• Title/Summary/Keyword: Disaster information

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Disaster Assessment, Monitoring, and Prediction Using Remote Sensing and GIS (원격탐사를 이용한 재난 감시 및 예측과 GIS 분석)

  • Jung, Minyoung;Kim, Duk-jin;Sohn, Hong-Gyoo;Choi, Jinmu;Im, Jungho
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_3
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    • pp.1341-1347
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    • 2021
  • The need for an effective disaster management system has grown these days to protect public safety as the number of disasters causing massive damage increases. Since disaster-induced damage can develop in various ways, rapid and accurate countermeasures must be prepared soon after disasters occur. Numerous studies have continuously developed remote sensing and GIS (Geographic Information System)-based techniques for disaster monitoring and damage analysis. This special issue presents the research results on disaster prediction and monitoring based on various remote sensors on different platforms from ground to space and disaster management using GIS techniques. The developed techniques help manage various disasters such as storms, floods, and forest fires and can be combined to achieve an integrated and effective disaster management system.

The research of u-disaster prevention City service and technology (u-방재 City 서비스 및 기술에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Bum-Gyo;Kim, Hyun-Joo;Han, Jin-Woo
    • 한국정보통신설비학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.08a
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    • pp.277-280
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    • 2008
  • Starting from 2005, as the new city paradigm, the term 'u-City' was created in Korea. U-City service, as defined in "u-City law", is a service that connects and intermediates among government, traffic, welfare, environment, disaster mitigation, etc., and their data based on ubiquitous city technology and infrastructure. According to the survey executed by local governments, the improvements in the standard of living of citizens have in turn increased the needs for anti-mitigation services. Such trend is bolstered with the recent disasters such as the conflagration of Korean Soong-rae Gate and the devastating earthquake of Sichuan province. This article describes a concept of the u-City disaster prevention service and looks into the activities and planning of u-City disaster prevention service of local governments. This paper also briefly looks into the law and policies to derive the needs of u-City disaster prevention service as well as the current technologies and u-City disaster prevention services of local governments. Ultimately, this paper offers the strategic direction of developing u-Disaster Prevention City.

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Image Quality Assessment of Mobile-based Image Acquisition System for Disaster Scientific Investigation (재난원인과학조사를 위한 차량기반 영상취득시스템의 영상품질평가)

  • Kim, Mi Kyeong;Kim, Sang Pil;Kim, Nam Hoon;Song, Young Karb;Sohn, Hong Gyoo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2016
  • There are various types of disasters now, and accordingly it is practically difficult to manage all types of disasters effectively. If we are able to reconstruct the disaster event and investigate the cause, it may be possible to prepare the recurrence of similar patterns of disasters. The vehicle-based system equipped with state-of-the-art sensors has been proposed in order to reconstruct the disaster site as much as possible and help the disaster investigator to analyze the cause of the disaster by providing high-quality information. However, the data quality obtained from the sensors can be lowered due to unpredictable circumstances of disaster site. In this aspect it is essential to provide practical procedures that assess and analyze the performance of the equipment on site. In this paper, we selected critical elements of performance that can evaluate the vehicle-based image acquisition system, since it is the most critical piece of information in the disaster sites. The quality of the images obtained from vehicle-based image system was analyzed and verified on the test site. From the results of spatial resolution based on GRD(Ground Resolved Distance), we were able to identify maximum 5mm of spatial resolution at a distance of 70m distance. The result of field test is expected to be used for data acquisition plan in future disaster situations.

Research on Improving the Method of Establishing a Disaster Reduction Activity Management System linked with In-house Suppliers (사내 공급자와 연계된 재해경감활동관리체계 구축방법 개선 연구)

  • Kim, Sang Duk;Kim, Chang Soo
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.365-374
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study aims to study the reinforcement of the connection between the ordering agency and the in-house supplier's disaster reduction activity management system. Method: The requirements for the supplier strategy specified in the enterprise disaster management standard were identified, the application cases of agency A and supplier B were reviewed, and procedures for reinforcing the linkage of the disaster reduction activity management system were derived. Result: In order to clearly define the supplier strategy, which is a requirement of the enterprise disaster management standard, and to reinforce the linkage, it was studied that the procedure applied by the ordering agency and the supplier, and a standardized procedure for sharing the results produced by the procedure were necessary. Conclusion: Among the procedures for establishing a disaster reduction activity management system for in-house suppliers, an improvement plan was proposed to reinforce the linkage of important procedures, and the proposed contents and procedures were suggested to be reflected in the enterprise disaster management standards and related norms.

The Current Status and Implications of Disaster Management System and Psychological Support System in Disaster Response in Japan (일본의 재난관리체계 및 재난심리지원체계 고찰과 시사점)

  • Lee, Dong-Hun;Kim, Jiyoon;Kang, Hyun-Suk;Lee, Hye-Rim
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.73-90
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to contribute to developing psychological support system in disaster response of South Korea by examining that of Japan. Psychosocial support from the Red Cross with the psychiatric support by the DPAT from local government were achieved in the early stage of disaster psychology support system in Japan. In the long term intervention after disaster, psychiatric support from Kokoro-no care center has been established. In other words, not only traditional mental health approach but also disaster psychology support activities including psychosocial support are deployed. National Information Center of Disaster Mental Health, which is control tower of disaster psychology support, understand the disaster in the level of nationwide through collecting and analyzing the data related to disaster, and manage disaster psychological support activities. Disaster psychology support system in Japan modified problems immediately during large scale disaster that they are equipped with state of the current. Implications for disaster psychological support system and crisis counseling program in South Korea are discussed.

IBC-Based Entity Authentication Protocols for Federated Cloud Systems

  • Cao, Chenlei;Zhang, Ru;Zhang, Mengyi;Yang, Yixian
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.1291-1312
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    • 2013
  • Cloud computing changes the service models of information systems and accelerates the pace of technological innovation of consumer electronics. However, it also brings new security issues. As one of the important foundations of various cloud security solutions, entity authentication is attracting increasing interest of many researchers. This article proposes a layered security architecture to provide a trust transmission mechanism among cloud systems maintained by different organizations. Based on the security architecture, four protocols are proposed to implement mutual authentication, data sharing and secure data transmission in federated cloud systems. The protocols not only can ensure the confidentiality of the data transferred, but also resist man-in-the-middle attacks and masquerading attacks. Additionally, the security properties of the four protocols have been proved by S-pi calculus formal verification. Finally, the performance of the protocols is investigated in a lab environment and the feasibility of the security architecture has been verified under a hybrid cloud system.

A Study on Elementary School students Recognition of Forest Fire Disaster (산불재난에 대한 초등학생들의 인식 연구)

  • Lee, Si-Young;Gim, Sun-Nyeo
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.691-700
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    • 2020
  • Purpose, Methoud: In this study, a survey was conducted on elementary school students in the region of Youngdong, Gangwon Province, to find out their awareness about their forest fire disaster experiences, the occurrence of forest fire, forest fire disaster education and coping behaviors for it. It's meant to provide some information on forest fire education based on the results of the survey. Four research questions were posed: 1. What is the awareness of elementary school students on their own forest fire disaster experiences? 2. What is their awareness on the occurrence of forest fire disaster? 3. What is their awareness on forest fire disaster education? 4. What is their awareness on coping behaviors for it? Result: The findings of the study were as follows: First, as for awareness on forest fire disaster experiences, 95.8 percent of the students that accounted for the majority knew about the meaning of forest fire. The students who knew about the meaning of disaster represented 80.8 percent. Second, as for awareness on the occurrence of forest fire, 35.8 percent thought forest fire broke out the most in summer. The students who had never seen forest fire in person accounted for 79.2 percent, which were the majority. Concerning the route of being aware of forest fire, the largest number of the students learned about it from TV, followed by families, friends, teachers, radio/schools and textbooks. Third, as for learning experiences on forest fire disaster, the students who had received this education accounted for 83.3 percent, which were the majority. This education was mostly provided by schools, and the second most common educational place was fire stations. Fourth, as for coping behaviors for the occurrence of forest fire, 80.5 percent replied they would dial the 119 emergency center, and the second most dominant answer was going up to the mountaintop, followed by quickly coming down to go home and having no idea. Conclusion: Through this study, It is judged that education on forest fire disasters and production of educational materials should be consistent and continuous education should be conducted.

Analysis on Pending Issue of Information Security for Smart Disaster Investigation (스마트 재난피해조사를 위한 정보보안 현안 분석)

  • Cho, Jae-Woong;Choi, Woo-Jung;Choi, Seon-Hwa
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2012.06b
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    • pp.28-30
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    • 2012
  • 2010년 이후 국내 스마트폰 보급은 급속히 증가하여 2011년에 이미 스마트폰 가입자수가 2천만명을 넘어서면서 계속하여 증가하고 있으며, '12년 하반기에는 휴대폰 가입자중 79%가 스마트폰을 차지할 것으로 예측하고 있다(마케팅인사이트, '12.02). 이러한 스마트폰의 증가와 함께 스마트폰을 이용한 각종 서비스 및 업무의 비중도 증가하고 있으며, 이에 대한 정보보안의 문제도 이슈화 되고 있다. 특히 스마트폰의 경우 일반 PC와 비교하여 보안에 취약하며, 특히 분실/도난 등으로 인한 개인정보의 유출위험성 또한 높다. 본 연구에서는 국립방재연구원에서 추진중인 스마트 재난피해조사를 바탕으로 정보보안의 현안을 분석하였으며, 스마트폰 내 정보저장에 대한 보안취약을 해결하기 위해서는 MDM(Mobile Device Management)를 이용한 단말의 통제 뿐만 아니라 1차적으로 단말의 접근을 통제할 수 있는 얼굴인식, 지문인식 등의 인체인식기술과 저장된 정보의 해킹으로 인한 유출을 방지하기 위한 복호화 및 자동삭제 기능 등을 도입하여야 할 것으로 판단된다.

A Study on the Application of Flood Disaster Management Using GIS

  • Jeong, In Ju;Kim, Sang Young
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2004.05b
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    • pp.111-123
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    • 2004
  • Recently, though damage caused by intensive rainfall and typhoon happens frequently, we could not forecast or predict a disaster, due to the difficulty of obtaining exact information about it. For efficient disaster management, the most urgent need is the preparation of a flood forecast-warning system. Therefore, we need to provide a program that has the ability of inundation analysis and flood forecast-warning using a geographic information system, and using domestic technology rather than that from foreign countries. In this research, we constructed a FDMS(Flood Disaster Management System) that is able to analyze real-time inundation data, and usins the GIS(Ceographic Information System) with prompt analyzing of hydrologic-topographical parameters and runoff-computation. Moreover, by expressing inundation analysis in three-dimensions, we were able to get to the inundation area with ease. Finally, we expect that the application of this method in the (food forecast-warning system will have great role in reducing casualties and damage.

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Enhancement Plan for Overall Disaster Prevention System

  • Moon, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.6-10
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    • 2011
  • In Korea, overall disaster prevention system or 119 emergency rescue system has been established to protect life and fortune of citizens. This system supports command & control operation, emergency 119 caller location indicator, automatic formation of fire troops and dispatch, and emergency management. To do this, various new information technologies such as GIS, telematics, CTI and TTS are applied to implement the system. In the future, however, it is not impossible to prevent a large scale disasters caused by world climate environment change and complication of city culture using the current system. In this paper, we propose enhancement plan for overall disaster prevention system to solve this problem.