• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Elevation Data

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Analysis on Displacement Characteristics of Slow-Moving Landslide on a slope near road Using the Topographic Map and Airborne LiDAR (수치지형도와 항공 LiDAR를 이용한 도로인접 사면 땅밀림 발생지 변위 특성 분석)

  • Seo, Jun-Pyo;Kim, Ki-Dae;Woo, Choong-Shik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the displacement characteristics in slow-moving landslide area using digital elevation model and airborne LiDAR when unpredictable disaster such as slow-moving landslide occurred. We also aimed to provide basic data for establishing a rapid, reasonable and effective restoration plan. In this study, slow-moving landslide occurrence cracks were selected through the airborne LiDAR data, and the topographic changes and the scale of occurrence were quantitatively analyzed. As a result of the analysis, the study area showed horseshoe shape similar to the general form of slow-moving landslide occurrence in Korea, and the direction of movement was in the north direction. The total area of slow-moving landslide damage was estimated to about 2.5ha, length of landsldie scrap 327.3m, average width 19.3m, and average depth 8.6m. The slow-moving landslides did not occur on a large scale but occurred on the adjacent slope where roads were located, caused damage to retaining walls and roads. The field survey of slow-moving landslides was limited by accessibility and safety issues, but there was an advantage that accurate analysis was possible through the airborne LiDAR. However, because airborne LiDAR has costly disadvantages, it has proposed a technique to mount LiDAR on UAV for rapidity, long-term monitoring. In a slow-moving landslide damage area, information such as direction of movement of cracks and change of scale should be acquired continuously to be used in restoration planning and prevention of damage.

Analysis of the Runoff Characteristics of Small Mountain Basins Using Rainfall-Runoff Model_Danyang1gyo in Chungbuk (강우-유출모형을 활용한 소규모 산지 유역의 유출특성 분석_충북 단양1교)

  • Hyungjoon Chang;Hojin Lee;Kisoon Park;Seonggoo Kim
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.24 no.12
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2023
  • In this study, runoff characteristics analysis was conducted as a basic research to establish a forecasting and warning system for flood risk areas in small mountainous basins in South Korea. The Danyang 1 Bridge basin located in Danyang-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do was selected as the study basin, and the watershed characteristic factors were calculated using Q-GIS based on the digital elevation model (DEM) of the basin. In addition, nine heavy rainfall events were selected from 2020 to 2023 using hydrometeorological data provided by the National Water Resources Management Comprehensive Information System. HEC-HMS rainfall-runoff model was used to analyze the runoff characteristics of small mountainous basins, and rainfall-runoff model simulation was performed by reflecting 9 heavy rainfall events and calculated basin characteristic factors. Based on the rainfall-runoff model, parameter optimization was performed for six heavy rain events with large error rates among the simulated events, and the appropriate parameter range for the Danyang 1 Bridge basin, a small mountainous basin, was calculated to be 0.8 to 3.4. The results of this study will be utilized as foundational data for establishing flood forecasting and warning systems in small mountainous basin, and further research will be conducted to derive the range of parameters according to basin characteristics.

Characteristics of the Electro-Optical Camera(EOC) (다목적실용위성탑재 전자광학카메라(EOC)의 성능 특성)

  • Seunghoon Lee;Hyung-Sik Shim;Hong-Yul Paik
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.213-222
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    • 1998
  • Electro-Optical Camera(EOC) is the main payload of the KOrea Multi-Purpose SATellite(KOMPSAT) with the mission of cartography to build up a digital map of Korean territory including a Digital Terrain Elevation Map(DTEM). This instalment which comprises EOC Sensor Assembly and EOC Electronics Assembly produces the panchromatic images of 6.6 m GSD with a swath wider than 17 km by push-broom scanning and spacecraft body pointing in a visible range of wavelength, 510~730 nm. The high resolution panchromatic image is to be collected for 2 minutes during 98 minutes of orbit cycle covering about 800 km along ground track, over the mission lifetime of 3 years with the functions of programmable gain/offset and on-board image data storage. The image of 8 bit digitization, which is collected by a full reflective type F8.3 triplet without obscuration, is to be transmitted to Ground Station at a rate less than 25 Mbps. EOC was elaborated to have the performance which meets or surpasses its requirements of design phase. The spectral response, the modulation transfer function, and the uniformity of all the 2592 pixel of CCD of EOC are illustrated as they were measured for the convenience of end-user. The spectral response was measured with respect to each gain setup of EOC and this is expected to give the capability of generating more accurate panchromatic image to the users of EOC data. The modulation transfer function of EOC was measured as greater than 16 % at Nyquist frequency over the entire field of view, which exceeds its requirement of larger than 10 %. The uniformity that shows the relative response of each pixel of CCD was measured at every pixel of the Focal Plane Array of EOC and is illustrated for the data processing.

Analysis of the Geological Structure of the Hwasan Caldera Using Potential Data (포텐셜 자료해석을 통한 화산칼데라 구조 해석)

  • Park, Gye-Soon;Yoo, Hee-Young;Yang, Jun-Mo;Lee, Heui-Soon;Kwon, Byung-Doo;Eom, Joo-Young;Kim, Dong-O;Park, Chan-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2008
  • A geophysical mapping was performed for Hwasan caldera which is located in Euisung Sub-basin of the southeastern part of the Korean Peninsula. In order to overcome the limitation of the previous studies, remote sensing technic was used and dense potential data were obtained and analyzed. First, we analyzed geological lineament for target area using geological map, digital elevation model (DEM) data and satellite imagery. The results were greatly consistent with the previous studies, and showed that N-S and NW-SE direction are the most dominant one in target area. Second, based on the lineament analysis, highly dense gravity data were acquired in Euisung Sub-basin and an integrated interpretation considering air-born magnetic data was made to investigate the regional structure of the target area. The results of power spectrum analysis for the acquired potential data revealed that the subsurface of Euisung Sub-basin have two density discontinuities at about 1 km and 3-5 km depth. A 1 km depth discontinuity is thought as the depth of pyroclastic sedimentary rocks or igneous rocks which were intruded at the ring vent of Hwasan caldera, while a 3-5 km depth discontinuity seems to be associated with the depth of the basin basement. In addition, three-dimensional gravity inversion for the total area of Euisung Sub-basin was carried out, and the inversion results indicated two followings; 1) Cretaceous Palgongsan granite and Bulguksa intrusion rocks, which are located in southeastern part and northeastern part of Euisung Sub-basin, show two major low density anomalies, 2) pyroclastic rocks around Hwasan caldera also have lower density when compared with those of neighborhood regions and are extended to 1.5 km depth. However, a poor vertical resolution of potential survey makes it difficult to accurately delineate the detailed structure caldera which has a vertically developed characteristic in general. To overcome this limitation, integrated analysis was carried out using the magnetotelluric data on the corresponding area with potential data and we could obtain more reasonable geologic structure.

Preliminary Result of Lineament Analysis for the Potential Site Selection of HLW Geological Disposal (HLW 지층처분 광역 후보부지 선정을 위한 선형구조 예비 분석 결과)

  • Ko, Kyoungtae;Kihm, You Hong;Lee, Hong-Jin
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.167-176
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    • 2018
  • It is necessary to consider various geological parameters such as lithology, geological structure, earthquake, hydraulic geology, geochemistry, geological engineering, and geothermal in order to select potential sites for HLW(high-level radioactive waste) geological disposal. In particular, the geological lineament reflects the characteristics of various geological parameters and can be used as an important criterion for site selecting such as nuclear power plants and HLW repositories. In this paper, the Finnish lineament classification method for HLW disposal site selection through the lineament analysis was applied to the lineament data in the Korean peninsula. For this purpose, we used previous lineament data from the KIGAM(Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources) and obtained new lineament data from the field geologists such as structural geologist, paleoseismologist, and geomorphologist. To ensure the reliability of the new lineament analysis data, we used high-resolution satellite images and hill-shade relief maps which were constructed by a digital elevation model. In the prevailing direction analysis from the acquired lineament data, the NNE-SSW direction was the most dominant, but the ENE-WSW and NNW-SSE directions also showed highly frequency depending on the experts. Applying the Finnish classification method, the geometrical development characteristics of the lineament corresponding to the Class 1 and 2 used for the wide-wide candidate site were compared. As a result of direction analysis for Class 1, the NNE-SSW direction was the most dominant and the WNW-ESE direction also showed a high frequency. In the case of Class 2, the NNE-SSW is the most prevalent and WNW-ESE or ENE-WSW direction also had highly frequency depending on the experts. Different lineament analysis results based on the same data are interpreted as a result of subjective experience and analytical criteria from the every experts. Therefore, it is necessary to establish integrated criteria and consider geophysical data for the publication of reliable nation-wide lineament map.

On the Improvement of Precision in Gravity Surveying and Correction, and a Dense Bouguer Anomaly in and Around the Korean Peninsula (한반도 일원의 중력측정 및 보정의 정밀화와 고밀도 부우게이상)

  • Shin, Young-Hong;Yang, Chul-Soo;Ok, Soo-Suk;Choi, Kwang-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.205-215
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    • 2003
  • A precise and dense Bouguer anomaly is one of the most important data to improve the knowledge of our environment in the aspect of geophysics and physical geodesy. Besides the precise absolute gravity station net, we should consider two parts; one is to improve the precision in gravity measurement and correction of it, and the other is the density of measurement both in number and distribution. For the precise positioning, we have tested how we could use the GPS properly in gravity measurement, and deduced that the GPS measurement for 5 minutes would be effective when we used DGPS with two geodetic GPS receivers and the baseline was shorter than 40km. In this case we should use a precise geoid model such as PNU95. By applying this method, we are able to reduce the cost, time, and number of surveyors, furthermore we also get the benefit of improving in quality. Two kind of computer programs were developed to correct crossover errors and to calculate terrain effects more precisely. The repeated measurements on the same stations in gravity surveying are helpful not only to correct the drifts of spring but also to approach the results statistically by applying network adjustment. So we can find out the blunders of various causes easily and also able to estimate the quality of the measurements. The recent developments in computer technology, digital elevation data, and precise positioning also stimulate us to improve the Bouguer anomaly by more precise terrain correction. The gravity data of various sources, such as land gravity data (by Choi, NGI, etc.), marine gravity data (by NORI), Bouguer anomaly map of North Korea, Japanese gravity data, altimetry satellite data, and EGM96 geopotential model, were collected and processed to get a precise and dense Bouguer anomaly in and around the Korean Peninsula.

The Use of the Unified Control Points for RPC Adjustment of KOMPSAT-3 Satellite Image (KOMPSAT-3 위성영상의 RPC보정을 위한 국가 통합기준점의 활용)

  • Ahn, Kiweon;Lee, Hyoseong;Seo, Doochun;Park, Byung-Wook;Jeong, Dongjang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.539-550
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    • 2014
  • High resolution satellite images have to be oriented and geometrically processed from GCPs(Ground Control Points) to generate precise DEMs(Digital Elevation Models) and topographic maps. In Korea, thousands of national UCPS(Unified Control Points) are established and distributed all over the country by the Korean NGII(National Geographic Information Institute). For that reason, UCPs can be easily searched and downloaded by the national-control-point-record-issues system. Following the study, we suggested the sky-view and road-view from web-portals for searching and identifying UCPs on the images. To evaluate the usefulness of UCPs in RPCs(rational polynomial coefficients) adjustment of the high resolution satellite images, the one UCP, which of using simple the control point, has been applied to adjust the vendor-provided RPCs of the KOMPSAT-3 images. As a result, the positioning error of corrected RPCs was approximately one pixel and one meter. From this experiment, we conclude that the UCPs will be able to replace the survey GCPs for mapping with the satellite images or aerial images.

Overview of new developments in satellite geophysics in 'Earth system' research

  • Moon Wooil M.
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.06a
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    • pp.3-17
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    • 2004
  • Space-borne Earth observation technique is one of the most cost effective and rapidly advancing Earth science research tools today and the potential field and micro-wave radar applications have been leading the discipline. The traditional optical imaging systems including the well known Landsat, NOAA - AVHRR, SPOT, and IKONOS have steadily improved spatial imaging resolution but increasing cloud covers have the major deterrent. The new Earth observation satellites ENVISAT (launched on March 1 2002, specifically for Earth environment observation), ALOS (planned for launching in 2004 - 2005 period and ALOS stands for Advanced Land Observation Satellite), and RADARSAT-II (planned for launching in 2005) all have synthetic aperture radar (SAR) onboard, which all have partial or fully polarimetric imaging capabilities. These new types of polarimetric imaging radars with repeat orbit interferometric capabilities are opening up completely new possibilities in Earth system science research, in addition to the radar altimeter and scatterometer. The main advantage of a SAR system is the all weather imaging capability without Sun light and the newly developed interferometric capabilities, utilizing the phase information in SAR data further extends the observation capabilities of directional surface covers and neotectonic surface displacements. In addition, if one can utilize the newly available multiple frequency polarimetric information, the new generation of space-borne SAR systems is the future research tool for Earth observation and global environmental change monitoring. The potential field strength decreases as a function of the inverse square of the distance between the source and the observation point and geophysicists have traditionally been reluctant to make the potential field observation from any space-borne platforms. However, there have recently been a number of potential field missions such as ASTRID-2, Orsted, CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE. Of course these satellite sensors are most effective for low spatial resolution applications. For similar objects, AMPERE and NPOESS are being planned by the United States and France. The Earth science disciplines which utilize space-borne platforms most are the astronomy and atmospheric science. However in this talk we will focus our discussion on the solid Earth and physical oceanographic applications. The geodynamic applications actively being investigated from various space-borne platforms geological mapping, earthquake and volcano .elated tectonic deformation, generation of p.ecise digital elevation model (DEM), development of multi-temporal differential cross-track SAR interferometry, sea surface wind measurement, tidal flat geomorphology, sea surface wave dynamics, internal waves and high latitude cryogenics including sea ice problems.

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An Optimum Scale for Topoclimatic Interpolation of Daily Minimum Temperature in Complex Terrain (일 최저기온 공간내삽을 위한 지형기후학적 최적 공간규모)

  • 정유란;서희철;윤진일;이광회
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.261-265
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    • 2003
  • Cold air accumulation plays a critical role in formulating daily minimum temperature in complex terrain on radiative cooling nights, and spatial interpolation can be improved by accommodating this important topoclimatic variable. Little is known about the spatial scale for computing cold air accumulation which influences daily minimum temperature. Air temperature was measured at 10-minute intervals during September 2002- February 2003 at eight locations within a 1 by 1 km hilly orchard area. Minimum temperature data for suspected radiative cooling nights were collected, and the deviations from reference observations at a near-by KMA automated weather station were calculated. A digital elevation model with a 10m cell size was used to calculate the cold air accumulation at 8 locations. Zonal averages of the cold air accumulation were computed for each location by increasing the cell radius from 1 to 10. Temperature deviations were regressed to a common logarithm of the smoothed averages of cold air accumulation to derive a linear relationship between the local temperature deviation and the site topography. The highest coefficient of determination ($r^2$ = 0.78) was found at a cell radius of 5, which corresponds to an approximately 1 ha boundary surrounding the point of interest.

Optimal Site Selection of Carbon Storage Facility using Satellite Images and GIS (위성영상과 GIS를 활용한 CO2 지중저장 후보지 선정)

  • Hong, Mi-Seon;Sohn, Hong-Gyoo;Jung, Jae-Hoon;Cho, Hyung-Sig;Han, Soo-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2011
  • In the face of growing concern about global warming, increasing attention has been focused on the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. One method to mitigating the release of carbon dioxide is Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). CCS includes separation of carbon dioxide from industrial emission in plants, transport to a storage site, and long-term isolation in underground. It is necessary to conduct analyses on optimal site selection, surface monitoring, and additional effects by the construction of CCS facility in Gyeongsang basin, Korea. For the optimal site selection, necessary data; geological map, landcover map, digital elevation model, and slope map, were prepared, and a weighted overlay analysis was performed. Then, surface monitoring was performed using high resolution satellite image. As a result, the candidate region was selected inside Gyeongnam for carbon storage. Finally, the related regulations about CCS facility were collected and analyzed for legal question of selected site.