• Title/Summary/Keyword: Distributed architecture

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The Effect of Urban Trees on Residential Solar Energy Potential (도심 수목이 분산형 주거 태양광에너지 잠재량에 미치는 영향)

  • Ko, Yekang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2014
  • This study spatially assesses the impact of trees on residential rooftop solar energy potential using urban three-dimensional models derived from Light Detection and Ranging(LiDAR) data in San Francisco, California. In recent years on-site solar energy generation in cities has become an essential agenda in municipal climate action plans. However, it can be limited by neighboring environments such as shade from topography, buildings and trees. Of all these effects, the impact of trees on rooftop photovoltaics(PVs) requires careful attention because improper situation of solar panels without considering trees can result in inefficient solar energy generation, tree removal, and/or increasing building energy demand and urban heat island effect. Using ArcMap 9.3.1, we calculated the incoming annual solar radiation on individual rooftops in San Francisco and the reduced insolation affected by trees. Furthermore, we performed a multiple regression analysis to see what attributes of trees in a neighborhood(tree density, tree heights, and the variance of tree heights) affect rooftop insolation. The result shows that annual total residential rooftops insolation in San Francisco is 18,326,671 MWh and annual total light-loss reduction caused by trees is 326,406 MWh, which is about 1.78%. The annual insolation shows a wide range of values from $34.4kWh/m^2/year$ to $1,348.4kWh/m^2/year$. The result spatially maps the locations that show the various levels of impact from trees. The result from multiple regression shows that tree density, average tree heights and the variation of tree heights in a neighborhood have statistically significant effects on the rooftop solar potential. The results can be linked to municipal energy planning in order to manage potential conflicts as cities with low to medium population density begin implementing on-site solar energy generation. Rooftop solar energy generation makes the best contribution towards achieving sustainability when PVs are optimally located while pursuing the preservation of urban trees.

Effect of Space Limitation of Rhizosphere on Morphology and Development of Root System in Tobacco Seedlings (담배 육묘시 근권의 공간 제한이 근계의 형태와 발달에 미치는 영향)

  • 이상각;심상인;강병화
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.475-481
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    • 1996
  • This study was carried out to acquire the basic information of root growth under different pot size, imposing different space limitation on rhizosphere. Different size of pots that had same surface area but different depth, 5cm(Iength)$\times$5cm(width)$\times$30, 15, 5cm(depth), were used during the seedling stage of tobacco plant. Space limitation on rhizosphere affected not only the aerial growth, stem height, leaf area and shoot dry weight, but also root growth and root architecture. Aerial growth was highly related to growth of underground part, so space limitation on rhizosphere decreased aerial growth. Limitation on pot volume by reducing pot depth induced new rooting on crown. Root number and relative multiplication rate were higher in small pot that had 5cm depth than large pot, but total root length and mean extension rate showed reverse patterns. Root numbers of 1st order and 2nd order were increased as pot depth was increased, but the root number of 3rd order was increased in small pot. Root system of seedling grown in large pot distributed more horizontally than that in small pot at 20 days after temporary planting (DAT), but the root architecture of seedling was reversed at 25 DAT.

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A Centralized QoS Routing Architecture with No Dynamic Network State Information Exchange Overhead (동적 네트워크 상태정보 교환 오버헤드를 제거한 중앙 집중적 QoS 라우팅 구조)

  • Kim, Sung-Ha;Lee, Mee-Jeong
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.573-582
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    • 2002
  • We propose centralized server based QoS routing schemes, where a route server is responsible for determining QoS paths on behalf of all the routers in a routing domain. In the proposed server based schemes, the dynamic link QoS state information, which is required for a QoS path computation, is implicitly maintained at route server as it assigns or gets back QoS paths. By maintaining the network state information this way, we may not only eliminate the overhead to exchange network state update message but also achieve higher routing performance by utilizing accurate network state information in path computation. We discuss path caching techniques for reducing the amount of path computation overhead at the route server, and evaluate the performance of the proposed schemes using simulation. The simulation results show that the path caching schemes may significantly reduce the route server load. The proposed schemes are also compared to the distributed QoS routing schemes proposed in the literature. It has been shown that the proposed server based schemes not only enhance the routing performance, but they are also competitive with respect to routing overheads.

Design of the Network Computer Architecture based on a Web Browser (웹 브라우저 기반의 네트워크 컴퓨터 아키텍쳐 설계)

  • Song, Min-Gyu
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.607-616
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    • 2008
  • By the advancement of computer & network technology, the paridigm of 'Network Computer' has been realizing`. In what is called network computer, computer system and computing resource is incomparably seem to be expanded compared with conventional network technology[1]. Network connected computer system consitute a massive virtual computer, it is possible for people to use an enourmous amout of computing resource distributed widely through the network. It is also possible that we make client lightweight by the use of computer system & all shared computing resources on the network in our computer processing and we call this type of client system as thin-client. Thin-client and network computer are on and the same network paradigm in that both paradigm featuring the active use of computer system and resource on the network[2]. In network computer paragem, network itself is regarded as a basic platform for the transfer of application, so it is possible that client access remote serve system to run remote applications through the network[3]. In this paper, we propose the system architecture for the implementation of network computer by the use of Web browser, X window system and Pyjamas. By the use of network computer proposed in this paper, it is possible for people to run application on the server system as if he run local application, and it is expected to improve the security and maintenance efficiency.

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Community Distribution on Mountain Forest Vegetation of the Choksangsan Area in the Deogyusan National Park, Korea (덕유산 국립공원 적상산 일대 삼림식생의 군락분포에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Young-Eun;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Oh, Jang-Geun
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.460-470
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    • 2013
  • Forest vegetation of Choksangsan area in the Deogyusan National Park is classified into mountain forest vegetation. Mountain forest vegetation is subdivided into deciduous broad-leaved forest, valley forest, coniferous forest, afforestation and other vegetation. Including 103 communities of mountain forest vegetation and 8 communities of other vegetation, the total of 111 communities were researched; the mountain forest vegetation classified by physiognomy classification are 36 communities deciduous broad-leaved forest, 26 communities of valley forest, 10 communities of coniferous forests, 31 plantation and 8 other vegetation. As for the distribution rate for surveyed main communities, Quercus mongolica, Quercus variabilis communities account for 65.96 percent of deciduous broad-leaved forest, Fraxinus mandshurica community takes up 22.50 percent of mountain valley forest, Pinus densiflora community holds 63.27 percent of mountain coniferous forest holds. In conclusion, minority species consisting of Quercus mongolica, Fraxinus mandshurica, Quercus serrata, Pinus densiflora, and Quercus variabilis are distributed as dominant species of the uppermost part in a forest vegetation of Choksangsan in Deogyusan National Park. In addition, because of vegetation succession and climate factors, numerous colonies formed by the two species are expected to be replaced by Quercus mongolica, Carpinus laxiflora and Fraxinus mandshurica which are climax species in the area.

Habitat Characteristics and Management of Abandoned Rice Paddy Field Wetlands in Mountain - In Case of the Uldae Wetland in Bukhansan National Park - (도시 내 묵논습지 생물서식 특성 및 관리방안 -북한산국립공원 울대습지를 대상으로-)

  • Yoo, So-Yeon;Hur, Myung-Jin;Han, Bong-Ho;Choi, Jin-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.11-23
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the ecological characteristics and biological interactions between species of the abandoned rice paddy field in mountainous areas and to suggest a management strategy for stable food chain formation and biodiversity enhancement. The study site is located in Uldae wetland of Songchu district Bukhansan National Park, site characteristics and biological habitat characteristics were identified through site survey and literature survey. With regard to physical environment, among geographical features, the Uldae Wetland and the neighborhood inside the basin was a gently sloping area($5{\sim}15^{\circ}$). And 64.0% of basin faced the north. With regard to water environment, the Uldae Wetland was wetland of rainfed paddy field depending on precipitation and the system of stream flowing into the wetland from valley. According to the results of examining flora in plant ecology, in general, they were herbaceous wetland species. 88.6% of existing plants inside the Uldae Wetland basin was a forest in the mountain. And Quercus spp. community and Pinus densiflora community accounted for 64.6% of that, and was dominant. Except for that, Salix koreensis community was distributed. The existing vegetation of Uldae Wetland inhabited wetland species and terrestrialization indicator species, and it was thought that partial terrestrialization inside the Uldae Wetland was in progress after the discontinuation of paddy cultivation, such as the expansion of Salix koreensis distribution area. In the status of appearing faunae in the Uldae Wetland with regard to wildbirds of appearing principal species, The Uldae wetland was based on a abandoned rice paddy field various wildlife, and was a wildlife feeding, spawning, and resting place. The water environment was an important factor in maintaining the wetland living creatures function, habitat of waterbirds and benthic macroinvertebrates, amphibians and odonate are spawning ground and habitat, it was affecting the vegetation ecosystem based on wetlands. In order to maintain the diversity of wildlife, it was important to maintain smooth water supply and water level. A stable food chain will be formed and the Uldae wetland biodiversity will be abundant by establishing the relationship between the species of Uldae wetland, which is abandoned rice paddy field, and the habitat environment favored by species belonging to the ecosystem stepwise linkage. The ecological characteristics of the Uldae wetlands and the relation between the species were analyzed and the environmental conditions were reflected in the planning and management plan of Uldae wetland ecology.

Design and Implementation of the Extended SLDS for Real-time Location Based Services (실시간 위치 기반 서비스를 위한 확장 SLDS 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Seung-Won;Kang, Hong-Koo;Hong, Dong-Suk;Han, Ki-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.7 no.2 s.14
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2005
  • Recently, with the rapid development of mobile computing, wireless positioning technologies, and the generalization of wireless internet, LBS (Location Based Service) which utilizes location information of moving objects is serving in many fields. In order to serve LBS efficiently, the location data server that periodically stores location data of moving objects is required. Formerly, GIS servers have been used to store location data of moving objects. However, GIS servers are not suitable to store location data of moving objects because it was designed to store static data. Therefore, in this paper, we designed and implemented an extended SLDS(Short-term Location Data Subsystem) for real-time Location Based Services. The extended SLDS is extended from the SLDS which is a subsystem of the GALIS(Gracefully Aging Location Information System) architecture that was proposed as a cluster-based distributed computing system architecture for managing location data of moving objects. The extended SLDS guarantees real-time service capabilities using the TMO(Time-triggered Message-triggered Object) programming scheme and efficiently manages large volume of location data through distributing moving object data over multiple nodes. The extended SLDS also has a little search and update overhead because of managing location data in main memory. In addition, we proved that the extended SLDS stores location data and performs load distribution more efficiently than the original SLDS through the performance evaluation.

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Effects of Shore Stiffness and Concrete Cracking on Slab Construction Load I: Theory (슬래브의 시공하중에 대한 동바리 강성 및 슬래브 균열의 영향 I: 이론)

  • Hwang, Hyeon-Jong;Park, Hong-Gun;Hong, Geon-Ho;Im, Ju-Hyeuk;Kim, Jae-Yo
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2010
  • Long-term floor deflection caused by excessive construction load became a critical issue for the design of concrete slabs, as a flat plate is becoming popular for tall buildings. To estimate the concrete cracking and deflection of an early age slab, the construction load should be accurately evaluated. The magnitude of construction load acting on a slab is affected by various design parameters. Most of existing methods for estimating construction load addressed only the effects of the construction period per story, material properties of early age concrete, and the number of shored floors. In the present study, in addition to these parameter, the effects of shore stiffness and concrete cracking on construction load were numerically studied. Based on the result, a simplified method for estimating construction load was developed. In the proposed method, the calculation of construction load is divided to two steps: 1)Onset of concrete placement at a top slab. 2)Removal of shoring. At each step, the construction load increment is distributed to the floor slabs according to the ratio of slab stiffness to shore stiffness. The proposed method was compared with existing methods. In a companion paper, the proposed method will be verified by the comparison with the measurements of actual construction loads.

Environmental and Ecological Characteristics of Ilex crenata var. microphylla Max. Subpopulations Habitats in the East-West Slopes in Mt. Halla National Park (한라산 동.서사면 좀꽝꽝나무 아개체군 자생지의 환경 및 생태적 특성)

  • Lee, Dong-Gon;Kim, Yong-Shik;Shin, Hyun-Tak
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.562-572
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    • 2011
  • This study is to examine the environmental characteristics of subpopulations of Ilex crenata var. microphyllla Max. distributed in the east-west slopes of Mt. Halla National Park based on analyzing the factors of environment, vegetation and soil. The result of the TWINSAPN analysis conducted on 56 study plots between the altitudes of 500 m and 1600 m of east-west slopes of Mt. Halla National Park can be divided into five communities-Prunus maximowiczii Rupr., Manshurian fullmoon Maple, Carpinus tschonoskii Max., Daphniphyllum macropodum Miq., Quercus serrata Thunb. ex Murray and Pinus thunbergil Parl. Among these communities, the plot with high importance percentage of the subpopulation of Ilex crenata var. microphyllla Max., is the Carpinus tschonoskii Max.-Daphniphyllum macropodum Miq. included in the altitude of 600m~1200m radius. The dominant species of the upper shrub layer was Carpinus tschonoskii Max.(I.P.: 29.82%) while the dominant species of the canopy layer was Daphniphyllum macropodum Miq.(I.P.: 26.76%). For the understory layer the dominant species was Ilex crenata var. microphyllla Max.. Species diversity index was on the low end with 0.7424, indicating the stably formed climax community of Carpinus tschonoskii Max.. The analysis of soil properties showed high concentrations of organic matters, available phosphate and Ca, Mg, the high importance percentage of the of Ilex crenata var. microphyllla Max. is found in altitude of 600m~800m on the eastern slope and the altitude of 800m~1,000m radius on the west slope. This region is included in the southern part of the cold/hot forest zone, its high importance percentage of Carpinus tschonoskii Max. and low in the species diversity index of 0.7424, and has formed stable climax community of Carpinus tschonoskii Max. in Mt. Halla.

Locational Decision of the Viewpoint Using GIS and Space Syntax (공간구문론과 GIS를 이용한 조망점 위치결정)

  • Choi, Chul-Hyun;Jung, Sung-Kwan;Lee, Woo-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.53-68
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    • 2011
  • A selection of viewpoint is a first priority for landscape evaluation. However, it has been artificially carried out by a subjective method without of criterion. Therefore, this study proposed the objective and quantitative viewpoint selection methods using space syntax and GIS. For this, the study area on samduk3 residential improvement district located at Daegu city was divided into 24 sectors of visibility zone by distance and direction. After that, the preliminary viewpoints equally distributed in space were selected by axial map analysis of space syntax and viewshed-frequency analysis of GIS. According to the result of selection of the final viewpoints using the VEI(Viewpoint Evaluation Index), all the final viewpoints were placed in the National Debt Repayment Movement; VEI value of VP-2 was 112.63 in the foreground, VP-10 was 18.31 in the middleground and VP-18 was 5.55 in the background. Selected viewpoints were verified as a big changing of landscape variation and high chance of view such as the public area, the park and the high-density residential area. Thus, VEI will be used as a quantitative method of selecting viewpoints and it is expected to be able to use as the objective indicator.