment. In addition, organizational fairness was also found to have an effect on job satisfaction as a mediating effect of organizational commitment. Research implications or Originality - It was to provide meaningful implications for foreign workers in the current Korean labor market. Based on the results, the corporate competitiveness of Korean manufacturers should be further secured.

Gemas: Enhancing the Distribution of Integrated Eco-Friendly Marketing Strategies towards Digital Transformation and Global Competitiveness

  • Diana AQMALA;Febrianur Ibnu Fitroh Sukono PUTRA
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.39-57
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: Various policies continue to be strengthened to develop Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), which have a strategic role in the economy through the pillars of corporatization, capacity and financing to support strong and inclusive economic growth. Efforts to transform MSMEs marketing strategies are undertaken through eco-friendly digitalization to increase resilience and more productive and innovative capacity. Research design, data and methodology: This research is an exploratory qualitative approach taken to investigate the transformation of eco-friendly marketing strategies for MSMEs to increase competitiveness at the global level. The samples obtained were 425 MSMEs assisted by the DKI Jakarta, Bali, Java, Borneo, and Sumatera. The data collection technique used non-probability sampling (snowball sampling). Data is analyzed through collection, reduction, analysis, validity testing, presentation and conclusion. Results: This research shows the transformation of eco-friendly digital-based MSME marketing strategies occurred through four stages, namely production and institutional activities, expanding market share, digitalization and financing, and export market access. Conclusions: Eco-friendly digital transformation allows MSMEs competencies to be refined to improve business processes and business competitiveness at the international level. The contribution of this marketing strategy transformation is expanding MSMEs access to financial institutions (fintech), marketplaces, and QRIS (QR Code Indonesian Standard) digital payments.

Validation of Information Technology Outsourcing Success Model using Structural Equation Modelling

  • Sushil Paudel
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.206-226
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    • 2023
  • Since the last few decades, information technology outsourcing has been observed as an instrument for technology transfer and rapid economic development, with the potential to change the fate of the nation. However, many emerging countries, including Nepal, continue to struggle to establish a foothold in the international market; they are perplexed about their path toward outsourcing, and they still have ineffective laws and policies in place. A snowball sampling method was used to collect quantitative data inside Kathmandu valley among outsourcing companies, freelancers, consultants, and policymakers. Data were properly tested for reliability using Cronbach's Alpha, analysed using exploratory followed by confirmatory factor analysis, and results were confirmed using convergent and discriminant validity. Second-level validation was performed by partial least squares. The researcher has validated a multidimensional structural model with interdependencies between 8 unobserved and 33 observed variables using path analysis and proposed an information technology outsourcing success model for emerging markets from the vendor's perspective. Similarly, a latent variable 'setup quality' was identified as a new construct omitted by previous researchers in the study of IS success. The model shall be interpreted as "the system dimensions - setup quality, system quality and service quality influence the characteristics - communication quality, user satisfaction, and usage of the products or services. The positive impact of mediating factors leads to individual and organizational benefits, resulting in the overall success of information technology outsourcing."

Analyses of Sustainability(TBL) of Marine Sport Events (해양스포츠이벤트의 지속가능성(TBL) 분석)

  • Cho, Woo-Jeong;Kang, Shin-Beum
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the levels of sustainability of marine sport events by types of events and thus to provide fundamental information that helps developing sustainable marine sport events. In order to accomplish such the purpose, this study employed survey methodology with a total of 285 visitors to marine sport events. Questionnaires were developed based on Tripple Bottom Line theory suggested by previous research and validated throughout a panel of experts to check out content validity. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and ANOVA with Scheffe post hoc tests. Accordingly following findings were derived from current study. First, among 12 positive sustainability variables, marine space improvement had the highest mean score(M=3.82) but creation of jobs had the lowest mean score(M=3.46). Among 11 negative sustainability variables, traffic jab had the highest mean score(M=3.16) but conflict between participants and residents had the lowest mean score(M=2.73). Second, a festival typed marine sport event had the significantly high mean scores in all positive sustainability index including economic sustainability(M=3.79), social sustainability(M=3.84) and environmental sustainability(M=3.80). Third, a business typed marine sport event had the relatively higher mean scores in all negative sustainability index including economic sustainability(M=3.22), social sustainability(M=3.26) and environmental sustainability(M=3.25). In conclusion, these findings suggest that marine sport event organizers concentrate on marine sport event with more sustainability potentials.

An Input/Output analysis of the transportation industry for evaluating its economical contribution and ripple effect - Forecasting the I-O table in 2003~2009 - (교통부문의 경제적 기여도 및 파급효과 도출을 위한 산업연관분석 연구 - 2003~2009년 산업연관표 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, Siyeong;Kim, Seok;Oh, Eun-ho;Lee, Kyo Sun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.12-20
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    • 2015
  • Construction industry has played a pivotal role in the national economy, but the crisis situation of a construction industry has been worse due to the lack of recognition of the contribution of a construction industry. In particular, the transport sector is responsible for a critical function in the movement of humans and material resources, and has a profound impact on national competitiveness and the peoples' welfare, which requires quantitative analysis. In this study, economic contribution and impact of the transportation sector are measured based on the input-output model. Road and railway facilities account for 1.03% and 0.165% of the total industry respectively, and consist of a final demand and total output. Although value-added inducing effect is small, production inducing effect and backward linkage effect has been high. The results in this study will be used as the basic information for validity of investment and policy decisions.

Optimization of Contaminated Land Investigation based on Different Fitness-for-Purpose Criteria (조사목적별 기준에 부합하는 오염부지 조사방법의 최적화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Jong-Chun Lee;Michael H. Ramsey
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.191-200
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    • 2003
  • Investigations on the contaminated lands due to heavy metals from mining activities or hydrocarbons from oil spillage for example, should be planned based on specific fitness-for-purpose criteria(FFP criteria). A FFP criterion is site specific or varies with situation, based on which not only the data quality but also the decision quality can be determined. The limiting factors on the qualities can be, for example, the total budget for the investigation, regulatory guidance or expert's subjective fitness-for-purpose criterion. This paper deals with planning of investigation methods that can satisfy each suggested FFP criterion based on economic factors and the data quality. To this aim, a probabilistic loss function was applied to derive the cost effective investigation method that balances the measurement uncertainty, which estimates the degree of the data quality, with the decision quality. In addition, investigation planning methods when the objectives of investigations do not lie in the classification of the land but simply in producing the estimation of the mean concentration of the contaminant at the site(e.g. for the use in risk assessment), were also suggested. Furthermore, the efficient allocation of resources between sampling and analysis was also devised. These methods were applied to the two contaminated sites in the UK to test the validity of each method.

Estimating willingness-to-pay for Kremezin in delaying the initiation of dialysis treatments among patients with chronic renal failure (크레메진의 만성신부전증 환자 투석도입 지연효과에 대한 최대지불의사액(willingness-to-pay) 추청)

  • Lee Sun-Mi;Mun Youn-Ok;Cho Woo-Hyun;Lee Hoo-Yeon;Kang Hye-Young
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.96-116
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    • 2006
  • To assess the economic value of pharmaceutical therapy with Kremezin, we investigated the maximum amount of willingness-to-pay (WTP) of patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) for a hypothetical effect of Kremezin in delaying the initiation of dialysis treatments. A face-to-face survey was carried out in a sample of 141 CRF patients from 2 dialysis centers, composed of 82 hemodialysis patients, 38 peritoneal dialysis patients, and 21 non-dialysis CRF patients. Using a bidding game method with a starting point of 320,000 Won, which is the average monthly out-of-pocket payment for dialysis treatment, we asked the study subjects how much they would pay per month to receive Kremezin therapy. The mean out-of-pocket monthly WTP for Kremezin was 310,000, 430,000, and 520,000 Won (p<0.05, repeated one-way ANOVA)) when Kremezin delays the initiation of dialysis treatments by 1, 2, and 4 years. Significant correlation between the respondent's WTP and income $(r=0.266{\sim}0.368,\;p<0.05)$ confirmed the construct validity of the WTP instrument. Regression results showed that patients with a higher education, with diabetes as a major causes of CRF, and undergoing hemodialysis treatments tended to express higher WTP for Kremezin. The economic value of WTP from the perspective of patients varied from 310,000 to 520,000 Won depending on the effect size of Kremezin. The mean WTP was higher than 32,000 Won, only when the hypothetical effect of Kremezin in delaying the initiation of dialysis is for 2 years. This implies that Kremezin might be the preferred choice of therapy by CRF patients if it delays the initiation of dialysis treatment for at least 2 years.

Analyses on Related Factors with Fire Damage in Korea (한국에서의 화재 피해 관련요인 분석)

  • Chang, Eunmi;Kang, Byungki;Park, Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.355-373
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    • 2015
  • In this study the factors of fire damage are analyzed through previous research reviews. Local environmental factors as well as those factors attributed to fire damage (number of fire events, number of injured, number of death, economic loss) were selected to compose mutual relationship model. In order to verify this relationship model, official statistics concerning fire damage were collected from 228 local governments and compared with results from previous research. As a result of this comparison four dependent variables and 22 independent variables that affect fire damage were analyzed. Independent variables are divided into human vulnerability factors, physical vulnerability factors, economic vulnerability factors, mitigating factors and local characteristics. To analyze a relationship between selected dependent variables and independent variables, we applied a semi-logarithm model and performed regression analysis. Among the 22 independent variables, the number of the weak to disaster, social welfare service workers, workers in manufacturing industry, and the number of workers in restaurants and bars per 10,000 people show the significant correlation with the number of fire incidence. The number of death from fire is significantly related to two variables which are the number of social welfare service workers per 10,000 and the ratio of commercial area. Damage cost is significantly dependent on the property taxes per 10,000 people. These factors were included in the research model as vulnerability factors (human, physical, economic) and mitigating factors and local characteristics, and the validity of research model was verified. The result could contribute to fire-fighting resource allocation in Korea or they can be utilized in establishing fire prevention policy, which will enhance the national level of fire safety.

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