• Title/Summary/Keyword: E-depth

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A Study on the Wave Modes in Measurements of the Crack Depth of Concrete by Ultrasonic Waves (초음파에 의한 콘크리트의 균열깊이 측정에 있어서 음파모드에 관한 연구)

  • Han, E.K.;Lee, S.H.;Kim, J.Y.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 1989
  • As the necessity of the safety diagnosis of the concrete structure, more reliable ultrasonic technique to qualify the concrete is required. In this study, the artificial surface crack depth is measured using several types of the ultrasonic probes. As results, the horizontal shear wave probe is most useful to determine the crack depth compared to the other probes. For the surface wave probe, the ultrasonic wave path is changed with the surface crack depth.

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Sinking depth of tuna longlines related to mainline materials in the North Pacific Ocean (북태평양 중부공해에서 조업하는 다랑어연승어구의 모릿줄 재질에 따른 침강수심)

  • Jo, Hyun-Su;Hwang, Seon-Jae;Lee, Ji-Hoon;An, Doo-Hae;Moon, Dae-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.173-182
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this paper is to provide useful information for fishermen in the manner of investigation a sinking speed of current type tuna longline gear at the North Pacific Ocean as a new developed tuna longline fishing ground. The sinking depth of mainline in connection with different basket was investigated. The experiments were also performed with different materials such as Supermansen (i.e., PE) and Hitech (i.e., PA) for the mainline to investigate the sinking depth of mainline and hooks. Furthermore, the relation between the sinking depth of hooks and catches are investigated also. The sinking depth of mainline at the first and the last shooting basket shows deeper than that of middle part of a basket due to reduced shortening ratio. The sinking depth of mainline and hook with Hitech material shows more shallow than that of Supermanse material, even the Hitech case was designed to sink deeper than that of Supermanse case. The highest catches arise at the middle part basket as the hook number 7 with around 248m sinking depth. From the results, longline with Hitech material is needed to increase the sinking force for reaching the relevant sinking depth. Moreover, the current strength at the North Pacific Ocean will be considered for further commercial fishing.


  • Chung, Sang-Cho;Park, Jun-Seok
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.363-374
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    • 1998
  • We investigate relationships of E-depths and T-codepths of modules in s short exact exact sequence. We give E-depths and T-codepths of some modules.

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Early Growth of Cultured Larval Haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus (Haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus 자어의 초기성장)

  • Park, In-Seok;Johnson, Stewart C.;Hur, Jun-Wook
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.271-275
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this study was to examine the early growth of haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus larvae from a series of reared specimens for provide information to developmental biology and more information on the aspect of aquaculture in the larvae of this species. Larvae were reared in the laboratory and sampled periodically for developmental study until 67 days after hatching. An increase in total length of fish indicated continuous growth, described by the growth expression of the type $TL=3.5374e^{0.0536X}(r^2=0.8759$, where TL is total length and X is at days after hatching) and $BW=0.0002e^{0.1858X}(r^2=0.8671$, where BW is body weight and X is at days after hatching), respectively. Pattern of body depth and pectoral fin length are instantaneous growth which expression of the type $BD=0.3545e^{0.0778X},\;r^2=0.9563$(where BD is body depth and X is at days after hatching) for body depth growth and the type $PL=0.0111e^{0.1591X},\;r^2=0.9194$(where PL is pectoral fin length and X is at days after hatching) for pectoral fin length growth. The relationship of body depth and total length expressed as $BD=0.2397X-0.5735(r^2=0.9957$, where BD is body depth and X is total length), and pectoral fin length and total length is $PL=0.1929X-1.3767(r^2=0.9882$, where PL is pectoral fin length and X is total length) pectoral fin length against body depth simultaneously recorded for juvenile haddock(PL=0.8117BD-0.9718, $r^2=0.9814$, where PL is pectoral fin length and BD is body depth). Relationship of body depth and body weight was expressed the type of $BD=-9.4734X^2+19.046X+1.3672,\;r^2=0.941$(where BD is body depth and X is body weight), and pectoral fin length and body weight expressed the type of $PL=6.379X^2+14.023X+0.3774,\;r^2=0.9494$(where PL is pectoral fin length and X is body weight). From this point view, growth characteristics of juvenile haddock in this experiment may be useful to establish a successful culture technique for rearing larval haddock.

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A Sensitivity Test on the Minimum Depth of the Tide Model in the Northeast Asian Marginal Seas (동북아시아 조석 모델의 최소수심에 대한 민감도 분석)

  • Lee, Ho-Jin;Seo, Ok-Hee;Kang, Hyoun-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.457-466
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    • 2007
  • The effect of depth correction in the coastal sea has been investigated through a series of tide simulations in the area of $115{\sim}150^{\circ}E,\;20{\sim}52^{\circ}N$ of northwestern Pacific with $1/12^{\circ}$ resolution. Comparison of the solutions varying the minimum depth from 10m to 35 m with the 5m interval shows that the amplitude accuracies of $M_2,\;S_2,\;K_1$ tide using the minimum depth of 25 m have been improved up to 42%, 32%, 26%, respectively, comparing to those using the minimum depth of 10m. The discrepancy between model results using different minimum depth is found to be up to 20 cm for $M_2$ tidal amplitude around Cheju Islands and the positions of amphidromes are dramatically changed in the Bohai Sea. The calculated ARE(Averaged Relative Error) values have been minimized when the bottom frictional coefficient and the minimum depth is 0.0015 and 25 m, respectively.

Resolution-independent Up-sampling for Depth Map Using Fractal Transforms

  • Liu, Meiqin;Zhao, Yao;Lin, Chunyu;Bai, Huihui;Yao, Chao
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.2730-2747
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    • 2016
  • Due to the limitation of the bandwidth resource and capture resolution of depth cameras, low resolution depth maps should be up-sampled to high resolution so that they can correspond to their texture images. In this paper, a novel depth map up-sampling algorithm is proposed by exploiting the fractal internal self-referential feature. Fractal parameters which are extracted from a depth map, describe the internal self-referential feature of the depth map, do not introduce inherent scale and just retain the relational information of the depth map, i.e., fractal transforms provide a resolution-independent description for depth maps and could up-sample depth maps to an arbitrary high resolution. Then, an enhancement method is also proposed to further improve the performance of the up-sampled depth map. The experimental results demonstrate that better quality of synthesized views is achieved both on objective and subjective performance. Most important of all, arbitrary resolution depth maps can be obtained with the aid of the proposed scheme.

Emergence and Growth of Weeds and Their Chemical Control in Paddy Field under Different Water Depths (담수심(湛水深)에 따른 논 잡초발생(雜草發生) 상태(狀態)와 제초제(除草劑) 효과(效果)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Ku, Y.C.;Oh, Y.J.;Lee, J.H.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 1982
  • This experiment was conducted to evaluate weed control effect of Butachlor, Oxadiazon, and Bifenox under three levels of water depth (0, 3, 6 cm). Number of E. crusgall. and M. vaginalis decreased as water depth increased while that of P. distinctus showed the opposite trend. Water depth did not influence number of E. kuroguwai and C. serotinus. Weed control effect of Butachlor and Oxadiazon was best at 3 cm water depth at while that of Bifenox was best at 6 cm water depth. Injury of Butachlor to rice decreased as water depth increased while that of Oxadiazon and Bifenox showed opposite trend.

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Marine Algal Assemblages on Artifical Reefs in Jeju-do Before and After Rocky Cleaning and the Growth Pattern of Ecklonia cava with Water Depth (갯닦기 전후 제주도 인공어초의 해조상 및 수심별 감태의 생장양상)

  • Kwak, Cheol-Woo;Chung, Ee-Yung;Gim, Tae-Yeon;Lee, Jong-Hwa;Kim, Young-Sik
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.34-48
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    • 2014
  • Marine algal assemblages on the artificial reefs at three stations (Haengwon, Geumneung, Pyoseon in Jeju-do) and the growth pattern of Ecklonia cava with water depth were studied before and after rocky cleaning. Nine algal species occurred at three artificial reefs before rocky cleaning in July 2012, however, 19 algal species were found at three artificial reefs after rocky cleaning in July 2013. In particular, 13 of 19 species in 2013 were replaced by different species which were not found in July 2012. Algal biomass rapidly increased in July 2013 after rocky cleaning. The nMDS plot based on the presence and absence data of macro-algal assemblages on the artificial reefs showed that the species compositions between artificial reefs were similar to each other before rocky cleaning operations in July of 2012. However, after rocky cleaning, the species composition of macro-algal assemblages in Haengwon region was similar to that in Pyoseon region while that in Geumneung region was different to those in Haengwon and Pyseon regions in July 2013. It is needed to clarify the suitable water depth for transplantation of perennial Phaeophyta E. cava. According to the data on seasonal changes in total length, total weight, blade length, blade width, blade weight of E. cava, it began to grow rapidly from April and reached to the maximum value in June, and then degeneration of the blade occurred in July and continued to early August. Although the total length of E. cava at 10m water depth was larger than those at 5 m and 15 m water depths, there was no significant difference statistically among water depths by ANOVA test. However, in the values of total weight, blade length, blade width, and blade weight, the growth patterns at 5 m water depth were larger than those at 10 m and 15 m. Thus, it is assumed that the most suitable water depth for transplantation and its maximum growth and effective release of zoospores of E. cava will be 7~10 m water depth.

Penetration Depth Computation for Rigid Models using Explicit and Implicit Minkowski Sums (명시적 그리고 암시적 민코우스키 합을 이용한 강체 침투깊이 계산 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Youngeun;Kim, Young J.
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2017
  • We present penetration depth (PD) computation algorithms using explicit Minkowski sum construction ($PD_e$) and implicit Minkowski sum construction ($PD_i$). Minkowski sum construction is the most time consuming part in fast PD computation. In order to address this issue, we find a candidate solution using a centroid difference and motion coherence. Then, $PD_e$ constructs or updates partial Minkowski sum around the candidate solution. In contrast, $PD_i$ constructs only a tangent plane to the Minkowski sums iteratively. In practice, our algorithms can compute PD for complicated models consisting of thousands of triangles in a few milli-seconds. We also discuss the benefits of using different construction of Minkowski sums in the context of PD.

Learners' Perceptions and Experiences of Using e-Textbooks in Online Learning Environment

  • LEE, Sunghye;CHAE, Yoojung;CHOI, Kyoungae
    • Educational Technology International
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.195-221
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    • 2019
  • This study explored middle and high school students' learning experiences using e-textbooks in online learning courses. Data were collected from in-depth interviews. The interviewees for this study were 19 students who enrolled voluntarily in an online mathematics and science inquiry program, actively participated in the online learning. The students generally have high academic achievement and motivation for learning in science and mathematics. Data were analyzed based on a grounded theory approach. As a result, the characteristics of the online learning environment using e-textbooks were conceptualized via three different categories including temporal, spatial, and technical. Such characteristics of the learning environment were able to provoke self-directed learning, extended learning, interactive learning, in-depth learning, improved ICT literacy, and formation of positive emotions and learning habits. Most of the learners showed positive feedback towards the use of e-textbooks, while some mentioned the technical limitations compared to conventional paper-based learning. This study suggested that e-textbooks are likely to induce positive experiences for learners in the context of online learning, so it is necessary to design contents that utilize various functions and advantages of electronic teaching materials in order to use e-textbooks effectively.