• Title/Summary/Keyword: Earth construction

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A Review of Instrumentation System and Construction of Korea Highway Test Road (시험도로 건설과 계측시스템 구축)

  • 최준성;김도형;김성환
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.603-606
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    • 2000
  • The cost needed for the construction and management of highways in the whole nation is rapidly growing so the research that can decrease the cost is required. However, most of the highway specs have simply converted from those of other countries, including USA. Therefore, some of our design and construction specs were not the optimum ones based on our own situation, requiring a research under the actual traffic and environment of our nation. The use of test road develops many aspects of highway engineering. Those are evaluation of construction materials, a general overview of korea pavement design and serviceability under the actual traffic and environmental condition of the nation. It is also economical and efficient compared to the trial construction of each item in spreaded form. A test road, 7.7km long with two lanes, is being constructed on the Inner Central Expressway. In this test road, 2.7km is planned for asphalt pavement and 3.4km is planned for concrete pavement. Three test bridges and five earth retaining structures will be included in the test road. Based on the master plan, the major performance was progressing such as detailed research modules of each area, preliminary research for the future research, sensor surveys for the behavior analyses of pavements and structures with installation methods and data acquisition systems, the foundation research of Integrated Instrumentation System and the Management Plan for automated measurement. Some area(structure research division, geotechnical research division) was designed the instrumentation plan because some instrument sensors must be installed during the construction of the test road. And then the instrumentation plan of each area was enforcing because a large majority of the instrument sensors must be installed after the construction of the test road. The field surveys with material property tests and pilot instrumentation test with sensor tests was also performing in accordance with the construction in the field.

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The Microtremor HVSRs in the SW Korean Peninsula I: Characteristics of the HVSR Peak Frequency and Amplification (한반도 남서부의 상시미동 HVSR 연구 I: 정점주파수와 증폭효과의 특성)

  • Jung, Hee-Ok;Kim, Hyoung-Jun;Jo, Bong-Gon;Park, Nam-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.541-554
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    • 2010
  • Fifteen min-microtremor data sets were collected at 136 sites from a coastal area of Kunsan and 117 sites from an inland area of Jeonju located in SW Korea, and were analyzed for the HVSR (Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio) of the sites. The microtremor spectra of the coastal area have stronger energy in the lower frequency range from 1-6 Hz than those of the coastal area. This result can be attributed to the effect of the waves and tides in the Keum river and the Yellow sea. Twenty four hours of measurement of the microtremor indicated that the microtremor spectrum correlates with the human activities, but the microtremor HVSR peak was observed consistently at the characteristic frequency for the site. The HVSR peaks were grouped into 4 types -"single peak", "double peak", "broad peak" or "no peak"- based on their shapes. More than 90% of the data sets exhibit peak frequencies ($F_0$) which can be easily identified. The distribution of $F_0$ reveals a close relationship with the topography and local geology of the areas, exhibiting high F0s in the hillside areas and low $F_0s$ in the reclaimed land area. While the amplitudes of microtremor HVSR peak frequencies are less than 4 in the downstream of the inland area, those of the recently reclaimed land in the coastal area are extremely high (more than 10). The results of this study indicate that detailed HVSR studies are essential for the earthquake hazard reduction of reclaimed lands.

Distribution of Surface Sediments and Sedimentation Rates on the Tidal Flat of Muan Bay, Southwestern Coast, Korea (서해남부 무안만의 표층퇴적물의 분포와 조간대 퇴적률)

  • Ryu, Sang-Ock;Kim, Joo-Young;Chang, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.30-39
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    • 2001
  • To consider the distribution of the surface sediments and sedimentary processes in tidal flat after the construction of sea-walls in the semiclosed Muan Bay, the southwest coast of Korea, studies on the sediments and sedimentation rates along two transect lines from February 1999 to March 2000 were carried out. The surface sediments in the bay are classified into 5 facies on the basis of textural parameters. The gravelly sediments including the cobbles and pebbles deposited in the bay-mouth are relic sediments which are formed in nearshore and fluvial environments at the low stand of sea level. In addition, it is considered that the muddy sediments widely distributed on the tidal flat might be originated from suspended matter transported from several rivers and/or offshore. Although the sedimentation rates on the tidal flat vary with season, their estimation rates are -8.9 mm/yr on Line-GR and -48.9 mm/yr on Line-YH, respectively. The erosion-dominated processes in the tidal flat would be caused by strengthened ebb tides due to the decrease of tidal choking at Mokpogu and the migration of tidal currents at the bay-mouth. The hydrodynamical changes mentioned above are interpreted to be occurred after/before the construction of sea-dike/sea-walls in coastal zone of Mokpo.

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Real-scale Accelerated Testing to Evaluate Long-term Performance for Bridge/Earthwork Transition Structure Reinforced by Geosynthetics and Cement Treated Materials (토목섬유와 시멘트처리채움재로 보강한 교량/토공 접속구조의 장기공용성 평가를 위한 실물가속시험)

  • Lee, Il-Wha;Choi, Won-Il;Cho, Kook-Hwan;Lee, Kang-Myung;Min, Kyung-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.251-259
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    • 2014
  • The transition zone between an earthwork and a bridge effect to the vehicle's running stability because support stiffness of the roadbed is suddenly changed. The design criteria for the transition structure on ballast track were not particular in the past. However with the introduction of concrete track is introduced, it requires there is a higher performance level required because of maintenance and running stability. In this present paper, a transition structure reinforced with geosynthetics is suggested to improve the performance of existing bridge-earthwork transition structures. The suggested transition structure, in which there is reinforcing of the approach block using high-tension geosynthetics, has a structure similar to that of earth reinforced abutments. The utilized backfill materials are cement treated soil and gravel. These materials are used to reduce water intrusion into the approach block and to increase the recycling of surplus earth materials. An experiment was performed under the same conditions in order to allow a comparison of this new structure with the existing transition structure. Evaluation items are elastic displacement, cumulative settlement, and earth pressure. As for the results of the real-scale accelerated testing, the suggested transition structure has excellent performance for the reduction of earth pressure and settlement. Above all, it has high resistance the variation of the water content.

Estimation of Groundwater Flow Rate into Jikri Tunnel Using Groundwater Fluctuation Data and Modeling (지하수 변동자료와 모델링을 이용한 직리터널의 지하수 유출량 평가)

  • Lee, Jeong-Hwan;Hamm, Se-Yeong;Cheong, Jae-Yeol;Jeong, Jae-Hyeong;Kim, Nam-Hoon;Kim, Ki-Seok;Jeon, Hang-Tak
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2009
  • In general, understanding groundwater flow in fractured bedrock is critical during tunnel and underground cavern construction. In that case, borehole data may be useful to examine groundwater flow properties of the fractured bedrock from pre-excavation until completion stages, yet sufficient borehole data is not often available to acquire. This study evaluated groundwater discharge rate into Jikri tunnel in Gyeonggi province using hydraulic parameters, groundwater level data in the later stage of tunneling, national groundwater monitoring network data, and electrical resistivity survey data. Groundwater flow rate into the tunnel by means of analytical method was estimated $7.12-74.4\;m^3/day/m$ while the groundwater flow rate was determined as $64.8\;m^3/day/m$ by means of numerical modeling. The estimated values provided by the numerical modeling may be more logical than those of the analytical method because the numerical modeling could take into account spatial variation of hydraulic parameters that was not possible by using the analytical method. Transient modeling for a period of one year from the tunnel completion resulted in the recovery of pre-excavation groundwater level.

A Study on the Optimal Location of the Inclinometer and Strain Gauge in Small-Scale Underground Excavation (소규모 지하굴착에서 지중경사계와 변형률계의 최적 위치 선정에 대한 연구)

  • Gichun Kang;Jinuk Park;Byeongjin Roh;Jiahao Sun;Seong-Kyu Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2023
  • Currently, there are cases in Korea where economic damage has occurred due to the ambiguity instrument installation and operation standards in the construction of temporary earth retaining wall, failing to prevent collapse of temporary earth retaining wall at the construction site in advance. Therefore, in this study, a numerical analysis was conducted to find the appropriate installation location of the inclinometer and strain gauge among the installed instruments shown in the design drawing of the temporary earth retaining wall. As a results, It was found that the installation position of the underground inclinometer is the corner of the retaining wall in the case of plane-deformation analysis, and the most displacement occurs in the center of the excavation surface in the case of 3D analysis. When the stress and moment are comprehensively analyzed, the corner is judged to be a vulnerable point. In the case of the strain gauge, In plane-deformation analysis and 3D analysis, the maximum bending stress occurred at the wale connection where the end of the strut and the counter strut are in contact. At this point, it is analyzed that it is necessary to focus on installing and managing the connection to prevent accidents from being vulnerable.

Manufacturing of an earth pressure balanced shield TBM cutterhead for a subsea discharge tunnel and its field performance analysis (해저 배출관로 건설을 위한 토압식 쉴드TBM 커터헤드의 설계·제작 및 현장 굴진성능의 분석)

  • Bae, Gyu-Jin;Chang, Soo-Ho;Park, Young-Taek;Choi, Soon-Wook;Lee, Gyu-Phil;Kwon, Jun-Yong;Han, Kyoung-Tae
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.161-172
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    • 2014
  • An earth pressure balanced shield TBM with the diameter of 4.4 m was designed and manufactured for a subsea discharge tunnel excavation. Its cutterhead was designed to be optimized for the strongest rock mass condition in the tunnel alignment, and then the applicability of the refurbished shield TBM was validated for its maximum capacity. Especially, the maximum cutter penetration depth for the strongest rock mass condition should be kept to be below 7 mm/rev in order to satisfy the allowable capacities of the shield TBM. From the analysis of TBM advance data, approximately 95% of field data showed the cutter penetration depth below 7 mm/rev. In addition, it was certified that the acting forces of every disc cutter, TBM thrust and torque during TBM driving were within the allowable capacities of the shield TBM and its disc cutters. When real acting forces of the disc cutters in the field were compared with those predicted by the CSM model, they showed the close relationships with each other even though the predictions by the CSM model were approximately 22~25% higher than field data.

A Study on Improvement and Change Properties of Landscape Construction Standard Specification - Focused on Planting - (조경공사 표준시방서 변화특성과 개선방향 연구 - 식재공사를 중심으로 -)

  • Yu, Joo-Eun;Jun, Jin-Wan;Lee, Sang-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.60-70
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    • 2013
  • This study focused on analyzing classification system, technique methods, quality levels of periodic amendment characteristics in planting of standard specification. Through analyzing the above and comparing with foreign case study, this study suggests the improvement directions. The results improvement directions are as follows. 1. Many kinds of new construction were set up through the amendments of Landscape Standard Specification, but there are still needs to combine some construction categories because of mismatches between upper and lower categories. 2. Although the Landscape Standard Specification was revised to be more concrete, the contents there remains an ambiguous expression. So, standard specification is needed to revise a depth of earth ball or strength of support materials and quantify collect period of topsoil and application time. In addition, standards about following supervisor's instruction should be more detailed or deleted. 3. The standard specification has not been specified despite enactment and amendments reflecting the periodical paradigm and the needs of users, so it is still needed to revise. In addition, quality levels, planting periods, size of earth ball and performance criteria of tree materials are needed to revise. Each specific classification and construction methods were made by amendments of standard specification, but some standards are not clear and concrete. Therefore, the standard specification is needed to revise the classification system, technique methods, and problem deduction of quality levels and proposal of improvement. This study will be reference material when Landscape Standard Specification is revised.

Case study on slurry performance according to the recycling of slurry TBM filtrate water with coagulant (이수식 TBM의 응집제 사용수 재활용에 따른 슬러리 성능 연구)

  • Han-Byul Kang;Jae-Won Lee;Ju-Hyi Yim;Byung-Cheol Ahn;Young Jin Shin
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.449-461
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    • 2024
  • The use of tunnel boring machine (TBM), a mechanized excavation method with low noise and vibration and high safety compared to NATM method, has increased globally. In particular, slurry shield TBMs are used in subsea and submarine sections because they have an advantage in high pressure compared to EPB (earth pressure balanced) methods. As such, the used water of slurry shield TBMs is discharged through wastewater treatment facilities. In the case of large-scale TBMs, the amount of water used is enormous, so it should be recycled to reduce costs and protect the environment. Various types of additives are used to improve the performance of the slurry treatment plant (STP) and filter press. Among them, coagulants improve the productivity of the filter press by neutralizing the charges on particles. In this study, lab tests were conducted to evaluate the reusability of the used water through the filter press after flocculants were added.

The Application of KOESWall System as a Temporary Structure (임시구조물로서 분리형 보강토 옹벽의 적용사레)

  • 김영윤
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2000.09a
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    • pp.53-58
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    • 2000
  • The KOESWall system that minimizes the horizontal deformation of reinforced wall effectively was developed bt E&S Eng. Co., Ltd. in 1999. Due to its systematical feature i.e. isolated construction method. KOESWall system is able to use as temporary structures more economically without the facing block. In this report, it is shown that the case history of KOESWall as a temporary soil retaining structure and the field measuremnets.

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