• Title/Summary/Keyword: Design class

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A Basic Study on the Selection of Plants for the Walls of Fortresses in the Case of the Jeongyi Town Wall in Jeju (제주 정의읍성 벽면식생에 근거한 벽면식재용 식물 선정에 관한 기초연구)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Oh, Hyun-Kyung;Choi, Yung-Hyun;Kim, Yung-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to examine vegetation of the outer walls of the Jeongyi Town Wall in Jeju and analyze the characteristics and problems identified, for suggesting preliminary data for selecting species of plants appropriate for the greening of the walls in the southern temperate climate region, including Jeju. The result of this study is as follows. The number of plants growing naturally around the walls of the town was identified to be 52 taxa. Based on the list of naturalized plants, there are 5 taxa; Sonchus oleraceus, Houttuynia cordata, Crassocephalum crepidioides, Erigeron annuus and Lamium purpureum. The number of species by district was from 3 to 14 taxa with 7.1 taxa on average. Analyzing by the constancy class, plants in class III included Sedum bulbiferum, Trichosanthes kirilowii, Hedera rhombea and Boehmeria nivea. Manipulation of the species composition table shows that the number of plant species growing naturally around the walls of Jeongyi Town Wall is a total of 52 taxa, including 11 taxa by differential species of community and 41 taxa by companion species. The types of plants very useful for the covering of the walls are evergreen climbing vine, such as Hedera rhombea, Ficus thunbergii and Euonymus fortunei and deciduous climbing vine, such as Parthenocissus tricuspidata, Trichosanthes kirilowii and Paederia scandens. In addition, Ficus stipulata is identified as a vegetation more appropriate for the southern-ward lattice-blocked walls. Woody plants, such as Akebia quinata, Celastrus flagellaris, Ampelopsis brevipedunculata for. citrulloides, Rubus hirsutus, Clematis apiifolia and herbaceous plants, such as Dioscorea tenuipes, D. quinqueloba, D. nipponica, Cayatia japonica and Paederia scandens var. angustifolia are highly useful materials for climbing plants for covering the walls of the southern province. Pteridophyte, such as Lemmaphyllum microphyllum, Pteris multifida, Cyrtomium falcatum and Lygodium japonicumare suggested as very useful for increasing unique regional characteristics of the southern province, including Jeju.

Development and Application of the Teacher Education Model for Using Virtual and Augmented Reality Contents in Elementary Science Class (초등 과학 수업에서 가상현실과 증강현실 콘텐츠 활용을 위한 교사 교육 모델의 개발과 적용 사례)

  • Cha, Hyun-Jung;Ga, Seok-Hyun;Yoon, Hye-Gyoung
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.415-432
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    • 2024
  • This study developed and applied the teacher education model and its principles for science classes using Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) content and analyzed preservice elementary teachers' feedback on the teacher education model and the changes in their perceptions as to the use of VR/AR content. First, existing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) teacher education models and prior studies on the use of the VR/AR contents were reviewed to derive the teacher education model to cultivate the VR/AR-TPACK and set the key principles for each of its stages. The developed teacher education model has five stages: exploration, mapping, collaborative design, practice, and reflection. Second, to examine the appropriateness of the model's five stages and principles, we applied it within the regular course of instruction at the university of education, which was attended by 25 preservice elementary teachers. This study collected data from surveys on the perception of the usage of VR/AR contents before and after the course, as well as the group lesson plans prepared by the preservice teachers, and their feedback on the teacher education model. The feedback on the teacher education model and the survey conducted by the preservice teachers before and after the course were analyzed through open coding and categorization. As a result, most preservice teachers expressed positive opinions about the activities and experiences at each stage of the implementation of the teacher education model. Perceptions related to the usage of the VR/AR content changed in three aspects: first, the vague positive perception of the VR/AR content has changed to a positive perception based on specific educational affordance. Second, they recognized the need for preparedness by anticipating potential problems associated with the use of the VR/AR content. Third, they came to view the VR/AR contents as a useful instructional resource that the teachers could use. Based on these results, we discussed the implications for the VR/AR-TPACK teacher education model and assessed the limitations of the research.

Development of Detection Method for Oilfish (Ruvettus pretiosus and Lepidocybirium flavobrunneum) as a Food Materials not Usable in Foods (식품원료로 사용금지 대상인 기름치 (기름갈치꼬치 및 흑갈치꼬치) 판별법 개발)

  • Park, Yong-Chjun;Kim, Mi-Ra;Jung, Yong-Hyun;Shin, Joon-Ho;Kim, Kyu-Heon;Lee, Jae-Hwang;Cho, Tae-Yong;Lee, Hwa-Jung;Lee, Sang-Jae;Han, Sang-Bae
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.50-55
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    • 2013
  • Since 1 June 2012, it is prohibited to sell oilfish as a food material but there are still many illegal cases of selling oilfish as if it is tuna or grilled Patagonian toothfish. So it is absolutely crucial to construct the system to distinguish the real food material from oilfish. There are two sorts of oil fish called Ruvettus pretiosus and Lepidocybirium flavobrunneum involved in Percifomes order and Gempylidae class. 16S DNA gene region in mitochondria was selected to design the specific primers. For design species-specific primer, the theoretical experiment were performed for the sequences of R. pretiosus, L. flavobrunneum, Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus albacores, Makaira mitsukurii and Xiphias gladius, registered at the Gene bank from the National Centre for Biotechnology Information, using BioEdit program. Through the analysis of the result from experiments, it was possible to design the 4 kinds of primers to distinguish R. pretiosus and L. flavobrunneum. As a comparison group, 3 kinds of tuna and 4 kinds of billfishes were selected and experimental verification was performed. As a result, for R. pretiosus and L. flavobrunneum, R.P-16S-006-F/R.P-16S-008-R and L.F-16S-004-F/L.F-16S-006-R primers were selected eventually and PCR condition was established. In addition, 178bp and 238bp of PCR products were confirmed from the established condition and non-specific band was not amplified among similar species. Therefore, the species-specific primers developed in this study would be very useful and used in various ways such as internet shopping mall and illegal distributions with fast and scientific results.

A Study on the Design of Standard Code for Hazardous and Noxious Substance Accidents at Sea (해상 HNS 사고 표준코드 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Ha, Min-Jae;Jang, Ha-Lyong;Yun, Jong-Hwui;Lee, Moonjin;Lee, Eun-Bang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.228-232
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    • 2016
  • As the quantity of HNS sea trasport and the number of HNS accidents at sea are increasing recently, the importance of HNS management is emphasized so that we try to develop marine accident case standard code for making HNS accidents at sea databased systemically in this study. First and foremost, we draw the related requisites of essential accident reports along with internal and external decrees and established statistics of classified items for conducting study, and we referred to analogous standard codes obtained from developed countries in order to research code design. Code design is set like 'Accident occurrence ${\rightarrow}$ The initial accident information ${\rightarrow}$ Accident response ${\rightarrow}$ Accident investigation' in accordance with the general flow of marine HNS accidents of in which the accident information is input and queried. We classified initial accident information into the items of five categories and constructed "Preliminary Information Code(P.I.C.)". In addition we constructed accident response in two categories and accident investigation in three categories that get possible after the accident occurrence as called "Full Information(F.I.C.)", including the P.I.C. It is represented in 3 kinds of steps on each topic by departmentalizing the classified majority as classified middle class and classified minority. As a result of coding marine HNS accident and of the code to a typical example of marine HNS accident, HNS accident was ascertained to be represented sufficiently well. We expect that it is feasible to predict possible trouble or accident henceforward by applying code, and also consider that it is valuable to the preparedness, response and restoration in relation to HNS accidents at sea by managing systemically the data of marine HNS accidents which will occur in the future.

The Effects of the Food Labeling Home Economics Instruction applying ARCS Motivation Teaching Strategy on Middle School Students' Learning Motivation, Recognition and Use of Food Labels (ARCS 동기유발 전략을 적용한 가정과 식품표시 수업이 중학생의 학습동기와 식품표시에 대한 인식 및 활용도에 미치는 효과)

  • Yeo, Soo-Kyoung;Chae, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.113-141
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of home economics instruction in food labeling using a motivational(ARCS-Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction) strategy to increase middle school students' learning motivation, recognition and use of food labels. To achieve this purpose, teaching-learning plans of food label instruction using a motivation(ARCS) strategy were developed over four class periods using a pretest-posttest experimental design. The experiment was conducted across two groups as follows: 4 experimental groups that received the motivation(ARCS) strategy instruction, and 3 comparative groups that received lecture type instruction. The pretest-posttest scores of the experimental and comparative groups were compared. The 203 data of questionnaires for the experiment were analyzed and evaluated by Analysis of Covariance(ANCOVA) using SPSS Win 12,0. The results of this study were as follows: First, teaching-learning plans, learning materials, and teacher reference materials for the home economics food label instruction that applied the motivation(ARCS) strategy were developed in five subject areas: nutrition labels, food additives, genetically modified food, irradiated food, and food quality verification labels. Second, students' learning motivation of the two groups showed statistically meaningful differences. Home economics instruction using a motivation(ARCS) strategy was more effective in increasing students' learning motivation than lecture type instruction. Third, as a result of ANCOVA which regulated the recognition of food labels in the pre-experimental design, the recognition of food labels in the post-experimental design showed the meaningful differences depending on the instruction style(motivation strategy and lecture type instruction). In addition, comprehensibility, practical use and educational necessity of food label details showed statistically meaningful differences. Home economics instruction using motivation(ARCS) strategy was more effective than lecture type instruction in improving students' recognition of food labeling. Fourth, as a result of ANCOVA which regulated the use of food labels in the pre-experimental stage, the use of food labels in the post-experimental stage showed meaningful differences between experimental and comparative groups depending on the instruction style. Therefore, home economics instruction in food labeling using motivation(ARCS) strategy was more effective than lecture type instruction in increasing students' use of food labels.

  • PDF

Effect of prosthetic designs and alveolar bone conditions on stress distribution in fixed partial dentures with pier abutments (중간 지대치가 존재하는 고정성 국소의치에서 보철물 설계 및 치조골 상태가 응력분포에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Wook;Kim, Chang-Seop;Jeon, Young-Chan;Jeong, Chang-Mo
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.328-334
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    • 2009
  • Statement of problem: Pier abutments act as a Class I fulcrum lever system when the teeth are incorporated in a fixed partial denture with rigid connectors. Therefore non-rigid connector incorporated into the fixed partial denture might reduce the stresses created by the leverage. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate, by means of finite element method, the effects of non-rigid connectors and supporting alveolar bone level on stress distribution for fixed partial dentures with pier abutments. Material and methods: A 2-dimensional finite element model simulating a 5-unit metal ceramic fixed partial denture with a pier abutment with rigid or non-rigid designs, the connector was located at the distal region of the second premolar, was developed. In the model, the lower canine, second premolar, and second molar served as abutments. Four types of alveolar bone condition were employed. One was normal bone condition and others were supporting bone reduced 20% height at one abutment. Two different loading conditions, each 150 N on 1st premolar and 1st molar and 300N on 1st molar, were used. Results: Two types of FPD were displaced apically. The amount of displacement decreased in an almost linear slope away from the loaded point. Non-rigid design tended to cause the higher stresses in supporting bone of premolar and molar abutments and the lower stresses in that of canine than rigid design. Alveolar bone loss increased the stresses in supporting bone of corresponding abutment. Conclusion: Careful evaluation of the retentive capacity of retainers and the periodontal condition of abutments may be required for the prosthetic design of fixed partial denture with a pier abutment.

A Basic Study on the Euryale ferox Salisbury for Introduction in Garden Pond(II) - Focusing with Soil and Water Conditions - (정원 연못내 가시연꽃(Euryale ferox Salisbury) 도입을 위한 기초연구 II - 토양과 수환경을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Suk-Woo;Rho, Jae-Hyun;Park, Jae-Cheol;Kim, Hwa-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.28-37
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    • 2016
  • Through the research and analysis on the hydrological environment and soil environment of habitats through documentary and field studies over 14 habitats of Euryale ferox Salisb. within Jeollabukdo, with the objective of acquiring the basic data for forming an environment based on plantation of reservoirs that are composed with Euryale ferox, the following results were obtained. As a result of analyzing the construction period of the habitats of Euryale ferox from a total of 14 places, the average period of duration after construction of all subject reservoirs appeared to be 71.8 years. Moreover, when examining the relationship between the age of reservoirs and eutrophication, it could be judged that at least the eutrophication of subsoil and water environment is not an obstacle to the growth of Euryale ferox grows in habitats that have a reservoir age of approximately 70 years or more. As a result of analyzing the gardening of soil sediment of the Euryale ferox habitats, the component ingredients appeared to be composed of 80.2% of clay, 16.7% of silt and 3.1% of sand, and the soil class pursuant to such was classified as 'heavy clay'. The organic matter contents of soil sediment appeared to be an average of 36g/kg, and there appeared to be no noticeable difference between the habitats and non-habitats of Euryale ferox. The water quality environment of Euryale ferox habitat appeared to be pH 6.5~7.9, concentration of dissolved oxygen to be $1.8{\sim}8.8mg/{\ell}$, concentration of COD to be $6.8{\sim}74mg/{\ell}$, floating materials to be $2.0{\sim}213mg/{\ell}$, total nitrogen to be $0.422{\sim}10.723mg/{\ell}$, and phosphate to be $0.003{\sim}0.126mg/{\ell}$. The average DO concentration of Aedang Reservoir at Jeongeup, Daejeong Reservoir at Imsil, and Myeongdeokji at Gimje with high vitality and green coverage ratio of Euryale ferox appeared to be $3.5mg/{\ell}$, total nitrogen to be $1.33mg/{\ell}$, and concentration of phosphorus-phosphate to be $0.061mg/{\ell}$. When comparing such with the entire average value, the DO and total nitrogen concentration appeared to be rather low, and the phosphorus-phosphate concentration appeared to be higher by two times or more, thus, an in-depth study on the correlation of the vitality of Euryale ferox Salisb. and concentration of phosphorate-phosphorus will be needed in the future.

Evaluation of Chloride Diffusion Behavior and Analysis of Probabilistic Service Life in Long Term Aged GGBFS Concrete (장기 재령 GGBFS 콘크리트의 염화물 확산 거동 평가 및 확률론적 염해 내구수명 해석)

  • Yoon, Yong-Sik;Kim, Tae-Hoon;Kwon, Seung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2020
  • In this study, three levels of W/B(Water to Binder) ratio (0.37, 0.42, 0.47) and substitution ratio of GGBFS (Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag) rate (0 %, 30 %, 50 %) were considered to perform RCPT (Rapid Chloride Diffusion Test) at the 1,095 aged day. Accelerated chloride diffusion coefficient and passed charge of each concrete mixture were assessed according to Tang's method and ASTM C 1202, and improving behaviors of durability performance with increasing aged days are analyzed based on the test results of previous aged days from the preceding study. As the age of concrete increases, the passed charge and diffusion coefficient have been significantly reduced, and especially the concrete specimens containing GGBFS showed a significantly more reduction than OPC(Ordinary Portland Cement) concrete specimen by latent hydraulic activity. In the case of OPC concrete's results of passed charge, at the 1,095 days, two of them were still in the "Moderate" class. So, if only OPC is used as the binder of concrete, the resistance performance for chloride attack is weak. In this study, the time-parameters (m) were derived based on the results of the accelerated chloride diffusion coefficient, and the deterministic and probabilistic analysis for service life were performed by assuming the design variable as a probability function. For probabilistic service life analysis, durability failure probabilities were calculated using Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) to evaluate service life. The service life of probabilistic method were lower than that of deterministic method, since the target value of PDF (Probability of Durability Failure) was set very low at 10 %. If the target value of PDF suitable for the purpose of using structure can be set and proper variability can be considered for each design variable, it is believed that more economical durability design can be made.

The influence of composite resin restoration on the stress distribution of notch shaped noncarious cervical lesion A three dimensional finite element analysis study (복합레진 수복물이 쐐기형 비우식성 치경부 병소의 응력 분포에 미치는 영향에 관한 3차원 유한요소법적 연구)

  • Lee, Chae-Kyung;Park, Jeong-Kil;Kim, Hyeon-Cheol;Woo, Sung-Gwan;Kim, Kwang-Hoon;Son, Kwon;Hur, Bock
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of composite resin restorations on the stress distribution of notch shaped noncarious cervical lesion using three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis (FEA). Extracted maxillary second premolar was scanned serially with Micro-CT (SkyScan1072 ; SkyScan, Aartselaar, Belgium). The 3D images were processed by 3D-DOCTOR (Able Software Co., Lexington, MA, USA). ANSYS (Swanson Analysis Systems, Inc., Houston, USA) was used to mesh and analyze 3D FE model. Notch shaped cavity was filled with hybrid or flowable resin and each restoration was simulated with adhesive layer thickness ($40{\mu}m$) A static load of 500 N was applied on a point load condition at buccal cusp (loading A) and palatal cusp (loading B). The principal stresses in the lesion apex (internal line angle of cavity) and middle vertical wall were analyzed using ANSYS. The results were as follows 1. Under loading A, compressive stress is created in the unrestored and restored cavity. Under loading B, tensile stress is created. And the peak stress concentration is seen at near mesial corner of the cavity under each load condition. 2. Compared to the unrestored cavity, the principal stresses at the cemeto-enamel junction (CEJ) and internal line angle of the cavity were more reduced in the restored cavity on both load con ditions. 3. In teeth restored with hybrid composite, the principal stresses at the CEJ and internal line angle of the cavity were more reduced than flowable resin.

A Study on the Policy Direction of Space Composition of the Future School in Old High School - Focused on The Judgment of Space Relocation for the Application of the High School Credit System - (노후고등학교의 미래학교 공간구성 정책방향에 관한 연구 - 고교학점제 적용을 위한 공간 재배치 판단을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jae-Lim
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2022
  • This study is a case study to identify the spatial composition and structural problems of existing schools for spatial innovation as a future school that can operate a credit system for old high schools and establish a mid-to-long-term arrangement plan as a credit system operating school capable of various teaching and learning in the future. The study results are as follows: First, most of the problems of the old high schools entailed that there was very poor connectivity between buildings as most of them were arranged in a single, standard design-type unit building and distributed in multiple buildings. In addition, the floor plan of each building is suggested to be a structure in which student exchange and rest functions cannot be achieved during the break period due to the spatial composition of the classroom and hallway concepts. Second, in the direction of the high school space configuration for future school space innovation, the arrangement plan should be established by reflecting the collective arrangement in consideration of the shortening of the movement route and the expansion of subject areas due to the movement of students on the premise of the subject classroom system. Moreover, it is desirable to provide a square-type space for rest and exchange in the central area where communication and exchange are possible according to the moving class. Third, as the evaluation criteria for relocating old high schools, a space program is prepared based on the number of classes in the future, and legal analysis of school land use and land use efficiency analysis considering regional characteristics are conducted. Based on such analysis data, mid-to-long-term land use plans and space arrangement plans for the entire school space such as the school facility complex are established.