1. The frequency of source of prescriptions is Dongweonshibse(東垣十書), Hagansanghansamyukse(河間傷寒三六書), Senmyoungronbang(宣明論方), Gogumuigam(古今醫鑑), Dangyesimbob(丹溪心法), Uihakgangmok(醫學綱目), Taepyonghyeininhwajekukbang(太平惠民和劑局方) in sequence. 2. The classification of prescriptions by efficacy is Haepyoy(解表藥), Igiyak(理氣藥), Boikyak(補益藥), Sahayak(瀉下藥), Chongyo1yak(淸熱藥等), etc., in sequence. 3. The frequency of used medicine is Gangwhal(羌活), Insam(人蔘), Hwangbaek(黃柏), Gamsu(甘遂), Jadakek(紫大戟), Daehwang(大黃), Seungma(升麻), Shiho(紫胡), Bangpung(防風), Jinpi(陳皮), Oyak(烏藥), Chongung(川芎), Changchul(蒼朮), Gobon(藁本), etc., in sequence. 4. The Song(性) of used medicine is mainly Onsong(溫性) and Hansong(寒性), the mi(味) is Sinmi(辛味), Gomi(苦味), Gammi(甘味), Hammi(鹹味) in sequence, the Gwigyong(歸經) is Bigyong (脾經), Wigyong(胃經), Gangyong(肝經), Paegyong(肺經), etc., in seguence.