• Title/Summary/Keyword: Distance Factor

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A Novel Frequency-octupling Millimeter Wave ROF Without Bit Walk-off Effect Based on MZM and an Insertion Pilot Signal

  • Bin Li;Xu Chen;Siyuan Dai;Xinqiao Chen
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.345-354
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    • 2024
  • The bit walk-off effect caused by fiber dispersion and carrier reuse in the base station (BS) are two key problems in radio-over-fiber (ROF) systems. In this paper, a novel frequency-octupling ROF system based on the Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) is proposed, which can overcome the bit walk-off effect and realize carrier reuse by inserting pilot signals. Theoretical analysis and simulation verification of the system are carried out. Under the condition of a Q factor greater than 6, the optical fiber transmission distance of the upper and lower links is more than 290 km and 80 km, respectively. The influence of the main device parameters of the system on the Q factor is analyzed when they deviate from their designed values. The system designed in this paper can not only effectively overcome the bit walk-off effect, but also solve the problem of downlink performance degradation and the limitation of tunability caused by conventional carrier reuse in ROF. The system can greatly increase the transmission distance and improve the performance of the system and has an important application prospect in ROF.

Does Acute A-tDCS (Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation) Improve Golf Performance of Professional Golfers?

  • Kyung YOO;Hwang-Woon MOON
    • Journal of Sport and Applied Science
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study aims to verify the effectiveness of acute anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (A-tDCS) using Halo Sport headset device on golf performance in professional golfers. Research design, data, and methodology: Eight professional golfers who voluntary participated in high-level golf tournaments were recruited in this study. They attended one single-session intervention which was stimulated by Halo Sport headset device (n=8). The A-tDCS halo sport session lasted for 20 minutes and stimulated on the motor control area of the cortex (M1). Four golf swing performance tasks (driver, iron, 100-yard shot, 50-yard shot) were performed before and after halo intervention. Key indicators of golf swing performance (Club Speed, Face Angle, Ball Speed, Smash Factor, Spin Rate, Side, Carry, Total) were collected by Trackman launch monitor. Results: In Halo session, there were no found statistical significance in driver, iron and approach (100, 50 yards) after intervention (P<0.05). Even some of variables (face angle, smash factor, carry and total distance) in driver, distance accuracy of 100 yards and direction accuracy of 50 yards were slightly improved tendency, but it was not significant (P<0.05). Meanwhile, there was any enhance all of variables in iron. Conclusions: As a result, the current study concludes that the acute A-tDCS halo sport intervention has no effect on the positive golf performance improvement for professional players. Further implications were discussed.

Effect of LED light on the inactivation of Bacillus cereus for extending shelf-life of extruded rice cake and simulation of the patterns of LED irradiation by various arrays of LEDs (압출떡의 유통기한 연장을 위한 LED 조사의 Bacillus cereus 억제 효과 및 LED의 배열에 따른 빛의 조사 패턴 시뮬레이션)

  • Jung, Hwabin;Yuk, Hyun-Gyun;Yoon, Won Byong
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.181-186
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    • 2019
  • The optimum design of LED device for irradiation of 460 nm blue light on extruded rice cake using simulation and the effect of the blue light on the inactivation of Bacillus cereus (B. cereus) group on the rice cake were investigated. The irradiated light intensity patterns on the surface area of the sample were simulated with three different LED arrays (centered, cross, and evenly spaced) and at various distances (22, 32, 42 mm) between the LED modules and the sample. In addition, the uniformity was calculated as Petri factor. The evenly spaced array resulted the most uniform light intensity pattern in the simulation, and the Petri factor of 32 and 42 mm of the distances showed higher than 0.9, which represents the ideal uniformity of LED device. The bacterial population of the rice cake decreased to less than the initial bacterial population during exposure to LED blue light, whereas the bacterial population of the control sample increased. The bacterial count of the rice cake after blue light irradiation for 24 h was 1.21 log CFU/g lower than the control sample. Petri factor increased with increase of the distance between the light source and sample, however, the reduction rate of B. cereus group decreased. Therefore, the design of LED device, that represented the Petri factor higher than 0.9 and inactivated the population of B. cereus group, with evenly spaced and 32 mm of distance between the light source and sample was suitable for extending shelf-life of rice cake.

Formability of Thermoplastic Laminar Composite depending on the Types of- Fabric (Fabric 형태에 따른 열가소성수지 적층복합재료의 성형성)

  • Shin, Ick-Jae;Lee, Dong-Joo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.27 no.8
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    • pp.1338-1346
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    • 2003
  • Three-dimensional formability of the thermoplastic laminar composite was studied according to manufacturing conditions. Five different types of the plain weave fabric were used as reinforcement with PET matrix. The square blank was made by press consolidation technique and formed in the type hemisphere. B-factor defined as the ratio of width of yarn and distance between yarns was used as the factor of formability in the type of plain weave fabric. The formability of PET/Glass fabric laminar composite was estimated in terms of forming rate and B-factor with the thickness distribution, area ratio of blank, and intra-ply shear angle. The thickness distribution across hemisphere was strongly affected by the B-factor, forming rate and blank thickness. The area ratio of blank was increased with B-factor, forming rate and blank thickness. Also, it was found that the intra-ply shear angle depends on the B-factor and forming rate.

Digital Hologram Encryption Algorithm using Fresnel Diffraction (프레넬 회절을 이용한 디지털 홀로그램 암호화 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Yoon-Hyuk;Seo, Young-Ho;Kim, Dong-Wook
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.807-817
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    • 2015
  • This paper is to propose an encryption method for only an allowed user to see the content for a digital hologram, that is a high value-added content. This paper uses a characteristic of Fresnel transform that the object region is concentrated to a relatively small part of the diffraction plane. By encrypting the concentrated part only the region to be encrypted and in turn the amount of data to be encrypted is reduced a lot, which results in an high efficiency with low encryption rate. As the methodology, a digital hologram is first Fresnel transformed for reconstruction and the result is secondly Fresnel transformed to concentrate the energy into the center of the diffraction plane to encrypt the concentrated region only. For the 2nd transform, energy concentration degree is determined by adjusting the diffraction distance and encryption strength is determined by adjusting the scaling factor. For this we analyze the optimal encryption area according to the diffraction distance and the scaling factor. When applying the proposed method with diffraction distance of 20m the object information was visually unrecognizable with the encryption ratio only 0.005% ~ 0.02%.

Patterns of Interactions among Neighbor species in a High Intertidal Algal Community

  • Kim, Jeong-Ha
    • ALGAE
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2002
  • Three dominant rocky intertidal macroalgae, the fucoids Fucus gardneri and Pelvetiopsis limitata (Phaeophyta) and the red alga Mazzaella cornucopiae (= Iridaea cornucopiae) on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada were used in a series of field experiments to examine interspecific interactions. These experiments showed complex patterns which included an interchange of negative (inhibition) and positive (facilitation) interactions depending on neighbor distance. Less fucoid recruitment occurred in the plots with greater percent cover of a turfforming red alga, M. cornucopiae. However, experimentally removing Mazzaella turf (the turf was considered to be "blocking" fucoid recruits or "shading" growing recruits) did not increase recruitment. This result indicated that there may be another factor(s) involved in the survivorship of juvenile fucoids in the turf-removed plots. Morphological differences in adult plants between Mazzaella and the two fucoids resulted in another type of interaction; these began when fucoids successfully settled and grew nearby or within the red algal turf. By monitoring microhabitat at the individual plant level for two years, I found that survivorship of fucoid recruits showed different species-specific patterns. The patterns also varied as the microhabitat changed from Mazzaella turf edge to open space. For F. gardneri, longevity of P.limitata at all distances tested was similar. A reason for greater longevity of F. gardneri individuals at edge microhabitats may be that these sites have one side open to light and nutrients and another site that buffers them from desiccation and wave impact. In the Mazzaella-Fucus interaction, neighbor distance was a key factor in determining whether the outcome of the interaction would be competition or facilitation (or protection). This study provides experimental evidence that detectable biological interactions occur in this upper intertidal algal community where physical conditions are usually severe, and also indicates the importance of small scale examination in understanding macroalgal interactions in intertidal habitats.

Sensitivity Analysis of Ordinary Kriging Interpolation According to Different Variogram Models (베리오그램 모델 변화에 따른 정규 크리깅 보간법의 민감도분석)

  • Woo, Kwang-Sung;Park, Jin-Hwan;Lee, Hui-Jeong
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.295-304
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    • 2008
  • This paper comprises two specific objectives. The first is to examine the applicability of Ordinary Kriging interpolation(OK) to finite element method that is based on variogram modeling in conjunction with different allowable limits of separation distance. The second is to investigate the accuracy according to theoretical variograms such as polynomial, Gauss, and spherical models. For this purpose, the weighted least square method is applied to obtain the estimated new stress field from the stress data at the Gauss points. The weight factor is determined by experimental and theoretical variograms for interpolation of stress data apart from the conventional interpolation methods that use an equal weight factor. The validity of the proposed approach has been tested by analyzing two numerical examples. It is noted that the numerical results by Gauss model using 25% allowable limit of separation distance show an excellent agreement with theoretical solutions in literature.

Codeword-Dependent Distance Normalization and Smoothing of Output Probalities Based on the Instar-formed Fuzzy Contribution in the FVQ-DHMM (퍼지양자화 은닉 마르코프 모델에서 코드워드 종속거리 정규화와 Instar 형태의 퍼지 기여도에 기반한 출력확률의 평활화)

  • Choi, Hwan-Jin;Kim, Yeon-Jun;Oh, Yung-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, a codeword-dependent distance normalization(CDDN) and an instar-formed fuzzy smoothing of output distribution are proposed for robust estimation of output probabilities in the FVQ(fuzzy vector quantization)-DHMM(discrete hidden Markov model). The FVQ-DHMM is a variant of DHMM in which the state output probability is estimated by the sum oft he product of the output probability and its weighting factor for each codeword on an input vector. As the performance of the FVQ-DHMM is influenced by weighting factor and output distribution from a state, it is required to get a method to get robust estimation of weighting factors and output distribution for each state. From experimental results, the proposed CDDN method has reduced 24% of error rate over the conventional FVQ-DHMM, and also reduced 79% of error rate when the smoothing of output distribution is also applied to the computation of an output probability. These results indicate that the use of CDDN and the fuzzy smoothing of output distribution to the FVQ-DHMM lead to improved recognition, and therefore it may be used as an alternative to the robust estimation of output probabilities for HMMs.

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Does the China-Korea Free Trade Area Promote the Green Total Factor Productivity of China's Manufacturing Industry?

  • Liu, Zuan-Kuo;Cao, Fei-Fei;Dennis, Bolayog
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.27-44
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to analyze the net effect of the green total factor productivity (GTFP) of China's manufacturing industry from the China-Korea Free Trade Area (China-Korea FTA) quantitatively. Design/methodology - Firstly, the Global Malmquist-Luenberger (GML) index based on the SBM directional distance function is used to measure the GTFP of China's manufacturing and analyze the driving force for its growth. Secondly, the regression discontinuity quantitative analysis is used to determine the impact of the China-Korea FTA on China's manufacturing GTFP. Findings - Our main findings can be summarized as follows: the China-Korea FTA has promoted the GTFP of China's manufacturing with an effect evaluation mainly resulting from green technology progress. And there is industry heterogeneity in the policy effect on the manufacturing GTFP due to the China-Korea FTA. Namely, policy promotion from the China-Korea FTA is more effective on the GTFP of equipment manufacturing than it is on those of other industries. Originality/value - First, an evaluation and analysis of the GTFP development of China's manufacturing that employs GML index based on SBM directional distance function. Second, a quantitative estimate of China-Korea FTA's net effect on China's manufacturing industrial GTFP that uses regression discontinuity analysis, which is considered to be the closest method to natural experiments and superior to other causal inference methods. Third, an in-depth discussion of the practical steps that China's manufacturing can take to improve GTFP development and integrate China-Korea FTA construction into economic development.

Customer satisfaction and skin care shop selection factors in the pandemic era impact on revisit intention (팬데믹 시대의 피부관리숍 선택요인이 고객만족도와 재방문 의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Byoung Ock Lee;Soo Nam Hong
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of skin care salons' decision factors on customer satisfaction and revisit intention during the COVID-19 pandemic. The subjects of this study were 220 women in their 20s to 50s who reside in Seoul and the Gyeonggi-do area and are users of skin care salons. The data was statistically analyzed using SPSS V.25.0 and detailed research results are as follows. For the analysis of this study, frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability verification, independent sample T-Test, one-way analysis of variance, post hoc test, Duncan test, and regression analysis were conducted. First, as a result of examining whether skin care salon decision factors during the pandemic have a positive (+) effect on customer satisfaction, hygienic environment satisfaction and service environment satisfaction, which are sub-factors of customer satisfaction, had a significant effect on professionalism, kind service, and distance, which are sub-factors of decision factors, and are independent variables. Second, as a result of examining whether skin care salon decision factors during the pandemic have a positive (+) effect on revisit intention, decision factors, which are independent variables, including professionalism, kind service, price, and distance showed significant effects on human revisit intention, As for physical revisiting intention, only kind service, distance, and professionalism showed significant effects, while price did not have a significant effect. Third, as a result of examining whether customer satisfaction during the pandemic has a positive (+) effect on revisiting intention, the service environment satisfaction and hygienic environment satisfaction, which were sub-factors of independent variables, showed significant results for human and physical revisit intentions. In this study, service environment and hygienic environment satisfaction were important variables for skin care salon decision factors. Professionalism and kind service were important for human revisit intention. Therefore, overall service environment, hygiene, and safety should be prioritized to increase revisit intention and efforts must be made to retain and improve customer satisfaction