• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Color image Processing

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A Study on the Measurement for the Nano Scale Film Formation of Ultra Low Aspect Ratio

  • Jang Siyoul;Kong Hyunsang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.283-288
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    • 2004
  • The measurement of ultra low aspect ratio fluid film thickness is very crucial technique both for the verification of lubrication media characteristics and for the clearance design in many precision components such as MEMS, precision bearings and other slideways. Many technologies are applied to the measurement of ultra low aspect ratio fluid film thickness (i.e. elastohydrodynamic lubrication film thickness). In particular, in-situ optical interferometric method has many advantages in making the actual contact behaviors realized with the experimental apparatus. This measurement method also does the monitoring of the surface defects and fractures happening during the contact behavior, which are delicately influenced by the surface conditions such as load, velocity, lubricant media as well as surface roughness. Careful selection of incident lights greatly enhances the fringe resolutions up to $\~1.0$ nanometer scale with digital image processing technology. In this work, it is found that coaxial aligning trichromatic incident light filtering system developed by the author can provide much finer resolution of ultra low aspect ratio fluid film thickness than monochromatic or dichromatic incident lights, because it has much more spectrums of color components to be discriminated according the variations of film thickness. For the measured interferometric images of ultra low aspect ratio fluid film thickness it is shown how the film thickness is finely digitalized and measured in nanometer scale with digital image processing technology and space layer method. The developed measurement system can make it possible to visualize the contact deformations and possible fractures of contacting surface under the repeated loading condition.

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Research for Bit-depth Conversion Development by Detection Lost Information to Resizing Process for Digital Photography (디지털 사진영상의 크기조절과정에서 유실되는 정보를 이용한 비트심도의 확장)

  • Cho, Do-Hee;Maik, Vivek;Paik, Joon-Ki;Har, Dong-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.189-197
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    • 2009
  • A digital image usually has 8 bits of depth basically representing pixel intensity ranging for [0 255]. These pixel range allow 256 step levels of pixel values in the image. Thus the greyscale value for a given image is an integer. When we carry out interpolation of a given image for resizing we have to round the interpolated value to integer which can result in loss of quality on perceived color values. This paper proposes a new method for recovering this loss of information during interpolation process. By using the proposed method the pixels tend to regain more original values which yields better looking images on resizing.

A Secure Method for Color Image Steganography using Gray-Level Modification and Multi-level Encryption

  • Muhammad, Khan;Ahmad, Jamil;Farman, Haleem;Jan, Zahoor;Sajjad, Muhammad;Baik, Sung Wook
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.1938-1962
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    • 2015
  • Security of information during transmission is a major issue in this modern era. All of the communicating bodies want confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of their secret information. Researchers have presented various schemes to cope with these Internet security issues. In this context, both steganography and cryptography can be used effectively. However, major limitation in the existing steganographic methods is the low-quality output stego images, which consequently results in the lack of security. To cope with these issues, we present an efficient method for RGB images based on gray level modification (GLM) and multi-level encryption (MLE). The secret key and secret data is encrypted using MLE algorithm before mapping it to the grey-levels of the cover image. Then, a transposition function is applied on cover image prior to data hiding. The usage of transpose, secret key, MLE, and GLM adds four different levels of security to the proposed algorithm, making it very difficult for a malicious user to extract the original secret information. The proposed method is evaluated both quantitatively and qualitatively. The experimental results, compared with several state-of-the-art algorithms, show that the proposed algorithm not only enhances the quality of stego images but also provides multiple levels of security, which can significantly misguide image steganalysis and makes the attack on this algorithm more challenging.

Recognizing that a person doesn't put on a safety cap using DSP. (DSP(Digital signal proccesor)를 이용한 산업현장에서의 안전모 미착용 인식 기술)

  • Lee, Yong-Woog;Song, Kang-Suk;Jeong, Moo-Il;Lim, Chul-Hoo;Moon, Sung-Mo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2009.10a
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    • pp.530-533
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    • 2009
  • This paper proposes a method of recognizing that a person doesn't put on a safety cap using image processing method in DSP(Digital Signal Processor). It processes inputted images by image input devices that equipped in a industrial settings. If the method recognizes a person that doesn't put on a safety cap, a system transfers relevant recognition result to a supervisor and takes proper measures. If an accident happens and someone doesn't put on a safety cap, additional casualities could be. Proposed method can nip additional casualties in the bud. To recognize that a person don't put on a safety cap, images are processed by object abstraction, removal of noise, decision of a thing or a person, abstraction of a head part in a image, recognizing whether a man puts on a safety cap using HSV color space or not, and so on. Image input and image process are processed by DSP. And C language-based codes are optimized by an eignefunction(Intrinsics) for speed improvement of algorithms.

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A Study on Face Contour Line Extraction using Adaptive Skin Color (적응적 스킨 칼라를 이용한 얼굴 경계선 추출에 관한 연구)

  • Yu, Young-Jung;Park, Seong-Ho;Moon, Sang-Ho;Choi, Yeon-Jun
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.383-391
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    • 2017
  • In image processing, image segmentation has been studied by various methods in a long time. Image segmentation is the process of partitioning a digital image into multiple objects and face detection is a typical image segmentation field being used in a variety of applications that identifies human faces in digital images. In this paper, we propose a method for extracting the contours of faces included in images. Using the Viola-Jones algorithm, to do this, we detect the approximate locations of faces from images. But, the Viola-Jones algorithm could detected the approximate location of face not the correct position. In order to extract a more accurate face region from image, we use skin color in this paper. In details, face region would be extracted using the analysis of horizontal and vertical histograms on the skin area. Finally, the face contour is extracted using snake algorithm for the extracted face area. In this paperr, a modified snake energy function is proposed for face contour extraction based snake algorithm proposed by Williams et al.[7]

Color Image Segmentation and Textile Texture Mapping of 2D Virtual Wearing System (2D 가상 착의 시스템의 컬러 영상 분할 및 직물 텍스쳐 매핑)

  • Lee, Eun-Hwan;Kwak, No-Yoon
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.213-222
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    • 2008
  • This paper is related to color image segmentation and textile texture mapping for the 2D virtual wearing system. The proposed system is characterized as virtually wearing a new textile pattern selected by user to the clothing shape section, based on its intensity difference map, segmented from a 2D clothes model image using color image segmentation technique. Regardless of color or intensity of model clothes, the proposed system is possible to virtually change the textile pattern or color with holding the illumination and shading properties of the selected clothing shape section, and also to quickly and easily simulate, compare, and select multiple textile pattern combinations for individual styles or entire outfits. The proposed system can provide higher practicality and easy-to-use interface, as it makes real-time processing possible in various digital environment, and creates comparatively natural and realistic virtual wearing styles, and also makes semi-automatic processing possible to reduce the manual works to a minimum. According to the proposed system, it can motivate the creative activity of the designers with simulation results on the effect of textile pattern design on the appearance of clothes without manufacturing physical clothes and, as it can help the purchasers for decision-making with them, promote B2B or B2C e-commerce.

Velocity Distribution Measurements in Mach 2.0 Supersonic Nozzle using Two-Color PIV Method (Two Color PIV 기법을 이용한 마하 2.0 초음속 노즐의 속도분포 측정)

  • 안규복;임성규;윤영빈
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 2000
  • A two-color particle image velocimetry (PIV) has been developed for measuring two dimensional velocity flowfields and applied to a Mach 2.0 supersonic nozzle. This technique is similar to a single-color PIV technique except that two different color laser beams are used to solve the directional ambiguity problem. A green-color laser sheet (532 nm: 2nd harmonic beam of YAG laser) and a red-color laser sheet (619 nm: output beam from YAG pumped Dye laser using Rhodamine 640) are employed to illuminate the seeded particles. A high resolution (3060${\times}$2036) digital color CCD camera is used to record the particle positions. This system eliminates the photographic-film processing time and subsequent digitization time as well as the complexities associated with conventional image shifting techniques for solving directional ambiguity problem. The two-color PIV also has the advantage that velocity distributions in high speed flowfields can be measured simply and accurately by varying the time interval between two different laser beams due to its high signal-to-noise ratio and thereby less requirement of panicle pair numbers for a velocity vector in one interrogation spot. The velocity distribution in the Mach 2.0 supersonic nozzle has been measured and the over-expanded shock cell structure can be predicted by the strain rate field. These results are compared and analyzed with the schlieren photograph for the velocity distributions and shock location.

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A CPU-GPU Hybrid System of Environment Perception and 3D Terrain Reconstruction for Unmanned Ground Vehicle

  • Song, Wei;Zou, Shuanghui;Tian, Yifei;Sun, Su;Fong, Simon;Cho, Kyungeun;Qiu, Lvyang
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.1445-1456
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    • 2018
  • Environment perception and three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction tasks are used to provide unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) with driving awareness interfaces. The speed of obstacle segmentation and surrounding terrain reconstruction crucially influences decision making in UGVs. To increase the processing speed of environment information analysis, we develop a CPU-GPU hybrid system of automatic environment perception and 3D terrain reconstruction based on the integration of multiple sensors. The system consists of three functional modules, namely, multi-sensor data collection and pre-processing, environment perception, and 3D reconstruction. To integrate individual datasets collected from different sensors, the pre-processing function registers the sensed LiDAR (light detection and ranging) point clouds, video sequences, and motion information into a global terrain model after filtering redundant and noise data according to the redundancy removal principle. In the environment perception module, the registered discrete points are clustered into ground surface and individual objects by using a ground segmentation method and a connected component labeling algorithm. The estimated ground surface and non-ground objects indicate the terrain to be traversed and obstacles in the environment, thus creating driving awareness. The 3D reconstruction module calibrates the projection matrix between the mounted LiDAR and cameras to map the local point clouds onto the captured video images. Texture meshes and color particle models are used to reconstruct the ground surface and objects of the 3D terrain model, respectively. To accelerate the proposed system, we apply the GPU parallel computation method to implement the applied computer graphics and image processing algorithms in parallel.

Color-related Query Processing for Intelligent E-Commerce Search (지능형 검색엔진을 위한 색상 질의 처리 방안)

  • Hong, Jung A;Koo, Kyo Jung;Cha, Ji Won;Seo, Ah Jeong;Yeo, Un Yeong;Kim, Jong Woo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.109-125
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    • 2019
  • As interest on intelligent search engines increases, various studies have been conducted to extract and utilize the features related to products intelligencely. In particular, when users search for goods in e-commerce search engines, the 'color' of a product is an important feature that describes the product. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the synonyms of color terms in order to produce accurate results to user's color-related queries. Previous studies have suggested dictionary-based approach to process synonyms for color features. However, the dictionary-based approach has a limitation that it cannot handle unregistered color-related terms in user queries. In order to overcome the limitation of the conventional methods, this research proposes a model which extracts RGB values from an internet search engine in real time, and outputs similar color names based on designated color information. At first, a color term dictionary was constructed which includes color names and R, G, B values of each color from Korean color standard digital palette program and the Wikipedia color list for the basic color search. The dictionary has been made more robust by adding 138 color names converted from English color names to foreign words in Korean, and with corresponding RGB values. Therefore, the fininal color dictionary includes a total of 671 color names and corresponding RGB values. The method proposed in this research starts by searching for a specific color which a user searched for. Then, the presence of the searched color in the built-in color dictionary is checked. If there exists the color in the dictionary, the RGB values of the color in the dictioanry are used as reference values of the retrieved color. If the searched color does not exist in the dictionary, the top-5 Google image search results of the searched color are crawled and average RGB values are extracted in certain middle area of each image. To extract the RGB values in images, a variety of different ways was attempted since there are limits to simply obtain the average of the RGB values of the center area of images. As a result, clustering RGB values in image's certain area and making average value of the cluster with the highest density as the reference values showed the best performance. Based on the reference RGB values of the searched color, the RGB values of all the colors in the color dictionary constructed aforetime are compared. Then a color list is created with colors within the range of ${\pm}50$ for each R value, G value, and B value. Finally, using the Euclidean distance between the above results and the reference RGB values of the searched color, the color with the highest similarity from up to five colors becomes the final outcome. In order to evaluate the usefulness of the proposed method, we performed an experiment. In the experiment, 300 color names and corresponding color RGB values by the questionnaires were obtained. They are used to compare the RGB values obtained from four different methods including the proposed method. The average euclidean distance of CIE-Lab using our method was about 13.85, which showed a relatively low distance compared to 3088 for the case using synonym dictionary only and 30.38 for the case using the dictionary with Korean synonym website WordNet. The case which didn't use clustering method of the proposed method showed 13.88 of average euclidean distance, which implies the DBSCAN clustering of the proposed method can reduce the Euclidean distance. This research suggests a new color synonym processing method based on RGB values that combines the dictionary method with the real time synonym processing method for new color names. This method enables to get rid of the limit of the dictionary-based approach which is a conventional synonym processing method. This research can contribute to improve the intelligence of e-commerce search systems especially on the color searching feature.

The Effect of Pulsed Ultrasound on Skin Inflammatory Reaction Induced by Ultraviolet Irradiation (자외선 조사로 유발된 피부 염증성 반응에 맥동성 초음파가 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jeong-Woo;Park, Su-Ji;Yoon, Se-Won
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.53-58
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: This study aims to examine the effects of pulsed ultrasound on skin inflammatory reaction induced by ultraviolet irradiation. Methods: Twenty subjects were selected for this study. Inflammatory reaction was induced by ultraviolet irradiation in two areas of the lumbar region of the subjects. Pulsed ultrasound (3 MHz) was applied to one of the two areas of inflammatory reaction at a pulse ratio of 1:4, intensity of $0.5W/cm^2$, once a day for 5 min, and pulsed ultrasound was not applied to the other area. Wound color (chromatic red), luminance (gray) and wound contraction (area) were measured using digital imaging processing method. Results: There was a significant difference in wound color (chromatic red) in the interaction between time and area. There was a significant difference in luminance in the interaction between time and area. There was a significant difference in wound contraction between the two areas. Conclusion: These results indicate that pulsed ultrasound increased the wound contraction rate and reduced the inflammatory reaction activity such as erythema induced by ultraviolet irradiation.