• Title/Summary/Keyword: EM-S

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A Study on Broad-Band Design of EM Absorberfor for Anechoic Chamber (전파무향실용 전파흡수체의 광대역 설계 및 제작에 관한 연구)

  • 손준영;배재영
    • Proceedings of the Korea Electromagnetic Engineering Society Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.343-343
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    • 2001
  • 최근 전자산업과 전파통신산업의 발달에 따라 불요전자파에 의한 전자파장해가 심각한 수 준에 이르게 되었다. 그 결과 국 . 내외 전자파환경은 나날이 악화되고 있으며, 이로 인한 사 회적 문제가 점차 증가되고 있는 실정이다. 이에 대한 대책으로 CISPR(Comite Internationale S Special des Perturbations Radioelectrique), FCC (Federal Communications Commissions) A ANSI(Amercian National Standards Institute) 둥이 주축이 되어 국제 규정이 제정되어 각종 전자기기들에 대해 방사(EMI) 및 내성(EMS)의 규제가 강화되고 있다. 그러나 국제규정이 요구하는(30 MHz - 18 GHz) 주파수 범위에서의 EMIjEMS 측정을 하기 위해 광대역(Broad-band) 전파무향실(Anechoic Chamber)이 필요하지만1 기존의 Ferrite T Tile 또는 그리드형 전파홉수체는 20 dB 이상 전파를 홉수할 수 잇는 주파수 대역이 30 M MHz - 400 MHz 또는 780 MHz에 불과하기 때문에 상기의 조건을 만족하는 전파무향실 을 구성하기에는 곤란한 실정이다. 본 논문에서는 국제 규격을 만족하는 전파무향실을 위한 광대역 전파홉수체를 개발하기 위해, 다충형으로 구성하고, 전파흡수체의 형상을 변화시켜 등가재료정수법을 사용하여 설계하고 그 특성을 평가함을 그 목적으로 하였다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 본 연구실에서 기폰에 제안한바 있는, 금속판 위에 타일형 페라이 트 충, 그 위에 원추절단형 페라이트 층과 원통형 페라이트 층을 적층시칸 형상의 전파홉수 체는 30 MHz - 6 GHz 정도까지 커버할 수 있으나, 1 GHz 부근의 주파수 대에서 16 dB 정도의 홉수능 밖에 가지지 못하였다. 이를 개선하기 위해, 금속판 위에 타일형 페라이트 층 을 형성하고 그 위에 원통형 페라이트 충, 원추절단형 페라이트 충I 원통형 페라이트 충, 타 원형 페라이트 충을 형성한 새로운 형태의 전파홉수체를 제안하였다. 본 논문에 제안한 새로운 형태의 전파흡수체의 시물레이션 결과 30 MHz - 20 GHz의 주파수 범위에서 전반적으로 25 dB이상의 전파흡수능을 가짐을 확인하였으며/ 특히 기폰에 제안한 전파홉수체와 비교하면,1GHz 부끈에서의 전파홉수능을 10 dB 이상 개선하였다. 나아가서/ 실재로 제작한 전파흡수체의 측정된 주파수특성이 시율레이션에 의한 이론치와 3 30 MHz - 6 GHz의 범위에서 잘 일치함을 확인하였다. 또한y 전파 홉수체의 전체 높이는 2 27 mm 밖에 되지 않으므로 본 연구에서 제안한 전파 홉수체를 사용할 경우 전파무향실의 유 효공간 확보에 매우 유리한 이점을 가진다

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The effects of zeatin on Cd2+ -induced physiological toxicities in Commelina communis L (Zeatin이 Cd2+에 의한 닭의장풀의 생리적 독성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee Joon Sang
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.345-350
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    • 2005
  • Three-week old Commelina communis was transferred and grown in Hoagland solution containing $100{\mu}M\;Cd^{2+},\;100{\mu}M\;Cd^{2+}+100{\mu}M\;kinetin,\;100{\mu}M\;Cd^{2+}+100{\mu}M\;zeatin\;and\;100{\mu}M\;Cd^{2+},\;200{\mu}M$ zeatin for 7 days, and then a number of physiological activities were investigated. In control, the length of the stem of plants was increased to 4.7cm, but in $Cd^{2+},\;Cd^{2+}+kinetin,\; Cd^{2+}+100{\mu}M\;zeatin\;and\;Cd^{2+}+200{\mu}M$ zeatin treatments, the growth of plants were increased to 1.5cm, 2.1cm, 3.9cm and 4.3 em, respectively. In the treatments of $Cd^{2+},\;Cd^{2+}+kinetin,\;Cd^{2+}+100{\mu}M\;zeatin\;and\; Cd^{2+}+200{\mu}M$ zeatin, total chlorophyll contents were reduced to $26\%,\;24\%,\;15\%\;and\;3\%$, respectively, on the contrast to the control. In chlorophyll fluorescence experiments, Fv/Fm ratios were also reduced to $44\%,\;21\%,\;17\%\;and\;5\%$ in the light intensity of $2100{\mu}Mmole\;E\;m^{-2}s^{-1}\;by\;Cd^{2+},\;Cd^{2+}+kinetin,\;Cd^{2+}+$100{\mu}M\;zeatin\;and\;Cd^{2+}+200{\mu}M$ zeatin treatments on the contrast to the control. Water stresses were increased to 2.6, 1.7 and 1.2 times by $Cd^{2+},\; Cd^{2+}+kinetin\;and\;Cd^{2+}+{\mu}M$ zeatin. On the other hand, combination of $Cd^{2+}+200{\mu}M$ zeatin reduced water stress to $0.12\%$. In $Cd^{2+}$ accumulation experiments $Cd^{2+}$transports were inhibited to $33\%\; 48\%\;and\;70\%\;by\;Cd^{2+}+kinetin,\;Cd^{2+}+100{\mu}M\;zeatin\;and\;Cd^{2+}+200{\mu}M$ zeatin. Therefore, it could be concluded that zeatin clearly reduced the toxicities of $Cd^{2+}$ by reducing the absorption of $Cd^{2+}$.


  • Kim, Kyo-Chul;Choi, Boo-Byung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.37-52
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    • 1989
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and masseter muscles during occlusal functions by means of EMG recordings of examined muscles. For the study, eighteen normal subjects were selected and the Bio-electric Processor EM2 (Myo-tronics Research, Inc., U.S.A.) with the surface electrodes was used to record the EMG activity from the right and left middle of masseter and insertion of SCM of each subject during right and left gum-chewing and isometric contraction by changing the biting force at right eccentric position of jaw. The amount of biting force ranged from 5 to 70kg during isometric contraction were measured by use of Jaw Force Meter. (Nihon Koden Kogyo, Japan.) The results were as follows: 1. The activity onset of SCM and masseter on the same side was almost at the same time, and integrated EMG values of two muscles on the chewing side were higher than the same named muscles on the non-chewing side during gum-chewing. (p<0.01) 2. The regression correlation was not present between both masseters (p>0.05), but between both SCM muscles or muscles of two kinds on the chewing or non-chewing side. ($p{\leqq}0.05$) 3. The integrated EMG value of SCM on chewing or non-chewing side were about 10 percent of that of ipsilateral masseter. 4. Mean voltage of each examined muscles were almost proportional to biting force during isometric contraction and the slope of voltage/biting force line was steepest at the ipsilateral masseter, followed by contalateral masseter, ipsi- and contra-lateral SCM muscles. 5. Mean voltage of ipsilateral masseter was highest during isometric contraction, followed by ipsilateral masseter, contra- and ipsi-lateral SCM muscles.

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  • Paik, Young-Geol;Choi, Dae-Gyun;Park, Nam-Soo;Choi, Boo-Byung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.213-226
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    • 1987
  • The purpose of this study was to standardize and classify the coordination pattern among the left and right masseter and anterior temporal muscles, in terms of integrated EMG values per stroke during gum chewing in normal subjects. In this study, 20 normal subjects were selected to chew a piece of gum and integrated EMG from middle portion of the masseter and anterior temporal muscles on both sides were recorded 20 times during each of the right and left chewing respectively. And the Bioelectric Processor Model EM2 (Myo-tronies Research, Inc., U.S.A.) with the surface electrodes was used to record the EMG activity during all experimental procedures. The results were as follows; 1. In all subjects, the chewing side masseter muscle was predominantly active among the four muscles examined. 2. The integrated EMG value of the middle of masseter muscle was significantly predominant than those of the anterior temporal muscle (p<0.0001) on the chewing side, but no significant predominant was observed on the nonchewing side (p<0.98). 3. In comparison with same muscles on the chewing and nonchewing side, low correlation coefficient was found between the middle of masseter muscles (R=0.317), but high correlation coefficient was found between the anterior temporal muscles (R=0.738). Between two muscles on the same side, there were significant correlation in the chewing (R=0.557) and nonchewing side (R=0.625). 4. In the coordination patterns among four muscles examined, distinct individual differences were found, but in an identical subject one fixed pattern appeared with significant reproducibility.

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Chemical Mutagenesis of Ulva Pertusa Kjellman by Ethylmethanesulphonate (Ethylmethanesulphonate에 의한 구멍갈파래(Ulva Pertusa Kjellman)의 돌연변이유기)

  • SONG Sang-Ho;KOH Nam-Pyo;CHUNG Gyu-Hwa
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.67-71
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    • 1991
  • Sensitivity to ethylmethanesulphonate(EMS) on Ulva Pertusa Kjellman thalli was investigated as preliminary studies aimed at mutation breeding of seaweeds. When the thalli were grown in medium containing the mutagen no growth and about $20{\%}$ growth inhibition occurred at $0.05{\%}$ and $0.025{\%}$ EMS-mixed medium respectively. In the case the thalli were treated short time at high concentration mutagen solution followed by culture in control medium no growth and about $10{\%}$ growth inhibition occurred at 40 min. in $1.0{\%}$ and 80 min. in $0.5{\%}$ EMS solution respectively. Among the mutagenized tissues, some showed variation in growth from and cell color contrast to the mother tissue. The mutagenized tissue polypeptide pattern using sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was simiiar that of the mother tissue except about 6.6 kD polypeptides.

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The Common Stock Investment Performance of Individual Investors in Korea (개인투자자의 주식투자 성과 분석)

  • Byun, Young-Hoon
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.135-164
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    • 2005
  • We analyze trade and balance records of 10,000 stock investment accounts of individual investors for the period of 1998 to 2003. Individual investors em an annual gross return of 12.3% while the KOSPI and the value weighted composite including KOSDAQ stocks yield 13.6% and 9.7% respectively during the same period. Net return performance is 8.3%, a drop of 5.3% mainly due to heavy trading. Individual investors' annual turnover amounts to over 270 percent. In an analysis of groups formed on the month's end position value, the performance of the top quintile is found comparable to the market while the rest yield significantly lower risk-adjusted returns than the market. We also find evidence rejecting the rational expectation model while supporting the overconfidence hypothesis which states overconfidence leads to a higher level of trading, resulting in poor performance. Individuals tilt their stock investment toward high-beta, small, and value stocks.

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Plant Community and Species Distribution In Both Slopes of the Mt. Neungdong (능동산의 양사면에서 식물 군락과 종 분포)

  • Huh, Man-Kyu
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.693-697
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of the present investigation was to investigate diversity patterns in Mt. Neungdong forested landscape. It was conducted on twelve sloping plots $(100{\times}100 m)$ in the east and west sides of Mt. Neungdong. A total of 2,157 specimins were identified as trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) ${\geq}$10 em. There were a total of 135 species of 35 families present in both regions of Mt. Neungdong. Least significant differences (LSD) by post hoc analysis revealed that region A had significantly greater densities than region B. Shannon-Wiener functions differed significantly between forests (F=4.12, < 0.05), with region B forest having a significantly higher value (2.118) than region A (1.882). Pinus thunbergii and Quercus aliena were dominant on most plots of both regions, however, the P. densiflora forest of region A was distributed better in the middle plots exposures compared to the opposite ones. Q. aliena, Q. mongolica, and Carpinus laxiflora largely occupied the middle and lower exposures of region B. The spatial distribution in Neungdong's forest was very heterogeneous and reflected by most species as having micro-climate and patchy distributions.

Joint model of longitudinal data with informative observation time and competing risk (결시적 자료에서 관측 중단을 모형화하기 위해 사용되는 경쟁 위험의 적용과 결합 모형)

  • Kim, Yang-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.113-122
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    • 2016
  • Longitudinal data often occur in prospective follow-up studies. Joint model for longitudinal data and failure time has been applied on several works. In this paper, we extend it to the case where longitudinal data involve informative observation time process as well as competing risks survival times. We use a likelihood approach and derive an EM algorithm to obtain maximum likelihood estimate of parameters. A suggested joint model allows us to make inferences for three components: longitudinal outcome, observation time process and competing risk failure time. In addition, we can test the association among these components. In this paper, liver cirrhosis patients' data is analyzed. The relationship between prothrombin times measured at irregular visiting times and drop outs is investigated with a joint model.

Studies on Biological Characteristics of Lactobacillus II. Conjugal Transfer-frequency of R Plasmids from Lactobacillus to Escherichia coli (유산균(乳酸菌)의 생물학적특성(生物學的特性)에 관한 연구(硏究) II. 약제내성(藥劑耐性) 유산균(乳酸菌)의 R Plasmids 전달빈도(傳達頻度))

  • Kim, Jong Myeon;Song, Hee Jong
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.113-118
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    • 1980
  • Total of 11 strains of Ldctobacillus isolated from lactobacillus-fermented milk and-beverage in March 1980 were examined for susceptibility to 8 drugs, and transferability and transfer frequency of R plasmids by conjugation. Of 11 isolates each 2 strains were classified as L. cellobiosus and L. helveticus, each 1 strain as L. plantarum, L. lactis, L. acidophilus, L. delbrueckii, L. casei subsp. casei, L. casei subsp, tolerans and L. salivarius subsp, salivarius by Bergey's manual. Resistance was the most active to na lidixic acid(NA), followed in decreasing order by chloramphenicol(CP), ampicillin(AP), kanamycin(KM) and streptomycin(SM). All of isolates were resistant to NA, each 10 strains to CP and AP, 7strains to KM and 6 strains to SM, indicating all of the isolates were resistant to two or more drugs in combination. No strain was resistant to erythromycin(EM), penicillin(PC) and tetracycline(TC). The most frequently encountered resistant patterns were CP NA AP SM KM, followed by CP NA AP KM, NA AP, CP NA, CP NA AP and CP NA AP SM in order. Transfer experiment of drug resistance showed that of 11 resistant strains, 9 strains transferred parts of their resistance to AP or AP CP or SM AP, indicating 9 strains carried R plasmids determining R(AP), R(AP CP) and R(SM AP). The conjugal frequency of R(AP) from Lactobacillus to E. coli ranged from 2.5{\times}10^{-1} to $5.6{\times}10^{-4}%$, that of R(CP) ranged from 5.0{\times}10^{-1} to 5.0{\times}10^{-3}% and that of R(SM) ranged from 6.0{\times}10^{-5} to 1.4{\times}10^{-5}%, at $37^{\circ}C$ for 18 hours of incubation.

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Effects of Colchicine and EMS Dropping to Apical Meristem on Induced Mutation and Plant Protein Pattern in Wasabia japonica Matsum (Colchicine과 EMS 돌연변이 처리가 고추냉이 식물체의 단백질 Pattern에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Kie-In;Eun, Jong-Seon;Choi, Sun-Yong;Kwon, Sung-Whan;Lee, Kang-Soo;So, Sang-Sup;Youn, Myung-Ja
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.36-42
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    • 1997
  • This study was investigated on the effects of colchicine and EMS. induced mutation, plant on the germination and polypeptide pattern and peroxidase activity monitored by two dimensional gel analysis in Wasabia japonica Matsum (wasabi). Germination rate of Muju was higher than that of Ulrung-Do and optimum concentration for germination was appeared 100 ppm GA3 containing with 10 ppm BAP in these cultivars. Survived plants rate of Muju was higher than that of Ulrung-Do after colchicine and EMS treatment. Peroxidase activity and plant height were decreased by mutagen treatments, while incresed in root and stem thickness. The number of protein spots and pattern showed difference between Muju and Ulrung-Do . The plants treated mutagen increased polypeptide spots, especially EMS treatment showed more different polypeptide pattern compared to control.

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