• Title/Summary/Keyword: Early Warning Information

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Method of preventing Pressure Ulcer and EMR data preprocess

  • Kim, Dowon;Kim, Minkyu;Kim, Yoon;Han, Seon-Sook;Heo, Jungwon;Choi, Hyun-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.12
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2022
  • This paper proposes a method of refining and processing time-series data using Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care (MIMIC-IV) v2.0 data. In addition, the significance of the processing method was validated through a machine learning-based pressure ulcer early warning system using a dataset processed based on the proposed method. The implemented system alerts medical staff in advance 12 and 24 hours before a lesion occurs. In conjunction with the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system, it informs the medical staff of the risk of a patient's pressure ulcer development in real-time to support a clinical decision, and further, it enables the efficient allocation of medical resources. Among several machine learning models, the GRU model showed the best performance with AUROC of 0.831 for 12 hours and 0.822 for 24 hours.

Amber Information Design for Supporting Safe-Driving Under Local Road in Small-scale Area (국지지역에서의 안전운전 지원을 위한 경보정보 설계)

  • Moon, Hak-Yong;Ryu, Seung-Ki
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.38-48
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    • 2010
  • Adverse weather (e.g. strong winds, snow and ice) will probably appear as a more serious and frequent threat to road traffic than in clear climate. Another consequence of climate change with a natural disastrous on road traffic is respond to traffic accident more the large and high-rise bridge zone, tunnel zone, inclined plane zone and de-icing zone than any other zone, which in turn calls for continuous adaption of monitoring procedures. Accident mitigating measures against this accident category may consist of intense winter maintenance, the use of road weather information systems for data collection and early warnings, road surveillance and traffic control. While hazard from reduced road friction due to snow and ice may be eliminated by snow removal and de-icing measures, the effect of strong winds on road traffic are not easily avoided. The purpose of the study described here, was to design of amber information the relationship between traffic safety, weather, user information on road weather and driving conditions in local-scale Geographic. The most applications are the optimization of the amber information definition, improvements to road surveillance, road weather monitoring and improved accuracy of user information delivery. Also, statistics on wind gust, surface condition, vehicle category and other relevant parameters for wind induced accidents provide basis for traffic control, early warning policies and driver education for improved road safety at bad weather-exposed locations.

Design of Two-Step Open System for Personalized Health Data Access (개인화된 건강 데이터 처리를 위한 2-Step 개방형 시스템의 설계)

  • Jeon, Young-Jun;Hwang, Hee-Joung
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.177-183
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of ICT Healing platform is the prevention of chronic disease. It is intended to early warning of the disease through the information such as the bio-signals and lifestyle. In this paper, we provide a 2-Step open system(TOS) for personalized health data access. TOS is connected between the personal health related data providers and service providers of individuals ICT Healing platform, a software engine for relaying personalized health data. The proposed system, to operate in isolation to 2 step in personal health document repository Inbound module and Outbound module to provide an inquiry service to external organizations. Therefore, we propose a personalized editable Manifest concept for defining data exchange between Step. This can be used as a reference model to collect the personal health information is scattered in many health related service institutions (Hospitals, Fitness Centers, Health Examination Centers, Personal Health Device, etc.) and under private-led liberalization.

Heavy Snowfall Disaster Response using Multiple Satellite Imagery Information (다중 위성정보를 활용한 폭설재난 대응)

  • Kim, Seong Sam;Choi, Jae Won;Goo, Sin Hoi;Park, Young Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.135-143
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    • 2012
  • Remote sensing which observes repeatedly the whole Earth and GIS-based decision-making technology have been utilized widely in disaster management such as early warning monitoring, damage investigation, emergent rescue and response, rapid recovery etc. In addition, various countermeasures of national level to collect timely satellite imagery in emergency have been considered through the operation of a satellite with onboard multiple sensors as well as the practical joint use of satellite imagery by collaboration with space agencies of the world. In order to respond heavy snowfall disaster occurred on the east coast of the Korean Peninsula in February 2011, snow-covered regions were analyzed and detected in this study through NDSI(Normalized Difference Snow Index) considering reflectance of wavelength for MODIS sensor and change detection algorithm using satellite imagery collected from International Charter. We present the application case of National Disaster Management Institute(NDMI) which supported timely decision-making through GIS spatial analysis with various spatial data and snow cover map.

Design of Real-Time Ground Motion Monitoring System using MMA data (MMA 데이터를 이용한 실시간 지진동 감시 시스템 설계)

  • Lim, In-Seub;Song, Myung-Won;Jung, Soon-Key
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we propose a new real-time ground motion monitoring system using MMA data which can be gathered more earlier than generic seismic data transmission method. Proposed system receives maximum, minimum and average data based on 20sps which is sent from station on every second continuously. And it calculates a PGA as a quantity of ground motion then visualizes that data to monitor the ground motion around whole country. To verify PGA data from MMA data, we checked Mu-dan-jang earthquake data of China on 2002/6/29. The proposed system was inspected by using log file of Oh-dae-san earthquake data on 2007/1/20. As results of experiment, the proposed system is proven to detect the event(earthquake) faster then existing method and to produce a useful quantitative information.

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Building GIS Application Model in Support of Tsunami Relief Effort (쓰나미 재난 대응을 위한 GIS 응용모델 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Liyanage, Asha Nilani;Lee, Heewon;Lee, Seok-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1489-1494
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    • 2013
  • Tsunami happens rarely enough to allow a false sense of security, but when they do occur, there may be just minutes or hours for people to reach a safe location. Natural disasters like tsunami are inevitable and it is almost impossible to fully recoup damages caused by the disasters. However, it is possible to minimize the potential risk by developing early warning strategies. GIS modelling with its geoprocessing and analysis capability can play a crucial role in efficient mitigation and management of disaster. This study aims at developing integrated spatial information system processing model supporting tsunami evacuation action planning using geo-information technology such as GIS. The integration process classified into four phases. And in each phase, required input data and GIS processes are decided. The main effort in minimizing casualties in tsunami disaster is to evacuate people from the hazard area before tsunami strikes by means of either horizontal or vertical evacuation. The study provides essential spatial information for local decision making related with people's evacuation in tsunami-prone areas based on a modeling approach transferable to other coastal areas.

Establishment of Geospatial Schemes Based on Topo-Climatology for Farm-Specific Agrometeorological Information (농장맞춤형 농업기상정보 생산을 위한 소기후 모형 구축)

  • Kim, Dae-Jun;Kim, Soo-Ock;Kim, Jin-Hee;Yun, Eun-Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.146-157
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    • 2019
  • One of the most distinctive features of the South Korean rural environment is that the variation of weather or climate is large even within a small area due to complex terrains. The Geospatial Schemes based on Topo-Climatology (GSTP) was developed to simulate such variations effectively. In the present study, we reviewed the progress of the geospatial schemes for production of farm-scale agricultural weather data. Efforts have been made to improve the GSTP since 2000s. The schemes were used to provide climate information based on the current normal year and future climate scenarios at a landscape scale. The digital climate maps for the normal year include the maps of the monthly minimum temperature, maximum temperature, precipitation, and solar radiation in the past 30 years at 30 m or 270 m spatial resolution. Based on these digital climate maps, future climate change scenario maps were also produced at the high spatial resolution. These maps have been used for climate change impact assessment at the field scale by reprocessing them and transforming them into various forms. In the 2010s, the GSTP model was used to produce information for farm-specific weather conditions and weather forecast data on a landscape scale. The microclimate models of which the GSTP model consists have been improved to provide detailed weather condition data based on daily weather observation data in recent development. Using such daily data, the Early warning service for agrometeorological hazard has been developed to provide weather forecasts in real-time by processing a digital forecast and mid-term weather forecast data (KMA) at 30 m spatial resolution. Currently, daily minimum temperature, maximum temperature, precipitation, solar radiation quantity, and the duration of sunshine are forecasted as detailed weather conditions and forecast information. Moreover, based on farm-specific past-current-future weather information, growth information for various crops and agrometeorological disaster forecasts have been produced.

A Study on Prevention of Construction Opening Fall Accidents Introducing Image Processing (이미지 프로세싱을 활용한 개구부 추락 사고예방에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Sung-Moon;Kim, Buyng-Chun;Kwon, Tae-Whan;Kim, Ju-Hyung;Kim, Jae-Jun
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2016
  • While institutional matters such as improvement on Basic Guidelines for Construction Safety are greatly concerned to reduce falling accidents at construction sites, there are short of studies on how to practically predict accident signs at construction sites and to preemptively prevent them. As one of existing accident prevention methods, it was attempted to build the early warning system based on standardized accident scenarios to control the situations. However, the investment cost was too high depending on the site situation, and it did not help construction workers directly since it was developed to mainly provide support operational work support to safety managers. In the long run, it would be possible to develop the augmented reality based accident prevention method from the worker perspective by extracting product information from BIM, visually rendering it along with site installation materials term and comparing it with the site situation. However, to make this method effective, the BIM model should be implemented first and the technology that can promptly process site situations should be introduced. Accordingly, it is necessary to identify risk signs through lightweight image processing to promptly respond only with currently available resources. In this study, it was intended to propose the system concept that identified potential risk factors of falling accidents by histogram equalization, which was known as the fastest image processing method presently, used visual words, which could enhance model classification by wording image records, to determine the risk factors and notified them to the work manager.


  • Park, Sun-Young;Lee, Si-Won;Choi, Jin-Hee
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.277-284
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    • 2006
  • The genetic toxicity of environmental pollutants, namely, nonylphenol (NP), bisphenol A (BPA) and chloropyriphos (CP) was investigated in aquatic sentinel species, freshwater crustacean, Daphnia magna, and larva of aquatic midge, Chironomus tentans, using Comet assay. Physiological effect of such pollutants was also investigated by studying the specimens' rates of reproduction, growth and survival. Acute toxicity results showed that, as expected, Daphnia was more sensitive than Chironomus to chemical exposure. The order of acute toxicity was CP > NP > BPA in D. magna and NP > CP > BPA in C. tentans. BPA may exert a genotoxic effect on D. magna and C. tentans, given that DNA strand breaks increased in both species exposed to this compound, whereas NP- and CP-induced DNA damage occurred only in C. tentans. In vivo genotoxic data obtained in aquatic sentinel species could provide valuable information for freshwater quality monitoring. The experiments with NP-exposed D. magna showed that the pollutant has long-term effects on reproduction, whereas no short-term effect on DNA integrity was found, being an example of a false-negative result from the biomarkers perspective. This result could be interpreted that other mechanism than genetic alteration might be involved in NP-induced reproduction failure in D. magna. False-positive results from the genotoxic biomarker obtained in BPA-exposed D. magna and in NP-exposed C. tentans make it difficult to use DNA integrity as an early warning biomarker. However, as the mere presence of genotoxic compounds, which are potentially carcinogenic, is of high concern to human and ecosystem health, it could also be important to rapidly and effectively detect genotoxic compounds in the aquatic system in ways that do not necessarily accompany a higher level of alteration. Considering the potential of D. magna and C. tentans as bioindicator species, and the importance of genotoxic biomarkers in ecotoxicity monitoring, DNA damage in these species could provide useful information for environmental risk assessment.

Applications of Ship Domain Theory to Identify Risky Sector in VTS Area

  • Gang, Sang-Guen;Jeong, Jae-Yong;Yim, Jeong-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.277-284
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    • 2014
  • This paper describes the application method of bumper area defined in the ship domain theory and it is to identify risky sectors in VTS(Vessel Traffic Services) area. The final goal of this work is to develop early warning system providing the location information with high traffic risks in Mokpo VTS area and to prevent the human errors of VTS Officer(VTSO). The current goal of this paper is to find evaluation and detection method of risky sectors. The ratio between overlapped bumper area of each vessels and the summing area of a designated sector, Ratio to Evaluate Risk(RER) ${\gamma}$ is used as one of evaluation and detection parameter. The usability of overlapped bumper area is testified through three kinds of scenarios for various traffic situations. The marine traffic data used in the experiments is collected by AIS(Automatic Identification System) receiver and then compiled in the SQL(Structured Query Language) Server. Through the analysis of passing vessel's tracks within the boundary of Mokpo VTS area, the total of 11 sectors are identified as evaluation unit sector. As experiment results from risk evaluation for the 11 sectors, it is clearly known that the proposed method with RER ${\gamma}$ can provide the location information of high risky sectors which are need to keep traffic tracks of vessel movements and to maintain traffic monitoring by VTSO.