• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Color image Processing

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A Study on Detection of Lane and Situation of Obstacle for AGV using Vision System (비전 시스템을 이용한 AGV의 차선인식 및 장애물 위치 검출에 관한 연구)

  • 이진우;이영진;이권순
    • Journal of Korean Port Research
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.303-312
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, we describe an image processing algorithm which is able to recognize the road lane. This algorithm performs to recognize the interrelation between AGV and the other vehicle. We experimented on AGV driving test with color CCD camera which is setup on the top of vehicle and acquires the digital signal. This paper is composed of two parts. One is image preprocessing part to measure the condition of the condition of the lane and vehicle. This finds the information of lines using RGB ratio cutting algorithm, the edge detection and Hough transform. The other obtains the situation of other vehicles using the image processing and viewport. At first, 2 dimension image information derived from vision sensor is interpreted to the 3 dimension information by the angle and position of the CCD camera. Through these processes, if vehicle knows the driving conditions which are lane angle, distance error and real position of other vehicles, we should calculate the reference steering angle.

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  • Park Kwan-Soo;Lee Sang-Rae
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.273-282
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study was to propose the utility which was evaluated the digital image processing and clinical application of the videodensitomery. The experiments were performed with IBM-PC/16bit-AT compatible, video camera(CCdtr55, Sony Co., Japan), an color monitor(MultiSync 3D, NEC, Japan) providing the resolution of 512×480 and 64 levels of gray. Sylvia Image Capture Board for the ADC(analog to digital converter) was used, composed of digitized image from digital signal and the radiographic density was measured by 256 level of gray. The periapical radiograph(Ektaspeed EP-21, Kodak Co., U. S. A) which was radiographed dried human mandible by exposure condition of 70 kVp and 48 impulses, was used for primary X-ray detector. And them evaluated for digitzed image by low and high pass filtering, correlations between aluminum equivalent values and the thickness of aluminum step wedge, aluminum equivalent values of sound enamel, dentin, and alveolar bone, the range of diffuse density for gray level ranging from 0 to 255. The obtained results were as follows: 1. The edge between aluminum steps of digitized image were somewhat blurred by low pass filtering, but edge enhancement could be resulted by high pass filtering. Expecially, edge enhancement between distal root of lower left 2nd molar and alveolar lamina dura was observed. 2. The correlation between aluminum equivalent values and the thickness of aluminum step wedge was intimated, yielding the coefficient of correlation r=0.9997(p<0.00l), the regression line was described by Y=0.9699X+0.456, and coefficient of variation amounting to 1.5%. 3. The aluminum equivalent values of sound enamel, dentin, and alvolar bone were 15.41㎜, 12.48㎜, 10.35㎜, respectively. 4. The range of diffuse density for gray level ranging from 0 to 255 was wider enough than that of photodenstiometer to be within the range of 1-4.9.

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Spatial Analysis of Turbulent Flow in Combustion Chamber using High Resolution Dual Color PIV (고분해능 이색 PIV를 이용한 가솔린 엔진 연소실내 난류의 공간적 해석)

  • Lee, K.H.;Lee, C.S.;Lee, H.G.;Chon, M.S.;Joo, Y.C.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.132-141
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    • 1998
  • Particle image velocimetry(PIV), a planar measuring technique, is an efficient tool for studying the complicated flow field such as in-cylinder flow, and intake port flow. PIV can be also used for analyzing the integral length scale of turbulence, which is a measure of the size of the large eddies that contain most of the turbulence kinetic energy. In this study, dual color scanning PIV was designed and demonstrated by using a rotating mirror and a beam splitter. This PIV system allowed enlargement of flexibility in the intensity of vectors to be calculated by spatial filtering technique, even in combustion chamber with high velocity gradient and high vorticity$({\sim}1000s^{-1})$. A new color image processing algorithm was developed, which was used to find the direction of particle movement directly from the digital image. These measuring techniques were successfully applied to obtaining the turbulence intensity (~0.1m/s) and the turbulent integral length scale of vorticity(~1mm).

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An Efficient Color Interpolation Method for Color Filter Array (색상 필터 배열을 위한 효율적인 색상 보간 방법)

  • Cho, Yang-Ki;Kim, Hi-Seok
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.43 no.6 s.312
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    • pp.92-100
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    • 2006
  • In imaging devices such as digital cameras using a single image sensor, captured images are the sub-sampled images comprised of the pixels that have only one of the three primary colors per a pixel. This images should be restored to the color images through an image processing referred as color interpolation. In this paper, we derive relation between the average of the data from CFA image sensor and the average of each color channel data. By using this relation, a new efficient method for color interpolation is proposed. Also, in order to reduce the zipper effect in a restored image, missing luminance values are interpolated along any edges in the captured image. On the other hand, for the chrominance channel interpolation, we average difference between a chrominance value and a luminance value in a local area, and this average value is added to the pixel value of the interpolated location. The proposed method has been compared with several previous methods, and our experimental results show the better results than the other methods.

Comparison of instrumental methods for color change assessment of Giomer resins

  • Luiza de Almeida Queiroz Ferreira;Rogeli Tiburcio Ribeiro da Cunha Peixoto ;Claudia Silami de Magalhaes;Tassiana Melo Sa;Monica Yamauti ;Francisca Daniele Moreira Jardilino
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.8.1-8.9
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    • 2022
  • Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the color change of the Giomer resin composite (Beautifil-Bulk) by using photographs obtained with a smartphone (iPhone 6S) associated with Adobe Photoshop software (digital method), with the spectrophotometric method (Vita Easyshade) after immersion in different pigment solutions. Materials and Methods: Twenty resin composite samples with a diameter of 15.0 mm and thickness of 1.0 mm were confectioned in A2 color (n = 5). Photographs and initial color readings were performed with a smartphone and spectrophotometer, respectively. Then, samples were randomly divided and subjected to cycles of immersion in distilled water (control), açai, Coke, and tomato sauce, 3 times a day, 20 minutes for 7 days. Later, new photographs and color readings were taken. Results: The analysis (2-way analysis of variance, Holm-Sidak, p < 0.05) demonstrated no statistical difference (p < 0.005) between the methods in all groups. Similar color changes were observed for all pigment solutions when using the spectrophotometric method. For the digital method, all color changes were clinically unacceptable, with distilled water and tomato sauce similar to each other and with statistical differences (p < 0.005) for Coke and açai. Conclusions: Only the tomato sauce produced a color change above the acceptability threshold using both methods of color assessment. The spectrophotometric and digital methods produce different patterns of color change. According to our results, the spectrophotometric method is more recommended in color change assessment.

Standardization of Inspection and Imaging of Facial Color, and Design of Gloss-detecting Method (면색정보취득 制御條件 표준화 및 윤택측정방안 설계)

  • Chi, Gyoo Yong;Kim, Jong Won
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.289-294
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    • 2015
  • In order to make digital processing of facial color, standardization methods of photographing and observational requirements and gloss-detecting are done through preceding papers and actual experiences. Examiner's observational informations should be contained with original and temporary color, normalcy and deviation range and gloss. And these are interrelated with time, interior and exterior temperature, emotional state, so should be recorded too. Picturing procedure should be controlled in simple and practical but objective way. Just water cleansing, 15 to 20 minute resting, prohibiton of moisturizing of examinee are common for examiner. Temperature and moisture, width, light source requirement, brightness, polarizing filter of parlor and camera-to-object distance, posture of examinee are should be recorded. In addition, pre and post-revision of color and manifestation of color space after taking images are needed coping with construction of diagnostic database.

Study of perception of the visual depth caused by the color correction (입체영상 제작에서 색 보정 결과가 입체감 인지에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Han, Myung-Hee;Kim, Chee-Yong
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.177-184
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    • 2010
  • These days, as digital producing technique has been developed, 3D imaging technique is used in high-tech computer and T.V. Also study for 3D producing technique is actively in progress. Moreover, as James Cameron's movie, 'Avatar' released in 2009 was a box office hit, the issue about 3D image came to the fore again. At this point, I decided to study the effect of the visual depth caused by the color correction during the post-production stage. The purpose of this study is to offer information about processing effective images through data about the effect of the visual depth that applies the color correction during the post-production stage. Basically, I supposed that color and contract would have effects on depth of 3D image. As a result, I could find out the changes of visual depth, space perception and sense of depth throughout the experiment. Applying this result,, I produced the 15 minutes of 3D advertisement movie and I found out that the color correction during the post-production stage was very effective for 3D depth. The left image and the right image by beam splitter based rig and parallel rig were used for this study. Also I adjusted the strong contrast by the color correction during the post-production stage after correcting convergence and visual depth during editing. As a result, I could produce images which had strong sense of space and sense of depth.

A study of Detecting Fish Robot Position Using The Define Average Color Weight Algorithm (평상 색상 구분 알고리즘을 이용한 물고기 로봇 위치 검출 연구)

  • Angani, Amaranth Varma;Lee, Ju Hyun;Shin, Kyoo Jae
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.1354-1357
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, the designed fish robot is researched and developed for aquarium underwater robot. This paper is a study on how the outside technology merely to find the location of fish robots without specific sensor or internal devices for these fish robot. The model of the fish is designed to detect the position of the optical flow of the Robotic Fish in the Simulink through Matlab. This paper intends to recognize the shape of the tank via a video device such as a camera or camcorder using an image processing technique to identify the location of the robotic fish. Here, we are applied to the image comparing algorithm by using the average color weight algorithm method. In this, position coordinate system is used to find the position coordinates of the fish to identify the position of the Robotic fish. It was verified by the performance test of design robot.

Implementation of Object Feature Extraction within Image for Object Tracking (객체 추적을 위한 영상 내의 객체 특징점 추출 알고리즘 구현)

  • Lee, Yong-Hwan;Kim, Youngseop
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.113-116
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    • 2018
  • This paper proposes a mobile image search system which uses a sensor information of smart phone, and enables running in a variety of environments, which is implemented on Android platform. The implemented system deals with a new image descriptor using combination of the visual feature (CEDD) with EXIF attributes in the target of JPEG image, and image matching scheme, which is optimized to the mobile platform. Experimental result shows that the proposed method exhibited a significant improved searching results of around 80% in precision in the large image database. Considering the performance such as processing time and precision, we think that the proposed method can be used in other application field.

A Color Flame Region Segmentation Method Using Temperature Distribution Characteristics of Flame (화염의 온도 분포 특성을 이용한 컬러화염 영역분할 방법)

  • Lee, Hyun-Sul;Kim, Won-Ho
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.33-37
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    • 2014
  • This paper propose a method to sort flame regions and non-flame regions in a color image based on temperature Characteristics of flame. The traditional algorithms simply detect flame regions those are colored between yellow and red and there are lot of false detection in this method. But the colors of real flame are fallen between white and red and flame color variation over the flame. In this paper, it reduce false detection by separating colors according to temperature Characteristics of flame. The proposed method firstly finds a color model to express the temperature Characteristics of fire and then the color model is non-linearly quantized based on color values and analyzed using histogram and finally detect the candidate flame regions. The proposed method has 71.8% of matching rate and if it is compared with non-matching rate of traditional algorithms, the non-matching rate is improved by 27 times than others.