• 제목/요약/키워드: Developing of the technologies

검색결과 1,444건 처리시간 0.032초

국제협력사업 추진을 위한 해사안전기술 평가 연구 (Evaluation of Maritime Safety Technology for Official Development Assistance (ODA))

  • 오세웅;전태병;이문진;서상현;조동오
    • 해양환경안전학회지
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.81-91
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    • 2010
  • 국제해사기구(IMO)와 세계 해운계에서는 해양환경 보호 및 해상안전 확보를 위해 각종 국제협약을 시행하고 있으나 개발도상국에서는 이를 이행하지 못해 해양사고의 주요 요인이 되고 있다. IMO A그룹 이사국으로 부상한 우리나라는 해사안전기술 이전실적이 마마하여 해사안전기술 분야의 국제협력 사업 발굴 및 추진이 요구되고 있다. 국제협력 사업을 추진하기 위해서는 해사안전 분야의 중요도가 높고 개발도상국에서 필요도가 높은 기술을 선정하여 추진하여야 하는 등 선택과 집중이 요구된다. 따라서 해사안전기술의 우선순위 도출이 필요하며 이를 위해서는 해사안전기술의 평가요인을 도출하고 그 요인에 따라 대상 해사안전기술을 평가하여 우선순위를 결정하여야 한다. 이때 평가요인 간의 중요도를 나타내는 중요 가중치가 평가요인마다 상이하며, 요인간에 종속성이 발생하므로 이를 고려하여야 한다. 본 연구에서는 해사안전기술 평가요인으로 해사안전기술성숙도, 국제협력사업추진가능성, 해사안전기술중요도의 세 그룹으로 구분하고 각 그룹별로 세부 요인을 도출하였다. 또한 평가요인 간의 중요 가중치와 상관 가중치를 고려하기 위해 Fuzzy AHP 기법과 극한확률 이론을 사용한 평가모델을 개발하였다. 본 평가모델의 적용을 위해 해양안전정보 분야에 9개의 해사안전 기술을 선정하고 각 기술의 평가 점수를 계산하였다. 적용 결과 전자해도관련기술이 0.0139로 가장 우선순위가 높았으며 선박모니터링기술과 유류유출확산예측및대응기술이 각각 0.0133, 0.0132로 계산되었다.

일본 소재부품산업의 특성과 시사점 (Characteristics and Policy Implications of Materials and Parts Industry in Japan)

  • 김영우;이면헌
    • 벤처혁신연구
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.31-46
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    • 2019
  • 소재와 부품은 제조업의 허리 역할을 담당한다. 2018년 우리나라의 소재부품산업의 수출액은 3,162억 달러로 2018년 기준 전체 수출의 52.3%를 차지할 정도로 급성장해 효자산업이 되었다. 이처럼 소재부품산업은 무역흑자를 이끄는 핵심산업이지만 유독 일본과의 관계를 보면 다른 모습을 보인다. 작년 대일무역적자는 240억 달러로 줄었으나 그중 소재부품산업의 적자는 151억 달러로 여전히 60%를 넘는 수준이다. 오늘날 일본이 첨단 소재부품산업에서 최고의 경쟁력을 가지게 된 것은 요인으로는 기업 간의 협력과 공생, 모노쯔쿠리 정신, 장기적인 정부정책 등에서 찾을 수 있다. 우리 경제가 일본의 첨단소재부품산업을 추격하기 위해서는 다음과 같은 인식전환이 필요할 것이다. 첫째, 소재부품산업은 동반성장을 전제로 하며 상생협력이 절대적으로 필요한 동반성장산업의 하나라고 할 수 있다. 일반적으로 소재와 부품은 최종제품이 아니라 중간제품이다. 따라서 소재와 부품은 소비자와 거래가 이루어지는 것이 아니라 기업 간의 거래만 이루어지는 특성을 잘 이해해야 한다. 둘째, 공동기술개발의 확대가 절대적으로 필요하다. 우리나라는 범용 소재부품산업분야에서는 경쟁력을 가진 기술강국이다. 그러나 자세히 살펴보면 중소기업의 기술개발 단계에서 대기업의 참여가 부진해 첨단제품의 개발이 상대적으로 어려운 구조를 가진 것으로 조사되고 있다. 우리나라 소재부품산업은 기술개발단계에서부터 대기업이 참여하여 고객의 다양한 의견을 전달하고 공동 R&D에 참여해야 할 것이다. 셋째, 장기적인 접근이 필요하다. 소재부품산업에서 대일 무역적자의 고착화는 첨단 기술 부족 등 우리나라 소재부품산업의 구조적 취약성이 직접적인 원인이지만 그 배경에는 기술에 대한 문화적 차이가 존재하기 때문이다. 우리가 첨단소재부품산업 분야에서도 경쟁력을 확보하기 위해서는 시간이 걸리더라도 기술과 노하우를 하나씩 쌓아가는 장기적인 접근이 절대적으로 필요하다. 여기에는 기업의 접근뿐만 아니라 정부의 정책도 마찬가지일 것이다.

국가연구개발사업 및 국방연구개발사업 간 비교법적 검토 - 항공기산업 진흥을 위한 기술료 제도 개선에 관한 연구 - (Comparative legal review between national R&D projects and defence R&D programs - A study on improvement of royalty system for the promotion of aircraft industry -)

  • 이해준;김선이
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.153-180
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    • 2020
  • 본 연구는 우리나라의 자동차산업, 조선업 등 일부 중공업이 세계적으로 높은 수준의 생산규모와 기술수준을 달성한 것에 비해 상대적으로 발전이 저조한 항공기산업을 육성하기 위해서는 어떠한 법적, 정책적 사안의 개선이 필요한지에 대해 알아보는데 그 의의가 있다. 우리나라의 항공기산업이 여타 산업에 비해 저조한 성장세를 보이고 있는데 국가 경제규모를 비롯하여 관련 산업의 발달 수준, 항공기 기술 수준, 항공기 제조 수요 등의 변수를 적절히 사용할 수 있는 시장구조를 구축하지 못했기 때문이라고 볼 수 있다. 대부분의 산업은 경쟁체제의 시장구조 하에 민간이 주도하여 성장하지만, 항공기산업과 같은 중공업은 막대한 규모의 초기 투자비용과 높은 기술력, 충분한 양의 수요를 확보하여야만 최소한의 경제성을 유지할 수 있기에 불완전경쟁체제의 시장구조 하에 정부가 주도하여 성장하는 것이 일반적이다. 이에 우리나라의 항공기산업은 군 수요를 중심으로 하는 군용 항공기를 개발하고 양산하는 것에 집중되어 있었으나, 미국과의 BASA(Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement; 상호항공안전협정)를 체결함으로써 분위기의 반전을 도모하였다. 이에 차세대 중형항공기 개발 사업을 추진하기 위한 예비타당성 조사까지 2010년에 수행되었으나 컨소시움 대상인 캐나다의 Bombardier사와 입장 차이로 인해 무산되고, 현재는 한국항공우주산업(KAI)이 단독으로 Bombardier사의 Q400 면허생산을 추진 중이며 그마저도 순탄치 않다. 이처럼 개발에 난항을 겪고 있는 중대형 민간 항공기에 비해 KAI와 항우연 등에서 민수용 헬기를 비롯하여 무인항공기, 유인항공기의 무인화 기술을 성공적으로 개발하고 있다. 또한 무인항공기 분야는 세계적으로 독점적인 영향력을 행사하고 있는 제조사가 아직까지 마땅하지 않으므로 향후 항공기산업 육성을 위해 민간용 헬기 및 무인항공기 분야에 초점을 맞추어 정부 주도의 연구개발사업을 추진할 필요가 있다고 본다. 또한 KT-1과 T-50과 같은 군용항공기도 순조롭게 수출되고 있는 추세이며, 대한민국 내 항공기 제조에 관한 최대 수요자는 군이라는 점을 간과할 수 없으므로 민군겸용 개발(spin-up), 군용기술 개발 후 민간이전(spin-off), 민간기술 개발 후 국방 분야 활용(spin-on)이 가능하도록 국가연구개발사업과 국방연구개발 사업을 동시에 추진할 필요가 있다. 그러나 양 사업은 사업추진 방식과 전담부서, 기술료 제도에 있어 여러 차이점이 있다. 이에 본 연구를 통해 국가연구개발사업과 국방연구개발사업의 기술 소유권과 실시권, 그리고 기술료 제도에 대해 알아보았다. 그리고 해당 제도의 문제점을 확인하고 개선방안을 도출하였다.

참여자관점에서 공급사슬관리 시스템의 성공에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 실증연구 (An Empirical Study on the Determinants of Supply Chain Management Systems Success from Vendor's Perspective)

  • 강성배;문태수;정윤
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.139-166
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    • 2010
  • The supply chain management (SCM) systems have emerged as strong managerial tools for manufacturing firms in enhancing competitive strength. Despite of large investments in the SCM systems, many companies are not fully realizing the promised benefits from the systems. A review of literature on adoption, implementation and success factor of IOS (inter-organization systems), EDI (electronic data interchange) systems, shows that this issue has been examined from multiple theoretic perspectives. And many researchers have attempted to identify the factors which influence the success of system implementation. However, the existing studies have two drawbacks in revealing the determinants of systems implementation success. First, previous researches raise questions as to the appropriateness of research subjects selected. Most SCM systems are operating in the form of private industrial networks, where the participants of the systems consist of two distinct groups: focus companies and vendors. The focus companies are the primary actors in developing and operating the systems, while vendors are passive participants which are connected to the system in order to supply raw materials and parts to the focus companies. Under the circumstance, there are three ways in selecting the research subjects; focus companies only, vendors only, or two parties grouped together. It is hard to find researches that use the focus companies exclusively as the subjects probably due to the insufficient sample size for statistic analysis. Most researches have been conducted using the data collected from both groups. We argue that the SCM success factors cannot be correctly indentified in this case. The focus companies and the vendors are in different positions in many areas regarding the system implementation: firm size, managerial resources, bargaining power, organizational maturity, and etc. There are no obvious reasons to believe that the success factors of the two groups are identical. Grouping the two groups also raises questions on measuring the system success. The benefits from utilizing the systems may not be commonly distributed to the two groups. One group's benefits might be realized at the expenses of the other group considering the situation where vendors participating in SCM systems are under continuous pressures from the focus companies with respect to prices, quality, and delivery time. Therefore, by combining the system outcomes of both groups we cannot measure the system benefits obtained by each group correctly. Second, the measures of system success adopted in the previous researches have shortcoming in measuring the SCM success. User satisfaction, system utilization, and user attitudes toward the systems are most commonly used success measures in the existing studies. These measures have been developed as proxy variables in the studies of decision support systems (DSS) where the contribution of the systems to the organization performance is very difficult to measure. Unlike the DSS, the SCM systems have more specific goals, such as cost saving, inventory reduction, quality improvement, rapid time, and higher customer service. We maintain that more specific measures can be developed instead of proxy variables in order to measure the system benefits correctly. The purpose of this study is to find the determinants of SCM systems success in the perspective of vendor companies. In developing the research model, we have focused on selecting the success factors appropriate for the vendors through reviewing past researches and on developing more accurate success measures. The variables can be classified into following: technological, organizational, and environmental factors on the basis of TOE (Technology-Organization-Environment) framework. The model consists of three independent variables (competition intensity, top management support, and information system maturity), one mediating variable (collaboration), one moderating variable (government support), and a dependent variable (system success). The systems success measures have been developed to reflect the operational benefits of the SCM systems; improvement in planning and analysis capabilities, faster throughput, cost reduction, task integration, and improved product and customer service. The model has been validated using the survey data collected from 122 vendors participating in the SCM systems in Korea. To test for mediation, one should estimate the hierarchical regression analysis on the collaboration. And moderating effect analysis should estimate the moderated multiple regression, examines the effect of the government support. The result shows that information system maturity and top management support are the most important determinants of SCM system success. Supply chain technologies that standardize data formats and enhance information sharing may be adopted by supply chain leader organization because of the influence of focal company in the private industrial networks in order to streamline transactions and improve inter-organization communication. Specially, the need to develop and sustain an information system maturity will provide the focus and purpose to successfully overcome information system obstacles and resistance to innovation diffusion within the supply chain network organization. The support of top management will help focus efforts toward the realization of inter-organizational benefits and lend credibility to functional managers responsible for its implementation. The active involvement, vision, and direction of high level executives provide the impetus needed to sustain the implementation of SCM. The quality of collaboration relationships also is positively related to outcome variable. Collaboration variable is found to have a mediation effect between on influencing factors and implementation success. Higher levels of inter-organizational collaboration behaviors such as shared planning and flexibility in coordinating activities were found to be strongly linked to the vendors trust in the supply chain network. Government support moderates the effect of the IS maturity, competitive intensity, top management support on collaboration and implementation success of SCM. In general, the vendor companies face substantially greater risks in SCM implementation than the larger companies do because of severe constraints on financial and human resources and limited education on SCM systems. Besides resources, Vendors generally lack computer experience and do not have sufficient internal SCM expertise. For these reasons, government supports may establish requirements for firms doing business with the government or provide incentives to adopt, implementation SCM or practices. Government support provides significant improvements in implementation success of SCM when IS maturity, competitive intensity, top management support and collaboration are low. The environmental characteristic of competition intensity has no direct effect on vendor perspective of SCM system success. But, vendors facing above average competition intensity will have a greater need for changing technology. This suggests that companies trying to implement SCM systems should set up compatible supply chain networks and a high-quality collaboration relationship for implementation and performance.

소셜 미디어에서 정보공유를 위한 애착의 매개역할: 사회적 자본이론 관점 (Mediating Roles of Attachment for Information Sharing in Social Media: Social Capital Theory Perspective)

  • 정남호;한희정;구철모
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.101-123
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    • 2012
  • Currently, Social Media, it has widely a renown keyword and its related social trends and businesses have been fastly applied into various contexts. Social media has become an important research area for scholars interested in online technologies and cyber space and their social impacts. Social media is not only including web-based services but also mobile-based application services that allow people to share various style information and knowledge through online connection. Social media users have tendency to common identity- and bond-attachment through interactions such as 'thumbs up', 'reply note', 'forwarding', which may have driven from various factors and may result in delivering information, sharing knowledge, and specific experiences et al. Even further, almost of all social media sites provide and connect unknown strangers depending on shared interests, political views, or enjoyable activities, and other stuffs incorporating the creation of contents, which provides benefits to users. As fast developing digital devices including smartphone, tablet PC, internet based blogging, and photo and video clips, scholars desperately have began to study regarding diverse issues connecting human beings' motivations and the behavioral results which may be articulated by the format of antecedents as well as consequences related to contents that people create via social media. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, or Cyworld users are more and more getting close each other and build up their relationships by a different style. In this sense, people use social media as tools for maintain pre-existing network, creating new people socially, and at the same time, explicitly find some business opportunities using personal and unlimited public networks. In terms of theory in explaining this phenomenon, social capital is a concept that describes the benefits one receives from one's relationship with others. Thereby, social media use is closely related to the form and connected of people, which is a bridge that can be able to achieve informational benefits of a heterogeneous network of people and common identity- and bonding-attachment which emphasizes emotional benefits from community members or friend group. Social capital would be resources accumulated through the relationships among people, which can be considered as an investment in social relations with expected returns and may achieve benefits from the greater access to and use of resources embedded in social networks. Social media using for their social capital has vastly been adopted in a cyber world, however, there has been little explaining the phenomenon theoretically how people may take advantages or opportunities through interaction among people, why people may interactively give willingness to help or their answers. The individual consciously express themselves in an online space, so called, common identity- or bonding-attachments. Common-identity attachment is the focus of the weak ties, which are loose connections between individuals who may provide useful information or new perspectives for one another but typically not emotional support, whereas common-bonding attachment is explained that between individuals in tightly-knit, emotionally close relationship such as family and close friends. The common identify- and bonding-attachment are mainly studying on-offline setting, which individual convey an impression to others that are expressed to own interest to others. Thus, individuals expect to meet other people and are trying to behave self-presentation engaging in opposite partners accordingly. As developing social media, individuals are motivated to disclose self-disclosures of open and honest using diverse cues such as verbal and nonverbal and pictorial and video files to their friends as well as passing strangers. Social media context, common identity- and bond-attachment for self-presentation seems different compared with face-to-face context. In the realm of social media, social users look for self-impression by posting text messages, pictures, video files. Under the digital environments, people interact to work, shop, learn, entertain, and be played. Social media provides increasingly the kinds of intention and behavior in online. Typically, identity and bond social capital through self-presentation is the intentional and tangible component of identity. At social media, people try to engage in others via a desired impression, which can maintain through performing coherent and complementary communications including displaying signs, symbols, brands made of digital stuffs(information, interest, pictures, etc,). In marketing area, consumers traditionally show common-identity as they select clothes, hairstyles, automobiles, logos, and so on, to impress others in any given context in a shopping mall or opera. To examine these social capital and attachment, we combined a social capital theory with an attachment theory into our research model. Our research model focuses on the common identity- and bond-attachment how they are formulated through social capitals: cognitive capital, structural capital, relational capital, and individual characteristics. Thus, we examined that individual online kindness, self-rated expertise, and social relation influence to build common identity- and bond-attachment, and the attachment effects make an impact on both the willingness to help, however, common bond seems not to show directly impact on information sharing. As a result, we discover that the social capital and attachment theories are mainly applicable to the context of social media and usage in the individual networks. We collected sample data of 256 who are using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Cyworld and analyzed the suggested hypotheses through the Structural Equation Model by AMOS. This study analyzes the direct and indirect relationship between the social network service usage and outcomes. Antecedents of kindness, confidence of knowledge, social relations are significantly affected to the mediators common identity-and bond attachments, however, interestingly, network externality does not impact, which we assumed that a size of network was a negative because group members would not significantly contribute if the members do not intend to actively interact with each other. The mediating variables had a positive effect on toward willingness to help. Further, common identity attachment has stronger significant on shared information.

  • PDF

국내 MIS 연구에서 구조방정식모형 활용에 관한 메타분석 (A Meta Analysis of Using Structural Equation Model on the Korean MIS Research)

  • 김종기;전진환
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.47-75
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    • 2009
  • Recently, researches on Management Information Systems (MIS) have laid out theoretical foundation and academic paradigms by introducing diverse theories, themes, and methodologies. Especially, academic paradigms of MIS encourage a user-friendly approach by developing the technologies from the users' perspectives, which reflects the existence of strong causal relationships between information systems and user's behavior. As in other areas in social science the use of structural equation modeling (SEM) has rapidly increased in recent years especially in the MIS area. The SEM technique is important because it provides powerful ways to address key IS research problems. It also has a unique ability to simultaneously examine a series of casual relationships while analyzing multiple independent and dependent variables all at the same time. In spite of providing many benefits to the MIS researchers, there are some potential pitfalls with the analytical technique. The research objective of this study is to provide some guidelines for an appropriate use of SEM based on the assessment of current practice of using SEM in the MIS research. This study focuses on several statistical issues related to the use of SEM in the MIS research. Selected articles are assessed in three parts through the meta analysis. The first part is related to the initial specification of theoretical model of interest. The second is about data screening prior to model estimation and testing. And the last part concerns estimation and testing of theoretical models based on empirical data. This study reviewed the use of SEM in 164 empirical research articles published in four major MIS journals in Korea (APJIS, ISR, JIS and JITAM) from 1991 to 2007. APJIS, ISR, JIS and JITAM accounted for 73, 17, 58, and 16 of the total number of applications, respectively. The number of published applications has been increased over time. LISREL was the most frequently used SEM software among MIS researchers (97 studies (59.15%)), followed by AMOS (45 studies (27.44%)). In the first part, regarding issues related to the initial specification of theoretical model of interest, all of the studies have used cross-sectional data. The studies that use cross-sectional data may be able to better explain their structural model as a set of relationships. Most of SEM studies, meanwhile, have employed. confirmatory-type analysis (146 articles (89%)). For the model specification issue about model formulation, 159 (96.9%) of the studies were the full structural equation model. For only 5 researches, SEM was used for the measurement model with a set of observed variables. The average sample size for all models was 365.41, with some models retaining a sample as small as 50 and as large as 500. The second part of the issue is related to data screening prior to model estimation and testing. Data screening is important for researchers particularly in defining how they deal with missing values. Overall, discussion of data screening was reported in 118 (71.95%) of the studies while there was no study discussing evidence of multivariate normality for the models. On the third part, issues related to the estimation and testing of theoretical models on empirical data, assessing model fit is one of most important issues because it provides adequate statistical power for research models. There were multiple fit indices used in the SEM applications. The test was reported in the most of studies (146 (89%)), whereas normed-test was reported less frequently (65 studies (39.64%)). It is important that normed- of 3 or lower is required for adequate model fit. The most popular model fit indices were GFI (109 (66.46%)), AGFI (84 (51.22%)), NFI (44 (47.56%)), RMR (42 (25.61%)), CFI (59 (35.98%)), RMSEA (62 (37.80)), and NNFI (48 (29.27%)). Regarding the test of construct validity, convergent validity has been examined in 109 studies (66.46%) and discriminant validity in 98 (59.76%). 81 studies (49.39%) have reported the average variance extracted (AVE). However, there was little discussion of direct (47 (28.66%)), indirect, and total effect in the SEM models. Based on these findings, we suggest general guidelines for the use of SEM and propose some recommendations on concerning issues of latent variables models, raw data, sample size, data screening, reporting parameter estimated, model fit statistics, multivariate normality, confirmatory factor analysis, reliabilities and the decomposition of effects.

정보보호 대책의 성능을 고려한 투자 포트폴리오의 게임 이론적 최적화 (Game Theoretic Optimization of Investment Portfolio Considering the Performance of Information Security Countermeasure)

  • 이상훈;김태성
    • 지능정보연구
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.37-50
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    • 2020
  • 사물 인터넷, 빅데이터, 클라우드, 인공지능 등 다양한 정보통신기술이 발전하면서, 정보보호의 대상이 증가하고있다. 정보통신기술의 발전에 비례해서 정보보호의 필요성이 확대되고 있지만, 정보보호 투자에 대한 관심은 저조한 상황이다. 일반적으로 정보보호와 관련된 투자는 효과를 측정하기 어렵기 때문에 적절한 투자가 이루어지지 않고 있으며, 대부분의 조직은 투자 규모를 줄이고 있다. 또한 정보보호 대책의 종류와 특성이 다양하기 때문에 객관적인 비교와 평가가 힘들고, 객관적인 의사결정 방법이 부족한 실정이다. 하지만 조직의 발전을 위해서는 정보보호와 관련된 정책과 의사결정이 필수적이며 적정 수준의 투자와 이에 대한 투자 효과를 측정 할 필요가 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 게임 이론을 이용하여 정보보호 대책 투자 포트폴리오를 구성하는 방법을 제안하고 선형계획법을 이용하여 최적 방어 확률을 도출한다. 2인 게임 모형을 이용하여 정보보호 담당자와 공격자를 게임의 경기자로 구성한 뒤, 정보보호 대책을 정보보호 담당자의 전략으로, 정보보호 위협을 공격자의 전략으로 각각 설정한다. 게임 모형은 경기자의 보수의 합이 0인 제로섬 게임을 가정하고, 여러개의 전략 사이에서 일정한 확률 분포에 따라 전략을 선택하는 혼합 전략 게임의 해를 도출한다. 여러 종류의 위협이 존재하는 현실에서는 한 개의 정보보호 대책만으로 일정 수준 이상의 방어가 힘들기 때문에, 다수의 정보보호 대책을 고려해야한다. 따라서 다수의 정보보호 위협에 따른 정보보호 대책이 배치된 환경에서 정보보호 대책의 방어 비율을 이용하여 정보보호 대책 투자 포트폴리오를 산출한다. 또한 최적화된 포트폴리오를 이용하여 방어 확률을 최대화하는 게임 값을 도출한다. 마지막으로 정보보호 대책의 실제 성능 데이터를 이용하여 수치 예제를 구성하고, 제안한 게임 모델을 적용하고 평가한다. 본 연구에서 제시한 최적화 모델을 이용하면 조직의 정보보호 담당자는 정보보호 대책의 방어 비율을 고려하여 정보보호 대책의 투자 가중치를 구할 수 있고, 효과적인 투자 포트폴리오를 구성하여 최적의 방어 확률을 도출 할 수 있을 것이다.

Development of dry milling suitable rice cultivar to invigorate rice processing products

  • Jeung, Ji-Ung
    • 한국작물학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국작물학회 2017년도 9th Asian Crop Science Association conference
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    • pp.10-10
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    • 2017
  • Rice consumption has been continuously decreasing as the eating habits of Koreans have become westernized and diversified. The per capita annual rice consumption in Korea has dropped sharply from 136.4 kg in 1970 to 61.9 kg in 2016. The Korean government, therefore, has been trying to promote rice consumption by invigorating the processed food industry using rice flour. To facilitate the market for processed rice foods, it is essential to develop proper milling technology in terms of flour particle size and damaged starch content to produce high quality rice flour at competitive cost. Dry milling and wet milling are the two major processes used to produce rice flour. Although the dry milling process is relatively simple with a lower production cost, damaged starch content increases because of the high grain hardness of rice. In wet milling, the quality of rice flour is improved by reducing flour particle size as well as damaged starch content through soaking procedures. However, the production costs are high because of the additional expenses associated with the disposal of waste water, sterilization and drying of the wet flour. Recently developed technologies such as jet milling and cryogenic milling also require expensive investment and production. Therefore, developing new rice cultivars with dry milling adaptability as well as good processing properties is an important goal of rice breeding in Korea. 'Suweon 542' is a floury endosperm mutant line derived from sodium azide treatment on a high-yield, early maturing, and non-glutinous japonica rice cultivar, 'Namil'. Compared with the wild type, after dry milling process, the grain hardness of 'Suweon 542' was significantly lower because of its round and loosely packed starch granules. Also, the flour of 'Suweon 542' had significantly smaller particles and less damaged starch than 'Namil' and other rice cultivars and its particle size distribution was similar to a commercial wheat cultivar. Recently, through collaborations with nine universities and food companies, a total of 21 kinds of processed prototypes, using the dry milling flour of 'Suweon 542', were evaluated. In the production of major rice processing products, there was no significant quality difference between the flours prepared by wet milling and dry milling. Although the amount of water added to the dough was slightly increased, it was confirmed that the recipe applying the wet flour could be used without significant change. To efficiently transfer the floury endosperm characteristics of 'Suweon 542' to other commercial rice cultivars, it is essential to develop DNA marker tightly linked to the target gene. Association analysis using 70 genome-wide SSR markers and 94 F2 plants derived from 'Suweon 542'/'Milyang 23' showed that markers on chromosome 5 explained a large portion of the variation in floury grains percentage (FGP). Further analysis with an increased number of SSR markers revealed that the floury endosperm of 'Suweon 542' was directed by a major recessive locus, flo7(t), located in the 19.33-19.86 Mbp region of chromosome 5, with RM18639 explaining 92.2% of FGP variation in the F2 population. Through further physical mapping, a co-segregate and co-dominant DNA marker with the locus, flo7(t) was successfully developed, by which, thereby, breeding efficiency of rice cultivars having proper dry milling adaptability with high yield potential or useful functional materials would be improved. 'Suweon 542' maintained the early maturity of the wild type, Namil, which can be used in rice-wheat double cropping systems in Korea not only for improved arable land but also for sharing flour production facilities. In addition to the high susceptibility against major rice diseases, nevertheless, another possible drawback of 'Suweon 542' is the high rate of viviparous under prolonged rainfall during the harvesting season. To overcome susceptibility and vivipary of 'Suweon 542', the progeny lines, derived from the crosses 'Suweon 542' and 'Jopyeong', an early maturing rice cultivar with multiple resistance against rice blast, bacterial blight, and rice strip virus, and 'Heugjinju', a anthocyanin pigment containing black rice cultivar, were intensively evaluated. As the outputs, three dry milling suitable rice elite lines, 'Jeonju614', 'Jeonju615', and 'Jeonju616' were developed.

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공기조화, 냉동 분야의 최근 연구 동향 -2004년 및 2005년 학회지 논문에 대한 종합적 고찰- (Recent Progress in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Research - A Review of Papers Published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering in 2004 and 2005 -)

  • 최영돈;강용태;김내현;김만회;박경근;박병윤;박진철;홍희기
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.94-131
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    • 2007
  • A review on the papers published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineering in 2004 and 2005 has been done. Focus has been put on current status of research in the aspect of heating, cooling, air-conditioning, ventilation, sanitation and building environment. The conclusions are as follows. (1) Most of fundamental studies on fluid flow were related with heat transportation of facilities. Drop formation and rivulet flow on solid surfaces were interesting topics related with condensation augmentation. Research on micro environment considering flow, heat, humidity was also interesting for comfortable living environment. It can be extended considering biological aspects. Development of fans and blowers of high performance and low noise were continuing topics. Well developed CFD and flow visualization(PIV, PTV and LDV methods) technologies were widely applied for developing facilities and their systems. (2) The research trends of the previous two yews are surveyed as groups of natural convection, forced convection, electronic cooling, heat transfer enhancement, frosting and defrosting, thermal properties, etc. New research topics introduced include natural convection heat transfer enhancement using nanofluid, supercritical cooling performance or oil miscibility of $CO_2$, enthalpy heat exchanger for heat recovery, heat transfer enhancement in a plate heat exchanger using fluid resonance. (3) The literature for the last two years($2004{\sim}2005$) is reviewed in the areas of heat pump, ice and water storage, cycle analysis and reused energy including geothermal, solar and unused energy). The research on cycle analysis and experiments for $CO_2$ was extensively carried out to replace the Ozone depleting and global warming refrigerants such as HFC and HCFC refrigerants. From the year of 2005, the Gas Engine Heat Pump(GHP) has been paid attention from the viewpoint of the gas cooling application. The heat pipe was focused on the performance improvement by the parametric analysis and the heat recovery applications. The storage systems were studied on the performance enhancement of the storage tank and cost analysis for heating and cooling applications. In the area of unused energy, the hybrid systems were extensively introduced and the life cycle cost analysis(LCCA) for the unused energy systems was also intensively carried out. (4) Recent studies of various refrigeration and air-conditioning systems have focused on the system performance and efficiency enhancement. Heat transfer characteristics during evaporation and condensation are investigated for several tube shapes and of alternative refrigerants including carbon dioxide. Efficiency of various compressors and expansion devices are also dealt with for better modeling and, in particular, performance improvement. Thermoelectric module and cooling systems are analyzed theoretically and experimentally. (5) According to the review of recent studies on ventilation systems, an appropriate ventilation systems including machenical and natural are required to satisfied the level of IAQ. Also, an recent studies on air-conditioning and absorption refrigeration systems, it has mainly focused on distribution and dehumidification of indoor air to improve the performance were carried out. (6) Based on a review of recent studies on indoor environment and building service systems, it is noticed that research issues have mainly focused on optimal thermal comfort, improvement of indoor air Quality and many innovative systems such as air-barrier type perimeter-less system with UFAC, radiant floor heating and cooling system and etc. New approaches are highlighted for improving indoor environmental condition as well as minimizing energy consumption, various activities of building control and operation strategy and energy performance analysis for economic evaluation.

만화영상학의 학문적 체계화를 위한 융합적 연구 (A Convergence Study for the Academic Systematization of Cartoon-animation)

  • 임재환
    • 만화애니메이션 연구
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    • 통권43호
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    • pp.285-320
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    • 2016
  • 만화와 애니메이션은 문학적 글과 소리로 기술한 언어예술(言語藝術)과 미술적 그림으로 시각화한 조형예술(造形藝術)과 영화적 움직임으로 제작한 영상예술(映像藝術)을 복합적으로 응용하여 창작하는 융합예술(融合藝術)이다. 그런데 만화와 애니메이션이 20세기 후반기부터 뒤늦게 대학의 전공 학과로 개설 운영되어 학문적 연구 개발과 예술적 창작 표현이 충족되지 못하였다. 따라서 만화와 애니메이션의 학문적 체계화를 위하여 용어적 개념과 정의, 역사적 전개와 발전, 연구 영역과 탐구 방법, 그리고 전공 교육과 관련 창업군 등을 융합적으로 정립할 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 최근 포털사이트 네이버와 형설출판사가 공동 운영하는 "학문명백과(學問名百科)" 서비스에도 만화를 비롯한 애니메이션, 영상, 게임, 콘텐츠 등의 신종 문화예술 산업 분야가 등재되지 못하고 있다. 무엇보다도 만화와 애니메이션은 불가분의 관계라서 설령 분리 독립하여 쓰더라도, 합성어로 구성된 '만화영상학(漫畵映像學, animatoon)'을 학문명과 학위명으로 원용하면서 세부 전공을 만화와 애니메이션, 영상과 게임 그리고 콘텐츠 등으로 정립하는데 연구 목적이 있다. 서론에서 만화영상은 만화와 애니메이션의 축약형 합성어로 만화(漫畵)가 한자로 동양에서 통용하는데, 애니메이션은 한자와 로마자가 상(像)+영상(映像)+화상(畵像)+동화(動畵)+동영상(動映像)+동만화(動漫畵)+만화영화(漫畵映畵)이거나 image, pictorial image, ani, anime, animation, animated cartoon, cartoon animation, moving picture 등으로 난삽하여 이를 융합한 만화영상학(漫畵映像學, animatoon)으로 규명하고 학문적으로 체계화하여 학문명과 학위명으로 원용하고자 한다. 본론에서 첫째, 역사적 전개와 발전은 고대 중세 근대 현대의 만화영상으로 시대를 구분하여 동굴벽화, 동물희화, 종교만화, 캐리커처, 카툰, 풍자만화, 코믹스, 애니메이션, 2D+3D, 웹툰, K-toon 등으로 변천사를 미학예술론적으로 융합 분석하였다. 둘째, 만화영상학의 연구 영역을 이론+장르+작품+작가 연구를 살펴보고, 탐구 방법으로 인문사회+과학기술+문화예술 등과 융복합한 전공과목을 제시하였다. 그리고 셋째, 전공 교육은 아동+청소년+전공 학생의 만화영상 교육을 고찰하고, 만화영상의 창업군은 개인적 작품창작과 집단적 제작창업 활동을 다양한 직업군으로 탐색하였다. 결론적으로, 만화영상학의 현안과제로는 작가들의 개성화, 내용의 전문화, 형식의 다양화, 창작의 자율화를 고찰하고, 발전 방향으로 만화영상의 학문화 예술화 문화화 산업화를 제창한다. 21세기 문화의 세기에 만화와 애니메이션은 영상과 게임과 함께 그 중요성이 높아져 만화영상학의 학문적 체계화를 위한 융합적 연구로 예술적 창작활동과 문화산업의 콘텐츠로 개발해야 영속한다.