• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Color image Processing

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Real-Time Color Gamut Mapping Method Based on the Three-Dimensional Reduced Resolution Look-Up Table (해상도 절감 3차원 룩업 테이블을 이용한 실시간 색역폭 매핑 방법)

  • 한동일
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.225-233
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    • 2004
  • A novel real-time color gamut mapping method is described. The color gamut mapping method that is used for enhancing the color reproduction quality between PC monitor and printer devices is adopted for digital TV display quality enhancement. The high definition digital TV display devices operate at the clock speed of around 70MHz ~ 150MHz and permit several nano seconds for real-time gamut mapping. Thus, the concept of three-dimensional reduced resolution look-up table is introduced for real-time processing. The required hardware can be greatly reduced by look-up table resolution adjustment. The proposed hardware architecture is successfully implemented in FPGA and ASIC and also successfully adopted in digital TV display quality enhancement purposes.

Image Enhancement Processing of the Digital Color to use in the Hard Copy (디지탈 칼라 이미지를 복제용원고로 사용하기 위한 이미지 강조처리)

  • 이중진
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 1996
  • we describes a method for realizing the color conversion from the tristimulus (X, Y, Z) values to the print ink signals (C, M, Y) by using neural networks. The realized nonlinear color conversion system consists of two hidden layers those have seventeen nodes. We determined the C, M, Y values of the input control signals to compensate the printer nonlinearity of real systems. Experimental results showed that the described method is useful and valid to realized the nonlinear color conversion.

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A Hierarchical Bilateral-Diffusion Architecture for Color Image Encryption

  • Wu, Menglong;Li, Yan;Liu, Wenkai
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.59-74
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    • 2022
  • During the last decade, the security of digital images has received considerable attention in various multimedia transmission schemes. However, many current cryptosystems tend to adopt a single-layer permutation or diffusion algorithm, resulting in inadequate security. A hierarchical bilateral diffusion architecture for color image encryption is proposed in response to this issue, based on a hyperchaotic system and DNA sequence operation. Primarily, two hyperchaotic systems are adopted and combined with cipher matrixes generation algorithm to overcome exhaustive attacks. Further, the proposed architecture involves designing pixelpermutation, pixel-diffusion, and DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) based block-diffusion algorithm, considering system security and transmission efficiency. The pixel-permutation aims to reduce the correlation of adjacent pixels and provide excellent initial conditions for subsequent diffusion procedures, while the diffusion architecture confuses the image matrix in a bilateral direction with ultra-low power consumption. The proposed system achieves preferable number of pixel change rate (NPCR) and unified average changing intensity (UACI) of 99.61% and 33.46%, and a lower encryption time of 3.30 seconds, which performs better than some current image encryption algorithms. The simulated results and security analysis demonstrate that the proposed mechanism can resist various potential attacks with comparatively low computational time consumption.

Image Quality Enhancement and Evaluation for Digital Displays

  • Kim, Kyoung-Tae;Ryu, Byong-Tae;Jang, Seul-Ki;Kim, Yu-Hoon;Chen, Qiao Song;Kim, Choon-Woo
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.1393-1396
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    • 2008
  • Image quality is one of the most important factors affecting the performance of digital displays. This paper introduces various digital image processing techniques commonly applied to digital displays. They include preferred color correction, tone reproduction, and frame rate conversion. Also, issues related to image quality evaluation are addressed.

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Algorithm to Estimate Oil Spill Area Using Digital Properties of Image

  • Jang, Hye-Jin;Nam, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.46-54
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    • 2020
  • Oil spill accidents at sea result in a wide range of damages, including the destruction of ocean environments and ecosystems, as well as human illnesses by the generation of harmful gases caused by phase changes in crude oil. When an oil spill occurs, an immediate initial action should be performed to minimize the potential damage. Existing studies have attempted to identify crude oil spillage by calculating the crude oil spill range using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite images. However, SAR cannot capture rapidly evolving events because of its low acquisition frequency. Herein, an algorithm for estimating an oil spill area from an image obtained using a digital camera is proposed. Noise that may occur in the image when it is captured is first eliminated by preprocessing, and then the image is analyzed. After analyzing the characteristics of the digital image, a strategy to binarize an image using the color, saturation, or lightness contained in it is adopted. It is found that the oil spill area can be readily estimated from a digital image, allowing for a faster analysis than any conventional method. The usefulness of the oil spill area measurement was confirmed by applying the developed algorithm to various oil spill images.

Image Processing System for Color Analysis of Food (식품의 색채 분석을 위한 영상 처리 시스템)

  • Kim, Kyung-Man;Seo, Dong-Wook;Chun, Jae-Kun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.786-789
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    • 1996
  • An image processing system was built to evaluate the color properties of apple and meat. The system consisted of video camera, video card, 32 bit microcomputer and an optical illuminator. The operating software was developed to carry out capturing, analyzing, displaying and storing of the 8 bit digitized images of food. The images of apples at various maturing stages were investigated to obtain the color histogram of R, G, B and Hunter value. RGB histogram showed a major difference in G value, 35.01, the minor change in R value, 6.16, and the negligible difference in B value. The image of beef cut was separated into two parts, fat and lean tissue, by applying threshold value method based on the digital value of color. The threshold value for fat was over 240 and for lean under 230 in R value, respectively. The resulting non fat image showed 2% decreased color difference value, ${\Delta}E$, than whole meat cut.

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Influence Analysis on the Lung Function due to Smoking Using Image Processing Techniques (영상 처리 기법을 이용한 흡연이 폐 기능에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kim, Bong-Hyun;Cho, Dong-Uk
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.37 no.7C
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    • pp.610-618
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, using a image processing techniques to develop an color analysis program to apply the influence analysis by smoking were analyzed. So, this study was conducted to analyze is based on oriental medicine diagnosis theory, especially ocular inspection, of the right cheek area of the lung and lung function and weakness associated with it closer to white by applying IT image processing techniques based on smoking to compare the change in color according to the face. From this, 15 patients with 20 male subjects before and after smoking extract the color of the area on the right cheek, a values and b values in Lab digital color system were analyzed by smoking how to analyze what is changing. Also, health care system based on this variation reflects the individual, personalized will be constructed. Experimental results on the right cheek area approach to the color white according to the amounts of smoking, this is by smoking adversely affects lungs function that can be analyzed.

Design and Implementation of Digital Photo Kiosk System with Auto Color Correction Module (자동 컬러 보정 모듈을 가진 디지털 포토 키오스크 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Park Tae-Yong;Lee Myong-Young;Park Kee-Hyon;Ha Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.43 no.2 s.308
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    • pp.48-56
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    • 2006
  • This paper introduces design and implementation of digital photo kiosk system, digital photo printing system, with auto color correction module that considers gamut between touch screen and output device, digital photo printer, to provide user-preferred media. This module performs media correction function to service high quality contents for image captured by digital camera and mobile phone camera. Since it is implemented as LUT for real-time processing, the system offers one-touch interface to user. As a result of implementation, this kiosk system provides user-favorite photo because of black and white mode, sepia mode, and brightness and contrast adjustment. Also it can gives smooth tone transition and photos of similar color to captured image due to auto color correction module.


  • Po-Han Chen;Ya-Ching Yang;Luh-Maan Chang
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.224-229
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    • 2009
  • Digital image recognition has been used for steel bridge surface assessment since late 1990s. However, the non-uniform illumination problems such as shades, shadows, and highlights are still challenges in image processing to date. Therefore, this paper develops a new approach to tackle the non-uniform illumination problem for rust image adjustment. The inhomogeneous illumination problem is divided into shades/shadows and highlights in this paper. The proposed BEMD-morphology approach (BMA) utilizes the bidimensional empirical mode decomposition to mitigate the shade/shadow effect, and the morphological processing to detect and replace the highlight area. Finally, the rust image processed with the BMA will be segmented by the K-Means algorithm, one of the most popular and effective methods, to show the effectiveness of illumination adjustment.

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The Flame Color Analysis of Color Models for Fire Detection (화재검출을 위한 컬러모델의 화염색상 분석)

  • Lee, Hyun-Sul;Kim, Won-Ho
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.52-57
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    • 2013
  • This paper describes the color comparison analysis of flame in each standard color model in order to propose the optimal color model for image processing based flame detection algorithm. Histogram intersection values were used to analyze the separation characteristics between color of flame and color of non-flame in each standard color model which are RGB, YCbCr, CIE Lab, HSV. Histogram intersection value in each color model and components is evaluated for objective comparison. The analyzed result shows that YCbCr color model is the most suitable for flame detection by average HI value of 0.0575. Among the 12 components of standard color models, each Cb, R, Cr component has respectively HI value of 0.0433, 0.0526, 0.0567 and they have shown the best flame separation characteristics.