• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Elevation Data

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Kinematic Interpretation for the Development of the Yeonghae Basin, Located at the Northeastern Part of the Yangsan Fault, Korea

  • Altaher, Zooelnon Abdelwahed;Park, Kiwoong;Kim, Young-Seog
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.467-482
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    • 2022
  • The Yeonghae basin is located at the northeastern part of the Yangsan fault (YSF; a potentially active fault). The study of the architecture of the Yeonghae basin is important to understand the activity of the Yangsan fault system (YSFS) as well as the basin formation mechanism and the activity of the YSFS. For this study, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was used to highlight the marginal faults, and structural fieldwork was performed to understand the geometry of the intra-basinal structures and the nature of the bounding faults. DEM analysis reveals that the eastern margin is bounded by the northern extension of the YSF whereas the western margin is bounded by two curvilinear sub-parallel faults; Baekseokri fault (BSF) and Gakri fault (GF). The field data indicate that the YSF is striking in the N-S direction, steeply dipping to the east, and experienced both sinistral and dextral strike-slip movements. Both the BSF and GF are characterized dominantly by an oblique right-lateral strike-slip movement. The stress indicators show that the maximum horizontal compressional stress was in NNE to NE and NNW-SSE, which is consistent with right-lateral and left-lateral movements of the YSFS, respectively. The plotted structural data show that the NE-SW is the predominant direction of the structural elements. This indicates that the basin and marginal faults are mainly controlled by the right-lateral strike-slip movements of the YSFS. Based on the structural architecture of the Yeonghae basin, the study area represents a contractional zone rather than an extensional zone in the present time. We proposed two models to explain the opening and developing mechanism of the Yeonghae basin. The first model is that the basin developed as an extensional pull-apart basin during the left-lateral movement of the YSF, which has been reactivated by tectonic inversion. In the second model, the basin was developed as an extensional zone at a dilational quadrant of an old tip zone of the northern segment of the YSF during the right-lateral movement stage. Later on, the basin has undergone a shortening stage due to the closing of the East Sea. The second model is supported by the major trend of the collected structural data, indicating predominant right-lateral movement. This study enables us to classify the Yeonghae basin as an inverted strike-slip basin. Moreover, two opposite strike-slip movement senses along the eastern marginal fault indicate multiple deformation stages along the Yangsan fault system developed along the eastern margin of the Korean peninsula.

The Relationship Analysis between the Epicenter and Lineaments in the Odaesan Area using Satellite Images and Shaded Relief Maps (위성영상과 음영기복도를 이용한 오대산 지역 진앙의 위치와 선구조선의 관계 분석)

  • CHA, Sung-Eun;CHI, Kwang-Hoon;JO, Hyun-Woo;KIM, Eun-Ji;LEE, Woo-Kyun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the location of the epicenter of a medium-sized earthquake(magnitude 4.8) that occurred on January 20, 2007 in the Odaesan area with lineament features using a shaded relief map(1/25,000 scale) and satellite images from LANDSAT-8 and KOMPSAT-2. Previous studies have analyzed lineament features in tectonic settings primarily by examining two-dimensional satellite images and shaded relief maps. These methods, however, limit the application of the visual interpretation of relief features long considered as the major component of lineament extraction. To overcome some existing limitations of two-dimensional images, this study examined three-dimensional images, produced from a Digital Elevation Model and drainage network map, for lineament extraction. This approach reduces mapping errors introduced by visual interpretation. In addition, spline interpolation was conducted to produce density maps of lineament frequency, intersection, and length required to estimate the density of lineament at the epicenter of the earthquake. An algorithm was developed to compute the Value of the Relative Density(VRD) representing the relative density of lineament from the map. The VRD is the lineament density of each map grid divided by the maximum density value from the map. As such, it is a quantified value that indicates the concentration level of the lineament density across the area impacted by the earthquake. Using this algorithm, the VRD calculated at the earthquake epicenter using the lineament's frequency, intersection, and length density maps ranged from approximately 0.60(min) to 0.90(max). However, because there were differences in mapped images such as those for solar altitude and azimuth, the mean of VRD was used rather than those categorized by the images. The results show that the average frequency of VRD was approximately 0.85, which was 21% higher than the intersection and length of VRD, demonstrating the close relationship that exists between lineament and the epicenter. Therefore, it is concluded that the density map analysis described in this study, based on lineament extraction, is valid and can be used as a primary data analysis tool for earthquake research in the future.

Analysis on the Effects of Land Cover Types and Topographic Features on Heat Wave Days (토지피복유형과 지형특성이 폭염일수에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • PARK, Kyung-Hun;SONG, Bong-Geun;PARK, Jae-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.76-91
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of spatial characteristics, such as land cover and topography, on heat wave days from the city of Milyang, which has recently drawn attention for its heat wave problems. The number of heat wave days was calculated utilizing RCP-based South Korea climate data from 2000 to 2010. Land cover types were reclassified into urban area, agricultural area, forest area, water, and grassland using 2000, 2005, and 2010 land cover data constructed by the Ministry of Environment. Topographical features were analyzed by topographic position index (TPI) using a digital elevation model (DEM) with 30 m spatial resolution. The results show that the number of heat wave days was 31.4 days in 2000, which was the highest, followed by 26.9 days in 2008, 24.2 days in 2001, and 24.0 days in 2010. The heat wave distribution was relatively higher in agricultural areas, valleys, and rural areas. The topography of Milyang contains more mountainous slope (51.6%) than flat (19.7%), while large-scale valleys (12.2%) are distributed across some of the western region. Correlation analysis between heat wave and spatial characteristics showed that the correlation between forest area land cover and number of heat wave days was negative (-0.109), indicating that heat wave can be mitigated. Topographically, flat areas and heat wave showed a positive correlation (0.305). These results provide important insights for urban planning and environmental management for understanding the impact of land development and topographic change on heat wave.

Extraction of Moho Undulation of the Korean Peninsula from Gravity Anom-alies (중력이상을 이용한 한반도 모호면 추출에 관한 연구)

  • 김정우;조진동;김원균;민경덕;황재하;이윤수;박찬홍;권재현;황종선
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.213-223
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    • 2003
  • We estimated the Moho depth of Korean Peninsula from gravity anomalies and digital elevation model. The satellite radar altimetry-derived global free-air gravity model was used to ensure the homogeneity in both data and frequency domains of the original data. Two different methods were implemented to calculate the Moho depth; the wavenumber correlation analysis (Kim et al., 2000a) and the power spectrum analysis. The former method calculates depth-to-the-Moho by correlating topographic gravity effect with free-air gravity anomaly in the wavenumber domain under the assumption that the study area is not isostatically compensated. The latter one, on the other hand, considers the different density layers (i.e., Conrad and Moho), using complete Bouguer gravity anomaly in the Frequency domain of the Fourier transform. The correlation coefficient of the two Moho model is 0.53, and methodology and numerical error are mainly responsible for any mismatch between the two models. In order to integrate the two independentely-estimated models, we applied least-squares adjustment using the differenced depth. The resultant model has mean and standard deviation Moho depths of 32.0 km and 2.5 km with (min, max) depths of (20.3, 36.6) kms. Although this result does not include any topographic gravity effect, however, the validity of isostasy and the role of local stress field in the study area should be further studied.

Rapid gravity and gravity gradiometry terrain corrections via an adaptive quadtree mesh discretization (최적 4 진트리 격자화를 이용한 중력 및 중력 변화율 탐사에서의 고속 지형보정)

  • Davis, Kristofer;Kass, M.Andy;Li, Yaoguo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.88-97
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    • 2011
  • We present a method for modelling the terrain response of gravity gradiometry surveys utilising an adaptive quadtree mesh discretization. The data- and terrain-dependent method is tailored to provide rapid and accurate terrain corrections for draped and barometric airborne surveys. The surface used in the modelling of the terrain effect for each datum is discretized automatically to the largest cell size that will yield the desired accuracy, resulting in much faster modelling than full-resolution calculations. The largest cell sizes within the model occur in areas of minimal terrain variation and at large distances away from the datum location. We show synthetic and field examples for proof of concept. In the presented field example, the adaptive quadtree method reduces the computational cost by performing 351 times fewer calculations than the full model would require while retaining an accuracy of one E$\"{o}$tv$\"{o}$s for the gradient data. The method is also used for the terrain correction of the gravity field and performed 310 times faster compared with a calculation of the full digital elevation model.

A Study on a Parcel Presentation Technique of Cadastral Map for Enhancing Utilization of National Spatial Data Infrastructure (국가공간정보인프라 활용향상을 위한 지적도 일필지 표현기법 모형 연구)

  • Jang, Yong-Gu;Kim, Jong-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2008
  • Cadastral map is a public book that has been composed by continuous parcel having location, number, classification, boundary and an area based on Cadastral Law. A few years ago, cadastral map had been managed by form drawn on 2 dimension plane paper with 7 regular scales. Recently as computer systems are upgrading, cadastral map was able to have a chance to develope one step. Its type has been remade from raster to vector. In result, the cadastral map of vector type becomes to apply variously. Therefore, digital cadastral map has been ready a system to be use with multi-propose by KLIS(Korean Land Information System). In this research, it concretely want presentation of status using land more than original parcel on basic coordination cadastral map and KLIS(Korean Land Information System). The cadastral map is composed as parcel unit was applied by new presentation technique to "Model Research on One Parcel Presentation Technique for Land Status of Cadastral Map". The function of cadastral map on One Parcel Presentation Technique which is not only location relation of possession right and expression of states using land in 28 classifications demonstrated on the cadastral law but also used as foundation data of GIS construct business is developed by lines and classification of parcel to center around public sites of roads, rails, drains and rivers. especially, this research is composed of technique elevation and development of One Parcel Projection Technique of cadastral map in using object of roads among public sites.

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Estimation of Climatological Precipitation of North Korea by Using a Spatial Interpolation Scheme (지형기후학적 공간내삽에 의한 북한지역 강수기후도 작성)

  • Yun Jin-Il
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.16-23
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    • 2000
  • A topography-precipitation relationship derived from the southern part of Korean Peninsula was applied to North Korea where climate stations are few and widely separated. Two hundred and seventy seven rain gauge stations of South Korea were classified into 8 different groups depending on the slope orientation (aspect) of the region they are located. Monthly precipitation averaged over 10 year period (1986-1995) was regressed to topographical variables of the station locations. A 'trend precipitation' for each gauge station was extracted from the precipitation surface interpolated from the monthly precipitation data of 24 standard stations of the Korea Meteorological Administration and used as a substitute for y-axis intercept of the regression equation. These regression models were applied to the corresponding regions of North Korea, which were identified by slope orientation, to obtain monthly precipitation surface for the aspect regions. 'Trend precipitation' from the 10 year data of 27 North Korean standard stations was also used in the model calculation. Output grids for each aspect region were mosaicked to form the monthly and annual precipitation surface with a 1km$\times$1km resolution for the entire territory of North Korea. Spatially averaged annual precipitation of North Korea was 938 mm with the standard deviation of 246 mm.

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Construction of the Regional Basemap for a Developing Country: Focused on the Bab Ezzouar Municipality in Algeria (개발도상국 지역분석용 베이스맵 구축방안: 알제리의 밥 에주아흐 지역을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Yong Jik;Choei, Nae Young
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2015
  • Recently, our construction industry is actively participating in numerous city planning projects in the third world countries. Considering the current depression of domestic real estate market, the emerging foreign demands could certainly provide substantial opportunities for the domestic industry to overcome the trough. For the field planners dealing with such foreign projects, though, the immediate problem is the lack of public statistics and geographic information to perform spatial analyses and/or prepare master plans. This study, in this context, tries to simulate a process to construct a digitized basemap of the case area, 'Bab Ezzouar,' in Algeria of Northern Africa. The area is a typical municipality that lacks the IT databases. To overcome the data shortage, the study uses the satellite map tiles so as to digitize the roads and building structures. It then estimates the block-wise populations based on the building image interpolation as well as the supplementary field survey data. The topographic TINs are also built by the SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) digital elevation maps so that the three-dimensional configuration of the structures and terrains are rendered to check the urban scenery and skylines.

Construction of High-Resolution Topographical Map of Macro-tidal Malipo beach through Integration of Terrestrial LiDAR Measurement and MBES Survey at inter-tidal zone (대조차 만리포 해안의 지상 LiDAR와 MBES를 이용한 정밀 지형/수심 측량 및 조간대 접합을 통한 정밀 지형도 작성)

  • Shim, Jae-Seol;Kim, Jin-Ah;Kim, Seon-Jeong;Kim, Sang-Ik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.58-66
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we have constructed high-resolution topographical map of macro-tidal Malipo beach through integration of terrestrial LiDAR measurement and MBES survey data at inter-tidal zone. To acquire the enough information of inter-tidal zone, we have done terrestrial LiDAR measurement mounted on the roof of vehicle with DGPS through go-stop-scan method at the ebb tide and MBES depth surveying with tide gauge and eye staff measurement for tide correction and MSL calculation at the high tide all together. To integrate two kinds of data, we have unified the vertical coordination standard to Incheon MSL. The mean error of overlapped inter-tidal zone is about 2~6 cm. To verify the accuracy of terrestrial LiDAR, RTK-DGPS measurement have done simultaneously and the difference of Z value RMSE is about 4~7 cm. The resolution of Malipo topographical map is 50 cm and it has constructed to DEM (Digital Elevation Model) based on GIS. Now it has used as an input topography information for the storm-surge inundation prediction models. Also it will be possible to use monitoring of beach process through the long-term periodic measurement and GIS-based 3D spatial analysis calculating the erosion and deposition considering with the artificial beach transition and coastal environmental parameters.

An Analysis of Landscape Type Characteristics using the Technology of GIS and Remote Sensing (GIS와 원격탐사를 이용한 경관유형의 특성분석)

  • Han, Gab-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of the landscape type on Chunchon by CG(computer graphics) pictures and visibility analysis. The land use CG picture and the land cover CG picture are created by using Zoning area data and DEM(digital elevation model), and by using data of land cover classification and DEM. According to the analysis result of the land cover from 1989 to 2000, the city area has increased to $7.7km^2$, the green area has diminished to $12.7km^2$. The tendency of the city area increases and the green area decreases which appear in the city area, developmental restriction zone and green area on land use. The landscape is classified into three types by cluster analysis using the area rate of the element which constitutes the land use CG picture. Type 1 is a landscape characteristics of developmental restriction zone. Type 2 is a landscape characteristics of green land and type 3 is a landscape characteristics based on city area and water area. The increase of city area and decrease of green area are shown in all landscape types of land cover CG pictures. The same tendency is seen in the place where the scenery is of high importance as a result of visible analysis. The preservation and management of the scenery to the green area are requird in developmental restriction zone are required.

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