• Title/Summary/Keyword: Designation System

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Characteristics of the Child Maltreatment at Day Care Centers and the Case Dispositions of Child Protective Services in Korea (한국 어린이집 아동학대의 학대 특성 및 아동보호서비스의 최종조치 관련 요인 분석)

  • Kim, Kihyun;Jang, Hwajung;Kim, Kyunghee;Jang, Heesun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.66 no.4
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    • pp.25-52
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    • 2014
  • This study examined the characteristics of child maltreatment cases which occurred recently at the Day Care Centers in Korea. The study utilized the case records system of the National Child Protection Agency (K-CPS) and analyzed all the cases reported to the K-CPS from 2010 to 2012 (n=462). Using the case records abstraction system developed for this study, based on the Maltreatment Case Records Abstraction System (MCRAI; Trickett et al., 2009), the detailed information on abuse cases as well as disposition outcomes was abstracted. The results showed the relatively low rate of abuse designation, low rate of reports from the mandatory reporters as well as overwhelmingly high rate of physical abuse. Diversity was detected in severity ratings in each type of abuse. Finally, determinants of dispositions differed for children, perpetrators and daycare centers. Based on the results, implications for practice and child maltreatment research were discussed.

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A Study on the Management Innovation of KORAIL and Military Application -Focusing on the Direction of Innovation in the Military Medical Institution-

  • Choi, Dongha;Kang, Wonseok
    • Journal of East Asia Management
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.21-41
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to analyze the characteristics of the management situation of the Korea Railroad Corporation(KORAIL) through the management innovation process of the KORAIL and to suggest its implications for military application. Despite stable demand, the railway passenger industry had the limitation of not being able to abolish deficit routes due to public service obligations. In addition, the launch of the Suseo High-Speed Line has introduced a competitive system, posing a threat to corporate management. KORAIL wanted to overcome this crisis by innovating its management through the utilization of big data, improvement of the freight business, decentralization of demand, the introduction of tourism railroads, and development of station influence areas. By utilizing big data, KORAIL was able to optimize the railway fare system while reducing fixed costs spent on railway maintenance. It also drastically reduced the station of cargo and created a base station to pursue economies of scale. On the other hand, the existing exclusive station system was abolished to solve the chronic saturation of the downtown area, and the railway demand was moved to Gwangmyeong Station and Suwon Station to optimize the passenger supply. In particular, it developed a new business model called the tourism railway by developing the mountain Byeokjin Line, which was a chronic deficit line, and sought to improve liquidity through the development of the station influence area. Such a process of innovation at KORAIL suggests an appropriate direction in seeking ways to innovate the military medical institutions. First of all, the necessity of improving organizational immersion through the development of a personnel structure suitable for the compulsory organization, while expanding the facilities of the division and corps, and reducing the time required for medical treatment and waiting through the establishment of a data-based medical system was suggested. Next, it was also discussed to integrate the National Health Medical College, which received accreditation as a medical facility through the designation of advanced general hospitals and is ultimately under discussion with the Medical Institution. Through this, we hope that the military medical institutions, which are facing various challenges, will overcome existing limitations and be re-lighted as innovative institution that provides comprehensive public health services.

Vehicle Type Classification Model based on Deep Learning for Smart Traffic Control Systems (스마트 교통 단속 시스템을 위한 딥러닝 기반 차종 분류 모델)

  • Kim, Doyeong;Jang, Sungjin;Jang, Jongwook
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.469-472
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    • 2022
  • With the recent development of intelligent transportation systems, various technologies applying deep learning technology are being used. To crackdown on illegal vehicles and criminal vehicles driving on the road, a vehicle type classification system capable of accurately determining the type of vehicle is required. This study proposes a vehicle type classification system optimized for mobile traffic control systems using YOLO(You Only Look Once). The system uses a one-stage object detection algorithm YOLOv5 to detect vehicles into six classes: passenger cars, subcompact, compact, and midsize vans, full-size vans, trucks, motorcycles, special vehicles, and construction machinery. About 5,000 pieces of domestic vehicle image data built by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology for the development of artificial intelligence technology were used as learning data. It proposes a lane designation control system that applies a vehicle type classification algorithm capable of recognizing both front and side angles with one camera.

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Study on the Rural Landscape Management System for Preserving Rural Identity -Focusing on the AONBs of England- (농촌다움 보전을 위한 농촌 경관 관리체계의 시사점 -영국의 AONB 제도 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Do-Eun;Jung, Hae-Joon;Kang, Dong-Jin;Son, Yonghoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.51-68
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    • 2024
  • Since 1949, the UK has implemented a national land planning strategy to sustain rural areas, emphasizing the concept of 'Natural Beauty.' This involves designating "Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)" as a political approach to conserving rural landscapes and fostering a societal consensus on environmental conservation. AONB adopts an integrated and systematic approach to achieve harmony between the environment and human activities. This study investigates the implications of the AONB rural landscape management approach through case studies of the Cotswolds Conservation Board and Cannock Chase Joint Committee. It examines the legislative designation and supporting processes of AONB, analyzing the governance system to clarify the roles of authorities in policy decision-making. AONB's system revolves around joint committees or conservation boards of local authorities responsible for establishing, implementing, and monitoring management plans. The planning process involves a harmonious management plan system reflecting regional demands, including regular forums. AONB serves as a powerful tool for local residents to engage in the development of their region through stewardship. The study suggests that understanding the AONB model could provide a foundation for developing rural landscape conservation and spatial management plans tailored to Korea's context in the future.

Improving the Access Service of National Designated Records in the National Archives of Korea: Focusing on Facet Directory Service (국가기록원의 국가지정기록물 웹 기반 기록정보서비스 개선방안 연구 - 패싯 기반 디렉토리 서비스를 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, Mi Ok;Choi, Sanghee
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.217-234
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    • 2019
  • National Records Designation System is designed to protect valuable civilian records from loss or damage. It also intends that government administrates important civilian records to raise public concerns civilian records and to foster archival culture in Korea. This study investigates the current states of service fo the designated record through the web page of National Archive of Korea. Major findings are as follows. First, the information of designated records is dispersed in two web pages by the National Archive of Korea, an introductive web page of every collection in the National Archive of Korea and a web page of designated record service. Second, the web page of designated record service provides information of designated records only at collection level, so it is not easy for users to understand the contents of the records. In order to improve the service for the designated record service of the National Archive of Korea, this study proposed the unification of dispersed web pages to provide information of the designated records consistently. It also suggested a facet based directory service and word cloud service to give access to the contents of each designated record collection. The facet based directory and word cloud service will help users to understand the designated records in more detail.

The Continuance and Changes of Horsehair Handicraft Tradition as Intangible Cultural Heritage (무형문화유산으로서 말총공예 전통의 지속과 변화)

  • Hwang, Kyeong-soon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.160-171
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    • 2014
  • The provision of support for the art of making these items needs to be considered with the focus on the following factors: the local situation of the areas where such traditional handicrafts are still made, the craftspeople involved in their production, and their communities. So far, discussion about how to reinvigorate traditional handicrafts, including those mentioned above, has been concentrated on the measures taken to promote them as part of the handicrafts industry and the allocation of the government's budget for important intangible cultural heritages. The government runs a traditional handicrafts management system and provides financial support for the craftspeople and spaces for exhibiting their work. This form of support has led to systematic management of traditional handicrafts and heightened public interest in cultural heritage, as well as publicizing the country's traditional crafts, but has made little progress in the following areas: the fostering of young people willing to learn traditional skills, diversification of the types of skills to be maintained, or establishment of the networks of collaboration among the craftspeople. The most important aspect among the efforts mentioned above is to maintain cultural traditions that are unique to each region by encouraging local craftspeople to engage in their work with a solid sense of pride backed up by financial support. This study was carried out in connection with the need to reinvigorate the art of making tanggeon (horsehair crown), manggeon (horsehair headband), and gat (black horsehair hat), which few people wear as they are used only for ornamental purposes nowadays. This study examined the circumstances surrounding the artisans engaged in the production of horsehair handicrafts prior to their designation as a cultural heritage, and the changes that occurred in the local communities associated with their production after the designation, in order to assess the status of inheritance of this tradition.

The Ming Castle Conservation Policy and the Creation of Historical and Cultural Environments (중국 '난징(南京) 명성곽(明城郭)'의 보존정책과 역사문화환경 조성)

  • Ryu, Ho Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.346-361
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    • 2013
  • Since the Ming Castle located in Nanjing was designated by the Government of China as a cultural property in 1988, the Nanjing city government has been conserving the castle according to its plan and thus restoring the historical and cultural values of Nanjing. The project is still in progress, and in this regard, a series of logistics have formulated and a lot of discussions have taken place. Likewise, Korea has been carrying out multidirectional policies to conserve and utilize castles lying throughout the country, appreciating the historical and cultural resources of castles lying throughout the country, and at the same time gets down to designation as the World Heritage. This study focused on how Nanjing, not only a castle city but also a historical city, had established a principle and legal foundation regarding the protection of the Ming Castle, especially on how the problems, which might continually arise in a process where a scheme reached a working stage, had been solved. The problem-solving process is expected to have great implications for Korea in a similar situation. Hereat, this study analyzed the project plans formulated seasonally and gathered data on practical operation by conducting interviews with hands-on workers. The results showed that Nanjing had carried out policies to utilize the castles as tourism resources by harmonizing cityscape and ecological environment, but that it well conserved castles without damaging cultural assets. The stereoscopic protection system for the Ming Castle, based on the consideration of historical and cultural environments, may provide practical and useful data for Korea's administration mapping out for a castle conservation policy and designation as the UNESCO World Heritage.

The Safety Management Status and Policy Directions for Sports Facilities in Gangwon Province (강원도 체육시설 안전관리 실태와 정책방향)

  • Kim, Tae-Dong;Kim, Heung-Tae
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.265-288
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    • 2020
  • Public sports facilities, which have increased in number due to continued government attention and investment, are used by a large number of residents in the province. However, the safety management in some facilities is limited due to being carried out with reference to safety management standard manuals as a mere formality. The purpose of this study was to analyze the current safety management status of public sports facilities in Gangwon and to seek out a policy direction that can be used safely by provincial residents. To this end. the study made a comprehensive review of central government and Gangwon government policy trends in sports facility safety management in Gangwon along with actual cases, from which it made the following suggestions for policy directions. First, it proposed the designation and operation of specialized institutions using locally established development and municipal companeie,. universities and cooperatives. and the training and fostering of safety managers for sports facilities. Secod, it proposed the establishment of a foundation to promote a sport facility safety culture such as designation of and commendation for excellent facility safety management on the provincial level. holding case presentations on safety and responsiveness. sports safety experience plazas, sports safety classes, and cartoons for public relations. Third, it proposed setting the foundation for a safety management system that takes into account the greater quantity of leisure sports facilities compared to other cities and provinces. Fourth, it proposed the establishment of an institutional basis to establish support ordinance for sports facility safety management that meets the local conditions in Gangwon. Fifth, it proposed safety management measures for sports facilities at the central government level in parallel with a basic plan for sports facility safety management tailored to Gangwon that matches the conditions on the ground in the region.

A Study of Improvements in the Standards of Cost Estimate for the New Excellent Technology in Construction (건설 신기술의 원가산정기준 개선방안에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Ju-hyun;Tae, Yong-Ho;Baek, Seung-Ho;Kim, Kyoungmin
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 2022
  • The New Excellent Technology (NET) designation system, introduced in 1989 for the purpose of promoting the development of domestic construction technology and enhancing national competitiveness, reviews the statement of construction cost of new technologies. And the cost reduction effect such as design, construction, and maintenance cost and the effect of reducing the construction duration are evaluated as an evaluation criteria of economic feasibility. However, in this evaluation process, differences of opinion between the institution of construction cost estimating standard management and the new technology developer about unique technologies frequently occur. In addition it is difficult to objectively compare the construction duration with existing similar technologies because there is no information on productivity as the current cost estimating standards for new technologies only present the required amount per unit quantity. In this study, the current state of cost estimating criteria review procedure, evaluation criteria, and cost estimating standards establishment method were analyzed when screening for the designation of a new construction technologies, and compared with overseas cost estimating standards, measures to improve the cost estimating standards of current construction new technologies were suggested. Through the improved cost estimating standards of this study, it is expected that cost information on new technologies will be provided to clients in more detail than the current ones, and the availability and applicability of new construction technologies would be improved by simplifying the construction cost calculation process more.

Impact of Periodic Auditor Designation on Audit Quality: Focusing on the Quality of Accruals in the DD Model (주기적 감사인 지정이 감사품질에 미치는 영향: DD모형의 발생액의 질을 중심으로)

  • Tae-Hyoung Mun
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2023
  • This study's purpose is to verify how the periodically designated auditor in the recently implemented periodic auditor designation system affects audit quality. In this study, hypotheses were established by reviewing previous studies, and 980 samples of 2019 and 2020 were selected for KOSPI-listed companies. Dechow & Dichev (2002)'s accrual quality was used as the dependent variable, and the effect of whether or not a company was periodically designated as an auditor and whether or not a Big 4 auditor was selected was empirically analyzed. As a result of the analysis and correlation analysis, a statistically significant difference was confirmed in the quality of the dependent variable accrual and the independent variable designated auditor (PA). However, as a result of the regression analysis model 1, it was found that the designated auditor was not significant, but it was confirmed that there was a significant difference in the control variables. Further analysis confirmed the difference in audit quality according to the Big 4 auditors. This study is significant in that it is a study that uses empirical data to study the effect of audit quality and the selection of regularly designated auditor companies after the introduction in 2019 and 2020. Due to the non-disclosure of government-designated companies, there is a limit that there may be a difference from the selection based on the researcher's published selection criteria.