• Title/Summary/Keyword: Disease Rule

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A Design of Disease Rule Creation Scheme for Disease Management in Healthcare System (헬스 케어 시스템에서 질병 관리를 위한 질병 규칙 생성 기법 설계)

  • Lee, Byung-Kwan;Jung, INa;Jeong, Eun-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2013.10a
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    • pp.965-967
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    • 2013
  • The paper proposed the DRCS(Disease Rule Creation Scheme) which generates the disease rules for efficient disease management in Healthcare system. The DRCS uses basically Rough Set Theory and computes support between each attributes and decision attributes. It creates the disease rules that judges disease after it removes the attribute which is the lowest support. Therefore, it reduces the number of disease rules and improves the exactness, compared with C4.5 algorithm.

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A study about Vagrants' death under the rule of Japanese imperialism (일제치하(日帝治下)의 행려사망인(行旅死亡人)에 관한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察))

  • Choi Geu-Gin;Lyu Yeong-Soo
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.137-153
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    • 1996
  • Through the classification of region and kinds of illness about the death of vagrants from 1906 to 1942, the results on the study of vagrants under the rule of Japanese imperialism are followings.1. The statistics about the death of vagrants from 1906 to 1912 have no coherence. So this study excludes that time.2. A mental disease as a cause of death of vagrants is 25.4%. It shows the highest ratio of all the other diseases.3. A mental, nervous disease among the cause of vagrants' death is 15%.4. On outbreak ration of mental disease is 26.7 times in men, 24.6 times in women higher, and on nervous disease 48.1 times in man, 48.9 times in woman higher than Japanese.5. Regional outbreak ratio is higher than Japan. The orders are Chonlabukdo, Chungcheongbukdo, Hwanghaedo, Kangwondo. The above results show that vagrants under the rule of Japanese imperialim is produced by cause of disease. The cause of vagrants' death is also related to social situation at that times. And it accord with the basis of documents. The relation between the death of vagrants and mental, nervous disease are considered to be studied in detailI.

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Design and Implementation of Healthcare System for Chronic Disease Management

  • Song, Mi-Hwa
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.88-97
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    • 2018
  • Chronic diseases management can be effectively achieved through early detection, continuous treatment, observation, and self-management, rather than a radar approach where patients are treated only when they visit a medical facility. However, previous studies have not been able to provide integrated chronic disease management services by considering generalized services such as hypertension and diabetes management, and difficult to expand and link to other services using only specific sensors or services. This paper proposes clinical rule flow model based on medical data analysis to provide personalized care for chronic disease management. Also, we implemented that as Rule-based Smart Healthcare System (RSHS). The proposed system executes chronic diseases management rules, manages events and delivers individualized knowledge information by user's request. The proposed system can be expanded into a variety of applications such as diet and exercise service in the future.

Knowledge Based Recommender System for Disease Diagnostic and Treatment Using Adaptive Fuzzy-Blocks

  • Navin K.;Mukesh Krishnan M. B.
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.284-310
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    • 2024
  • Identifying clinical pathways for disease diagnosis and treatment process recommendations are seriously decision-intensive tasks for health care practitioners. It requires them to rely on their expertise and experience to analyze various categories of health parameters from a health record to arrive at a decision in order to provide an accurate diagnosis and treatment recommendations to the end user (patient). Technological adaptation in the area of medical diagnosis using AI is dispensable; using expert systems to assist health care practitioners in decision-making is becoming increasingly popular. Our work architects a novel knowledge-based recommender system model, an expert system that can bring adaptability and transparency in usage, provide in-depth analysis of a patient's medical record, and prescribe diagnostic results and treatment process recommendations to them. The proposed system uses a set of parallel discrete fuzzy rule-based classifier systems, with each of them providing recommended sub-outcomes of discrete medical conditions. A novel knowledge-based combiner unit extracts significant relationships between the sub-outcomes of discrete fuzzy rule-based classifier systems to provide holistic outcomes and solutions for clinical decision support. The work establishes a model to address disease diagnosis and treatment recommendations for primary lung disease issues. In this paper, we provide some samples to demonstrate the usage of the system, and the results from the system show excellent correlation with expert assessments.

Design of Rough Set Theory Based Disease Monitoring System for Healthcare (헬스 케어를 위한 RDMS 설계)

  • Lee, Byung-Kwan;Jeong, Eun-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.38C no.12
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    • pp.1095-1105
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    • 2013
  • This paper proposes the RDMS(Rough Set Theory based Disease Monitoring System) which efficiently manages diseases in Healthcare System. The RDMS is made up of DCM(Data Collection Module), RDRGM(RST based Disease Rules Generation Module), and HMM(Healthcare Monitoring Module). The DCM collects bio-metric informations from bio sensor of patient and stores it in RDMS DB according to the processing procedure of data. The RDRGM generates disease rules using the core of RST and the support of attributes. The HMM predicts a patient's disease by analyzing not only the risk quotient but also that of complications on the patient's disease by using the collected patient's information by DCM and transfers a visualized patient's information to a patient, a family doctor, etc according to a patient's risk quotient. Also the HMM predicts the patient's disease by comparing and analyzing a patient's medical information, a current patient's health condition, and a patient's family history according to the rules generated by RDRGM and can provide the Patient-Customized Medical Service and the medical information with the prediction result rapidly and reliably.

A Study of Women's Health and Disease through Advertisements in Dong-a Newspaper between 1920 and 1945 (1920년~1945년까지의 동아일보 광고를 통해 본 여성의 건강과 질병)

  • Park, Gyu-Ri;Baek, Kyu-Hwan;Jung, Ji-Hun;Lee, Sang-Jae
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2015
  • In this study, we investigated advertisements in Dong-a newspaper about gynecological drugs between 1920 and 1945 and analyzed the awareness of women's health and disease during the Japanese Colonial Rule. The advertisements included leukorrhea, oligomenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, feeling of cold, sterility, hysteria, and sexually transmitted infection and identified inattentive menstruation, improper intercourse, poor pre- and post-natal care as the cause for illness. This study includes the following limitations; it only analysed advertisements from Dong-a newspaper, and most of the drugs were manufactured in Japan and might not accurately reflect the health and disease of Korean women. Suggested future studies may include analysis of institute magazine and Japanese news advertisements during this period.

An Efficient Search Method for High Confidence Association Rules Using CP(Confidence Pattern)-Tree Structure (CP-Tree구조를 이용한 높은 신뢰도를 갖는 연관 규칙의 효율적 탐색 방법)

  • 송한규;김재련
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2002
  • The traditional approaches of association rule mining have relied on high support condition to find interesting rules. However, in some application such as analyzing the web page link and discovering some unusual combinations of some factors that have always caused some disease, we are interested in rules with high confidence that have very low support or need not have high support. In these cases, the traditional algorithms are not suitable since it relies on first satisfying high support. In this paper, we propose a new model, CP(Confidence Pattern)-Tree, to identify high confidence rule between 2-items without support constraint. constraint. In addition, we discuss confidence association rule between two more items without support constraint.

Study on the Seop-Gye's constitution theory for the connection with 'the differentiation of syndromes' and the general body form diagnosis (전신형태 진단과 변증시치의 연계를 위한 엽계의 형태체질론 연구)

  • Kim Gyeong Cheol;Lee Yono Tae;Shin Soon Shik
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.22-27
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    • 2004
  • Seop-Gye divided up the constitution's strength and weakness, and so he cured disease by the 'cold and heat'. 'deficiency and excessiveness' means on the basis of the YINㆍYANG of constitution. He classified constitution with pathogenesis grounding in body formal distinction, flesh hardness and softness, face color and form, skin color. Therefore he grasped the rule of constitution connected with physiological function and pathological distinction, applied the rule of constitution in the diagnosis and cure of the chronic & epidemic febrile disease.

A Research on the rule of following of three ${\breve{U}}m$ and three Yan (삼음삼양(三陰三陽)의 종화규율(從化規律)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Ho-Hyun
    • Journal of Oriental Physiology
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    • v.14 no.2 s.20
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    • pp.99-116
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    • 1999
  • This study was undertaken to define the expression rule of six vital substances for human life(六氣) in Meridians and the rule of following of three ${\breve{U}}m$ and three Yan. In order to investigate the expression rule of six vital substances for human life(六氣), incident(標)-fundamental(本) and Ki of middle energizer(中氣) of three ${\breve{U}}m$ and three Yang(三陰三陽) were reviewed. 1, The rule of following is formed centering around fundamental Ki(本氣) between incident(標) and fundamental(本). And in case the ${\breve{U}}m$ and Yang (陰陽) disposition of incident(標) and fundamental(本) is different, whether the ${\breve{U}}m$ and Yang(陰陽) disposition of incident(標) and fundamental(本) is same as those of Ki of middle energizer(中氣), is the key point in following fundamental and activating of the vital energy(氣化). 2. As twelve channels(十二經脈) have not only fundamental Ki(本氣) but also Ki of middle energizer(中氣) at the same time, in expression of six vital substances for human life(六氣), if the fundamental Ki(本氣) is stronger, fundamental Ki(本氣) can be expressed or if the fundamental Ki(本氣) is weaker, Ki of middle energizer(中氣) can be expressed. 3. Twelve channels which is connected with each other through the relation of the interior and the exterior can be regarded as a system, in which Wind(風) and Fire(火), Dryness(燥) and Dampness(濕), Cold(寒) and Heat(熱) maintain balance through mutual control. 4. We can see that in the disease caused by the unbalance of six vital substances for human life(六氣), expression of six pathogenic factor and controlment of six vital substances for human life(六氣) are made up after the following one in the rule of following(從化規律).

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A Literary Study on Combination of Yeolgyeol $(LU_7)$ and Johae $(KI_6)$ of Eight Confluent Acupoints (팔맥교회혈(八脈交會穴) 중(中).열결(列缺) 조해(照海)의 배합(配合)에 관한 문헌(文獻) 연구(硏究))

  • Jang Jae-Young;Park Sang-Yeon;Hong Jung-A;Jang Jae-Ik;Kim Kyung-Sik;Kim Jae-Hyo;Sohn In-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.27-47
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    • 2006
  • Objectives : The aim of this study was to analyze how to treat various symptoms through the combination of Yoelgyoel $(LU_7)$ and Johae $(KI_6)$, according to reviewing the contents and data since Ling Shu (靈樞經) to recent literatures including thirty-five medical books. Methods : It was arranged and considered that the location, needling, and symptoms of each acupoint were described in various literatures before the publication of Chim Kyung Ji Nam (鍼經指南). Through various literature since the Publication of Chim Kyung Ji Nam, it was examined how to be recognized and be referred about Yoelgyoel $(LU_7)$ and Johae $(KI_6)$. Results and Conclusions : The location of Yoelgyoel is the superior 1.5cun at wrist joint striation, medial of extensor carpi radialis longus; the location of Johae is the depression part under foot medial condyle. Yoelgyoel is often used for respiratory organ disease, urinary organ disease, neuopsychiatory disease, musculoskeletal system disease; Johae is often used for urinary organ disease, circulatory organ disease. At Chim Kyung Ji Nam, Yoelgyoel is often used for thoraco-abdominal Pain, gynecological disease, digestive organ disease; Johae is often used for abdominal pain, gynecological disease, digestive organ disease. Therefore, these points are used together for general internal disease. As well, these are not directly continuous with Previous literatures from Chim Kyung Ji Nam. The combination of Yoelgyoel and Johae have been developed to the three categories as follows; it is quoted from as it is; it is reconstructed in the form of song; it has new symptoms enlarged. Consequently, the combination of Yoelgyoel and Johae was not bind to the rule of Up-Bottom harmony (上下配合), but asserted for the rule of Ju-Eng harmony (主應配合), which add specific acupoints to e combination of Yolgyol and Chohae as the complication of the symptoms.

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