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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: ECOLOGICAL EVALUATION

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A Study on the Improvement of Evaluation Methods for Roadside Slope Revegetation - Focus on the Cut-soil Slope - (도로비탈면 녹화공사 평가방법의 개선 방안 연구 - 절토부 토사를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Nam-Choon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.187-200
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    • 2020
  • Despite the eco-friendly route plan, road slopes were collapsed due to road construction, resulting in human and property damage. To solve this problem, the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs established guidelines in 2009 to conduct a test-bed for slope recording considering the conditions of the site and the ecological environment, and divided them into recording quality and economic evaluation. The following results were obtained by analyzing 183 construction methods of cut-soil sections at 60 sites from 2012 to 2018 for road slope afforestation research. Straw net+seedspray, vegetation media spray method 1T, 3T were used the most, and vegetation media spray method 3T(patent) was excellent in quality, and straw net+seedspray was excellent in economics. As a result of analyzing the market unit price and the construction unit price, vegetation media spray method submitted the construction unit price at up to 60% lower than the market unit price. As a result of the analysis of the key factors of the greening method evaluation, the economic assessment had the greatest influence on all evaluation items. Problems in the evaluation method of revegetation were first identified as problems in the allocation of points and secondly as problems in the evaluation criteria. As for the improvement of the economic assessment criteria, the method was proposed to evaluate the same method based on market unit price when the same method was constructed, and not to conduct an economic assessment if there was a difference in market unit price between methods, or to add weight to the scores. Based on the monitoring data of 60 road slopes, this study drew up problems and improvement measures. However, with regard to scoring, research on appropriate scoring is needed by examining the current status.

A Study on Evaluation Method for Structural Suitability of Constructed Wetlands in Dam Reservoirs as an Ecological Water Purification System (생태적 수질정화시설로서 댐 저수지 인공습지의 구조 적정성 평가방안)

  • Bahn, Gwon-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.23-40
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    • 2022
  • Many constructed wetlands have been installed in dam reservoirs nationwide for ecological purification of watershed pollutants, but aging and reduced efficiency are becoming issues. To improve the management of constructed wetlands, an objective evaluation of structural suitability is required. This study evaluated 39 constructed wetlands of 15 dams. First, through fogus group interview(FGI), survey analysis, and analytic hierarchy process(AHP), eight evaluation items in the physical and vegetative aspects were selected and the evaluation criteria applied with weights were prepared. Second, as a result of the structural suitability evaluation, the average score of the overall constructed wetlands was 80.8, with 10 sites rated as 'good grade(91~100)', 22 sites rated as 'normal grade(71~90)' and 7 sites rated as 'poor grade(70 or less)'. The average score of physical structure evaluation was 52.6, with 14 sites rated as 'good', 21 sites as 'normal' and 4 sites as 'poor'. The suitability of location was good level in most constructed wetlands, but the water supply system, depth of water, ratio of length-to-width, and slope of flow channel were evaluated as 'normal' or less in constructed wetlands of 50% or more. Therefore, it was found that overall improvement was necessary for stable flow supply and flow improvement in the constructed wetland. The average score of vegetative structure evaluation was 28.2, and about 84% of them were identified as 'normal' or lower. As a result of analyzing the Spearman's correlation coefficient between the physical structure evaluation score and the vegetation structure evaluation score, there was a significant correlation(r = 0.728, p < 0.001), and it was found that each evaluation factor also influences each other. As a result of the case review of 6 constructed wetlands, the appropriateness of the evaluation results was confirmed, and it was found that the location, flow rate supply, and type of wetland had a great influence on the efficiency and operation of the wetland. Through this study, it will be possible to derive structural weaknesses of constructed wetlands in dam reservoirs as a nature-based solution, to prepare types and practical alternatives for improved management of each constructed wetland in the future, and to contribute to enhancing various environmental functions.

A Study on the Construction Methods and the Distribution of Proper Spatial Function for Restoring Urban Streams into Close-to-Nature Streams - A Case Study of Hongjecheon(Stream) in Seodaemun-Gu, Seoul - (도시 내 자연형 하천 조성을 위한 적정 공간기능 배분과 조성방안 연구 - 서울시 서대문구 홍제천을 사례로 -)

  • Jung, Tae-Jun;Lee, Kyong-Jae;Han, Bong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.43-55
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to propose a plan that properly organizes urban close-to-nature streams by evaluating the city park functions, ecological functions and landscape functions required for urban stream and setting up space function suitable for the space. The site of this study is Hongjecheon located in Seodaemun gu of Seoul City, whose length of channel spans 6.12km in total. The plan for the construction of close-to-nature streams had been established from late 2003, and the construction was completed. Evaluation Categories and indications were deduced from 4 stages. First, based on theoretical examination, we made a list of stream and park evaluation categories and added Category about Characteristic of urban streams. Next, we set Final Evaluation Categories and indications through the process of goal-relevance, indication verification, merging similar category. Final Evaluation Categories were deduced such as usage demand, usability(city park functions), biodiversity, inhabitation potential, rarity(ecological functions), historical cultural elements, and landscape Quality(landscape functions). As a result of allotting space functions, zones 1 through 4, got high grades at usage demand, was classified as a civic resort district; zones 5 through 6, close to major green area and remained original landscape, as ecological conservation and restoration district; zones 7 through 8, get high grades at usage demand and usability, as environmentally-friendly use district; and zones 9 through 10, many historical cultural elements and view points, and high green possession rate, as stream scenic district. In addition, detail space function and construction plan for each zones were proposed. As a result of this study, proposed space function assignment considering natural characteristics, humanities and social characteristics and landscape characteristics and is expected to be utilized at reasonable spatial planning considering various functions required for urban stream.

A Comparative Study on Management Evaluation and Re-certification System of G-SEED, BREEAM, LEED (국내외 녹색건축인증제의 유지관리 및 재인증 제도에 대한 비교 연구)

  • Hyun, Eun Mi;Kim, Yong Sik
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2014
  • As time passes, the aging of the plant building, the building's energy performance degradation than the initial plan does not express a situation could arise. This year, the certification of buildings certified in 2009 has expired for measures such as the situation required. In this study, management of national and international green building certification and re-certification was compared in two ways. First, the evaluation of green building certification system management assessments were compared. Second, the green building certification system for the re-certification analysis. As a result, G-SEED was not reflected life-cycle of building in management assessment and the commissioning of G-SEED is the UK and the U.S and other concepts of evaluation. In addition, the re-certification system is insufficient about substantial energy consumption of buildings. In this study, the revised the management assessments in conjunction with the re-certification system to manage the building is proposed to improve. In addition, the current evaluation of the existing building certification "existing building" and "building the first certified" as it is more efficient to separate the information into assessment was judged. Green building certification system to meet the purpose of management and operation, and disposal phases of the building to promote energy conservation and sustainability in order to the management a systematic and detailed evaluation and re-certification system developed for the revision of the specific items required and future research want to continue.

A Study on The Evaluation Criteria of Carbon Emission and the Development of the Evaluation Method in Apartment House (공동주택을 대상으로 한 탄소배출 평가기준 구축 및 평가방법 개발)

  • Choi, Doo-Sung;Chun, Hung-Chan
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2013
  • This study creates the evaluation criteria to analyze the CO2 emission quantity in the complex of apartment house among domestic buildings and proposes how to calculate the CO2 emission quantity by the only simple information of apartment house. The study shows that in order to create the index of carbon emission evaluation criteria, CO2 emission quantity for its input materials in these 27 apartment houses are 445,412g-CO2/m2 for apartment building, 474,322g-CO2/m2 for the basement parking lot, 483,523g-CO2/m2 for welfare facility, 729,957g-CO2/m2 for sales facility, 743,560g-CO2/m2 for other facility, 26,782g-CO2/m2 for public facility, 43,659g-CO2/m2 for landscape, 1,113g-CO2/m2 for indoor facility, 11,251g-CO2/m2 for outdoor facility and 891g-CO2/m2 for common temporary based on the average CO2 emission by facility. We can also see the analysis data that in case of using the selected factors only, the rate of error is 7.51% comparing with the emission quantity by using simplified LCA method this study suggests for the whole range of apartment houses and the rate of error is average 3.24% using selective and main materials. And this it is evaluated that we can get the result which is similar to the actual CO2 emission quantity with only the simple information about the apartment house.

The Evaluation of Amenities of Rural Villages (농촌마을 정비 특성별 어메니티 평가)

  • 장은숙;전영미;박윤호
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2002
  • This research is related to the evaluation of rural amenities. Since the UR negotiations, the wave of market liberalization has brought many difficulties to the rural areas. This paper serves to identify a number of important elements such as socialization, cultural and ecological resources and investigate the viability of rural areas. The purpose of this study is to evaluate rural amenities by evaluation indices and establish planning direction of amenities for rural areas. The data have been collected by methods of a field survey and a questionnaire survey. The evaluation indices have been defined as socialization, safety, amenity and convenience by several researches. Villages have been divided into two groups. Seven(Shimchon, Ibaek, Muan, Dokpyong-li, Imchin-li Hyangyang-li, Wonwol-li) have been newly constructed, six(baeksa, Mokmyon, yongho-li, shindyae-li, hwangdun·songgae) have been redeveloped. There are considerable differences in the degree of satisfaction between he two groups. The results are as follows: 1) socialization is very necessary for amenities in rural villages. Especially the values of the resident's interactions and management of the village are most important in the preparation of an amenity plan in rural areas. So the plans and establishment of public facilities are requisite for the residents community. 2) The convenience of rural public facility plans is necessary for the improvement of the farmers'living conditions. For planning the rural villages, special regards are paid to characteristics of the village, such as the former place of residence and occupations. 3) Newly constructed village should improve their socialization and the redeveloped types should try to get a better life for amenity and safety, The residents of the redeveloped types show relatively high degree of satisfaction with indices of resident community, living convenience facilities, and management of village. On the contrary, amenity and safety are good in newly constructed types. This study has taken into consideration the characteristics of rural villages. It makes a contribution to the redevelopment of rural villages and improves amenities in rural villages. It is recommended that more studies classify the resources of rural areas and measure amenities which are significant to city dwellers in the future.

HABs Research Project Management Model (적조연구프로젝트 관리모형에 관한 연구)

  • 어윤양;김창완;이현규
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.165-183
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    • 2003
  • The effect of red tide on the marine ecological system is so severe that many researches on the diverse subjects related to it have been conducted. Notwithstanding the enormous efforts and inputs the results of the past researches show no clear ways to deal with the HAB problems. As many researches are being conducted, the efficient and appropriate research project management systems as one of the critical factors for successful research are also needed as well as the fund and the capabilities of the researchers. It is assumed that the development of the evaluation and management systems for red tide research projects is so important and critical to enhance the researches and to utilize efficiently the physical and human resources for research. In this respect this study aims to present the evaluation and management scheme for the red tide researches that can not only decide the priority of the research subjects and tell the desirable research directions, but also support to develop the useful managerial policies and guidelines for the policy maker. The main subjects dealt with in this study are as follows : the characteristics of the HAB researches, the basic attributes and criterion of the research evaluation systems, the structure and design of the evaluation systems, and the development of the managerial policies by the type of the evaluation system. The conceptual scheme developed in this study is expected to be applied to the related areas and can suggest to the policy makers so many implications for identifying and setting the proper policy objects and management techniques. This study has a couple of weak points. It suggests only the conceptual scheme but not the applications so that the researches focusing on the applications in practical perspectives are needed to follow.

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An Evaluation of Biotope to Develop Its Green Network -in the Case of Susong-Gu in Daegu Metropolitan Area- (비오톱 연계망 구축을 위한 서식공간 평가 -대구시 수성구를 중심으로-)

  • 나정화;사공정희;류연수
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.67-79
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this research is to evaluate the biotope value in a metropolitan area after constructing the biotope evaluation model to develop biotope networking in the light of ecological landscape planning. In addition this study is to provide a basic frame of constructing the biotope networking system in the future with the evaluation results. The scope of this research is limited to high density residential area including some part of the forest adjacent to urban boundary. The results of the classified biotope in the research area have been turned out to be 24 patterns. According to the result of estimated nature value having the forth grade, three were forests combined with urban natural parks, schools near forests, and grasslands. There is a little place having first grade. We an deduce this fact that we have surveyed biotopes, having the minimum nature value and wider than children's park. As for the result of evaluated the structure, there were the forests of Seong-Dong, Meaho-Dong, and Kumho river, which is the forth grade. As for the evaluation of connection-function, the followings area were evaluated as the third grade-linear biotopes having highly valued and sustainable similarity - Seoul-Pusan Railroad, Dong-Daegu St., Kumho river, river basins. Bum대 park and a botanic park near Suesung lake, As for the evaluated the buffer-function, higly valued production biotopes, existing at a transition belt between he residential density areas, are Sawol-Dong, Meaho-Dong and Kumho river. When each of the indexes was evaluated, the core of the biotop contained most of natural biotopes. Large artificial biotopes were evaluated as an important biotopes, while small artificial biotopes were classified as a dot biotope. The future research on the concrete biotope networking construction, based upon performed evaluation in this research, should be conducted.

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Sensitivity Analysis for Railway Development Areas Using Land Cover Map (토지피복지도를 활용한 철도개발지의 민감도 분석)

  • Kim, Min-Kyeong;Kim, Dong-Yoeb
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.76-84
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    • 2017
  • Recently, the 'Ecological Network Restoration Project at Chupungnyeong' has been placed; this project is located at the center of the Baekdu mountain spine, the core of the ecological network of the Korean Peninsula. In the process of industrialization since the early 1900s, this area has been under railroad and road construction; as such, wildlife movements have been interrupted and many cases of road-kill have been found. The investment in railroads has increased because railroads are an environmentally sound means of transportation. Single track railways have been converted to double track electric railways and track reforming projects are underway in order to speed up the current railway system. This study suggests to take land use as a standard for assessing the ecological weaknesses of the domestic geo-spaces that are to be affected by rapid extension of railway lines. The land cover map issued by the Ministry of Environment was overlapped with the Korean Railway Line Map for analysis. The results showed that five items were high in sensitivity: paddy fields, fields, deciduous forests, bare land, and inland waters. It seems to be necessary to set weights for highly sensitive land use types; also, specific evaluation criteria need to be reestablished.

Application of Enzymatic Activity and Arsenic Respiratory Gene Quantification to Evaluate the Ecological Functional State of Stabilized Soils Nearby Closed Mines (안정화 처리된 폐광산 토양의 생태기능상태 평가를 위한 효소활성도 및 비소호흡유전자의 적용)

  • Park, Jae Eun;Lee, Byung-Tae;Lee, Sang Woo;Kim, Soon-Oh;Son, Ahjeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.265-276
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    • 2017
  • Heavy metals leaching from closed mines have been causing severe environmental problems in nearby soil ecosystems. Mine reclamation in Korea has been recently implemented based on the heavy metal immobilization (a.k.a., stabilization). Since the immobilization temporarily fixes the heavy metals to the soil matrix, the potential risk of heavy metal leaching still exists. Therefore the appropriate monitoring and the related policies are required to safeguard the soils, where all the cultivations occur. The current monitoring methods are based on either heavy metal concentration or simple toxicity test. Those methods, however, are fragmented and hence it is difficult to evaluate the site in an integrated manner. In this study, as the integrated approach, ecological functional state evaluation with a multivariate statistical tool was employed targeting physiochemical soil properties, heavy metal concentrations, microbial enzymatic activity, and arsenic respiratory reductase gene quantity. Total 60 soil samples obtained from three mines (Pungjeong, Jeomdong, Seosung) were analyzed. As a result, the stabilized layer soil and lower layer soil have shown the similar pattern in Pungjeong mine. In contrast, Jeomdong and Seosung mine have shown the similarity between the stabilized layer soil and the cover layer soil, indicating the possible contamination of the cover layer soil.