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The implant overdenture on the edentulous mandible using CAD/CAM system: A case report (CAD/CAM system을 이용한 하악 임플란트 피개의치 수복증례)

  • Lee, Si-Eun;Lee, So-Hyoun;Jeon, Young-Chan;Jeong, Chang-Mo;Yun, Mi-Jung;Huh, Jung-Bo
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.66-73
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    • 2015
  • Alveolar bone loss and deformation can be a risk factor in removable prosthetic restoration treatment for partially or fully edentulous patients. The use of implants to solve this problem could improve the support, retention and stability of removable restoration. Attachments used in implant overdenture are versatile. The attachment should be selected according to the patients' conditions. Milled bar has been chosen when readymade bar could not be used because of the narrow distance between implants or firm stability and support of supra-structure were needed. Milled bar design is able to provide cross arch stabilization and comfortability to patients. However, it needs skilled laboratory procedures. Recently, the fabrication of milled bar has become simple and its suitability has been improved through the development of CAD/CAM system. In a 67-year-old female Alzheimer's disease patient with 8 implant fixtures on the fully edentulous site of mandible, implant overdenture with using milled bar and magnet attachment was planned. As rapid treatment was required, CAD/CAM system was used to make a simple laboratory procedure instead of a traditional fabrication process. With this system, implant overdenture with milled bar can be fabricated esthetically and functionally.

A Survey for Working Plan of Secondary School Feeding in Seoul Metropolitan City and Kyunggi Province (서울 , 경기지역 중등학교의 학교급식 실시를 위한 조사 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Myo;Kim, Ol-Sang;Seo, Jeong-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.74-84
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate a plan of middle/high school foodservice systems which could properly provide nutrition for juveniles' health. Questionnaires were developed and distributed to: 245 middle schools with 271 parents, 328 students, 180 teachers, and 345 administrators; 163 high-schools with 223 parents, 466 students, 179 teachers, and 163 administrators in Seoul and Kyunggi province. The results of this study were as followed. For the desirable feeding type as in-school meal plan, 62.2% responded to the current elementary school feeing type:10.3% responded to a lunch-box prepared at home; and 38.0% responded to free dining out type. For a feeding operation type, school administrators, teachers and parents favored the current school feeding systems in elementary schools with proportion of 68.2%, 47.7%, and 87.6% as respectively. Also, 20.3% of school administrators, 22.6% of teachers, and 6.9% of parents preferred contract management. A total of 27.6% of teachers, 9.2% of school administrators, and 3.7% of parents responded to a lunch-box prepared at home. There was a significant difference between the responses for establishing the main body of financial burden to solve the problem of financial burden which could be the most obstacle to bring middle/high school feeding system into operation. For the management of school feeding systems when brought into operation, 88.7% out of 470 responded schools and 89.9% out of 227 responded teachers reported that an expert should manage school feeding systems. For futuristic direction, an effective joint cooking type between schools which may be the way to solve the difficulties in securing the appropriate space and to decrease the financial burden, the problem of transportation for delivering feeding products, low quality of feeding, and sanitation can occur. Therefore, the distance between schools which operate a joint cooking system will affect as a major factor. Furthermore, concrete examination of plans for introduction of various types of school feeding and institutional devices for management system and supervision of operation should become a condition precedent.

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A Study on Iris Image Restoration Based on Focus Value of Iris Image (홍채 영상 초점 값에 기반한 홍채 영상 복원 연구)

  • Kang Byung-Jun;Park Kang-Ryoung
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.43 no.2 s.308
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    • pp.30-39
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    • 2006
  • Iris recognition is that identifies a user based on the unique iris texture patterns which has the functionalities of dilating or contracting pupil region. Iris recognition systems extract the iris pattern in iris image captured by iris recognition camera. Therefore performance of iris recognition is affected by the quality of iris image which includes iris pattern. If iris image is blurred, iris pattern is transformed. It causes FRR(False Rejection Error) to be increased. Optical defocusing is the main factor to make blurred iris images. In conventional iris recognition camera, they use two kinds of focusing methods such as lilted and auto-focusing method. In case of fixed focusing method, the users should repeatedly align their eyes in DOF(Depth of Field), while the iris recognition system acquires good focused is image. Therefore it can give much inconvenience to the users. In case of auto-focusing method, the iris recognition camera moves focus lens with auto-focusing algorithm for capturing the best focused image. However, that needs additional H/W equipment such as distance measuring sensor between users and camera lens, and motor to move focus lens. Therefore the size and cost of iris recognition camera are increased and this kind of camera cannot be used for small sized mobile device. To overcome those problems, we propose method to increase DOF by iris image restoration algorithm based on focus value of iris image. When we tested our proposed algorithm with BM-ET100 made by Panasonic, we could increase operation range from 48-53cm to 46-56cm.

Field Load Test Results and Suggestion of Simple Settlement Estimation Method for Granular Compaction Piles (조립토 다짐말뚝에 대한 현장재하시험 결과 및 간편 침하량 산정방법의 제시)

  • Hwang Jung-Soon;Kim Hong-Taek;Kim Jung-Ho;Lee Sang-Kyung;Lee Hyung-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2005
  • In the previous studies, settlement behaviors of granular compaction piles have generally been analyzed with an evaluation of the settlement reduction factor based on tile load-sharing ratio and the replacement ratio. In this approach, however, since the reinforced ground with granular compaction piles is simplified as the composite ground, only the difference of a relative vertical strength between piles and soils is taken into account without reflecting lateral behaviors of granular compaction piles. In the companion research paper, the method of estimating the settlement of granular compaction piles was proposed by synthetically considering a vertical strength of the ground, lateral behaviors of granular compaction piles, the strength of pile materials, a pile diameter, and an installation distance of the pile. In the presented study, to validate a propriety of the previously proposed method, large scale field load tests and three dimensional numerical analyses are performed. The results are analyzed in detail and compared with the predicted settlements by the proposed method. Finally, a simple method to estimate the settlement of granular compaction piles is suggested for an easy application of the practical design.

Seasonal fluctuations and changing characteristics of a temperate zone wetland bird community

  • Lee, Soo-Dong;Kang, Hyun-Kyung
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.104-116
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    • 2019
  • Background: The composition of wild bird populations in temperate zones greatly varies depending on phenological changes rather than other environmental factors. Particularly, wild birds appearing in wetlands fluctuate greatly due to the crossover of species arriving for breeding during the summer and for wintering. Therefore, to understand the changes to species composition related to phenology, we conducted this basic analysis of populations to further the cause of the protection of wetland-dependent wild birds. Methods: It is wrong to simply divide a wild bird population investigation into seasons. This study identifies species composition and indicator species that change along with seasons. Wetlands to be surveyed are protected by natural monuments and wetland inventory and are in a state close to nature. In order to identify as many species as possible in wetlands, a survey was conducted in both shallow and deep wetlands. The water depth varied in these areas, ranging from 0.2 to 2.0 m, allowing for both dabbling and diving ducks to inhabit the area. Surveys were conducted using line-transect and distance sampling methods and were conducted at intervals of 2 weeks. The survey was conducted under the following three categories: the eco-tone and emergent zone, the submergent zone, and the water surface. The survey was conducted along a wetland boundary by observing wild birds. A PC-ord program was used for clustering, and the SAS program was used to analyze the changes in species composition. The data strongly indicates that day length is the main factor for seasonal migration periods, despite the fact that climate change and increasing temperatures are often discussed. Results and conclusions: The indicator species for determining seasons include migrant birds such as Ardea cinerea, Alcedo atthis, Anas penelope, and Poiceps ruficollis, as well as resident birds such as Streptopelia orientalis and Emberiza elegans. Importantly, increases in local individual counts of these species may also serve as indicators. The survey results of seasonal fluctuations in temperate zones shows that spring (April to June), summer (July to September), autumn (October), and winter (November to March) are clearly distinguishable, even though spring and summer seasons tend to overlap, leading to the conclusion that additional research could more clearly identify fluctuation patterns in species composition and abundance in the study area.

Influence of Environmental Exposures on Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Korea

  • Hong, Yoonki;Lim, Myoung Nam;Kim, Woo Jin;Rhee, Chin Kook;Yoo, Kwang Ha;Lee, Ji-Hyun;Yoon, Ho Il;Kim, Tae-Hyung;Lee, Jin Hwa;Lim, Seong Yong;Lee, Sang Do;Oh, Yeon-Mok
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.76 no.5
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    • pp.226-232
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    • 2014
  • Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by airflow limitation and results from environmental factors and genetic factors. Although cigarette smoking is a major risk factor, other environmental exposures can influence COPD. The purpose of this study is to investigate the clinical characteristics of COPD according to the history of environmental exposure. Methods: The study population comprised of 347 subjects with COPD who were recruited from the pulmonary clinics of 14 hospitals within the Korean Obstructive Lung Disease Study Group. We classified environmental exposures according to history of living near factory, and direct exposure history to firewood or briquette. According to living environmental exposures, we compared the frequency of respiratory symptoms, pulmonary function, quality of life, exercise capacity, and computed tomography phenotypes. Results: Thirty-one subjects (8.9%) had history of living near factory, 271 (78.3%) had exposure history to briquette, and 184 (53.3%) had exposure history to firewood. Patients with history of living near a factory had a significantly longer duration of sputum, while patients with exposure to firewood tended to have lower forced expiratory volume in one second, and patients with exposure to briquette tended to have lower six minute walk distance. Conclusion: COPD subjects with the history of living near factory had more frequent respiratory symptoms such as sputum. Our data suggest that environmental exposure may influence clinical phenotype of COPD.

Optimization of Classification of Local, Regional, and Teleseismic Earthquakes in Korean Peninsula Using Filter Bank (주파수 필터대역기술을 활용한 한반도의 근거리 및 원거리 지진 분류 최적화)

  • Lim, DoYoon;Ahn, Jae-Kwang;Lee, Jimin;Lee, Duk Kee
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.35 no.11
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2019
  • An Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) system is a technology that alerts people to an incoming earthquake by using P waves that are detected before the arrival of more severe seismic waves. P-wave analysis is therefore an important factor in the production of rapid seismic information as it can be used to quickly estimate the earthquake magnitude and epicenter through the amplitude and predominant period of the observed P-wave. However, when a large-magnitude teleseismic earthquake is observed in a local seismic network, the significantly attenuated P wave phases may be mischaracterized as belonging to a small-magnitude local earthquake in the initial analysis stage. Such a misanalysis may be sent to the public as a false alert, reducing the credibility of the EEW system and potentially causing economic losses for infrastructure and industrial facilities. Therefore, it is necessary to develop methods that reduce misanalysis. In this study, the possibility of seismic misclassifying teleseimic earthquakes as local events was reviewed using the Filter Bank method, which uses the attenuation characteristics of P waves to classify local and outside Korean peninsula (regional and teleseismic) events with filtered waveform depending on frequency and epicenter distance. The data used in our analysis were analyzed for maximum Pv values using 463 events with local magnitudes (2 < ML ≦ 3), 44 (3 < ML ≦ 4), 4 (4 < ML ≦ 5), 3 (ML > 5), and 89 outside Korean peninsula earthquakes recorded by the KMA seismic network. The results show that local and telesesimic earthquakes can be classified more accurately when combination of filtering bands of No. 3 (6-12 Hz) and No. 6 (0.75-1.5 Hz) is applied.

Comparative Analysis of Shallow and Deep Groundwater Pumping Effects on Stream Depletion (천부와 심부지하수 양수에 따른 하천수 감소 영향의 비교분석)

  • Lee, Jeongwoo;Chung, Il-Moon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.383-391
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    • 2020
  • In this study, Hunt's analytical solution and Ward & Lough's analytical solution for two-layered leaky aquifer system were used to estimate stream depletions due to shallow and deep groundwater pumping, and their differences were compared. Depending on the combination of the separation distance between the stream and the well, the transmissivity and the storage coefficient of the aquifer, and the leakage coefficient between the upper and lower layers, the stream depletion, which is the amount of stream water reduction compared to the amount of groundwater pumping, for each of 45,000 cases was calculated for both shallow and deep groundwater pumping, and the differences were analyzed quantitatively. When the leakage coefficient was very small, with a value of 10-61/d, the difference in the average five-year stream depletion due to the pumping of shallow and deep groundwater showed a large deviation of up to 0.9 depending on the given hydraulic characteristics; this value exponentially decreased as the stream depletion factor (SDF) increased. This exponential relationship gradually weakened as the leakage coefficient increased due to interaction effects between layers, resulting in a small difference of up to 0.2 when the leakage coefficient reached 10-31/d. Under the condition of greater interlayer hydraulic connectivity, there was little influence of the depth of groundwater pumping on the stream water reduction.

Correlation Analysis of Ocular Dominance and Levator Palpebrae Superioris Muscle Function (주시안과 눈꺼풀 올림근 기능의 상관관계 분석)

  • Ha, Ki-Young;Suh, Hyeun-Woo;Kim, Boo-Yeong;Kim, Tae-Yeon;Park, Sung-Gyu
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.265-270
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Most of the bilateral structures in our body are not perfectly balanced, such that one side is preferred than the other or it has physiological superiority. Eyes also have an imbalance; the eye with sensory and motional superiority compared to the other is called dominant eye. Authors of this study focused on analyzing the correlation between the dominant eye and levator palpebrae superioris muscle. Methods: The subject of this study was 42 patients with no ptosis and with no past history of blepharoplasty. Hand dominance was identified through questionnaire and dominant eye was identified by hole-in-the-card dominance test (Dolman's test) in all patients. The function of levator palpebrae superioris muscle was measured by MLD (marginal limbal distance). During the measuring procedure, frontalis muscle was not inhibited to avoid the eyelid skin hooding. Results: Out of 42 patients, 27 patients (64.3%) were right ocular dominant, 15 patients (35.7%) were left ocular dominant, 36 patients (85.7%) were right hand dominant and 4 patients (9.5%) were left hand dominant. Out of 27 right ocular dominant patients, right MLD was larger than the left in 26 patients (96.3%). It was larger in average of 0.47 mm (p<0.001) in 27 right ocular dominant patients. Also, left MLD was larger than the right in 11 patients (73.3%) out of 15 left ocular dominant patients. It was larger in average of 0.57 mm (p=0.003) in 27 left ocular dominant patients. MLD on the side of the dominant eye was larger in average of 0.50 mm (p<0.001) than the MLD of non-dominant eye side. Right MLD was larger than the left in average of 0.28mm (p=0.010) in right hand dominant patients, and left MLD was larger than the right in average of 1.15 mm (p=0.025) in left hand dominant patients. Conclusion: The function of levator palpebrae muscle differs in right and left, and the difference correlates with the dominant eye. Also, the function of levator palpebrae muscle is stronger in the dominant eye. We were able to present statistical evidence regarding the difference of the function in right and left levator palpebrae muscle. This may be a factor worth consideration in terms of balancing the eyes during the blepharoplasty.

The Influence of the Nucleotide Sequences of Random Shine-Dalgarno and Spacer Region on Bovine Growth Hormone Gene Expression

  • Paik Soon-Young;Ra Kyung Soo;Cho Hoon Sik;Koo Kwang Bon;Baik Hyung Suk;Lee Myung Chul;Yun Jong Won;Choi Jang Won
    • Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.64-71
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    • 2006
  • To investigate the effects of the nucleotide sequences in Shine-Dalgarno (SD) and the spacer region (SD-ATG) on bovine growth hormone (bGH) gene expression, the expression vectors under the control of the T7 promoter (pT7-7 vector) were constructed using bGH derivatives (bGH1 & bGH14) which have different 5'-coding regions and were induced in E. coli BL21 (DE3). Oligonucleotides containing random SD sequences and a spacer region were chemically synthesized and the distance between the SD region and the initiation codon were fixed to nine bases in length. The oligonucleotides were annealed and fused to the bGH1 and bGH14 cDNA, respectively. When the bGH gene was induced with IPTG in E. coli BL21(DE3), some clones containing only bGH14 cDNA produced considerable levels of bGH in the range of 6.9%to8.5% of total cell proteins by SDS-PAGE and Western blot. Otherwise, the bGH was not detected in any clones with bGH1 cDNA. Accordingly, the nucleotide sequences of SD and the spacer region affect on bGH expression indicates that the sequences sufficiently destabilize the mRNA secondary structure of the bGH14 gene. When the free energy was calculated from the transcription initiation site to the +51 nucleotide of bGH cDNA using a program of nucleic acid folding and hybridization prediction, the constructs with values below -26.3 kcal/mole (toward minus direction) were not expressed. The constructs with the original sequence of bGH cDNA also did not show any expression, regardless of the free energy values. Thus, the disruption of the mRNA secondary structure may be a major factor regulating bGH expression in the translation initiation process. Accordingly, the first stem-loop among two secondary structures present in the 5'-end region of the bGH gene should be disrupted for the effective expression of bGH.