• Title/Summary/Keyword: Economic Value Measurement

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The Study on the Measuring the Economic Use Value of the National Assembly Library Services (국회도서관 서비스의 경제적 이용가치 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Pyo, Soon Hee;Cha, Mikyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.121-142
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to assess the economic value of the National Assembly Library service utility, and to enhance the users' perception and the stakeholder's supports for the library services. For those purposes, this study applied the measurement methods of time value, replacement service value, and WTP of the three user groups: inside members, outside users, and institutional members of the Library. The replacement service value as annual time valuation was measured 1,948.2 million won by inside members, and 417.057.5 million won by outside users, that was approximately 10 times of the total budget of the year 2015. Also, WTP were measured as 8,528.3 million won by inside member, 33,272.4 million won by outside users, 924 million won by institutional members. This shows 77% of the use value were from outside users. The BC ratio was 1:1.04 in 2015.

Collaborative Consumption Motivation Factor Model under the Sharing Economy (공유경제 모형에서의 협력적 소비 영향요인)

  • Roh, Tae-Hyup;Choi, Hwa-Yeol
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.197-219
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    • 2018
  • Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine what motivates users to adopt one of the emerging applications for collaborative consumption of sharing economy. Using the self-determination theory, motivation theory and TAM(Technology Acceptance Model) as the theoretical framework, this study illustrates important factors that influence adoption of collaborative consumption service. We develops the ICTs(Information and Communications Technologies) initiatives and motivation model to collaborative consumption. Design/methodology/approach This paper makes use of a quantitative methodology using survey questionnaire that allows for the measurement of the eight constructs(System Availability, Contents Quality, Design & Personalization, Security & Privacy, Emotional & Social Value, Economic Value, Attitude, Adoption & Consumption) contained in the hypothesized theoretical model on the basis of the prior literatures. Data collected from a sample of 227 respondents who have used the collaborative consumption services and provided the foundation for the examination of the proposed relationships in the model. Findings This study has the following implications for the users and providers of CC platforms and services. The ICTs initiatives (System Availability, Contents Quality, Design & Personalization, Security & Privacy) are the influential factors that motivate the emotional and social value to CC. On the other hand, The ICTs initiatives (System Availability, Contents Quality) are not very significant factors of economic value to CC. The empirical analysis result indicate that there are significant causal effect among emotional & social value, economic value, and adoption to CC. This study provides important theoretical implications for innovation adoption research through an empirical examination of the relationship between ICTs initiatives, motivation factors to collaborative consumption in the sharing economy.

Fuzzy Patterns of Economic Valuating on the Architectural Aesthetic - Case Study of Applying the Fuzzy-Contingent Valuation Method to the Dongdaemoon Design Plaza - (건축미의 경제적 가치 퍼지패턴 분석)

  • Lee, Dong-Joo;Ko, Eun-Hyung
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the fuzzy pattern that is reflected on the inside of the value evaluator in measuring the economic value of architectural aesthetic using the fuzzy-contingent valuation method. The main results of analyzing the relationship between architectural aesthetic and fuzzy patterns by typing 307 fuzzy patterns collected from visitors at Dongdaemun Design Plaza are as follows: First, low levels of architectural aesthetic can be a primary cause of extreme refusal of payment. However, it was confirmed that the extreme refusal of payment could partially involve mentality of free-ride on public goods or mentality that would not give value to past events that are not future. Second, if the architectural aesthetic score is 77.5, the most perfect form of fuzzy pattern is formed. It is confirmed that the fuzzy form, which is the standard in the relationship between architectural aesthetic and money value, is made at 77.5 points. This means that it is most efficient to have 77.5 points of architectural aesthetic to secure balanced data by membership in the study of architectural aesthetic value measurement through fuzzy pattern. Third, according to the architectural aesthetic score, respondents can be interpreted as follows: no monetary willingness arises before or after 52.4, starts to respond to the amount before and after 65.6, severe conflict over payments around 70.6~71.7, stronger willingness to pay around 77.6, want to pay for sure around 80.0.

Coal Petrological Characteristics of Korean Coal (국내탄의 석탄암석학적 특성)

  • Park, Hong Soo;Park, Suk Whan
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 1989
  • In order to make economic and geological evaluation of coal in Korea, proximate and ultimate analyses were carried out as well as coal petrological studies such as maceral analyses, vitrinite reflectance and sporinite fluorescence measurement. The coeffcient of correlation between each factor of both conventional utilization and coal petrological parameters were studied as in Table 5 and 6. Their conclusions were as follow: (1) for anthracite, the good parameters of coal rank are mean vitrinite reflectance, carbon content, hydrogen content and H/C atomic ratio: (2) for brown coal and sub-bituminous coal, the good parameters of coal rank are carbon content, calorific value, moisture content, hydrogen content, oxygen content and O/C atomic ratio as well as vitrinite reflectance and sporinite fluorescence. An attempt is made to infer the coalforming environment by utilization of coal petrological analyses and to make comparison of coal analyses with proximate and ultimate analyses throughout the island arc region including Japan, Philippine and Indonesia and continental region including USA, Canada and Australia. As a result, meceral composition of Paleozoic and Mesozoic anthracite are similar to that of the Paleozoic continental coals, which were formed under dry conditions or low water table, but the coalification degree suddenly increased during Daebo orogeny (middle Jurassic to lower Cretaceous). The Tertiary coal resembles those of Tertiary island arc region coal characterized by higher calorific value, volatile matter content and H/C atomic ratio and by the formation of coal under wet conditions or higher water table.

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Economic Effects of the Management Model far Environment Pollution in Gwangyang Bay (광양만 환경오염 관리모델 연구의 경제적 파급효과 분석)

  • Nam Kwanghyun;Kwon Sukjae;Oh Weeyeong
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.657-679
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this paper is to measure economic impact of marine environment conservation research development project. Benefit-Cost(B/C) analysis and Contingent Valuation Methods(CVM) are used to valuate the benefits from the research development projects. A period of three years for research development fund is considered as a part of the costs and adjusted to the net present value (NPV) of the 2002 ending period. The environmental charges for marine environment improvement are considered for the benefit measurement. The benefits are estimated by using monthly average willingness to pay, which is 2,289 Korean won. The contribution of the developing a management model for environmental pollution in the Gwangyang Bay is evaluated utilizing survey data and information. Based on the assessment by expert groups, the contribution of the model was 37.5%. The research results showed that B/C ratio is 20.61, NPV is 89,200 million Korean won, and social rate of return is 185.7%. When the level of contribution is over 1.83% at the assessment of potential influence, it is recognized to be economically feasible. This research presents a quantitative framework for Research and Development projects for marine environment conservation, and it can be applied to decision making for the investment size of R&D projects.

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Economic Evaluation of IT Investments for Emergency Management : A Cost-centric Control Model

  • Kim, Tae-Ha;Lee, Young-Jai
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.195-208
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    • 2008
  • In an emergency management case, evaluating the economic value of information technology investments is a challenging problem due to the effects of decision making, uncertainty of disasters, and difficulty of measurements. Risk assessment and recovery process, one of the major functions in emergency management, consists of (1) measurement of damages or losses, (2) recovery planning, (3) reporting and approving budgets, (4) auctioning off recovery projects to constructors, and (5) construction for the recovery. Specifically and of our interest, measurement of damages or losses is often a costly and time-consuming process because the wide range of field surveys should be performed by a limited pool of trained agents. Managers, therefore, have to balance accuracy of the field survey against the total time to complete the survey. Using information technologies to support field survey and reporting has great potential to reduce errors and lowers the cost of the process. However, existing cost benefit analysis framework may be problematic to evaluate and justify the IT investment because the cost benefit analysis often include the long-run benefit of IT that is difficult to quantify and overlook the impact of managerial control upon the investment outcomes. Therefore, we present an alternative cost-centric control model that conservatively quantifies all cost savings to replace benefits in cost benefit analysis and incorporate the managerial control. The model provides a framework to examine how managerial decision making and uncertainty of disaster affect the economic value of IT investments. The current project in Emergency Agency in South Korea is introduced as a case to apply the cost-centric control model. Our work helps managers to better evaluate and justify IT-related investment alternatives in emergency management.

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Measuring CSV Performance: An Explorative Study on Strategic Activities in Converged Home Appliance Industry (공유가치창출을 위한 가전산업의 전략적 활동 및 성과 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hye Sun;Park, Soo Kyung;Cho, Ji Yeon;Kim, Taisiya;Lee, Bong Gyou
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 2015
  • The concept of Creating Shared Value (CSV) has emerged as a solution for companies' sustainable growth and social problems through collaboration of business activities and social demand. Therefore, studies on shared value creativity and measurement of companies' performances are required. However, most recent studies have applied the CSV concept to existing business models or measure shared value considering only economic value. Few studies have considered the appropriateness of applying the CSV or discussed performance measurement with respect to industry characteristics. This study selects the industry expected to have the greatest created value with applying the CSV, and then suggests measurement of performance in this industry. First, through the expert interview, the study selects one from among South Korea's 10 main industries, which is expected to solve social demand through convergence with the IT industry, and to create new value for a traditional industry. The Home Appliance industry was selected as appropriate, because it has industrial growth stagnation under the smart environment. Moreover, it is facing problems such as energy savings and environmental issues. The study goes on to suggest, based on Michael Porter's three strategic levels, measurement variables of the value creation process and performance. This study has limitations from an empirical perspective. However, as the interest of applying CSV to business is growing, it is meaningful to explore the CSV strategies activities and measurement performance based on industry-specific characteristics.

Evolution and Identification of Thermo-Tolerant Hybrids in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori L.

  • Begum, A.Naseema;Rekha, M.;Basavaraja, H.K.;Ahsan, M.M.
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 2003
  • Four thermo-tolerant lines of silkworm, Bombyx mori, (L.) viz., A HT, B HT (Chinese type) and F HT, G HT (Japanese type) were evolved by utilizing the breeding resource material (identified from initial screening at a temperature of 31 ${\pm} 1^{\circ}C$ and relative humidity 85 ${\pm}$ 5%) through conventional breeding. These tolerant lines were crossed with productive breeds and forty four hybrids were evaluated on eight economic traits by the Multiple Trait Evaluation Index Method. Ten hybrids were short-listed based on the average evaluation index value larger than 50 for eight economic traits studied. The identified ten hybrids recorded higher index values (> 50) for most of the traits studied. Single hybrid G ${\times}$ CSR12 indicated average index value larger than 50 for six traits viz., pupation number (58), cocoon weight (67), shell weight (65), average filament length (74), raw silk % (69), reelability % (51) except for shell ratio % (41). The standard deviation of the cocoons in the above hybrid was 8.41 in the hybrid cocoon length and width measurement. However, two selected hybrids viz., A ${\times}$ CSR5 and G ${\times}$ CSR13 recorded average index value larger than 50 for all the traits viz., pupation number (57, 60), cocoon weight (50, 54), shell weight (56, 57), shell ratio percentage (59, 53), average filament length (55, 60), raw silk percentage (63, 67) and reelability percentage (53, 53). The standard deviation of the cocoons in the two selected hybrids viz., A ${\times}$ CSR5 and G ${\times}$ CSR13 was 8.41 and 8.06 respectively in the cocoon length and width measurement.

Development of Bridge Warning System by Using GPS Surveying Method (GPS측량기법을 이용한 교량경보시스템 개발)

  • 서동주;노태호;이종출
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.415-421
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    • 2002
  • A recently lot of facilities have been constructed from rapidly development of science and economic growth. Among them, bridges are tending to be large because of geometrical problems of the road. And then the method of satellite surveying is being practical use variously out of present surveying methods. Therefore in this study it takes a measurement of bridge displacement using the RTK GPS Mode instead of the using mechanical measurement system. The observation value was verified by using Total Station to inspect observation value of RTK GPS. And then, by using the Delphi of object intending language, developed bridge warning system and applied it. The result of this study was found verification error of 0.2~8.3mm, therefore the measurement of bridge displacement of grand bridge can be applied by using An GPS.

A Study on Valuation of Security Property in Electronic Commerce (전자상거래에 있어서 보안성의 가치추정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Cheol;Noh, Kyoo-Sung
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.8C no.5
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    • pp.615-620
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    • 2001
  • This paper is a study on the model that measures economic values for the non-market properties of Electronic Commerce(EC). For development of this model, first of all, we reviewed the properties of EC service, and looked around the relation between customer satisfaction and/or payment value and EC properties. In addition, we checked the method to measure economic values of these properties. This measurement method is the contingent valuation method which is a method of measuring the value of the environmental product. We modified it to adapt to the EC. Finally, in this paper, we proposed an economic value model which measures the value of willingness to pay(WTP) to our objectives. However, there could be some restrictions at the time when surveying empirically. Therefore, the succeeding study should be done in order to improve these restrictions some day.

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