• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Maps

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3D Image Restitution of Weolmido by using Old Maps and Photos (고지도와 사진에 의한 월미도의 3차원 영상 복원)

  • Park, Kyeong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2010
  • Lots of changes in Weolmido have occurred in the historical and cultural aspects owing w the geographical features. This study aims at restoring Weolmido to the past shape three-dimensionally and analyzing its changes. For achieving this goal, I made use of paper maps made in 1918, 1928, and 1969, a digital map produced in 2008, and aerial photos photographed in 1954. And I attempted to grasp the architectural shape and the topographical limn by using photos in those times and put them to practical use for restitution. Image restitution was carried out under the method of mapping and photogrammetry. As the result of restitution, I could restore each shape of Weolmido for those past times to the original condition three-dimensionally and catch its changes according to the difference of times.

Design and Implementation of Vehicle Route Tracking System using Hadoop-Based Bigdata Image Processing (하둡 기반 빅데이터 영상 처리를 통한 차량 이동경로 추적 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Yang, Seongeun;Choi, Changyeol;Choi, Hwangkyu
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.447-454
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    • 2013
  • As the surveillance CCTVs are increasing every year, big data image processing for the CCTV image data has become a hot issue. In this paper, we propose a Hadoop-based big data image processing technique to recognize a vehicle number from a large amount of automatic number plate images taken from CCTVs. We also implement the vehicle route tracking system that displays the moving path of the searched vehicle on Google Maps with the related information together. In order to evaluate the performance we compare and analysis the vehicle number recognition time for a lot of CCTV image data in Hadoop and the single PC environment.

Assessment of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Management of Disaster Information (재난정보 관리를 위한 무인항공기의 활용성 평가)

  • Kim, Min-Gyu;Park, Joon-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.697-702
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    • 2015
  • Recently, the need of effective technologies for disaster damage investigation is increasing. Development of geospatial information technology like UAV is the useful method for quick damage investigation. In this research, to assess the applicability of geospatial information constructed by UAV, we produced ortho images about research area and compared them with digital topographic maps for accuracy evaluation. As a result, ortho images showed within 30cm difference with 1/5,000 digital topographic maps, we could present the possibility to utilize for producing disaster information using UAV because of its effective construction and calculation of disaster information.

A Study of Collaboration between GIS and Census Data for Urban Analysis and Location Analysis (도시현황분석과 시설물 입지분석의 과학화를 위한 센서스와 GIS의 연계 활용방안 연구)

  • Koo, Chamun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.31-44
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to show how could GIS along with digital maps and census data be used for scientific urban analysis and location analysis for a proposed project. Results are summarized as follows. First. after digital maps being completed, the census tract system being adopted, and major urban data being inputted in the computer file, GIS could be used intensively for various reliable urban analysis. With graphic statistical, and overlay functions of GIS, various physical and socio-economic characteristics of urban areas could be presented for analysis in the form of thematic and datapoint maps on the computer screen. Second, the locational analysis for a proposed project is a major part in the building permit review process, which tends to become disputable and time consuming as society become pluralized. Along with various GIS functions scientific decision-making methods could be developed, and the methods could play an important role for faster and scientific location analysis. As such, GIS would play an important role for faster and reliable urban analysis and location analysis and these functions finally would play important roles to improve public services and administration of local governments.

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Development of polygon object set matching algorithm between heterogeneous digital maps - using the genetic algorithm based on the shape similarities (형상 유사도 기반의 유전 알고리즘을 활용한 이종 수치지도 간의 면 객체 집합 정합 알고리즘 개발)

  • Huh, Yong;Lee, Jeabin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2013
  • This paper proposes a matching algorithm to find corresponding polygon feature sets between heterogeneous digital maps. The algorithm finds corresponding sets in terms of optimizing their shape similarities based on the assumption that the feature sets describing the same entities in the real world are represented in similar shapes. Then, by using a binary code, it is represented that a polygon feature is chosen for constituting a corresponding set or not. These codes are combined into a binary string as a candidate solution of the matching problem. Starting from initial candidate solutions, a genetic algorithm iteratively optimizes the candidate solutions until it meets a termination condition. Finally, it presents the solution with the highest similarity. The proposed method is applied for the topographical and cadastral maps of an urban region in Suwon, Korea to find corresponding polygon feature sets for block areas, and the results show its feasibility. The results were assessed with manual detection results, and showed overall accuracy of 0.946.

GIS Implementation at Korean Local Government: Analysis through Employees' Perception Survey (직원들의 인식조사를 통한 한국 지방정부에서의 GIS 도입 및 실행에 관한 연구)

  • Koo, Chamun;Lee, Kun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2001
  • In the process of GIS implementation, various unexpected problems could be uncovered. If neglected, these problems would make GIS implementation much more difficult. In order to improve GIS implementation along with alleviating these problems, the following are recommended. First, in establishing GIS master plans the Korean government has to have a better understanding not only on financial and technological feasibilities, but also on organizational culture, employees' experience and perception on new technology, etc. Second, to avoid overlapping investments and technical problems such as discrepancies between digital maps drawn by different agencies and between traditional parcel maps and digital maps, a unified and/or coordinated GIS map-making system and departmental coordination are required.

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Development of Road Guide Sign Management System Based on National Digital Base Maps (국가수치기본도를 활용한 도로안내표지판 관리시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Si-Gon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.6 no.2 s.12
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 1998
  • Road guide sign is one of important traffic facility, which guides a driver a direction to go. A road is being newly built and/or an existing road can be temporarily closed very often at metropolitan area. Such information has to be linked to a road guide sign and to be updated in time. Otherwise, it might cause not only confusion to a driver but also traffic accident and/or traffic congestion. However, road guide signs are not properly managed at this time since the amounts of information are huge and they are being managed through paper maps manually. A decision-making framework has been developed to manage a variety of information of road guide signs based on the concept of GIS(Geographic Information Systems). Especially, it is designed on the fact that the existing national digital base maps under the NGIS(National Geographic Information Systems) program can be utilized. This framework has several functions such as the manipulation of statistics, landmark linkages along the selected traffic corridor and automatic design of signboard's content. This system is applied to the Kangnam district in Seoul Metropolitan area (SMA) for a case study.

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Automated Water Surface Extraction in Satellite Images Using a Comprehensive Water Database Collection and Water Index Analysis

  • Anisa Nur Utami;Taejung Kim
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.425-440
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    • 2023
  • Monitoring water surface has become one of the most prominent areas of research in addressing environmental challenges.Accurate and automated detection of watersurface in remote sensing imagesis crucial for disaster prevention, urban planning, and water resource management, particularly for a country where water plays a vital role in human life. However, achieving precise detection poses challenges. Previous studies have explored different approaches,such as analyzing water indexes, like normalized difference water index (NDWI) derived from satellite imagery's visible or infrared bands and using k-means clustering analysis to identify land cover patterns and segment regions based on similar attributes. Nonetheless, challenges persist, notably distinguishing between waterspectralsignatures and cloud shadow or terrain shadow. In thisstudy, our objective is to enhance the precision of water surface detection by constructing a comprehensive water database (DB) using existing digital and land cover maps. This database serves as an initial assumption for automated water index analysis. We utilized 1:5,000 and 1:25,000 digital maps of Korea to extract water surface, specifically rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Additionally, the 1:50,000 and 1:5,000 land cover maps of Korea aided in the extraction process. Our research demonstrates the effectiveness of utilizing a water DB product as our first approach for efficient water surface extraction from satellite images, complemented by our second and third approachesinvolving NDWI analysis and k-means analysis. The image segmentation and binary mask methods were employed for image analysis during the water extraction process. To evaluate the accuracy of our approach, we conducted two assessments using reference and ground truth data that we made during this research. Visual interpretation involved comparing our results with the global surface water (GSW) mask 60 m resolution, revealing significant improvements in quality and resolution. Additionally, accuracy assessment measures, including an overall accuracy of 90% and kappa values exceeding 0.8, further support the efficacy of our methodology. In conclusion, thisstudy'sresults demonstrate enhanced extraction quality and resolution. Through comprehensive assessment, our approach proves effective in achieving high accuracy in delineating watersurfaces from satellite images.

A Study on 3-D Landscape Modeling by Digital Photographic Images (항공사진영상에 의한 3차원경관모델링 실험)

  • Seok Jin-Chang;Lee Jun-Hyuk;Kim Yi-Ho;Lee Young-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.217-222
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    • 2006
  • In this study, we performed three dimensional(3-D) modeling and simulation of terrain surfaces by using large scale aerial photographs. The objectives of this study are to use landscape analysis including 3-D database of built environments. The test area is selected around Olympic stadium located in Susung-gu, Daegu. A 1:5,000 scale of ortho-photo map is generated by photogrammetric procedures from 1:20,000 scale of aerial photographs, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is also extracted from stereo aerial photographs or digital maps. The heights of buildings are determined using GPS control survey and aerial photographs in the test area, DEMs are extracted from the digital map. And then the two are combined three-dimensional changes of landscape views of buildings with terrain are simulated.

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Co-registration of Airborne Photo, LIDAR data, and Digital Map for construction of 3D Terrain Map - Using Linear Features (3차원 지형지도 작성을 위한 항공사진, LIDAR 데이터, 수치지도의 Co-registration 기법 연구 - Linear feature를 기반으로)

  • Lee Jae-Bin;Kim Ji-Young;Park Seung-Ryong;Yu Ki-Yun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.235-241
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    • 2006
  • The demand of 3D terrain mapping techniques is increasing in many application fields such as CNS(Car Navigation System), web service system, DMB(Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) systems and etc To construct a 3D terrain map, it is a pre-requite step that register data collected from different surveying sources. This Paper Present the methodology to register airborne photo, LIDAR data, and digital map, which are major data sources to create a 3D terrain mao. For this purpose, we developed the generally applicable algorithm that uses linear features to register airborne photos and digital maps to LIDAR data. The algorithm explicitly formulates step-by-step methodologies to establish observation equations for transformation. The results clearly demonstrate the proposed algorithm is appropriate to register these data sources.

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