• Title/Summary/Keyword: ECOLOGICAL EVALUATION

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An Evaluation for Progressive Collapse Resisting Capacity of a 80F RC Flat Plate for Sustainable Super Tall Building (지속가능한 초고층 건물을 위한 80층 RC 플랫 플레이트 건물의 연쇄붕괴 저항성능 평가)

  • Seo, Dae-Won;Kim, Hae-Jin;Shin, Sung Woo
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.151-157
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    • 2010
  • This study is connected with evaluation of the progressive collapse resisting capacity for sustainable RC super tall building design. As the progressive collapse is not considered in current design codes in Korea, differences between linear static and dynamic analysis based on the GSA guidelines was analyzed for better evaluation, and the analysis model of flat plate system was determined. Finally, the progressive collapse resisting capacity was evaluated for structural system of super tall building. According to this study, the results by linear dynamic analysis were underestimated than the results by linear static analysis. Thus, the dynamic coefficient value of 2 provides conservative approach. The Effective Beam Width's model, currently used in field, is useful for the analysis about lateral force, but this model does not consider the effect of load redistribution by the slab. Hence, finite element analysis considering slab element will be needed for progressive collapse resisting capacity of the flat plate system. Finally, analysis model of 80-story building designed based on KBC(Korea Building Code) shows the weakness against progressive collapse because the DCR value is over 2. Thus, the countermeasure for alternative loading path such as installment of spandrel beam and reinforcements around slab is required to prevent the progressive collapse.

A Study on the Analysis about Assessment Items of the Eco-friendly Certified Schools' Indoor Environment through the Cases (친환경 학교건축물 인증사례를 통한 실내환경 평가항목에 대한 분석 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Hwan
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2009
  • There are more interests and studies to change the buildings into eco-friendly spaces as the present age recognizes nature-friendly environment more and more. In response to this trend, the government reinforces regulations for the variety of the eco-friendly buildings using a certification system. The eco-friendly certification system which was started only for residing since 2002, and this has been now for schools that are the spaces of the students who will lead the future since March 2005. The purpose of this study is to help understanding of the eco-friendly buildings, and to popularize and activate those as developing and making up for the classification system, evaluation items, detailed standards to evaluate them more precisely by analysing eco-friendly planning features and data of the eco-friendly certificated schools. This study selected 15 eco-friendly certified schools among the schools certified by the Ministry of Land, Transport, and Maritime Affaires since 2005, and analyzed evaluation result. After the analysis, I had a thorough grasp of the point distribution of the each building, analyzed the cause of the low points or no points, and tried to find the improvements. There should be continuing adjustment and complement for the evaluation items and detailed standards, and these should be applied to models as well as certified schools. Active public relations are also needed to educate the public and elevate their participation.

Emergy Evaluation of Typhoon Maemi in Busan (태풍 매미가 부산시에 미치는 영향에 대한 에머지 평가)

  • Park, KyungMin;Kim, Dong-Myung;Lee, Suk Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 2017
  • Damage of both life and property has been increased by natural disaster under the influence of climate change, thus many natural disaster vulnerability researches have been carried out to make adaptation policy and impact assessment of climate change recently. Their method for assessing vulnerability usually have used proxy variables for making vulnerability indices. However, because their results were too qualitative and relative it tends to be hard to make absolute comparison and establish standard of prevention or adaptation ability. Accordingly, this study aimed at quantifying natural disaster vulnerability using emergy through recognizing disaster as the relations between order and disorder by system approach. As a result, ordering energy (4.66E+22 sej/yr) and ordered structure (1.98E+22 sej) of Busan in 2003 and disordering energy (7.80E+18 sej), disordered parts (4.55E+20 sej) and rebuilding energy (3.87E+20 sej) by typhoon Maemi were analysed. And then, this was compared with Hurricane Andrew in Dade County. Through this comparison, if the prevention ability of Busan increases, disordered parts can be reduced against the more powerful disordering energy. Also, prevention for additional damages by disaster is needed to practical rebuilding action. In conclusion, it was able to figure out the impact of disaster quantitatively by natural systems and urban systems showing as common measure. Based on this study and further research to make effective prevention for how much prevention ability should be increased will contribute to producing the scientific data for disaster management policy in future.

Classification and Performance Evaluation Methods of an Algal Bloom Model (적조모형의 분류 및 성능평가 기법)

  • Cho, Hong-Yeon;Cho, Beom Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.405-412
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    • 2014
  • A number of algal bloom models (red-tide models) have been developed and applied to simulate the redtide growth and decline patterns as the interest on the phytoplankton blooms has been continuously increased. The quantitative error analysis of the model is of great importance because the accurate prediction of the red-tide occurrence and transport pattern can be used to setup the effective mitigations and counter-measures on the coastal ecosystem, aquaculture and fisheries damages. The word "red-tide model" is widely used without any clear definitions and references. It makes the comparative evaluation of the ecological models difficult and confusable. It is highly required to do the performance test of the red-tide models based on the suitable classification and appropriate error analysis because model structures are different even though the same/similar words (e.g., red-tide, algal bloom, phytoplankton growth, ecological or ecosystem models) are used. Thus, the references on the model classification are suggested and the advantage and disadvantage of the models are also suggested. The processes and methods on the performance test (quantitative error analysis) are recommend to the practical use of the red-tide model in the coastal seas. It is suggested in each stage of the modeling procedures, such as verification, calibration, validation, and application steps. These suggested references and methods can be attributed to the effective/efficient marine policy decision and the coastal ecosystem management plan setup considering the red-tide and/or ecological models uncertainty.

A Study on the Biotop's Characters of the Mixed Rural City(III) - Case Study of Chonan - (도농통합형 도시에 있어서 생물서식처 공간특성에 관한 연구(III) - 천안시를 중심으로 -)

  • Bang, Kwang-Ja;Lee, Haeng-Youl;Kang, Hyun-Kyoung;Park, Sung-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.48-57
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    • 1999
  • This study was aimed to establish biotop unit of the mixed rural city for the method and process of the biotop mapping system. Survey site was Maejuri of Seunghwan(158ha), Gisanri of Mokchon(132ha) and Namkwanri, Pungsemeon(214ha). So the main process was divided by 4 schemes such as Biosphere, Geosphere, Antrosphere and Evaluation. Also the GIS(geographic information system) was used to make the database of the biotop and biotop complex, analyze the cross-combinations and analyze the characters of the biotop. Biotop mapping system had 5 steps which were proceeded with research goals, constructing the spatial database and attribute database, classifying the 3 types of biotop such as tree/shrub biotop, grass biotop and wetland biotop, cross-analyzing 3 biotop types with land use, habitat characters, relief characters and danger/disturbance elements and evaluating the 3 types of biotop. The results of applicating the biotop mapping system on the research site as followings : The distributions of the land uses in Maejuri, Seunghwan eup in Chonan city were recorded by forest(29.8%), orchard(14.1%) and landscaping around building site(9.0%). Gisanri, Mokchonmeon were composed of forest(64.5%), farm(12.8%) and Namkwanri, Pungsemeon were concentrated rice field(39.6%), dwell district(22.4%). The Tree/Shrub biotop type was reclassed by the forest type, natural and artificial decidous type with natural coniferous. The Grass biotop type was reclassed by the wild grassland type, garden type and peddy field with wild grassland. The distributions of the wet land were pointed high at the wet land type with reed marsh and edge vegetation around wet land in reservoir and river. The evaluation of the mapped bitopes was completed to the following aspect, "amenity" and "environmental education". A high value of 7.13%(1 class) was shown Maejuri, Seunghwan eup. The regions which were studied synthetically are divided to three parts ; the area where have nature and art mixed(Seunghwan), the area which is more artificial because people inhabit there for a long time(Pungsemeon) and the area that ecological environment is threatened by development pressure(Mokchonmeon). Therefore, ecological restoration plan which depends on specific property of the regions should be established. Also the interdisplinary researches were needed to develop the BMS(Biotop Mapping System) in Korea because of the differences with Germany, England's ecological habitat conditions.

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A Study on the Visual Satisfaction of a Panel-type Facade Planting (패널형 입면녹화의 시각적 만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Seung-Ho;Kim, Sun-Hae;Song, Kyu-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2008
  • As cities become more industrial and modern, they become overcrowded and the construction zones increase accordingly. In particular, the demand for panel-type planting methods has gradually increased due to early planting and easy installation. However, studies on panel-type planting have strictly concentrated on the vegetation sub system or irrigation system without any interest in landscape-centered system. Factors of preference will be made through landscape evaluation on the panel-type facade planting. A questionnaire survey was conducted in a location where panel-type facade planting was available. In terms of responses to the facade planting, 'natural (3.80)' was the highest, followed by 'friendly (3.70),' 'comfortable (3.65),' 'beautiful (3.65),' and 'peaceful (3.50).' On the contrary, negative responses such as 'too quiet,' 'simple,' 'heavy,' 'gloomy,' 'dark,' and 'dirty' were also received. It is thought that these responses refer to the poor management of the area. The results of this study will be useful as basic data for the development and distribution of panel-type facade planting.

A Review on the Current Methods for Extracting DNA from Soil and Sediment Environmental Samples (토양 및 퇴적토 환경 시료로부터 DNA 추출하는 방법에 대한 고찰)

  • Yoo, Keun-Je;Lee, Jae-Jin;Park, Joon-Hong
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2009
  • In soil and sediment environment, microorganisms play major roles in biochemical cycles of ecological significant elements. Because of its ecological significance, microbial diversity and community structure information are useful as indexes for assessing the quality of subsurface ecological environment and bioremediation. To achieve more accurate assessment, it is requested to gain sufficient yield and purity of DNA extracted from various soil and sediment samples. Although there have been a large number of basic researches regarding soil and sediment DNA extraction methods, little guideline information is given in literature when choosing optimal DNA extraction methods for various purposes such as environmental ecology impact assessment and bioremediation capability evaluation. In this study, we performed a thorough literature review to compare the characteristics of the current DNA extraction methods from soil and sediment samples, and discussed about considerations when selecting and applying DNA extraction methods for environmental impact assessment and bioremediation capability evaluation. This review suggested that one approach is not enough to gain the suitable quantity and yield of DNA for assessing microbial diversity, community structure and population dynamics, and that a careful attention has to be paid for selecting an optimal method for individual environmental purpose.

Evaluation of Priorities for Greening of Vacant Houses using Connectivity Modeling (연결성 모델링을 활용한 빈집 녹지화 우선순위 평가)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Whee-Moon;Kim, Kyeong-Tae;Shin, Ji-Young;Park, Chang-Sug;Park, Hyun-Joo;Song, Won-Kyong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2022
  • Urban problems are constantly occurring around the world due to rapid industrialization and population decline. In particular, as the number of vacant houses is gradually increasing as the population decreases, it is necessary to prepare countermeasures. A plan to utilize vacant houses has emerged to restore the natural environment of the urban ecosystem where forest destruction, damage to habitats of wild animals and plants, and disconnection have occurred due to large-scale development. Through connectivity analysis, it is possible to understand the overall ecosystem flow based on the movement of species and predict the effect when vacant houses are converted into green spaces. Therefore, this study analyzed the green area network to confirm the possibility of greening of vacant houses neglected in Jeonju based on circuit theory. Using Circuitscape and Least-cost path, we tried to identify the connectivity of green areas and propose an ecological axis based on the analysis. In order to apply the resistance values required for analysis based on previous studies, the 2020 subdivision land cover data were integrated into the major classification evaluation items. When the eight forests in the target site were analyzed as the standard, the overall connectivity and connectivity between forests in the area were high, so it is judged that the existing green areas can perform various functions, such as species movement and provision of habitats. Based on the results of the connectivity analysis, the importance of vacant houses was calculated and the top 20 vacant houses were identified, and it was confirmed that the higher the ranking, the more positive the degree of landscape connectivity was when converted to green areas. In addition, it was confirmed that the results of analyzing the least-cost path based on the resistance values such as connectivity analysis and the existing conceptual map showed some differences when comparing the ecological axes in the form. As a result of checking the vacant houses corresponding to the relevant axis based on the width standards of the main and sub-green areas, a total of 30 vacant houses were included in the 200m width and 6 vacant houses in the 80m width. It is judged that the conversion of vacant houses to green space can contribute to biodiversity conservation as well as connectivity between habitats of species as it is coupled with improved green space connectivity. In addition, it is expected to help solve the problem of vacant houses in the future by showing the possibility of using vacant houses.

Assessing the Impact of 'Marine Invasive and Harmful Species': A Semi-Quantitative Tool and Protocol for Environmental and Socio-Economic Evaluation ('해양교란유해종'의 영향 평가: 환경 및 사회경제적 평가를 위한 준정량 도구 및 프로토콜)

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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.116-138
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    • 2024
  • This study presents a new tool and protocol to assess the impact of 'Marine Invasive and Harmful Species' (MIHS) on marine environments and socio-economic aspects. It addresses shortcomings in the Marine Ecosystems Conservation and Management Act in South Korea by proposing an impact assessment framework divided into marine environmental and socio-economic groups. Six distinct evaluation categories are included in each group, and a semi-quantitative five-step scale is utilized to provide a flexible approach, addressing a variety of issues from ecological disturbances to effects on health and property. The assessment tool is applied through a systematic five-stage process based on the Delphi method. This approach posters collaboration among a diverse sets of experts and stakeholders, enabling a comprehensive evaluation that incorporates various perspectives. The study also examines strategies to effectively manage uncertainties and improve the consistency of the outcomes. The application of this assessment protocol is expected to be crucial in quantifying the ecological damage caused by MIHS and in identifying management and prevention priorities. The ultimate aim of this evaluation process is to aid decision-makers in developing strategies to preserve the marine ecosystem and mitigate socio-economic impacts.

Deducing environmentally conscious factors for apartment complex planning and weight evaluation (환경요소를 고려한 공동주택 단지계획요소 도출 및 가중치 평가)

  • Jung, Suk-Jin;Seo, Jung-Bum;Yoon, Seong-Hwan
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: As declines in the quality of residential environments occur, such as urban heat island effect, tropical night phenomenon, and violations of right to light and privacy due to urban densification and high rise building, these problems are emerging as social issues. In order to improve these issues, design factors which consider environmental aspects must be selected when planning apartment complexes, and ways to reflect them in the planning phase must be explored. Method: In this study, the analytical hierarchy process(AHP) was used to deduce design factors that considered environmental elements during the planning of apartment complexes. Furthermore, the priority and weight for each evaluation index were assessed. The objective was to propose a guideline for planning apartment complexes by finding the best solution for each evaluation index using complex weight values. Result: Floor area ratio was selected as the most important evaluation criterion in the environmentally conscious evaluation index for apartment complex planning. The shape and placement of skylights were selected as the most important evaluation criteria in the sunshine environment for a pleasant residential environment. Ground surface cover design was selected as the most important criterion in the outdoor thermal environment index for improving the microclimate within cities and apartment complexes. Thus, the results of this study can serve as an investigation guideline that concerns policy and regulations, and as reference data that can be used in planning apartment complexes.