• Title/Summary/Keyword: Distributed architecture

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An EEG-based Deep Neural Network Classification Model for Recognizing Emotion of Users in Early Phase of Design (초기설계 단계 사용자의 감정 인식을 위한 뇌파기반 딥러닝 분류모델)

  • Chang, Sun-Woo;Dong, Won-Hyeok;Jun, Han-Jong
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.12
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this paper was to propose a model that recognizes potential users' emotional response toward design by classifying Electroencephalography(EEG). Studies in neuroscience and psychology have made an effort to recognize subjects' emotional response by analyzing EEG data. And this approach has been adopted in design since it is critical to monitor users' subjective response in the preface of design. Moreover, the building design process cannot be reversed after construction, recognizing clients' affection toward design alternatives plays important role. An experiment was conducted to record subjects' EEG data while they view their most/least liked images of small-house designs selected by them among the eight given images. After the recording, a subjective questionnaire, PANAS, was distributed to the subjects in order to describe their own affection score in quantitative way. Google TensorFlow was used to build and train the model. Dataset for model training and testing consist of feature columns for recorded EEG data and labels for the questionnaire results. After training and testing, the measured accuracy of the model was 0.975 which was higher than the other machine learning based classification methods. The proposed model may suggest one quantitative way of evaluating design alternatives. In addition, this method may support designer while designing the facilities for people like disabled or children who are not able to express their own feelings toward alternatives.

A Study on the Core Characteristics of Irregular-Shaped High-rise Buildings (비정형 초고층건물의 코어 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, In-Sun;Im, Ja-Eun;Park, Sang-Min
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.35 no.11
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2019
  • The history of tall buildings begins in 1853with the development of elevators. After the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century, the development of high-rise buildings will be carried out in earnest as a means to efficiently use the limited land of cities. The development, which began around Chicago, extended over a long period of time to Asia, maximizing the high competition. However, in the 2000s, not only was it high due to the development of construction and digital technology, but it also became competitive in eco-friendly elements and unstructured forms. High-rise building plans that have gained elemental and morphological diversity are completed by the interrelationships of various plans. Among them, it is important that the core plan has a reasonable approach from the initial planning stage as the basis for the vertical copper plan linking vertically-intensive functions. The cores should be designed to be clear and adequately responsive to changes in the shape of the building. This study aims to provide designers with a reasonable understanding of core planning by identifying core characteristics of irregular high-rise. In particular, we want to analyze the shape of the ground layer core and the relationship between the area and components of the ground layer core. The analysis results are as follows, classified according to the type or use of the building. Of the atypical forms composed of double bending, the TAPER-Curve and TWIST forms are the most distributed, and the plane and core shapes of the ground floor are the most commonly used. Based on the analysis of the validity of the ground floor cores by shape of the cores, the most commonly used forms for core shapes in the planning of the atypical high-rise are square, circular and Oval, and the most efficient oval cores and relatively inefficient ones when planned.

Plan of KASS NOTAM Service Provision & System Architecture Through Analysis of Overseas Case (국외 사례분석을 통한 KASS NOTAM 서비스 제공 및 시스템 구성 방안)

  • Han, Ji-Ae;Lee, EunSung;Kim, Youn-Sil;Kang, Hee Won
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.96-104
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    • 2018
  • NOTAM is an announcement that is distributed to flight attendants with status information related to aviation. ICAO, the International Civilian Aviation Organization, recommends that a NOTAM service be provided for the SBAS service in order to use the SBAS signal-based access procedure. To comply with ICAO recommendation, KASS must provide NOTAM service to all aircraft landing using SBAS signal in order to provide APV-I SoL service. Therefore, it is necessary to develop KASS NOTAM system to provide KASS NOTAM service. In this paper, we analyzed the regulations related to NOTAM in Korea and abroad and analyzed the present state of NOTAM service in Korea. Based on this, we propose a method of providing KASS NOTAM service. We analyzed the NOTAM system of WAAS in the US and EGNOS in Europe and analyzed the main functional requirements of the KASS NOTAM system.

Blockchain for Securing Smart Grids

  • Aldabbagh, Ghadah;Bamasag, Omaimah;Almasari, Lola;Alsaidalani, Rabab;Redwan, Afnan;Alsaggaf, Amaal
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.255-263
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    • 2021
  • Smart grid is a fully-automated, bi-directional, power transmission network based on the physical grid system, which combines sensor measurement, computer, information communication, and automatic control technology. Blockchain technology, with its security features, can be integrated with Smart Grids to provide secure and efficient power management and transmission. This paper dicusses the deployment of Blockchain technology in Smart Grid. It presents application areas and protocols in which blockchain can be applied to in securing smart grid. One application of each area is explored in detail, such as efficient peer-to-peer transaction, lower platform costs, faster processes, greater flexibility in power generation to transmission, distribution and power consumption in different energy storage systems, current barriers obstructing the implementation of blockchain applications with some level of maturity in financial services but concepts only in energy and other sectors. Wide range of energy applications suggesting a suitable blockchain architecture in smart grid operations, a sample block structure and the potential blockchain technicalities employed in it. Also, added with efficient data aggregation schemes based on the blockchain technology to overcome the challenges related to privacy and security in the smart grid. Later on, consensus algorithms and protocols are discussed. Monitoring of the usage and statistics of energy distribution systems that can also be used to remotely control energy flow to a particular area. Further, the discussion on the blockchain-based frameworks that helps in the diagnosis and maintenance of smart grid equipment. We have also discussed several commercial implementations of blockchain in the smart grid. Finally, various challenges have been discussed for integrating these technologies. Overall, it can be said at the present point in time that blockchain technology certainly shows a lot of potentials from a customer perspective too and should be further developed by market participants. The approaches seen thus far may have a disruptive effect in the future and might require additional regulatory intervention in an already tightly regulated energy market. If blockchains are to deliver benefits for consumers (whether as consumers or prosumers of energy), a strong focus on consumer issues will be needed.

A Survey on 5G Enabled Multi-Access Edge Computing for Smart Cities: Issues and Future Prospects

  • Tufail, Ali;Namoun, Abdallah;Alrehaili, Ahmed;Ali, Arshad
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.107-118
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    • 2021
  • The deployment of 5G is in full swing, with a significant yearly growth in the data traffic expected to reach 26% by the year and data consumption to reach 122 EB per month by 2022 [10]. In parallel, the idea of smart cities has been implemented by various governments and private organizations. One of the main objectives of 5G deployment is to help develop and realize smart cities. 5G can support the enhanced data delivery requirements and the mass connection requirements of a smart city environment. However, for specific high-demanding applications like tactile Internet, transportation, and augmented reality, the cloud-based 5G infrastructure cannot deliver the required quality of services. We suggest using multi-access edge computing (MEC) technology for smart cities' environments to provide the necessary support. In cloud computing, the dependency on a central server for computation and storage adds extra cost in terms of higher latency. We present a few scenarios to demonstrate how the MEC, with its distributed architecture and closer proximity to the end nodes can significantly improve the quality of services by reducing the latency. This paper has surveyed the existing work in MEC for 5G and highlights various challenges and opportunities. Moreover, we propose a unique framework based on the use of MEC for 5G in a smart city environment. This framework works at multiple levels, where each level has its own defined functionalities. The proposed framework uses the MEC and introduces edge-sub levels to keep the computing infrastructure much closer to the end nodes.

Experimental Study on Response Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Due to Waterborne Debris Impact Loads (해일표류물의 충돌에 의한 철근콘크리트 건축물의 응답특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Choi, Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.590-595
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the small-scale collision experiments using a pendulum principle were carried out to evaluate the safety of the reinforced concrete building selected as a tsunami evacuation building due to the collision of the waterborne debris represented by ships. The experimental parameters were set as impact velocity, mass and length of the drifted ship. In this paper, the maximum impact force, impact duration, impact waveform and restitution coefficient affecting building response were investigated in detail. As a result, the impact force waveforms were distributed as a triangle in most of the experimental results, but became closer to a trapezoid as the length of the collision specimen increased. This is the very important result in calculating the momentum (impact waveform area) affecting building response, Furthermore, the restitution coefficients were constant regardless of the impact velocity, but they varied depending on the mass and length of the waterborne debris. However, the restitution coefficient for the mass per unit length of the waterborne debris can be evaluated.

Design of HUST-PTF beamline control system for fast energy changing

  • Li, Peilun;Li, Dong;Qin, Bin;Zhou, Chong;Han, Wenjie;Liao, Yicheng;Chen, Aote
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.8
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    • pp.2852-2858
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    • 2022
  • A proton therapy facility is under development at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). To meet the need for fast energy changes during treatments, a beamline control system (BCS) has been designed and implemented. The BCS coordinates and controls various beamline devices by adopting a distributed architecture divided into three layers: the client, server, and device layers. Among these, the design of the server layer is the key to realize fast energy changes. The server layer adopts the submodule programming paradigm and optimizes the data interface among modules, allowing the main workflow to be separated from the device workflow and data. Furthermore, this layer uses asynchronous, multithreaded, and thread-locking methods to improve the system's ability to operation efficiently and securely. Notably, to evaluate the changing energy status over time, a dynamic node update method is adopted, which can dynamically adjust the update frequency of variable nodes. This method not only meets the demand for fast updates on energy changes but also reduces the server's communication load in the steady state. This method is tested on a virtual platform, and the results are as expected.

Mobile Office Construction on a Geotechnical Information System (지반정보시스템 기반의 Mobile Office 구축)

  • Kim, Su-Young;Jung, Seung-Hyun;Kang, Yu-Jin;Cho, Wan-Sup
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.125-135
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    • 2010
  • Mobile office is becoming common as advances in mobile devices such as PDAs, Smart-phones, or wireless Internet. In this paper, we construct a mobile office environment on a geotechnical information system(GIS). Especially, web services and XML technology combined with SOA (service oriented services) are adopted for various types of mobile devices and services in a minimum cost. Web service and XML can provide an excellent SW reusability, extensibility, and interoperability even for heterogeneous distributed systems. Applications can exploit web services by just knowing server's address. Prototype system integrates a client in Visual Basic.Net and server in Java via the web services and XML data exchange. We verify effectiveness of the approach through the implementation of prototype system.

Collaborative Modeling of Medical Image Segmentation Based on Blockchain Network

  • Yang Luo;Jing Peng;Hong Su;Tao Wu;Xi Wu
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.958-979
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    • 2023
  • Due to laws, regulations, privacy, etc., between 70-90 percent of providers do not share medical data, forming a "data island". It is essential to collaborate across multiple institutions without sharing patient data. Most existing methods adopt distributed learning and centralized federal architecture to solve this problem, but there are problems of resource heterogeneity and data heterogeneity in the practical application process. This paper proposes a collaborative deep learning modelling method based on the blockchain network. The training process uses encryption parameters to replace the original remote source data transmission to protect privacy. Hyperledger Fabric blockchain is adopted to realize that the parties are not restricted by the third-party authoritative verification end. To a certain extent, the distrust and single point of failure caused by the centralized system are avoided. The aggregation algorithm uses the FedProx algorithm to solve the problem of device heterogeneity and data heterogeneity. The experiments show that the maximum improvement of segmentation accuracy in the collaborative training mode proposed in this paper is 11.179% compared to local training. In the sequential training mode, the average accuracy improvement is greater than 7%. In the parallel training mode, the average accuracy improvement is greater than 8%. The experimental results show that the model proposed in this paper can solve the current problem of centralized modelling of multicenter data. In particular, it provides ideas to solve privacy protection and break "data silos", and protects all data.

A Blockchain-enabled Multi-domain DDoS Collaborative Defense Mechanism

  • Huifen Feng;Ying Liu;Xincheng Yan;Na Zhou;Zhihong Jiang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.916-937
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    • 2023
  • Most of the existing Distributed Denial-of-Service mitigation schemes in Software-Defined Networking are only implemented in the network domain managed by a single controller. In fact, the zombies for attackers to launch large-scale DDoS attacks are actually not in the same network domain. Therefore, abnormal traffic of DDoS attack will affect multiple paths and network domains. A single defense method is difficult to deal with large-scale DDoS attacks. The cooperative defense of multiple domains becomes an important means to effectively solve cross-domain DDoS attacks. We propose an efficient multi-domain DDoS cooperative defense mechanism by integrating blockchain and SDN architecture. It includes attack traceability, inter-domain information sharing and attack mitigation. In order to reduce the length of the marking path and shorten the traceability time, we propose an AS-level packet traceability method called ASPM. We propose an information sharing method across multiple domains based on blockchain and smart contract. It effectively solves the impact of DDoS illegal traffic on multiple domains. According to the traceability results, we designed a DDoS attack mitigation method by replacing the ACL list with the IP address black/gray list. The experimental results show that our ASPM traceability method requires less data packets, high traceability precision and low overhead. And blockchain-based inter-domain sharing scheme has low cost, high scalability and high security. Attack mitigation measures can prevent illegal data flow in a timely and efficient manner.