• Title/Summary/Keyword: Earth acquisition

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Resolution of Shallow Marine Subsuface Structure Image Associated with Acquisition Parameters of High-resolution Multi-channel Seismic Data (고해상 다중채널 탄성파탐사 자료취득변수에 따른 천부 해저지층영상의 해상도)

  • Lee Ho-Young;Koo Nam-Hyung;Park Keun-Pil;Yoo Dong-Geun;Kang Dong-Hyo;Kim Young-Gun;Seo Gab-Seok;Hwang Kyu-Duk;Kim Jong-Chon;Kim Ji-Soo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.126-133
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    • 2003
  • High-resolution shallow marine seismic surveys have been carried out for the resources exploration, engineering applications and Quaternary mapping. To improve the resolution of subsurface structure image, multichannel digital technique has been applied. The quality of the image depends on the vertical and horizontal resolution and signal to noise (S/N) ratio which are associated with the data acquisition parameters such as sample interval, common midpoint (CMP) interval and CMP fold. To understand the effect of the acquisition parameters, a test survey was carried out off Yeosu and the acquired data were analyzed. A 30 $in^3$ small air gun was used as a seismic source and 8 channel streamer cable with a 5 m group interval was used as a receiver. The data were digitally recorded with a shot interval of 2 s and sample interval of 0.1 ms. The acquired data were resampled with various sample intervals, CMP intervals and CMP folds. The resampled data were processed, plotted as seismic sections and compared each other. The analysis results show that thin bed structure with ${\~}1m$ thickness and ${\~}6^{\circ}$ slope can be imaged with good resolution and continuity and low noise using the acquisition parameters with a sample interval shorter than 0.2 ms, CMP interval shorter than 2.5 m and CMP fold more than 4. Because seismic resolution is associated with the acquisition parameters, the quality of the subsurface structure can be imaged successfully using suitable and optimum acquisition parameters.

A Case Study of Service Education Activities Applying Mathematics into a Place-Based Earth Science Program: Measuring the Earth's Size (수학과 연계한 장소기반 지구과학 프로그램에 대한 교육봉사활동 사례 연구: 지구의 크기 측정)

  • Yu, Eun-Jeong;Kim, Kyung Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.518-537
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    • 2019
  • This study examined the implications of a place-based earth science program integrated with Mathematics. 11 pre-service earth science teachers and 22 middle school students participated in the service education activities of earth science for 30 hours focusing on the measurement of the earth's size through earth science experiments as part of the middle school curriculum. In order to minimize errors that may occur during the earth's size measurement experiments using Eratosthenes's shadows length method of the ancient Greek era, the actual data were collected after triangulation ratios were conducted in the locations of two middle schools: one in remote metropolitan and the other in rural area. The two schools' students shared the final estimate result. Through this process, they learned the mathematical method to express the actual data effectively. Participants, experienced the importance and difficulty of the repetitive and accurate data acquisition process, and also discussed the causes of errors included in the final results. It implies that a Place-Based Earth Science Program activity can contribute to students' increased-understanding of the characteristics of earth science inquiry and to developing their problem solving skills, thinking ability, and communication skills as well, which are commonly emphasized in science and mathematics in the 2015 reunion curriculum. It is expected that a place-based science program can provide a foundation for developing an integrated curriculum of mathematics and science.

Effect of new audio magnetolluric equipment for groundwater investigation in water barren area

  • Lunkai Yang;Hong Liu;Zhanxiang He
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.398-401
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    • 2003
  • This paper deals with the recent achievements in AMT data acquisition and processing, which have improved the quality of the collected data,. Comparing AMT with VES, IP and logging data, it is concluded through some case histories that qualified results can be achieved in probing the karst water with AMT technique.

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Applications of Information Technology to treatment of field data in Korea

  • Seo, Yong-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 2007.02a
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    • pp.58-60
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    • 2007
  • The availability of Information Technology in geological and engineering geological fields is rapidly increasing in Korea. Especially GIS-based hazard mapping is the most distinctive part to predict a possibility of landslide occurrence. Integrated expert system for tunnel construction is also practically used to manage investigated or designed data and to predict un-known underground geological condition. Computer-based field data acquisition tools are also one of the typical part using information technology including GIS combined with mobile phone in Geological field.

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Earth Analysis Method for Installation of Equipment for Moving Pesticide Spraying System (농약살포시스템 이동을 위한 기구물 설치를 위한 대지 분석방법)

  • Boo, Chang-Jin
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.1152-1157
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we try to solve the difficulties of the location of the structure for the movement of the wire - based pesticide spraying equipment designed for field farming. To do this, we apply earth resistivity measurement method and analysis technique which can indirectly grasp the earth structure. Electrodes are installed on the field in a selected farming area, and multi-switches built in the control board are driven to automatically acquire ground resistivity data. Then, the optimal point suitable for the actual structure installation is selected through the site analysis using the 2D image restoration algorithm.

Experimental Implementation of a Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Module Using Arduino (아두이노를 활용한 무선 탄성파 자료취득 모듈 구현 실험)

  • Chanil Kim;Sangin Cho;Sukjoon Pyun
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.103-113
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    • 2023
  • In the oil and gas exploration market, various cableless seismic systems have been developed as an alternative to improve data acquisition efficiency. However, developing such equipment at a small scale for academic research is not available owing to highly priced commercial products. Fortunately, building and experimenting with open-source hardware enable the academic utilization of cableless seismic equipment with relatively low cost. This study aims to develop a cableless seismic acquisition module using Arduino. A cableless seismic system requires the combination of signal sensing, simple pre-processing, and data storage in a single device. A conventional geophone is used as the sensor that detects the seismic wave signal. In addition, it is connected to an Arduino circuit that plays a role in implementing the processing and storing module for the detected signals. Three main functions are implemented in the Arduino module: preprocessing, A/D conversion, and data storage. The developed single-channel module can acquire a common receiver gather from multiple source experiments.


  • Choi, Jae-Won;Won, Joon-Sun;Lee, Yoon-Kyung;Kwon, Bong-Oh;Koh, Chul-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.441-444
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    • 2005
  • The goal of this study is to investigate the relationship between microphytobenthic biomass and normalized vegetation index obtained from Landsat TM images. Monitoring a seasonal change of microphytobenthic biomass in the sand bar is specifically focused. Since the study area, Hampyeong Bay, was difficult to approach, we failed to obtain ground truths simultaneously on satellite image acquisition. Instead, chlorophyll-a concentration in surface top layer was measured on different dates for microphytobenthic biomass. Although data were acquired on different dates, a correlation between the field and satellite images was calculated for investigating general trends of seasonal change. NDVI and tasseled cap transformed images were also used to review the variation of microphytobenthic biomass by using Landsat TM and ETM+ images. Atmosphere effects were corrected by applying COST model. Seaweeds were also flouring in the same season of microphytobentic blooming. Songseok-ri area was minimally affected by seaweeds from February to May, and selected as a test site. NDVI value was classified into high-, moderate-, and low-grade. It was well developed over fme-grained sediments and rapidly reduced from May to November over sand bar. In this bay, correlation between grain size and microphytobenthic biomass was clearly seen. From the classified NDVI and tasseled cap transformed data, we finally constructed spatial distribution and seasonal variation maps of microphytobenthic biomass.

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The Effects of Storytelling Technique on pre-service teachers' Acquisition of Science Concept and Science Teaching Efficacy (초등예비 교사의 스토리텔링 기법 적용이 과학개념 습득 및 과학교수효능감에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Yong-seob
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.226-234
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the application of storytelling on pre-service teachers of elementary school who take courses in 'earth's strata and rock' on science teaching concept and science teaching efficacy. The experiment was aimed at one class (32 students) enrolled in the 'earth's strata and rock' course at intensive course through 15 weeks from March to June. The experiment was taking lectures of "earth's strata and rock" for one semester, and the pre-service teachers of elementary school finished class demonstration with storytelling technique by group. The results and analysis of the study were analyzed by the corresponding sample test in before and after the group test. The conclusion of the study is as follows. First, the application of storytelling method on pre-service teachers of elementary school was effective in science concept. teaching efficacy. Second, the application of storytelling method on pre-service teachers of elementary school was effective in science teaching efficacy. Third, the application of storytelling method on pre-service teachers of elementary school responded positively.

Finding Critical Success Factors for Spatial Data Industry by Comparing Strategies of Digital Earth Enterprises (디지털어스 기업들의 전략 비교를 통한 공간정보산업 핵심성공요인의 발견)

  • Kim, Jong-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.318-329
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    • 2013
  • Spatial information has influenced government policy formation, business strategy implementation, and our everyday life enormously. Digital earth enterprises providing global spatial data services emerge as spatial data industry grows rapidly. So it is highly desirable to grasp recent trends in the industry and find critical success factors (CSFs) for the digital earth firms. The purpose of this study is to compare strategies of digital earth enterprises and find CSFs for them. In addition, strategy analysis framework elaborations, systematic analysis of spatial data industry and market segmentation based on value chain are also performed to trace and cope with the volatile industry environment. Derived CSFs are as follows. First, acquisition of differentiated high quality spatial data is needed. Second, customer oriented convergent contents should be developed. Third, advanced platform functionalities must be provided to consumers. Finally, construction of efficient and effective global value chain is desirable.