• 제목/요약/키워드: EM-S

검색결과 783건 처리시간 0.03초

An Analysis of Work Stress of Physical Therapist and Reaction (물리치료사의 업무 스트레스 현황과 대응수준 -부산지역을 중심으로-)

  • Dong, Jong Ick;Ryu, Hwang Gun;Bae, Sung-Kwon
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.37-55
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    • 2008
  • This study aims to enhance work efficiency and satisfaction by offering data that make a physical therapist cope with stress coming from the job efficiently by identifying and analyzing the job satisfaction and work stress perceived by a physical therapist, and the level of reaction of a physical therapist. The study distributed survey questionnaires to 300 physical therapists working in medical institutions in Busan via mail and by visit from March 3, 2007 by selecting them simply and randomly from the physical therapist list, and collected the questionnaires by March 20, 2007, 103 respondents were working at 17 general hospitals including a university hospital, 65 respondents at 12 medical centers, and 79 respondents at 39 doctor's offices. The study collected 251 copies, which showed the collection rate of 83.7%, and analyzed 247 copies (82.3%) excluding 4 copies of insincere answers. As a research tool for measuring job satisfaction the study used a tool employed for research into the job satisfaction of physical therapists who work at medical institutions in Gwangju, Jeonnam, and Jeonbuk by Kim Hee-Gwon(1992) and research regarding job satisfaction by Jeong Jeong-Hee(2004) as well as research regarding the factors of job satisfaction by Flippo(1980) & Seberhagen(1970) after adjusting the research tools to the purpose of the study. Also for questions about work stress, the study employed nurses' job stress measurement tool developed by Kim Mae-Ja and em Mi-Ok(1984) by modifying the tool to the purpose of the study, and for a measurement tool for reaction to stress, the study used a tool employed for research into reaction to stress of nurses at general hospitals by Choi Eun-Deok(2005) without modification. For data analysis, the study used the SPSS12.0 as a statistical method, and then used t-test or ANOVA for verifying actual numbers, percentile, average :score, standard deviation, rank, and difference. Also, the study conducted which is a post-test method for variables that show a significant difference at the level of p<.05 level after the analysis. The findings include the following. 1) The respondents' job satisfaction score was 3.21 points on the average (out of 5 full points). The peer relationship ranked the highest, posting 4.02 points on the average, and the job satisfaction with rewards was proven the lowest, posting 2.51 points. For the job satisfaction level by characteristics, there were significant differences (p<.05) in gender, hospital type, weekly working hours, monthly working days, number of patients per day, department in charge of therapy, and number of peers, and there was no significant difference in characteristics other than that. 2) The respondents' work stress score was 2.72 points (out of 5 full points) on the average. The respondents were shown to be under the highest stress when they suffered from excessive workload, posting 3.49 points on the average, and they were shown to be under the least stress when they had a conflict with peers at another department, recording 1.90 points on the average. for the job stress level by the characteristics of job, there was a significant difference in the reflection of job assessment(p<.05). 3) 1n respondents' reaction to stress, most of them were shown to make efforts in coping with stress, posting 2.80 points (out of 5 full points). For their experience of being wider stress, they answered that 'they felt depressed (2.85 points)" for their experience of coping with stress, they answered that 'they were indifferent to it or thought about something else' (2.62 points). Also, for their efforts in coping with stress, they answered that 'they were motivated to remove their strain by taking leave, playing, or using their preferences' (3.52 points), which ranked higher. For the level of reaction to stress by characteristics, there were significant differences by age, gender, marital status, total service years as a physical therapist, monthly working days, and department in charge of therapy(p<.05). It is necessary to offer correct information by conducting an in-depth analysis of the stressful situations of physical therapists who exert efforts in rehabilitating patients at hospitals by factor, and seeking management plans based on the research results. Also, it is necessary to develop a program for coping with stress efficiently for removing stress and to conduct research into the understanding and cooperation of administrators and persons in charge of physical therapists for reducing physical therapists' stress at hospitals.

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Clinical Observations on 12 Children with Alport Syndrome (Alport 증후군 환아 12명의 임상적 고찰)

  • Bae Young-Min;Kim Seoung-Do;Kang Hyeon-Ho;Cho Byoung-Soo
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.48-56
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    • 2000
  • Purpose: Alport SD., the most common herectitary rephriris, is a renal disease with rapid progression. Deafness, ocular abnormalities and a specific EM finding may be associated in addition to a family history. We have aralyged retrospectively. Methods: We observed 12 children with Alport syndrome who were diagnosed at Dept. of pediatrics in Kyunghee Univ., College of Medicine, from Apr. 1991 until Jun. 1999. We used four criteria for diagnosis: renal disease, family history, deafness or eye abnormalities, and a specific finding in electron microscopy Results: 2 of 12 patients had all features of the four diagnostic criteria. We could not trace an exact family history in 3 patients, and 6 patients did not exhibit deafness or eye abnormality. One could not have renal biopsy because offer chronic renal failure. Other three criteria were observed in her. The ratio of male to female observed was 1:2 respectively and the mean age of initial renal symptom was 5.6 years. 9 of 12 patients had a family history of renal disease. In the audiogram and ocular examination for 11 of 12 cases, sensorineural hearing loss was observed in 6 and ocular abnormality in 2 cases. In electron microscopic finding, irregular thickness of the capillary basement membranes with lamination of lamina densa and foot process obliteration was noted in 9 of 11 and thin basement membrane with splitting and foot process obliteration was noted in the other 2. The mean period of follow-up was 3 6/12 years. And one patient developed the chronic renal failure until now and had kidney transplantation. Conclusion: For the diagnosis of Alport syndrome, the following four diagnostic criteria are very important : renal disease, family history, deafness or eye abnormalities, and a specific finding on electron microscopy. We expect that more patients can be detected through the analysis of these characteristics.

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Variation of Fatty Acid Composition in Soybean'Pungsannamul' Mutation Population from EMS Treatment (EMS 처리에 의한 풍산나물 콩 돌연변이 집단에서 지방산 조성 변이)

  • Chae, Jong-Hyun;Dhakal, Krishna Hari;Asekova, Sovetgul;Song, Jong Tae;Lee, Jeong-Dong
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2013
  • Mutagenesis is used to study gene function and obtain new genetic resources for plant breeding. Soybean is an important oil crop in the world. Thus, to find new genetic resources, a mutation population was developed from the soybean cultivar Pungsannamul using 0.3% ethyl methane sulfonate. The variation of fatty acids was then evaluated among 892 M4 generation mutant lines selected from 3,774 mutant lines. While the wild type Pungsannamul showed 11.6, 3.4, 23.8, 53.3, and 7.8% for palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid, respectively. the fatty acid variations in the mutant lines ranged from 7.4 to 19.7%, 2.2 to 13.0%, 14.7 to 49.0%, 31.8 to 63.9%, and 3.9 to 15.9% with an average of 10.8, 3.8, 25.3, 52.0, and 8.1% for palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid, respectively. Thus, two mutation lines with higher plamitic acid, PE1542 (17.1%) and PE3058 (17.0%), one line with lower stearic acid, PE2166 (1.9%), one line with higher stearic acid, PE977 (12.7%), two lines with higher oleic acid, PE450 (44.4%) and PE2742 (47.7%), and two lines with lower linolenic acid, PE594 (4.6%) and PE1690 (3.7%), were selected from this study. The newly selected fatty acid variants will be good genetic sources for gene function analyses and breeding soybean varieties with altered fatty acids for various industrial and human food applications.

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Mycorrhizae, mushrooms, and research trends in Korea (균근과 버섯 그리고 국내 연구동향)

  • An, Gi-Hong;Cho, Jae-Han;Han, Jae-Gu
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2020
  • Mycorrhiza refers to the association between a plant and a fungus colonizing the cortical tissue of the plant's roots during periods of active plant growth. The benefits afforded by plants from mycorrhizal symbioses can be characterized either agronomically, based on increased growth and yield, or ecologically, based on improved fitness (i.e., reproductive ability). In either case, the benefit accrues primarily because mycorrhizal fungi form a critical linkage between plant roots and the soil. The soilborne or extramatrical hyphae take up nutrients from the soil solution and transport them to the root. This mycorrhizae-mediated mechanism increases the effective absorptive surface area of the plant. There are seven major types of mycorrhizae along with mycoheterotrophy: endomycorrhizae (arbuscular mycorrhizae, AM), ectomycorrhizae (EM), ectendomycorrhizae, monotropoid, arbutoid, orchid, and ericoid. Endomycorrhizal fungi form arbuscules or highly branched structures within root cortical cells, giving rise to arbuscular mycorrhiza, which may produce extensive extramatrical hyphae and significantly increase phosphorus inflow rates in the plants they colonize. Ectomycorrhizal fungi may produce large quantities of hyphae on the root and in the soil; these hyphae play a role in absorption and translocation of inorganic nutrients and water, and also release nutrients from litter layers by producing enzymes involved in mineralization of organic matters. Over 4,000 fungal species, primarily belonging to Basidiomycotina and to a lesser extent Ascomycotina, are able to form ectomycorrhizae. Many of these fungi produce various mushrooms on the forest floor that are traded at a high price. In this paper, we discuss the benefits, nutrient cycles, and artificial cultivation of mycorrhizae in Korea.

Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus block with Arm-Hyperabduction (상지(上肢) 외전위(外轉位)에서 시행(施行)한 쇄골상(鎖骨上) 상완신경총차단(上腕神經叢遮斷))

  • Lim, Keoun;Lim, Hwa-Taek;Kim, Dong-Keoun;Park, Wook;Kim, Sung-Yell;Oh, Hung-Kun
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.214-222
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    • 1988
  • With the arm in hyperabduction, we have carried out 525 procedures of supraclavicular brachial plexus block from Aug. 1976 to June 1980, whereas block with the arm in adduction has been customarily performed by other authors. The anesthetic procedure is as follows: 1) The patient lies in the dorsal recumbent position without a pillow under his head or shoulder. His arm is hyperabducted more than a 90 degree angle from his side, and his head is turned to the side opposite from that to be blocked. 2) An "X" is marked at a point 1 cm above the mid clavicle, immediately lateral to the edge of the anterior scalene muscle, and on the palpable portion of the subclavian artery. The area is aseptically prepared and draped. 3) A 22 gauge 3.5cm needle attached to a syringe filled with 2% lidocaine (7~8mg/kg of body weight) and epineprine(1 : 200,000) is inserted caudally toward the second portion of the artery where it crosses the first rib and parallel with the lateral border of the muscle until a paresthesia is obtained. 4) Paresthesia is usually elicited while inserting the needle tip about 1~2 em in depth. If so, the local anesthetic solution is injected after careful aspiration. 5) If no paresthesia is elicited, the needle is withdrawn and redirected in an attempt to elicit paresthesia. 6) If, after several attempts, no paresthesia is obtained, the local anesthetic solution is injected into the perivascular sheath after confirming that the artery is not punctured. 7) Immediately after starting surgery, Valium is injected for sedation by the intravenous route in almost all cases. The age distribution of the cases was from 11 to 80 years. Sex distribution was 476 males and 49 females (Table 1). Operative procedures consisted of 103 open reductions, 114 skin grafts combined with spinal anesthesia in 14, 87 debridements, 75 repairs, i.e. tendon (41), nerve(32), and artery (2), 58 corrections of abnormalities, 27 amputations above the elbow (5), below the elbow (3) and fingers (17), 20 primary closures, 18 incisions and curettages, 2 replantations of cut fingers. respectively (Table 2). Paresthesia was obtained in all cases. Onset of analgesia occured within 5 minutes, starting in the deltoid region in almost all cases. Complete anesthesia of the entire arm appeared within 10 minutes but was delayed 15 to 20 minutes in 5 cases and failed in one case. Thus, our success rate was nearly 100%. The duration of anesthesia after a single injection ranged from $3\frac{1}{2}$ to $4\frac{1}{2}$, hours in 94% of the cases. The operative time ranged from 0.5 to 4 hours in 92.4% of the cases(Table 3). Repeat blocks were carried out in 33 cases when operative times which were more than 4 hours in 22 cases and the others were completed within 4 hours (Table 4). Two patients of the 33 cases, who received microvasular surgery were injected twice with 2% lidocaine 20 ml for a total of $13\frac{1}{2}$ hours. The 157 patients who received surgery on the forearms or hands had pneumatic tourniquets (250 torrs) applied without tourniquet pain. There was no pneumothorax, hematoma or phrenic nerve paralysis in any of the unilateral and 27 bilateral blocks, but there was hoarseness in two, Horner's syndrome in 11 and shivering in 7 cases. No general seizures or other side effects were observed. By 20ml of 60% urcgratin study, we confirm ed the position of the needle tip to be in a safer position when the arm is in hyperabduction than when it is in adduction. And also that the humoral head caused some obstraction of the distal flow of the dye, indicating that less local anesthetic solution would be needed for satisfactory anesthesia. (Fig. 3,4).

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Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Lysine Cell Mass (LCM) in Juvenile Israeli Carp, Cyprinus carpio (치어기 잉어에 있어 사료내 Lysine 부산물의 첨가효과)

  • Kim Kang Woong;Wang Xiaojie;Bai Sung chul C.
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • 제35권4호
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    • pp.336-341
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    • 2002
  • This experiment was conducted to evaluate the lysine cell mass (LCM) as a dietary fish meal (EM) protein replacer in juvenile Israeli carp, Cyprinus carpio. Fishmeal, a major animal protein source in the control diet, was replaced by tCM on the protein equivalent base, Fish averaging 1,7 $\pm$ 0.1 g (Mean $\pm$ SD) fed one of nine diets containing isonitrogenous and isocaloric basis of $38\%$ crude protein and 15.2 kJ available energy/g diet: control, $100\%$ $FM; LCM_20$, $80\%$ $FM+20\%$ $LCM; LCM_40$, $60\%$ $FM+40\%$ $LCM; LCM_60$, $40\%$ $FM+60\%$ $LCM; LCM_100$, $100\%$ $LCM; LCM_20$l, $80\%$ $FM+20\%$ $LCM+0.07\%$ $Lysine; LCM_40$l, $60\%$ $FM+40\%$ $LCM+0.14\%$ $Lysine; LCM_60$l $40\%$ $FM+60\%$ $LCM+0.22\%$ Lysine; LCM_100l, $100\%$ LCM+$0.35\% Lysine. After 6 weeks of feeding trial there was no significant difference in weight gain (WG), feed efficiency (FE), protein efficiency ratio (PER) and specific growth rate (SGR) among fish fed control and $LCM_20$ (P>0.05), while fish fed $LCM_40,\;LCM_60,\;LCM_100,\;LCM_40l,\;LCM_60l\;and\;LCM_100l$ diets had a significantly lower WG, FE, PER and SGR than did fish fed control diet (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in WG, PER and SGR among fish fed control and $LCM_20$l diets (P>0.05), while fish fed $LCM_20$l S had a significantly lower FE than did fish fed control diet (P<0.05). No significant difference was observed in hematocrit and condition facto, among fish fed nine diets (P>0.05). Therefore, these results indicated that LCM could replace FM up to $20\%$ and dietary synthetic lysine supplementation did not show any positive growth effects in juvenile Israeli carp.

Variations in Mutant Plants by chemical mutagen treatments of Dianthus superbus L. (술패랭이에서 화학돌연변이물질 처리에 따른 돌연변이 유기 및 변이 분석)

  • Lee, Kwang-Hoe;Lim, Jung-Dae;Yu, Chang-Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.334-341
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to determine the effects and optimum concentrantion of chemical mutagens, colchicine, EMS (ethyl methan sulfonate), MNU (1-methyl-3-1­-nitrosoguanidinenitro), sodium azide $(NaN_3)$ for induction of mutant plants. In order to induce the mutants of Dianthus superbus L, immature seed were pre-soaked in the warter adding each mutagens and concentration of EMS, colchicine, MNU, and sodium azide $(NaN_3)$. Comparision of morphological characteristic and seed germination in each mutant plants differed depending on mutagen sources and their concentrations. When 0.2% EMS were treated on seed, germination decreased to 12% while untreated control was germinated 76.6% for twenty days. Treatments of colchicine appeared higher germination than other mutagen but not survived. The survival rate was extremely decreased in MNU treatment at 0.5mM and chlorophyll-mutant plantlets were obtained by sodium azide treatment at 0.2mM. Chlorophyll mutants were produced by pre-soaking the immature seed of Dianthus superbus L. with mutagen, sodium azide. The control plants appeared normal green leaf color, while mutant plant after mutagenic treatment of immature seed results in yellow­-green stripes and albino in normal green leaf tissue. RAPD was carried out to check the genetic modification of regenerated plants by mutagen treatments at 0.2mM sodium azide. Three polymorphic DNA fragments out of thirty-seven obtained by RAPDs were observed in regenerated plants using five decamer primers.

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Estimation of Linkage Disequilibrium and Effective Population Size using Whole Genome Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Hanwoo (한우에서 전장의 유전체 정보를 활용한 연관불평형 및 유효집단크기 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Chung-Il;Lee, Joon-Ho;Lee, Deuk-Hwan
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.366-372
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to estimate the extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) and effective population size using whole genomic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) genotyped by DNA chip in Hanwoo. Using the blood samples of 35 young bulls born from 2005 to 2008 and their progenies (N=253) in a Hanwoo nucleus population collected from Hanwoo Improvement Center, 51,582 SNPs were genotyped using Bovine SNP50 chips. A total of 40,851 SNPs were used in this study after elimination of SNPs with a missing genotyping rate of over 10 percent and monomorphic SNPs (10,730 SNPs). The total autosomal genome length, measured as the sum of the longest syntenic pairs of SNPs by chromosome, was 2,541.6 Mb (Mega base pairs). The average distances of all adjacent pairs by each BTA ranged from 0.55 to 0.74 cM. Decay of LD showed an exponential trend with physical distance. The means of LD ($r^2$) among syntenic SNP pairs were 0.136 at a range of 0-0.1 Mb in physical distance and 0.06 at a range of 0.1-0.2 Mb. When these results were used for Luo's formula, about 2,000 phenotypic records were found to be required to achieve power > 0.9 to detect 5% QTL in the population of Hanwoo. As a result of estimating effective population size by generation in Hanwoo, the estimated effective population size for the current status was 84 heads and the estimate of effective population size for 50 generations of ancestors was 1,150 heads. The average decreasing rates of effective population size by generation were 9.0% at about five generations and 17.3% at the current generation. The main cause of the rapid decrease in effective population size was considered to be the intensive use of a few prominent sires since the application of artificial insemination technology in Korea. To increase and/or sustain the effective population size, the selection of various proven bulls and mating systems that consider genetic diversity are needed.

A High Essential Amino Acid Properties Rice Cultivar 'Haiami' (필수아미노산 고함유 신품종 '하이아미')

  • Hong, Ha-Cheol;Kim, Yeon-Gyu;Yang, Chang-Ihn;Hwang, Hung-Goo;Lee, Jeom-Ho;Lee, Sang-Bok;Choi, Yong-Hwan;Kim, Hong-Yeol;Lee, Kyu-Seong;Yang, Sae-Jun;Kim, Myeong-Ki;Jeong, O-Young;Cho, Young-Chan;Jeon, Yong-Hee;Choi, Im-Soo;Jeong, Eung-Gi;Oh, Sea-Kwan;O, Myeong-Gyu;Yea, Jong-Du;Shin, Young-Seoup;Kim, Jeong-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • 제43권6호
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    • pp.543-548
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    • 2011
  • Haiami is a new Japonica rice variety developed from a cross between 'Jinmibyeo' TR treated with ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) EMS and 5-methytryptophan, and 'Gyehwabyeo' in order to develop a new premium quality rice variety by a rice breeding team of National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration in 2008. This variety has about 138 days of growth duration from transplanting to harvesting in central plain area of Korea. The heading date of this vareity was on $15^{th}$, August. The 'Haiami' has good semi-elect plant type and resistant to lodging with strong culm. The number of panicles/hill of 'Haiami' is more than that of 'Hwaseongbyeo'. This variety shows slow leaf senescence and considerable tolerance to viviparous germination. It is susceptible to leaf blast, bacterial blight, and insect pests, but resistance to rice stripe virus. The milled rice of this variety exhibited translucent, clear non-glutinous endosperm and short grain shape. The essential amino acid properties of 'Haiami' have more than 31% that of 'Hwaseongbyeo' in polished rice. This variety has premium palatability of cooked rice. The yield performance of this rice cultivar was about 5.38 MT/ha in milled rice in local adaptability test for three years from 2006 to 2008. 'Haiami' is adaptable to central and southern plain areas of Korea.

Studies on the Virus in Silkworm Bombyx mori L. -Resistance to Virus Disease- (가잠 Virus에 관한 연구 -저항성에 관한 기초조사-)

  • 박광의;강석권
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • 제9권
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    • pp.67-87
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    • 1969
  • 1. Objectives and Importance. Many silkworms have been damaged by nuclear polyhedrosis virus diseases thoughout the country every year causing a decease in cocoon production by approximately ten per cent per year. The damage caused by the infections virus has occured in spite of complete disinfection. In this respect, it is well known it is impossible, at the present time, to protect the silkworm from these virus infections through chemical and physical control methods. Therefore, this author has attempted to solve this urgent problem from the view point of heredity and breeding, discovering the different resistances and heritabilities among 120 stains collected from throughout the country, and selecting the ones with highest resistance for the basic materials in the silkworm breeding. 2. Results of work 1) The strains with strong resistance to the nuclear polyhedrosis virus diseases are N$_4$, N$\sub$15/, N$\sub$48/, C$\sub$55/ and Em. the log ED$\sub$50/ values of them vary between 0.799 and 1.611. The susceptible strains are N$\sub$20/, C$\sub$62/, N$\sub$76/, N$\sub$79/ and C$\sub$108/, the log ED$\sub$50/ values of them vary between 5.159 and 7.258. (Reference Table 4) The Japanese strain with a log ED$\sub$50/, value of 3.770 is the strongest, followed by the Chinese strain with a log ED$\sub$50/ value of 3.564. The weakest is the European strain with a log ED$\sub$50/ value of 3.3381. The direction coefficient of the regression equation of the susceptibility varies between 0.1 and 0.6, the uniformness of the resistance of the preserved strains of this country is comparatively low. The hereditary henomena of the resistance of each strain and the conerete method of its application for silkworm breeding main the subjects for later studies. 2) The content of water and ash in silkworm has not been correlated with the capability for resistance to the virus diseases(Reference. Table 8). but it is very significantly correlated with mortality rate (in common reaning). In the case of the silkworms which have just completed the fourth moulting the content of water and ash is not related to the mortality rate. In the case of the silkworms which have just completed the third moulting, however, the water( +0.326) and ash (+0.362) registered a high significance. The ash content in the first ($\div$0.520) and second ($\div$0.386) moults is highly significant but water content in both cases is not significant (Reference Table 7). 3) The No. 205 strain proved to be the best in character among the various F$_1$ hybrids. No. 204 was very good in strength but a little lower in cocoon character than the control. No. 212 was a little low in coccon character and mortality was average, but the cocoon harvest was the best among all the varieties offered for (Reference Table 9). 4), In short, the above mentioned strains which are known to have strong resistance to the virus disease are expected to provide basic data for breeding strong varieties. It is proposed that continued research should be conducted on the characteristics of various strains for a satisfactory preservation of various characteristics.research should be conducted on the characteristics of various strains for a satisfactory preservation of various characteristics.

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