• Title/Summary/Keyword: Distribution Information

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Radiometric Cross Calibration of KOMPSAT-3 and Lnadsat-8 for Time-Series Harmonization (KOMPSAT-3와 Landsat-8의 시계열 융합활용을 위한 교차검보정)

  • Ahn, Ho-yong;Na, Sang-il;Park, Chan-won;Hong, Suk-young;So, Kyu-ho;Lee, Kyung-do
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.6_2
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    • pp.1523-1535
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    • 2020
  • In order to produce crop information using remote sensing, we use classification and growth monitoring based on crop phenology. Therefore, time-series satellite images with a short period are required. However, there are limitations to acquiring time-series satellite data, so it is necessary to use fusion with other earth observation satellites. Before fusion of various satellite image data, it is necessary to overcome the inherent difference in radiometric characteristics of satellites. This study performed Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-3 (KOMPSAT-3) cross calibration with Landsat-8 as the first step for fusion. Top of Atmosphere (TOA) Reflectance was compared by applying Spectral Band Adjustment Factor (SBAF) to each satellite using hyperspectral sensor band aggregation. As a result of cross calibration, KOMPSAT-3 and Landsat-8 satellites showed a difference in reflectance of less than 4% in Blue, Green, and Red bands, and 6% in NIR bands. KOMPSAT-3, without on-board calibrator, idicate lower radiometric stability compared to ladnsat-8. In the future, efforts are needed to produce normalized reflectance data through BRDF (Bidirectional reflectance distribution function) correction and SBAF application for spectral characteristics of agricultural land.

Study on Threshold Scheme based Secure Secret Sharing P2P System (임계 방식 기반 안전 비밀조각 공유 P2P 시스템 연구)

  • Choi, Cheong-Hyeon
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2022
  • This paper is to suggest the secure secret sharing system in order to outstandingly reduce the damage caused by the leakage of the corporate secret. This research system is suggested as efficient P2P distributed system kept from the centrally controlled server scheme. Even the bitcoin circulation system is also based on P2P distribution scheme recenly. This research has designed the secure circulation of the secret shares produced by Threshold Shamir Secret Sharing scheme instead of the shares specified in the torrent file using the simple, highly scalable and fast transferring torrent P2P distribution structure and its protocol. In addition, this research has studied to apply both Shamir Threshold Secret Sharing scheme and the securely strong multiple user authentication based on Collaborative Threshold Autentication scheme. The secure transmission of secret data is protected as using the efficient symmetric encryption with the session secret key which is safely exchanged by the public key encryption. Also it is safer against the leakage because the secret key is effectively alive only for short lifetime like a session. Especially the characteristics of this proposed system is effectively to apply the threshold secret sharing scheme into efficient torrent P2P distributed system without modifying its architecture of the torrent system. In addition, this system guaranttes the confidentiality in distributing the secret file using the efficient symmetric encryption scheme, which the session key is securely exchanged using the public key encryption scheme. In this system, the devices to be taken out can be dynamically registered as an user. This scalability allows to apply the confidentiality and the authentication even to dynamically registerred users.

An Analysis of the Current Status and Characteristics of Airborne Fungi in Indoor Air in Multi-Use Facilities Nationwide (전국 다중이용시설의 실내공기 부유 곰팡이의 현황 및 특성 분석)

  • Park, Yongsung;Kwon, Soonhyun;Park, Song-Yi;Kee, Sun-Ho;Yoon, Wonsuck
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.282-289
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    • 2022
  • Background: Airborne fungi are ubiquitous in the air and exposure to an airborne fungus can be a significant risk factor. The composition of fungi has been potentially important for human health, especially for respiratory diseases like asthma and atopic dermatitis. Therefore, we attempted to ascertain what kind of airborne fungi affect human health at a nationwide level. Objectives: This study was carried out to provide information on indoor fungi distribution at multi-use facilities throughout South Korea. Methods: We classified our data by region and public facility after collection, cultivation, and identification via the sequencing of the ITS (internal transcribed spacer) region. We investigated whether or not the proliferation of HaCaT cells was affected by the identified airborne fungi. Results: In our data, the most isolated airborne fungi by region were Penicillium spp (Seoul, Daegu), Periconia sp (Gyeonggi-do), Iprex sp (Gangwon-do), Phanerochaete sp (Busan), Bjerkandera sp (Gwangju), and Aspergillus sp (Jeju-do). In the public facilities, the most detected fungi were Cladosporium sp (public transport), Penicillium sp (apartment house, retail market, financial institution, karaoke room), Bjerokandera sp (underground parking lot, public toilet, medical institution), Periconia sp (retail store), and Fusarium sp (general restaurant). Next, we selected twenty airborne fungi to examine their cytotoxicity and proliferation of human skin cells. In this experiment, the proliferation of the cells was influenced by most of the identified fungi. In case of the cytotoxicity test, most genera except for Rhodotorula sp and Moesziomyces sp showed cytotoxicity in HaCaT cells. Conclusions: The distribution of mold in the indoor air in multi-use facilities in South Korea differs from region to region, and this is an indicator that should be considered in future health impact studies. In addition, as a result of culturing about 20 types of bacteria dominant in indoor air, it was found that most (90%) inhibit the growth of skin cells, which can be harmful to health. An in-depth study of the health effects of floating fungi is needed.

Content Analysis of the Mesozoic Geology of the Korean Peninsula in Earth Science II Textbooks: Focusing on Consistency within and among Textbooks, and with Scientific Knowledge (지구과학II 교과서의 한반도 중생대 지질 내용 분석: 교과서 내·교과서 간·과학 지식과의 일치 여부를 중심으로)

  • Jung, Chanmi;Yu, Eun-Jeong;Park, Kyeong-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.324-347
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    • 2022
  • Geological information on the Korean Peninsula plays a significant role in science education because it provides a basic knowledge foundation for public use and creates an opportunity to learn about the nature of geology as a historical science. In particular, the Mesozoic Era, when the Korean Peninsula experienced a high degree of tectonic activity, is a pivotal period for understanding the geological history of the Korean Peninsula. This study aimed to analyze whether content regarding the geology of the Mesozoic Era are reliably and consistently presented in the 'Geology of the Korean Peninsula' section of Earth Science II textbooks based on the 2015 revised curriculum. Four textbooks for Earth Science II were analyzed, focusing on the sedimentary strata, tectonic movement, and granites of the Mesozoic Era. The analysis items were terms, periods, and rock distribution areas. The consistency within and among textbooks and of textbooks and scientific knowledge was analyzed for each analysis item. Various inconsistencies were found regarding the geological terms, periods, and rock distribution areas of the Mesozoic Era, and suggestions for its improvement were discussed based on these inconsistencies. It is essential to develop educational materials that are consistent with the latest scientific knowledge through collaboration between the scientific and educational communities.

Modeling 2D residence time distributions of pollutants in natural rivers using RAMS+ (RAMS+를 이용한 하천에서 오염물질의 2차원 체류시간 분포 모델링)

  • Kim, Jun Song;Seo, Il Won;Shin, Jaehyun;Jung, Sung Hyun;Yun, Se Hun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.54 no.7
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    • pp.495-507
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    • 2021
  • With the recent industrial development, accidental pollution in riverine environments has frequently occurred. It is thus necessary to simulate pollutant transport and dispersion using water quality models for predicting pollutant residence times. In this study, we conducted a field experiment in a meandering reach of the Sum River, South Korea, to validate the field applicability and prediction accuracy of RAMS+ (River Analysis and Modeling System+), which is a two-dimensional (2D) stream flow/water quality analysis program. As a result of the simulation, the flow analysis model HDM-2Di and the water quality analysis model CTM-2D-TX accurately simulated the 2D flow characteristics, and transport and mixing behaviors of the pollutant tracer, respectively. In particular, CTM-2D-TX adequately reproduced the elongation of the pollutant cloud, caused by the storage effect associated with local low-velocity zones. Furthermore, the transport model effectively simulated the secondary flow-driven lateral mixing at the meander bend via 2D dispersion coefficients. We calculated the residence time for the critical concentration, and it was elucidated that the calculated residence times are spatially heterogeneous, even in the channel-width direction. The findings of this study suggest that the 2D water quality model could be the accidental pollution analysis tool more efficient and accurate than one-dimensional models, which cannot produce the 2D information such as the 2D residence time distribution.

Clinical characterization of 3-month-old pigs infected with African swine fever virus from Vietnam

  • Oh, Sang-Ik;Bui, Vuong Nghia;Dao, Duy Tung;Bui, Ngoc Anh;Yi, Seung-Won;Kim, Eunju;Lee, Han Gyu;Bok, Eun-Yeong;Wimalasena, S.H.M.P;Jung, Young-Hun;Hur, Tai-Young;Lee, Hu Suk
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.71-77
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    • 2022
  • African swine fever (ASF) is a fatal viral disease in pigs, with a short incubation period and causing immediate death. Few studies exist on the Asian epidemic ASF virus (ASFV) challenge in older pigs, including growing and fattening pigs and sows. We aimed to investigate clinical outcomes, pathomorphological lesions, and viral distribution in organs of 3-month-old growing pigs that were inoculated with the ASFV isolated in Vietnam. The clinical outcomes were recorded daily, and the dead or euthanized pigs immediately underwent necropsy. Viral loads were determined in 10 major organs using quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The average incubation period in growing pigs was more delayed (5.2±0.9 dpi) than that in weaned pigs, and the clinical signs were milder in growing pigs than in weaned pigs. The digestive and respiratory clinical signs in growing pigs showed at the end period of life, but these were observed at an early stage of infection in weaned pigs. The pathomorphological features were severe and nonspecific with hemorrhagic lesions in various organs. The viral loads in organs from growing pigs were higher than those from piglets, and the number of viral copies was related to gross lesions in the tonsil and intestine. In the absence of vaccines against ASF, early clinical detection is important for preventing the spread of the virus. Our findings elucidated that the clinical signs and gross lesions in growing pigs differed from those in weaned pigs, which provide valuable information for diagnosis of pigs with suspected ASF infection.

Analysis of articles on water quality accidents in the water distribution networks using big data topic modelling and sentiment analysis (빅데이터 토픽모델링과 감성분석을 활용한 물공급과정에서의 수질사고 기사 분석)

  • Hong, Sung-Jin;Yoo, Do-Guen
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.spc1
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    • pp.1235-1249
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    • 2022
  • This study applied the web crawling technique for extracting big data news on water quality accidents in the water supply system and presented the algorithm in a procedural way to obtain accurate water quality accident news. In addition, in the case of a large-scale water quality accident, development patterns such as accident recognition, accident spread, accident response, and accident resolution appear according to the occurrence of an accident. That is, the analysis of the development of water quality accidents through key keywords and sentiment analysis for each stage was carried out in detail based on case studies, and the meanings were analyzed and derived. The proposed methodology was applied to the larval accident period of Incheon Metropolitan City in 2020 and analyzed. As a result, in a situation where the disclosure of information that directly affects consumers, such as water quality accidents, is restricted, the tone of news articles and media reports about water quality accidents with long-term damage in the event of an accident and the degree of consumer pride clearly change over time. could check This suggests the need to prepare consumer-centered policies to increase consumer positivity, although rapid restoration of facilities is very important for the development of water quality accidents from the supplier's point of view.

Effect of the Type of Apartment Management on Long-Term Repair Allowances and Common Management Fees : For Apartment Houses Subject to Mandatory Management Located in Busan (공동주택 관리형태가 장기수선충당금과 공용관리비에 미치는 영향 : 부산시 의무관리대상 공동주택을 대상으로)

  • Kim, Hong-Chul;Lee, Chan-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.349-355
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    • 2022
  • Today, apartment houses account for a very high proportion of the types of residence. This study aims to present basic data for preparing a reasonable distribution plan by identifying factors considered in calculating the amount of collection of management fees. After reviewing previous studies on common management fees and long-term repair allowances, various data on apartment houses subject to mandatory management in Busan in 2020 were collected from the Apartment Management Information System to analyze the differences in influencing factors according to type of apartment management(self-governing management, consignment management). As a result of statistical analysis, the number of households and many construction elapsed periods had a negative(-) effect on long-term repair allowances, and many construction elapsed periods had a negative(-) effect on common management fees. In addition, the degree to which many construction elapsed periods had a negative(-) effect on long-term repair allowances and common management fees had less impact on consignment management than on self-governing management. And the long-term repair allowances were imposed less by consignment management, common management fees were charged less by self-governing management. The results of this study will serve as basic data for rational distribution of long-term repair allowances and common management fees to residents and managers of apartment houses subject to mandatory management in Busan.

Distributional Characteristics of Escherichia coli at Nakdong River Mouth and Busan Coastal Area (낙동강 하구와 부산연안해역에서 대장균의 해역별 분포특성)

  • Baek, Seung Ho;Lee, Min Ji;Yoon, Dongyoung
    • Journal of Marine Life Science
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2016
  • In order to assess seasonal and geographical characteristics of pollutant Escherichia coli, we investigated its distribution in Nakdong River mouth and Busan coastal water from February 2013 to November 2015. The coastal area was divided into five different zones (I-V) based on the pollutant level and geographical characteristics. During the study periods, water temperature and salinity varied from 7.50 to 27.64℃ and 16.82 to 34.82 psu, respectively. The annual water temperature variation was characterized in temperate zone. The salinity was significantly (p<0.05) decreased in zone IV and zone III after heavy rain during summer season in 2014, resulting led to elevated E. coli biomass. The highest colony formation of E. coli was recorded at 6,000 cfu l-1 during autumn at station 1 (zone I). On the other hands, during all seasons of 2015, E. coli abundances were kept to be low level in zone III. The E. coli was not significantly (p>0.05) correlated with water temperature. However, the salinity was significantly (r=-0.53, p<0.05) correlated with the E. coli, implying that salinity plays a crucial role in the proliferation of E. coli. Consequently, E. coli in western Busan coastal water might have been significantly promoted by pollutant sources from Nakdong Rive discharge during the spring and summer rainy seasons depending on annual rainfall variations. On the other hands, E. coli in station 1 (i.e., Suyeong Bay) was obviously high due to influences of discharge water from municipal wastewater treatment plant. However, there was no clear seasonality of E. coli.

A Study of Activation Approaches by the on the Analysis Problems and Success Cases of Traditional Markets (재래시장의 문제점과 사례 분석을 통한 활성화 방안)

  • Lee, Jae-Han;Kim, Kyu-Won;Yu, Jong-Pil
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.19-42
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    • 2010
  • Since circulation market whole surface opening, traditional market is real condition that is looked away more gradually to consumer as reasons of international retail firms and domestic enterprise firms to enter distribution industry, internet mail order rapid increase by information-oriented society, the pursuit of upgradation and normalization by elevation of income level and consumption pattern change that consideration convenience with young consumers as the central figure. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze stagnation cause of traditional market and problem within a change of new distribution environment, and to develop new approaches for dealing with domestic traditional market relationship prompting competition through activation example analysis of foreign traditional market and domestic traditional market. The result of the study indicated that there are a lot of cases that are begun by a few's merchant with leadership that has been will which is strong in activation in beginning in market's occasion that succeed in activation. In particular, software side such as operational efficiency or marketing expertise strengthening of management is that effect is high relatively than hardware side market activation. Also essential to the settlement of credit transactions using credit cards is important for expanding the effort, for the expansion of credit card merchant credit card advantage and raise awareness among traders about the expected effects is needed. Though these study finding submits plan that create market ecosystem so that many consumers may become place that could visit naturally and create pleasure and convenience, and time, monetary, psychological value of shopping to traditional market, there is sense.