• Title/Summary/Keyword: Designation System

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Implementation of Slaving Data Processing Function for Mission Control System in Space Center (우주센터 발사통제시스템의 추적연동정보 처리기능 구현)

  • Choi, Yong-Tae;Ra, Sung-Woong
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2014
  • In KSLV-I launch mission, real-time data from the tracking stations are acquired, processed and distributed by the Mission Control System to the user group who needed to monitor processed data for safety and flight monitoring purposes. The processed trajectory data by the mission control system is sent to each tracking system for target designation in case of tracking failure. Also, the processed data are used for decision making for flight termination when anomalies occur during flight of the launch vehicle. In this paper, we propose the processing mechanism of slaving data which plays a key role of launch vehicle tracking mission. The best position data is selected by predefined logic and current status after every available position data are acquired and pre-processed. And, the slaving data is distributed to each tracking stations through time delay is compensated by extrapolation. For the accurate processing, operation timing of every procesing modules are triggered by time-tick signal(25ms period) which is driven from UTC(Universial Time Coordinates) time. To evaluate the proposed method, we compared slaving data to the position data which received by tracking radar. The experiments show the average difference value is below 0.01 degree.

Infrared Dual-field-of-view Optical System Design with Electro-Optic/Laser Common-aperture Optics

  • Jeong, Dohwan;Lee, Jun Ho;Jeong, Ho;Ok, Chang Min;Park, Hyun-Woo
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.241-249
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    • 2018
  • We report a midinfrared dual-field-of-view (FOV) optical system design for an airborne electro-optical targeting system. To achieve miniaturization and weight reduction of the system, it has a common aperture and fore-optics for three different spectral wavelength bands: an electro-optic (EO) band ($0.6{\sim}0.9{\mu}m$), a midinfrared (IR) band ($3.6{\sim}4.9{\mu}m$), and a designation laser wavelength ($1.064{\mu}m$). It is free to steer the line of sight by rotating the pitch and roll axes. Our design co-aligns the roll axis, and the line of sight therefore has a fixed entrance pupil position for all optical paths, unlike previously reported dual-FOV designs, which dispenses with image coregistration that is otherwise required. The fore-optics is essentially an achromatized, collimated beam reducer for all bands. Following the fore-optics, the bands are split into the dual-FOV IR path and the EO/laser path by a beam splitter. The subsequent dual-FOV IR path design consists of a zoom lens group and a relay lens group. The IR path with the fore-optics provides two stepwise FOVs ($1.50^{\circ}{\times}1.20^{\circ}$ to $5.40^{\circ}{\times}4.32^{\circ}$), due to the insertion of two Si lenses into the zoom lens group. The IR optical system is designed in such a way that the location and f-number (f/5.3) of the cold stop internally provided by the IR detector are maintained when changing the zoom. The design also satisfies several important performance requirements, including an on-axis modulation transfer function (MTF) that exceeds 10% at the Nyquist frequency of the IR detector pitch, with distortion of less than 2%.

Case Study on Certification System of Parts Repair for Commercial Aircraft Engine (상용항공기 엔진부품 수리 인증체계에 관한 사례연구)

  • Chang-Tak Lee
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 2023
  • Aircraft engine parts repair is a field belonging to the lowest level in the hierarchy of the aircraft industry, and it is marginalized in terms of research, compared to aircraft manufacturing or maintenance that belong to the upper level. On the other hand, in 2019, Korean Air's Powerplant Maintenance Center paid USD $130 million to foreign countries for engine parts repair, making it an industry with great need for localization. To achieve the goal of localizing engine parts repair, a certification system is needed that can perform independent repairs based on the development of repair technology, aligning contractual relationships with engine manufacturers, and free from dependence on engine manufacturers or foreign repair companies. The purpose of this study is to provide a basis for subsequent research to secure an actual certification system by suggesting the need for securing such a certification system.

Learning Material Bookmarking Service based on Collective Intelligence (집단지성 기반 학습자료 북마킹 서비스 시스템)

  • Jang, Jincheul;Jung, Sukhwan;Lee, Seulki;Jung, Chihoon;Yoon, Wan Chul;Yi, Mun Yong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.179-192
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    • 2014
  • Keeping in line with the recent changes in the information technology environment, the online learning environment that supports multiple users' participation such as MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) has become important. One of the largest professional associations in Information Technology, IEEE Computer Society, announced that "Supporting New Learning Styles" is a crucial trend in 2014. Popular MOOC services, CourseRa and edX, have continued to build active learning environment with a large number of lectures accessible anywhere using smart devices, and have been used by an increasing number of users. In addition, collaborative web services (e.g., blogs and Wikipedia) also support the creation of various user-uploaded learning materials, resulting in a vast amount of new lectures and learning materials being created every day in the online space. However, it is difficult for an online educational system to keep a learner' motivation as learning occurs remotely, with limited capability to share knowledge among the learners. Thus, it is essential to understand which materials are needed for each learner and how to motivate learners to actively participate in online learning system. To overcome these issues, leveraging the constructivism theory and collective intelligence, we have developed a social bookmarking system called WeStudy, which supports learning material sharing among the users and provides personalized learning material recommendations. Constructivism theory argues that knowledge is being constructed while learners interact with the world. Collective intelligence can be separated into two types: (1) collaborative collective intelligence, which can be built on the basis of direct collaboration among the participants (e.g., Wikipedia), and (2) integrative collective intelligence, which produces new forms of knowledge by combining independent and distributed information through highly advanced technologies and algorithms (e.g., Google PageRank, Recommender systems). Recommender system, one of the examples of integrative collective intelligence, is to utilize online activities of the users and recommend what users may be interested in. Our system included both collaborative collective intelligence functions and integrative collective intelligence functions. We analyzed well-known Web services based on collective intelligence such as Wikipedia, Slideshare, and Videolectures to identify main design factors that support collective intelligence. Based on this analysis, in addition to sharing online resources through social bookmarking, we selected three essential functions for our system: 1) multimodal visualization of learning materials through two forms (e.g., list and graph), 2) personalized recommendation of learning materials, and 3) explicit designation of learners of their interest. After developing web-based WeStudy system, we conducted usability testing through the heuristic evaluation method that included seven heuristic indices: features and functionality, cognitive page, navigation, search and filtering, control and feedback, forms, context and text. We recruited 10 experts who majored in Human Computer Interaction and worked in the same field, and requested both quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the system. The evaluation results show that, relative to the other functions evaluated, the list/graph page produced higher scores on all indices except for contexts & text. In case of contexts & text, learning material page produced the best score, compared with the other functions. In general, the explicit designation of learners of their interests, one of the distinctive functions, received lower scores on all usability indices because of its unfamiliar functionality to the users. In summary, the evaluation results show that our system has achieved high usability with good performance with some minor issues, which need to be fully addressed before the public release of the system to large-scale users. The study findings provide practical guidelines for the design and development of various systems that utilize collective intelligence.

Extended Kalman Filtering for I.M.U. using MEMs Sensors (반도체 센서의 확장칼만필터를 이용한 자세추정)

  • Jeon, Yong-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.469-475
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    • 2015
  • This paper describes about the method for designing an extended Kalman filter to accurately measure the position of the spatial-phase system using a semiconductor sensor. Spatial position is expressed by the correlation of the rotated coordinate system attached to the body from the inertia coordinate system (a fixed coordinate system). To express the attitude, quaternion was adapted as a state variable, Then, the state changes were estimated from the input value which was measured in the gyro sensor. The observed data is the value obtained from the acceleration sensor. By matching between the measured value in the acceleration sensor and the predicted calculation value, the best variable was obtained. To increase the accuracy of estimation, designation of the extended Kalman filter was performed, which showed excellent ability to adjust the estimation period relative to the sensor property. As a result, when a three-axis gyro sensor and a three-axis acceleration sensor were adapted in the estimator, the RMS(Root Mean Square) estimation error in simulation was retained less than 1.7[$^{\circ}$], and the estimator displayed good property on the prediction of the state in 100 ms measurement period.

A Study on the Domestic Model for Cyber Threat Information Sharing by Analyzing the Relevant Systems of Major Advacnced Countries (주요국의 사이버위협정보 공유체계 분석을 통한 국내 적용모델 연구)

  • Yoon, Oh Jun;Cho, Chang Seob;Park, Jeong Keun;Bae, Sun Ha;Shin, Yong Tae
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.101-111
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    • 2016
  • The recent cyber threats are becoming real threats to our lives. This gloomy situation from cyber threats necessarily demands the establishment of the cyber threat information sharing system between the public and private area. Key countries, like the US, Japan and the UK, are stabilizing the cyber threat information sharing systems by founding exclusive organizations for sharing information and setting up and implementing relevant measures. In this thesis, I would like to propose the model for cyber threat information sharing in order to cope efficiently with the ever-intensifying cyber threats. My model would include key elements for the efficient information sharing, such as the clear designation of main operator of information sharing system, the management of collaboration system between the public and private sector, the build-up of the integrated and automated system and the supplementation of legal system including the grant of privilege, and so on.

A Study on Confidential Records Management System in Japan (일본의 비밀기록관리 체제에 대한 연구 특정비밀보호법 제정·시행을 둘러싼 논의를 중심으로)

  • Nam, Kyeong-ho
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.56
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    • pp.113-145
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    • 2018
  • Japan has enacted the Public Records and Archives Management Law from 2011 in order to prevent mismanagement of records management and to fulfill accountability to the public. However, in 2013, The Designated Secrets Protection Act was enacted before the Public Records and Archives Management Law brought changes to administrative institutions. The Designated Secrets Protection Act have raised concerns that the public's right to know and the transparency of administration are being retreated, especially the development of freedom of information and records management systems. This article analyzed the background of the establishment of Designated Secrets Protection Act and the contents of legal composition. It also identified the possibility of human rights abuse in the aptitude assessment system, the lack of independent monitoring agencies, the impossibility of internal accusations, and the possibility of wide confidentiality designation. Furthermore, analyzed how the problem affects Japanese records management and freedom of information system. Through this, I suggested the improvement of the system of the secret level records management system in Korea, the establishment of the clear purpose of the secret record management, the application of the Tshwane principle, and the establishment of the independent and professional monitoring agency.

A Suggestion of Accounting Practical Education System for Enhancement of National Credibility -Focusing on the Establishment of Accounting Practice Education Institute- (국가 신인도 제고를 위한 회계실무교육제도에 관한 제언 - 회계실무 전문교육기관 설립을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Kye-Won;Han, Kyoung-Hee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.507-516
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to propose a policy for accounting practice education system to improve the national credibility. The biggest reason why the national credibility is the lowest is that the auditor's free appointment system is the next, and the education on accounting is not done properly. This study is a bibliographical study that examines the previous studies on the improvement of accounting audit and accounting education in Korea, various public hearings, press releases, and government policy data, and summarizes. The way to increase accounting transparency is to improve the audit system and to guarantee accounting practice education. Since the subjects of practical education belong to all areas such as private and government, it is intended to propose the establishment of accounting professional education institution, called (tentatively) 'Accounting Training Institute'. Through this, it is expected that the practical and professional training will improve accounting transparency and contribute to the improvement of national credibility.

Analysis of the Firm Support Effects of the Innovation Procurement Policy Using Propensity Score Matching and Difference in Differences (성향점수매칭(PSM)-이중차분(DID) 결합모형을 이용한 혁신조달 정책의 기업지원 효과 분석)

  • Juwon Kim;Wonik Park
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.201-230
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    • 2023
  • The Innovation Procurement Policy was introduced as part of the strategic public procurement policy to improve firms' innovation capabilities and enhance the public sector's ability to solve social problems by designating and purchasing so-called 'innovative products.' The pilot procurement project for innovative products was first introduced in 2019, and the policy system for designating and discovering innovative products by government departments, as well as the priority purchase system, was established in 2020. Hence, this study conducted a quantitative analysis focusing on the effectiveness of the innovation procurement system in supporting firms after it was fully implemented. For this purpose, corporate financial and employment data from 2017 to 2021 were used, and propensity score matching(PSM) and difference-in-difference(DID) methods were utilized as analytical tools. The study found that the innovation procurement system contributed to corporate growth and employment and created additional public and private sales channels. Moreover, it is necessary to enhance the innovation procurement system, such as matching innovative product-producing companies with existing SME support policies, for companies to become self-sustaining after the innovative product designation ends.

A Study on the Operation and System Improvement of Cyber Security Center (사이버보안관제센터 운영 및 제도 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Hoo-Ki Lee
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of security control in the public sector is to secure the safety of administrative services for the public by preventing resource loss or information infringement in information systems and information and communication networks. The security control system is a process that performs real-time detection, analysis, response, and reporting through system vulnerability analysis and security system detection pattern optimization. This study aims to objectively identify the current situation of the mismatch between the supply and demand of cyber security control centers currently in operation and specialized security control companies that can be entrusted to operate them, and to derive and propose practical and institutional improvement measures. Considering that the operation of security control centers in the public sector is expected to increase in the future, research on the practical supplementation required for the operation process of security control centers and the improvement of the designation system of security control specialized organizations has fundamental and timely significance, and it is an area that requires continuous research in terms of strategic industrialization.