• 제목/요약/키워드: Diet behavior

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중학생들의 식습관 개선을 위한 채소류 섭취에 관한 조사 (A Survey on Intake of Vegetable Foods for Proper Dietary Habits in Middle School Students)

  • 김금란;박소현;김미정
    • 한국조리학회지
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.128-137
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    • 2007
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the dietary behavior and preference of vegetable food and to provide preliminary data required for menu promotion for middle school students' proper diet habits for their health. A survey was conducted for one week(2007) in Kyounggi province(Ansan and Seoul). The result was as follows. Three times a day was the highest in the number of eating meals and boiled rice. In the preference of food items, the meat food was more preferred than the vegetable food. In case of vegetable preference, males were higher than females. Many students recognized one dish of vegetable food in their meals. 72.4% of students ate less than provided in the food service system. Also, 7% of students did not eat vegetable foods entirely. They have had 1/2 dish(35.2%) of Kimchi in their meals and only 10.6% of students didn't eat Kimchi at all. The reason that students ate vegetable provided was 'for eating rice'(47%). Also, the reasons that students do not eat vegetable provided were 'bad taste' and 'unfavorite vegetable'. The above results indicated that it was needed to understand the importance of vegetables and education about the nutrients of vegetables.

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유아 대상의 요리 활동을 포함한 영양 교육 후 식생활 습관 및 식태도 변화 (Effects of Nutritional Education Featuring Cooking Activities on Preschool Children in the Daegu Area: Food Habits and Dietary Attitudes)

  • 서주영;최봉순;이인숙
    • 동아시아식생활학회지
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    • 제20권5호
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    • pp.794-801
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    • 2010
  • The effects of a nutritional education program featuring cooking activities on 20 preschool children 6 years of age at a kindergarten in the Daegu suburb area. After applying the nutritional education program for 6 weeks, scores of dietary habits, dietary attitude and problematic dietary behaviors increased significantly from 3.68 to 3.83, 3.52 to 3.9 and 3.59 to 3.89, respectively (p<0.001). Problematic dietary habits, such as not eating a variety of foods, overeating, and having an unbalanced diet, were positively affected while problematic dietary behaviors, such as eating too much sweet food and liking instant foods, also underwent favorable changes. Among dietary attitudes, washing bands and brushing teeth before and after meals were the least changed items (0.15 out of 1). To improve dietary habits and behavior of preschool children, nutrition education programs cooking activities must be applied systematically.

미취학 아동의 편식지도를 위한 영양교육 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구 (Development of Nutrition Education Program that Promotes Eating Behavior of Preschool Children -Especially Focused on Being Familiar with Vegetable-)

  • 양일선;김은경;배영희;이소정;안효진
    • 한국식생활문화학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 1993
  • The purpose of this study was to develop nutrition education program that promotes eating behavior of preschool children. 118 parents of preschool children were surveyed to understand of children's food preferences and prejudices. The preference for vegetable showed the lowest score(2.345) and fruit was the favorite food(4.11). These results imply the consequence of teaching balanced diet with emphasizing vegetables for preschoolers. Thus, nutrition education program including teaching material were developed to provide the preschoolers with cognitive, affective, and psychomotor activities in order them to the familiar with vegetables. The program were consisted of following five parts: 1. Read-A-Story includes six stories with follow-up activities. 2. Grow-A-Plant gives instructions for growing vegetables. 3. Play-A-Game stimulates children's imagination and learning. 4. Take-A-Trip suggests places to visit that grow, sell, and prepare vegetables. 5. Eat-A-Treat presents easy ways to prepare and enjoy vegetables. Twenty one-Standardized recipes for vegetable dishes were also developed for preschooler's luncheon and snack in daycare center.

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식생활 조사연구에 사용된 설문지의 내용 분석 (Content Analysis of the Questionnaires Used in Dietary Surveys)

  • 김기남;김애정;박은숙;우미경;이보경;현태선
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제5권4호
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    • pp.697-708
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the contents of the questionnaires used in dietary surveys and to evaluate each item in relation to the item construction strategy. Articles of which the contents were related to food, nutrition, diet, dietary behavior, and related areas. Published from 1997 to 1999 were searched fir and a total of 121 questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The questions in the questionnaires were classified into related areas and sub-areas. Among the keywords in the title of the articles, the term 'nutritional status'(or 'dietary intake status') was most frequently used. The terms such as dietary status, obesity, health, food habit, and dietary behavior were also frequency used. Major topics of the items in the questionnaires varied according to the life cycle of the subjects of the study. The topics most frequently asked in each lift cycle were as follows : overeating, snack, and food preference for preschool- and school-aged children ; anthropometry, weight control, and snack for middle and highschool students : meal skipping, smoking, and drinking for college students : disease, smoking, drinking, and exercise for adults : and smoking, drinking, disease and perceived health for the elderly. Inappropriate questions with complicated language, typographic and grammatic errors, unnecessary words, and negative questions were found. Therefore, care should be taken to construct each question so as to avoid possible misinterpretation. Also, a standardized questionnaire be developed for survey researchers.

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경북 일부지역 여자 중·고등학생의 체형인식도 및 식생활 행동 비교 (A Comparison of Body Image and Dietary Behavior in Middle and High School girls in Gyeongbuk Area)

  • 김혜진;이경아
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.497-504
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    • 2015
  • 연구는 경북지역 여자 중 고등학교 학생의 체형인 식도와 식생활 행동 비교를 알아보기 위하여 경북의 여자중학생 194명과 여자고등학생 170명을 대상으로 2014년 9월에 설문 조사를 실시하였다. 설문지는 총 364부를 배부한 후 364부(100% 회수)를 회수하여 최종 연구 분석에 사용하였다. 1. 조사 대상자의 평균 BMI는 21.29로 정상 수준이었으며, 여고생이 여중생에 비해 신장, 체중, BMI가 모두 높은 수치를 보였고 신장(p<0.001)과 체중(p<0.01)은 유의한 차이를 나타냈으나 BMI는 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 2. 조사대상자의 체형인식에서, 조사대상자 전체 중 51.4%가 보통체형, 37.4%가 뚱뚱한 체형, 11.3%가 마른 체형 순으로 응답하였으며, 여고생(43.9%)이 여중생(31.6%)에 비해 뚱뚱한 체형이라고 응답한 비율이 높게 나타나 유의한(p<0.05) 차이를 보였다. 체형에 대한 만족도에서, 조사대상자 전체 중 52.2%가 '불만족이다'고 응답하였으며 32.7%가 '보통이다', 15.1%가 '만족이다'고 응답하였으며, 특히 '불만족이다'고 응답한 비율이 여고생(64.1%)이 여중생(44.0%)에 비해 유의하게(p<0.001) 높게 나타났다. 3. 조사 대상자의 체형인식과 BMI를 비교 분석한 결과, 조사대상자 전체에서 자신을 마른 체형으로 응답한 군의 63.4%가 저체중으로, 보통 체형으로 응답한 군의 70.0%가 정상체중으로, 뚱뚱한 체형으로 응답한 군의 53.3%가 과체중과 비만으로 나타나 뚱뚱한 체형으로 응답한 군이 다른 두군에 비해 올바른 체형인식 비율이 낮았다. 특히 자신을 뚱뚱한 체형으로 인식하는 대상자들 중 5.2%가 저체중, 41.5%가 정상체중으로 조사되어 자신을 뚱뚱하다고 인식하는 여학생의 절반이 왜곡된 체형인식을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 여중생과 여고생의 차이를 비교한 결과, 자신을 뚱뚱한 체형으로 응답한 여학생 중 여중생 39.3%, 여고생 53.3%는 정상체중과 저체중으로 나타났으며, 자신을 마른 체형이라고 응답한 여학생 중 과체중 이상이 여중생은 0.0%, 여고생은 18.8%로 나타나 여고생이 여중생에 비해 자신의 체형에 대해 잘못 인식하는 비율이 유의하게(p<0.001) 높은 것으로 조사되었다. 4. 조사대상자 전체 중 63.7%가 체중조절 경험이 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 여고생(67.3%)이 여중생(60.6%)에 비해 체중조절 경험이 많은 것으로 조사되었으나 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. BMI가 높을수록, 자신을 뚱뚱한 체형으로 인식할수록 체중조절 경험이 유의하게(p<0.001) 많은 것으로 나타났다. 체중조절 방법으로는 '음식의 조절과 운동을 병행한다'(22.0%), '식사량을 조절한다'(20.9%), '운동을 한다'(18.7%), '간식과 야식을 줄인다'(17.4%) 순으로 나타났다. 5. 조사대상자의 비만 관련 식행동 평가를 15항목에 대해 5점 척도로 조사한 결과, 조사대상자들의 총 평균 점수는 3.19/5.00점으로 조사되었다. 평균점수보다 낮은 평가점수를 나타낸 항목은 총 7개로 '음식의 영양소를 따져 가면서 먹는다'(2.15), 'TV나 컴퓨터를 보면서 식사를 한다'(2.94), '자주 과식을 한다'(2.98), '맛있는 음식이 있으면 배가 불러도 계속 먹는다'(3.03), '다른 식사보다 저녁을 많이 먹는다'(3.03), '밤 9시 이후에 간식을 먹는다'(3.07), '배가 고프지 않아도 뷔페의 음식을 모두 먹는다'(3.14) 순으로 나타났다. 여중생과 여고생의 비만관련 식행동을 비교한 결과, 총평균 점수는 여고생(3.06)이 여중생(3.33)에 비해 유의하게(p<0.001) 낮은 점수를 보여 비만관련 식행동이 나쁜 것으로 나타났다. 이상을 살펴볼 때, 조사대상 여중생과 여고생의 BMI는 유의한 차이가 없었으나 여고생이 여중생에 비해 뚱뚱한 체형이라고 응답한 비율과 자신의 체형에 대해 잘못 인식하는 비율이 높고 체형만족도가 낮으며, 비만관련 식행동이 나쁜 것으로 나타났다. 부적절한 식습관이 체중증가로 이어지고 사춘기에 가지는 예민한 감수성으로 단지 날씬해져야 한다는 생각에 스스로 체중감량을 시도하는 학생들이 많아지고 있는 것으로 여겨진다. 학교에서 양질의 급식이 이루어지고 있음에도 불구하고 학교 안에서 이를 해결할 수 있는 체계적인 영양교육이 이루지지 않고 있는 실정이다. 무엇보다 체형에 관심이 많은 여학생들이 불충분한 지식과 잘못된 상식으로 바람직하지 않은 방법의 체중조절을 하지 않도록 학교 안에서 체계적인 영양교육 프로그램을 운영하는 것이 중요하다. 특히 본 연구결과에서 도출된 바를 토대로 여고생들에 대한 체형인식 및 체중조절에 관한 영양교육 프로그램을 실시하여 올바른 체형인식과 식행동이 이루어질 수 있도록 하는 것이 시급한 것으로 사료된다.

전국 권역별, 연령별 여자 성인과 노인의 짠맛 미각판정치, 식태도 및 식행동 비교 (A Comparison of Salty Taste Assessment, Dietary Attitude and Dietary Behavior among Adult and Senior Women by Region and by Age in Korea)

  • 지앙린;정윤영;김형숙;남기선;윤진숙;김종욱;이연경
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the results of salty taste assessment, dietary attitudes, and dietary behaviors among adult and senior women by region and by age. The results generated from this was expected to provide fundamental data for implementing a nationwide salt reduction education program. Methods: The salty taste assessment tool was applied to 4,064 subjects from 15 areas in Korea. Also, a survey of dietary attitude and dietary behavior related to salt intake was conducted for all subjects participated in this study. Results: The salty taste assessment scores by region and by age were the lowest in capital (p < 0.01) and was highest among the 70+ year age group (p < 0.01). The dietary attitude scores and dietary behavior scores showed that Gyeongsang was the highest (p < 0.001) and the capital was the lowest. The dietary attitude scores were highest at 20&30's followed by 40's and 70's group (p < 0.001). Dietary behavior scores showed that 20's~30's and 40's groups were higher than the other age groups (p < 0.001). The score of 'I like kimchi' was $3.46{\pm}0.88$, which was the highest among 10 dietary behavior questions. The score of 'I eat a lot of kimchi' was $3.30{\pm}0.90$, which was the highest among 10 dietary behavior questions related to salt intake. The scores of salty taste assessment had significant positive correlations between the scores of dietary attitude (p < 0.001), dietary behavior (p < 0.001) and self-awareness (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Based on the results of salty taste assessment, we observed a tendency that older people and regions except the capital had higher preference for salty taste. Our results suggested the necessity for a nationwide salty reduction education program tailored for regions and for different age groups.

인도네시아 아동들의 아침식사하기에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석 -건강신념모델을 이용하여- (Analysis of Factors Affecting Breakfast Eating Behavior of Children in Indonesia: An Application of the Health Belief Model)

  • 강란이;이수진;류호경
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: This study investigates the current state of consuming breakfast among elementary school students residing in Malang, East Java, Indonesia, and to identify factors that influence breakfast behavior. Methods: The research model was set up as per the health belief model, and slightly modified by adding the subjective normative factors of the theory of planned behavior. The survey was conducted from July 17 to August 15, 2017 using a questionnaire, after receiving the permission PNU IRB (2017_60_HR). Results: The subjects were 77 boys (49.4%) and 79 girls (50.6%) suffering from malnutrition with anemia (21.2%) and stunting ratio of Height for Age Z Score (HAZ) (11.5%). Furthermore, moderate weakness (14.8%) and overweight and obesity (12.3%) by Body Mass Index for Age Z Score (BMIZ) were coexistent. According to the results obtained for breakfast, 21.8% did not eat breakfast before school, with 18.8% of the reasons for skipping breakfast being attributed to lack of food. Even for subjects partaking breakfast, only about 10% had a good balanced diet. The average score of behavioral intention on eating breakfast was 2.60 ± 0.58. The perceived sensitivity, perceived severity, perceived benefits, and self-efficacy of the health belief model correlated with breakfast behavior. Of these, self-efficacy (β=0.447, R2=0.200) and perceived sensitivity (β=0.373, R2=0.139) had the greatest effect on breakfast behavior. Mother was the largest impact person among children. Conclusions: In order to increase the level of breakfast behavior intention among children surveyed in Indonesia, we determined the effectiveness by focus on education which helps the children recognize to be more likely to get sick when they don't have breakfast, and increase their confidence in ability to have breakfast on their own. We believe there is a necessity to seek ways to provide indirect intervention through mothers, as well as impart direct nutrition education to children.

일부 농촌지역 청소년들의 건강행태 관련요인 분석 (Factors related to the Health Behavior of Rural Adolescents)

  • 조희숙;이선희
    • 농촌의학ㆍ지역보건
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.315-326
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    • 2000
  • 본 연구는 농촌지역 청소년들의 건강 행태와 최근 청소년들에게 중요한 문제가 되고있는 성 문제, 약물 남용, 청소년 폭력과 정신 보건 관련 문제를 전반적으로 파악하고 이들간의 관련성을 분석하고자 시도되었다. 본 연구에서 얻은 연구 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 조사 대상 학생들의 대부분이 자신의 건강상태를 건강하다고 인지하고 있었으나 건강에 대한 관심도는 70% 정도만이 관심을 가지고 있었다. 둘째, 대상 학생들의 건강행태와 비행행태 조사결과 타지역에 비하여 성경험률, 약물 사용률은 낮았으나 흡연률, 음주율은 오히려 높았으며 수면 시간도 부족한 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 건강관련 행태와의 관련 요인을 분석한 결과 인구 사회학적 특성 중에서는 남자인 경우에서, 중학생에서, 용돈이 적은 경우와 성적이 높은 경우에서 건강행태 실천률이 높았고 건강에 대한 관심이 높을수록, 자살시도를 한 경우보다는 자살 시도 경험이 없는 경우에서, 중학생에서, 건강행태가 양호하였다. 이러한 결과를 종합할 때 농촌 지역 청소년들이 다양한 건강관련 문제점에 직면하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 따라서 대상지역 학생들의 다양한 건강관련 문제점을 파악하고 이를 바탕으로 사업의 우선순위를 선정하여 건강행태를 긍정적으로 개선하고 관리 해나자는 한편 건강에 대한 관심을 증대시키려는 노력이 더욱 활성화되어져야 하겠다.

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자기효능증진 교육프로그램이 고혈압 노인의 자기효능감, 자가간호행위 및 혈압에 미치는 효과 (The Effects of Self-efficacy Promotion and Education Program on Self-efficacy, Self-Care Behavior, and Blood Pressure for Elderly Hypertensives)

  • 유수정;송미순;이윤정
    • 성인간호학회지
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.108-122
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    • 2001
  • The cause of essential hypertension is yet unknown, but in general is caused by interaction of hereditary factors, diet, obesity, lack of exercise and stress. The aging process influences various physiological mechanism related to regulation of blood pressure. So elderly hypertensives have a tendancy to consider the disease as a result of the physiological aging process. This attitude causes many complications, worsening of the disease and even early death because of inappropriate care. In order to improve self-management of elderly hypertensives in this study the researcher examined the effect of blood pressure regulation by an education program that improves self-care behavior, through increasing self-efficacy. The education program consisted of group education on hypertension and self-care strategies, and encouraging and reinforcing self-efficacy resources such as verbal persuation, performance accomplishment and vicarious experiences. A quasi-experimental pre-and post-test design was used. Thirty-two elderly hypertensives participated in the study. Eighteen in the education group and fourteen in the control group. The education program consisted of eight sessions twice a week for four weeks. There was no intervention for the control group. Data were analysed using SPSS for Windows(Version 8.0). The results were as follows. 1. There was a significant decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure between the experimental group and control group over three different times, and interaction by groups and over time. 2. There was no significant difference in the level of self-care behavior between the experimental group and control group over three different times, and interaction by groups and over time. 3. There was significant difference in selfefficacy of experimental and control group, depending on the measuring period, but there was no difference between these groups on interaction by groups and over time. 4. There was positive correlation between self efficacy and self care behavior depending on the measuring period. There was negative correlation between diastolic blood pressure and self-care behavior on the posttest of the program, and between systolic blood pressure and self-care behavior on the follow-up test of the program. Findings indicate that this study will contribute to develop nursing strategies for the regulation of blood pressure for the elderly, which is easy for the elderly to learn as a nonpharmacologic approach.

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제주도 대학생의 외식행동에 관한 연구 (A Study on Dining-out Behaviors of College Student in Cheju Do)

  • 정은정;김정숙
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제39권7호
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    • pp.21-36
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate dining out behavior of college student living in jeju. The data obtained from 533 questionnaires returned by college student. 36.9% of students indicated over-eating, 27.2% did skipping meal, 14.8% did unbalanced diet, and 11.3% did indulging in hot and spicy food as dietary problems of food habits. Many students consumed 5,000-10,000 won/one time. In the breakfast 63.6% of students did not eat out, in the lunch only 10.5%, and in the dinner only 1.7% did not. The students ate out to take a meal in the breakfast, to meet their friends in the lunch, and to meet their friends and to haute social meeting in the supper. They considered intake nutrition and time saving in the breakfast when they ate out. But in the lunch they had various purposes- intake nutrition, time saving, making with relationships, and enjoying taste of foods. In the supper two-thirds of students considered promoting friendship. The satisfaction of eating out was different significantly from types of living and length of mealtime.

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